  • Report:  #593263

Complaint Review: Allstate Auto Insurance/Fl. PIP central - Kennesaw Georgia

Reported By:
LaNell - naples, Florida, U.S.A.

Allstate Auto Insurance/Fl. PIP central
P.o.box 440519, Kennesaw, 30160 Georgia, United States of America
1-800-366-0449 ext.4819
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am in pain since a car accident (was not at fault, but in a no fault state).  Minor damage to vehicles because I saw the van about to hit my car and braced myself and braked very hard. <y company supposedly is Allstate~!

Other Ins. Company (Travelers) took report after the police, and after several calls and letters to check on me to see if my right leg was OK, I gave up that it would get well on it's own.  They referred me to my own, Allstate, company and assured me they would pay the 20% balance after my own paid 80%.  Again, I was NOT at fault but this is a no-fault ins. state.

After weeks of calling every sort of doctor to find one who would call the phone # Leo Neuner gave me for doctors to call to verify and OK payment for my treatment, I could find NONE that would.  Fifty phone calls back and forth to various Allstate offices, and even going into doctor offices hobbling in to see if I could beg them into taking the number and calling, NO.  None would.  Allstate then says to pay the doctors up front and they will reimburse me.  I did finally do that, paid for x-rays, paid for doctor visit, was recommended to physical therapy.  When calling the physical therapy office was told the first visit would be nearly $500.  Allstate would not bend and ok this and the physical therapists would not even consider calling Allstate.

Facts they all know:  I am single, 52, severe hearing issues (more than one problem) and  both SSDI and my private disability insurance policies have NOT yet processed my forms to pay me anything.  I was forced out of my last job (hearing is vital in my 30+year former profession) over 8 months ago and have lived on savings only since. 

I think they know I am in pretty terrible pain. It is documented over 14 years I have other health conditions (cervical dystonia, though controlled have to take medication 3 times daily) besides hearing problems.  With physical problems (left arm and right leg/hip/lower right side of back) I cannot even clean houses now. 

Allstate will not consider paying my doctor or the therapist up front, and I am still waiting and praying for reimbursement from them for the other things.  As well as friends helping as best they can to get me to doctors (other than the state ones) for my hearing disabilities. 

The reasons why this is so unfair and ridiculous are endless.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Wed, May 05, 2010

My thanks to Robert Polk with Allstate PIP for getting things going very quickly once I spoke to him.  I am still waiting for the reimbursement from the bills I paid on my own (doctor, X-rays).  Still very  much in pain, and it went on for months too long,  but Mr. Polk  w/Allstate PIP was the first who took action on my behalf.  Hopefully physical therapy  will be all needed. 


This City,
Small Clue

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, April 15, 2010

This is Auto insurance, not health insurance.  Use your health insurance to get medical care then submit those bills. 

I doubt you will get too far because you said yourself "Minor damage to vehicles"

You also talk about all of your other medical issues.  Can you show that the accident caused new medical issues? 

You know that permanent record your parents warned you about?  It exists for insurance and medical records. 


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