  • Report:  #46701

Complaint Review: Alyon Technologies - Norcross Georgia

Reported By:
- Newberry, Florida,

Alyon Technologies
1 Harmon Plaza , Secaucus, NJ Norcross, Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Billed for $163 for access to adult entertainment that I did not access for 31 minutes. E-mailed company when received bill explaining that I had no idea who they were.

They responded a couple of days later letting me know that they were billing agents for adult entertainment. I responded that I had never authorized any charges for such services and would not pay and would report them to FTC if any further correspondence was received from them.

They responded with a long e-mail explaining how I had agreeded, citing the report by the detective in GA and a case in NJ, and telling me to go ahead and file with whoever I wanted.

Filed complaints with FTC, attorney general, FBI, FCC and local law officials.


Newberry, Florida

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