  • Report:  #522453

Complaint Review: American Independent Capital Group - Beijing Select State/Province

Reported By:
Scam Patrol - , Internet, United States of America

American Independent Capital Group
Beijing Freindship Hotel Office Center No. 61624 Beijing, Select State/Province, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
American Fugitives and Financial Fraudsters are now operating in Beijing (Haidian District) offering non-existent funding and loans for huge up-front fees while laundering money for a corrupt Army General and Beijing Judge. They currently operate out of the SuYuan Office Complex of Beijing Friendship Hotel (Suites 61624 and 61633), but are in the process of opening a new office after being exposed here on the internet at the below links. New offices are rumored to be located at Wangjing Tower 15A, Beijing, China with Telephone No:  86 10 6472 8868. Their AICG web site is www.aicg.biz. If you meet these fraudsters notify the FBI liaison at the U.S. embassy immediately and grab onto your wallet and checkbook.  The Arnold gang has swindled over 20 Chinese business owners out of over $15 million in 2008 as explained in detail on the below links.  The Arnolds are now involved in a Five Star Hotel Scam and are selling shares in off-shore Pacific Islands to Chinese nationals who wrongly think they will avoid paying taxes in China.  After the Arnold get their up-front fees they do nothing.  They also sell bogus Mr. Colombia franchises with the false pretense that the company is going public next month on NASDAQ. They have been making this claim for the last three years and continued to sell $2,000 rmb coffee machines to their dupes for $10,000 rmb.  Yet another Arnold scam is Athena Learning Center an ostensible English school (not certified) that promises students non-existent jobs in America if they learn English for $3,000 USD per year.  Not one student has been placed in any U.S. employment. According to the below links in America, the Arnolds are very good a swindling elderly people as well, and are wanted for forgery, various frauds, identity theft, DUI, elder abuse, assaulting a police officer, probation violations, and drug possession. Beware or be sorry! http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?p=97570 http://www.cslb.ca.gov/GeneralInformation/Newsroom/MostWanted/SamuelNevielArnold.asp http://www.buttecounty.net/SheriffCo...hives%20A.aspx http://www.newsmodo.com/display.jsp?id=1475552 http://www.usdoj.gov/whatwedo/whatwedo_if.html http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/ http://www.childsup.ca.gov/   http://www.childsup.ca.gov/LinkClick...bid=36&mid=386 Here is initial PUBLIC WARNING we issued over a month ago: Sophisticated Loan and Funding Scam (AICG) in Beijing operated by Dr. Sam Arnold + wife Li Dong Ling (aka Linda). Partners are corrupt army officer and Beijing judge. We we were just recently hired to do comprehensive professional due diligence on AICG (American Independent Capital Group, inc. aka AICG operating in Beijing - Haidian District) by one of our clients who authorized us to share part of the report we submitted to our client as follows: There are many Sam Arnold s in the world over 138 show up on a Google Search alone.. This particular Sam Arnold mentioned herein is Samuel Neviel Arnold a.k.a.. Dr. Sam Arnold born and raised in Palos Verde, California on September 13, 1960 and currently residing in Beijing, PRC (China). According to his own admission at Classmates.com Samuel Arnold claims to be the chief principal of American Independent Capital Group, inc. which is currently under investigation by the State of Nevada and the FBI. His business card presents himself to be the CEO yet his name does not appear n any company registration papers in China nor America, nor Panama, the three countries where AICG claims to have offices. Doctor Samuel Arnold purports to hold a Phd. degree yet barely made it through high school (1977 graduate of Miraleste High School in Rancho Palos Verde, Ca. with a 2.2 GPA). According to the FBI and the State of California, Sam Arnold a.k.a. Dr. Samuel Arnold (the same name as his deceased and respected father - who actually was a licensed physician) is a fugitive from prosecution in the United States for various frauds and assaulting a police officer.. The below link confirms this to be true as would a call to the following offices: http://www.cslb.ca.gov/GeneralInformation/Newsroom/MostWanted/SamuelNevielArnold.asp Contractors State License Board 9821 Business Park Drive Sacramento, CA 95827 USA (800) 321-CSLB Los Angels FBI 310-477-6565 San Francsico FBI 415-553-7400 California Attorney General 916-322-3360 California Better Business Bureau 909-825-7280 U.S. Federal Trade Commission [email protected] Sam Arnolds date of birth is September 13, 1960 and his U.S. passport number is 055512881. He stands five foot eight inches tall with reddish brown hair and hazel eyes (See Photo in Wanted Poster link). He weighs approximately 185 pounds. (92 kilograms). Arnold has an appetite for Cognac and high-priced escorts and is right handed with no known tattoos or scars. Medical records indicate that he has a history of gout and sexually transmitted diseases including Hepatitis B. Arnold is a repeat offender whose past felony crimes included home renovation, consumer, and credit card frauds. Most of his frauds were perpetrated against the elderly according to California State Court records. He pled guilty in California Courts to six frauds and served one year in jail as a sentence. He now faces another ten-year prison sentence if apprehended and returned to the U.S. Arnold is a non-practicing Jew. Interviews with actual and prospective clients of AICG reveal that Arnold presents himself to be a direct lender and venture capitalist, yet the SEC, U.S. Federal Trade Commission, and ABA claim AICG is not registered at all. Their web site ( http://www.aicg.biz/ ) allegedly identifies "success stories" of companies not identified by name and no third party verification is possible. Arnold comes from a large family of six children. Although AICG's contracts look quite official and impressive it appears that Sam Arnold makes his living charging excessive up-front fees. Arnold has been married twice and once divorced with six children. Little is known about his current wife Li Dong Li a.k.a. Linda other than she is also wanted in the United States by Immigration authorities. She is a Chinese national registered under citizen no.110108196402145763 and her date of birth is February 14, 1964. Photos of both Arnold and his wife can be found