  • Report:  #25025

Complaint Review: AMERICREDIT - PHOENIX Arizona

Reported By:

PO BOX78143 PHOENIX, 85062-8143 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been paying on my truck for about a year and a half and i still owe over $11,000.00 dollars.

If I am late they charge me $288.94.

I am tired of paying only the interest on this truck.

If i am late they call me at home every day until they get the money.

The interest on this truck is out of this world. there is no reason why a person should have to pay this much.

Everyone that goes through this company is getting ripped off one way or another. Whether it is with high interest rates or repossing your vehicle or with late fees.

People like these should not be allowed to do this to people who are trying to get there creit back in good standings. That will never happen with this company.



5 Updates & Rebuttals


A Different Experience

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 09, 2009

bought a 2002 Hyundai Accent back in November 2002 and my car was financed through AmeriCredit. In 2006 I made arrangements for deferred payments due to my financial situation and I was granted the deferral--this was for June and July payments. In August 2006, I missed a payment (payments were due on the 28th of each month). On September 19th, I received a call from AmeriCredit, basically threatening to repossess my car if I didn't come up with a payment within the next few days. I told them I had an emergency in the office and had to hang up on them. I called them back and the person I spoke with said they were that close in sending someone out to my work place to repo the car and I had apologize for hanging up (but there was a legit emergency that required my attention). I did make payment arrangements with AmeriCredit to get caught up with the August and September payments (September Payment being made on October 10). No further action was taken. In 2007, I had asked if I can change my due date and the person I spoke to said I could and proceeded to do so---but then I called back and spoke with a different person and requested a deferral and was told I couldn't do one because it was within one year of the last one I did, so I said okay--but I had asked for it at the time when I requested the due date changed and the person told me that the first person I spoke with (that made the date change) wasn't supposed to do that--but they didn't reverse the date change. In August 2008, I was behind 3 payments (May, June and July) and was served with a notice that if I didn't come up with the amount to cover those payments, that my car would be repo'd. I called the next day and spoke with AmeriCredit Customer service and explained the situation and in fact the person suggested I could do a deferral, which I did. So I made a payment over the phone, which covered the deferral, plus other charges--which were legit and that would extend the loan to July of 2009. Between September 2008 and end of February, I had been trying to restructure my finances to get other debt paid down and in the process, missed 2 car payments. I received a notice from AmeriCredit saying pretty much the same thing that the previous notice I got --except this time if I was able to get the funds to get the account caught up, I was advised not to miss anymore payments. So I spoke with AmeriCredit Customer Service and explained my financial situation and she (Brittany) asked if I could make a deferral payment and so fourth and I said, I didn't have any disposable income to make such a payment, but I told her that I would make a promise for two payments on the next time I get paid and that I would make the March payment on or around the 26th of March and then resume making payments on-time until it is time for me to start the process of getting a clean title sent to me. She placed my account on hold until the 18th, which would allow enough time for the payment to be processed. I had called back the next day and spoke with Charmaine of AmeriCredit and re-affirmed my committment to make up those payments on the dates I mentioned earlier (I even sent 2 letters establishing that) to AmeriCredit. She (Charmaine) advised me that the account was placed on hold through the 18th and took note of my promise to get the account caught up by the 26th of March. This past Thursday (March 5th), I spoke with Josh of AmeriCredit to re-affirm a third time about my committment but this time I was frank with him when I said I want to make sure that there's no gap in communication here and that I will make the commitment to make the Jan-Feb payments on March 13 and the March payment on March 26 and proceed to keep the account current until its time for the title to be sent to me. Josh assured me that the car would remain in my possession as long as I keep the commitment to make those payments as promised (Charmaine re-iterated it as such also). I checked on the status of my account and what I proposed and what they did was true---they established a "Promise to Pay By Date of March 18, with the amount that I said that I have committed to pay. Plus, if it had gone a lot farther, I don't really think that Customer Service would have been able to change the status on the account (i.e. promise date, etc). And since I've re-iterated (about 3 times or so) about my commitment to keep the promise I made to them, I have not received one phone call from them. I've dealt with AmeriCredit since January 2003 and through my experience with them, I have found them to be upfront and honest with me. I have not been ripped off by them (at least up to this point)--for example; the late fees I have incurred have not been that astronomical as some people have put in their reports about AmeriCredit on this website. I think it depends on the consumers attitude, plus if you keep good documentation, notes, etc and monitor your account, there will be a lot less stress. Plus, it depends on who you talk to and what tone you use. From what I've observed, each person who has reported about AmeriCredit has had somewhat a different experience in speaking with AmerCredit than from my experience. I can't explain why. My guess is that if the January-February payments are not processed and updated on my account by March 18 (and there's hasn't been a situation to indicate that it wouldn't happen because usually I check my account 2 business days after the payment has cleared my bank and its usually been updated by then--and this has always happened ever since I've dealt with them), then yes, they would probably repo my car. I will update my experience and if anyone has any feedback on this, please feel free to do so and it would be very helpful. Thank you.