at http://www.aicg.biz/PUMCCMachines.htm Arnold presents his wife to be a lawyer and a graduate from Remin, Peking, and Tsinghua Unversities in Beijing, but the registrars from these prestigious universities deny she ever attended their law schools. Arnold also advises his prospective clients to "Google me with key words of Goldman Sachs, Credite Suisse, and Duetschebank" but the Sam Arnold that appears in that search is another unrelated Sam Arnold from New York. Arnold apparently has a staff of Americans and Australians working for him in his Beijing office (including one John Vickers who is registered as the company President) located in Room 61624 of the SuYuan Office Center Complex of the Beijing Friendship Hotel in Haidian District. AICG has listed telephone numbers of 86-10-6894-4423 and 4424 with foreign registrations in Nevada and Panama where his resident agents are listed respectively as McLaughlin & Associates and Morgan and Morgan LLC at these addresses: McLaughlin & Associates, Inc. 2533 North Carson Street Suite A417 Carson City, Nevada 89706 USA Morgan & Morgan, LLC MMG Tower 16th Floor 53rd Street Obarrio, Panama City Republic of Panama The above addresses are suitable for legal service of any claims, demands, and notices. Copies of same should also be sent to the authorities below: U.S. Attorney General http://www.usdoj.gov/whatwedo/whatwedo_if.html California Attorney General Office of Victims Services California Attorney General's Office P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 Phone Toll-free: (877) 433-9069 http://ag.ca.gov/victimservices/contact.php Federal Bureau of Investigation (800) 207-7676 or 310-477-6565 U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission http://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/cyberfraud.htm U.S. Federal Trade Commission http://www.ftc.gov/oia/index.shtml INTERPOL General Secretariat 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon France Fax: +33 (0)4 72 44 71 63 Our information is that Arnold encourages his American staff to marry local Chinese nationals so they cannot be indicted nor extradited to the United States. One of his Chinese clients informed us that he evades legal problems in China by laundering money for corrupt Chinese officials. We have not yet been able to identify a single party that has been funded by AICG nor Arnold and a former AICG secretary claims Arnold defrauded clients of more than $3 million in 2008. The business card of Sam Arnold reflects a mobile telephone number of 86-13366625084 and an email address of sam at aicg.biz and a direct phone line of 8610-68469598 and a fax no. of 8610-58857130. His last known address is registered with the Haidian District police department of Beijing as 5 bedroom condo located on the fifth floor of the Suzhou Jie Bldg. No. 2. This buildig is located between the West Gate of Renmin University and Third Ring Road according to Google Maps. Property records indicate this unit was purchased in January, 2009 for $2.3million. The mobile number of his wife/partner has been identified by AICG clients as 86-132403125250, but Arnold himself frequently answers this number when called. AICG and Arnold currently maintain bank accounts at China Merchant Bank, HSBC, Construction Bank, and Misheng Bank. No assets appear to be owned directly by Sam Arnold anywhere. All of his California and China properties are registered in the name of his wife and sons, including a $2 million home in the Bay area of California now occupied by his sons Wesley and Sam Jr. AICG utilizes a variety of shady brokers including a former federal agent and retired Chinese Army officer, all of whom Arnold circumvents whenever convenient. One of his many schemes is to sell over-priced coffee machines with the lure that one day his Mr. Colombia brand will go public and become world famous. In reality he has never filed any applications to go public, and merely pockets thousands of dollars from the local Chinese who buy into his get rich quick pitch. Another similar scheme involves an English School run by one of his sons by the same name in the very same building as AICG offices. By using long yearly contracts they entice young college students to sign up for the $3,000 course with promises of working for their AICG offices in America. In reality there are no staffed AICG offices in America, only a resident agent. Due to extensive corruption in China, very few of his Chinese victims even report that they have been swindled. By our estimates, AICG rang up over $5 million in up-front fees over the last 18 months. In China $5 Million is the equivalent of earning $30 Million here in the U.S. One AICG victim (client) named Mei Hui who owns a large hotel in Beijing, claims she was swindled by Arnold for over $1 million but less than $10 Million and she is willing to tell her story to any law enforcement official who contacts her at hongyumingmeihui at sina dot com and claims that she recently received death threats from Arnold and his wife, and was even assaulted by them when she demanded a refund of her fees. Another client, Dr. Liu of Dada Laboratories (Cosmetic Clinic) has been waiting over one year for his loan after paying more than 300,000 RMB in up-front fees. Arnold claims to be a registered agent for the AFL-CIO Pension fund but Union officials deny any such affiliations. Arnold also has three other front companies registered in China by the name of Mr. Coffee, Investments in China, and Athena Learning Center. More are probably in the works. Since he never puts his own name on anything, names to watch out for are his front people including wife Li Dong Ling, Australian John Vickers, American Homer Burks, Hou Ying, and a variety of office staff that changes every few months. Anyone contacted or solicited by Arnold should be extremely cautious, and notify the local FBI or American embassy of their contact immediately. Arnold served one year in prison and fined $70,000 after pleading guilty to six felonies, and has assaulted police officers in the past. He is considered to be violent and dangerous and may use aliases when traveling. Arnold uses no less than six email addresses and is one of the most charming con artists one will ever meet. If you shake his hand, you are well advised to count your fingers immediately thereafter. If you know of other scams being operated by the Arnolds please post it here as these veteran con artists are very versatile and constantly switch scams to stay one step ahead of site like fraudwatchers, Rip Off Report and law enforcement.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


AICG Rebuttal

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 02, 2009

American Independent Capital Group (AICG) has recently been the victim of a malicious and insulting internet and fax campaign waged by a disgruntled former associate of the company. Using email, fax, and postings on internet forums, this individual has libellously attempted to defame both the company and its employees. By using numerous email addresses and phony identities he has falsely represented himself as a client of AICG, a former client of AICG, a relative of a client, a persecuted whistle blower, and a due diligence researcher. These are just a few of the identities that he has created. He has taken advantage of free speech provisions on US based internet forums that allow him to post lies and defaming material without any checks by the administers of the forums. We must admit that his nefarious attack has been well-conceived and well-executed. The only problem is that almost everything he has written is false.

Of course, all of the internet postings are anonymous or use assumed names. Unfortunately, the nature of communications today allows for this type of cowardly attack to take place. To our knowledge, not one posting, document, or fax has come from our clients, past or present.

Our business operates legally, subject to the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. We strive to serve our clients and fulfil their business needs to the best of our ability. We are not always successful, but our efforts are honest. As in any business, there are sometimes disagreements between our company and our clients, but to date we have been able to resolve them without resorting to litigation. In short, WE HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE, unlike those who choose to conceal themselves with false identities and aliases.

You may have noticed that we have not provided the name of the person responsible for the assaults that we are currently experiencing. We have elected not to do so in this letter, choosing not to openly attack him as he has attacked our company. But his identity is known, and full details of his activities and history will be given to interested individuals upon request.

Please contact us directly if you have any questions about AICG, and please be aware that reading something on the internet does not make it true. If you have any doubts about AICG, or any of our affiliated companies, please give us an opportunity to respond.

John Vickers


+86 (010) 6472 8868

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