Shipmate, Same Boat

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 02, 2003

I too have been the victim of outrageously high interest rates for buying a car in Phoenix, AZ. I couldn't understand it, and I hated it. A piece of advice: learn the rules to the game. It's all dollars and sense. I do not at all agree that those who suffer from bad credit should be taken advantage of, but I do agree it can help you. In less than two years I removed myself from sub-prime lenders and I'm back in the arena of those with good credit. I learned to use their system for my benefit and it worked. I'm not judging anyone nor am I taking sides. Yes, the rates are legal robbery, and yes it takes more motivation for some than others to get on track. 1. Pay your bills on time - if you can't pay for it, you don't need it 2. Live within your means - pay cash for everything past rent and car payments 3. Check you credit report - stay on top of your credit file and clean it up when necessary 4. Shop around - research a company before you accept their credit invitation 5. BE RESPONSIBLE - you didn't get bad credit overnight, so don't expect overnight miracles Learn the rules of credit and this will all be a past nightmare and a lesson learned. As a single mother, if I can do it, anyone can.


A suggestion

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 12, 2002

I have worked for a subprime lending company doing collections and have been in the collection field for over 5 years. I have had credit problems and am being financed through americredit however this time around my payments have never been late. On any companies behalf that is a sub prime lender they have to be more aggressive in their collection efforts because the people they deal with have past repos charge offs and slow payments. They are their to make money obviously and give people a chance to rebuild their credit. And to rebuild your credit you have to pay the price. How are you going to rebuild your credit if your constantly late? A suggestion would be to follow up mail your payments at least 10 days before the due date and make sure they get there. Don't wait for them to call you. And if you have maintained your payments after as little as six months you can refinance.


Agree with Kathleen

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 21, 2002

I thouroghly agree with you, Kathleen. I'm in a similar boat and have rebutted on a few reports at this web site. I feel that people are being punished with high interest rates and it is not fair. They KNOW that people in need will resort to almost anything and agree to anything in order to get a car, because they NEED one, not necessarily because they can really afford it. You can't get buy without a vehicle today. I don't care who you are or where you live. I feel very badly because I had to ask them to repossess my car. Check out my complaint "Good Customer Service Is Not In AmeriCredit's Vocabulary". Jim from Phoenix doesn't have a clue about our situations. Who is he to judge? Ignore those who know nothing.



#6Consumer Comment

Mon, July 22, 2002

Having been in the automobile business for 12 plus years it never fails to amaze me that those who have credit issues always see them selfs as victums. Very few are victums most are put in the position thru their own devices. Yes the intrist is high (they after all takeing a huge risk on you). As for late fees well experianse has proven that most sub-prime borrowers need more supervisin and motovaton to pay on time tham others who more diligent with there personal finances. You have stated that you thought the late fee was high why are you late with the payment you and only you signed the contract no one held a gun to your head so the contract.

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