  • Report:  #534613

Complaint Review: Anastasia.com - Bangor Maine

Reported By:
USMRecog - Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America

40 High St. Bangor, 04401 Maine, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Beware. This website has thousands of models posing as lonely women from Russia and Ukraine. The people who run the website will send you emails from women who match your description. A typical email will come from a woman who claims to have seen your profile and thinks that you are perfect. She will go on and on about how she wants to meet you. These emails are fabricated!! The women in question do not actually send the emails, they are fabricated by the people working at Anastasia.

Once you write to one of these women, she will respond to you in a way that suggests that you contacted her first, and not the other way around.

The website has the policy of blocking personal information. The only way to get through to the woman is to call her. The least expensive call is $28. In the call, you are allowed to ask for her email and phone number. This is where it gets tricky. If you get a phone number, good luck reaching her. If you do, don't expect to reach a warm, interested person. Instead you will find a woman who is annoyed that you called her.

She may balk at giving you her email, but if she does give it to you, it is unlikely that you will actually receive a response to your emails.

It seems very likely that these models receive a cut of the money you pay to the site. It is a clever business model.

Be warned. Regardless of what they say in letters, beautiful models are NOT looking for for average guys. It does not matter which country they come from or what country you come from. Before you patronize this company remember that you are wasting your money and it is a pure fantasy that you will every date or marry one of these women.

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Non-AnastasiaDate Clients

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 29, 2013

This is Gregory from AnastasiaDate, I am aware that there are posts in this thread from men that are not even our clients...often referring to our competitors.  Anyone with a claim of scam or fraud is more than welcomed to contact me.  I will not be processing claims however through this thread nor through this website. 

Lastly, I am aware of "serial posters" that have made inaccurate statements on my behalf or the company.  This type claims often come from guys that have been reject however...which is not scam at all. 

Thank you for understanding and keeping it real. 


AnastasiaDate Customer Service Director


This is way too fake!! they will do nothing!

#3General Comment

Tue, April 23, 2013


Do not be so stupid to believe that this man is going to make things correct and refund you! You got burned twice and it is just their way! They are just trying to make things look good in the general publics eyes! It is just a PR gimmick! They will make you look bad and then make them selves look clean and clear. Do not even respond to their customer service! Really, what will they do for you? Give you credits so you can be on their site again? You had left their three ring circus and it is for the better. Just stop playing into this Gregorys game. Mark my words, Anastasia date, svadba, Gregory will not do anything to make things better. It is just smoke and mirrors. You will not see any refund or anything from them. What do you think they will do? Refund your time chatting to these vultures? Right! I do not think so. They have and will do nothing! This is just a prime example of how this company operates, they do not care about you or there ladies! They just want to make a lot of money and that is all!

Do not believe them, stay away from them! rip off they are!



Anastasia Date Customer Support

#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 22, 2013

Dear Dan,

I have posted a response to this exact post already. Unless you contact our customer support either by phone or email, we will not be able to help you. I urge you to contact us so we can assist you.

Yours sincerely,
Customer Support Manager


Anastasia Date Customer Support

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 22, 2013

Dear Dan,

Please contact our customer support so we can help you. We will be able to send you an anti-scam form for you to complete, which will make it easier for you to explain your issue, and facilitate the process. It's very well you posting lady ID's on the web but this is not enough for us to help you. You should call us or send us an email so we can assist you thoroughly and take further action. If you do not contact us, will not be able to help you.

Your sincerely,
Customer Support Manager



#6Consumer Comment

Fri, April 19, 2013


I understand you are trying to recover and save face from the posting of negativity that is so known. I had made letters to Anastasia date in complaint. There is and proof beyond doubt of the untrue intent of ladies that I so complained to the agency about. What happened? Nothing! Well, I guess it did, the posting about the one lady was too much and she was forced off the site.  She was like total liar. I remain contact with the translator that me and her had. You see this ID 1613537. This lady I not say her name here was really bad, even the translator told to stay away from her. Then I was told of how bad she was! I was in total dismay and in unbelief that some one could be as such. Never had American lady lie as she did. I made complaint, nothing happened! Look into records there of her profile number, you will see who I am.

Next lady Daria ID:1561044 was the second I had complaint about. Her profile said English skills intimidate, said in chat she knows English, get there!!! No English! I had check made on her also! Vk! Said it all. Graduated English German translator. Found her resume stating she had experience working with foreigners. Plus of other lies she made to me while there. She was untrue. I sent letter to customer support? Nothing happened. So I left svadba.com or Anastasia date! Very dissatisfied and see how they play men for electronic affection. One girl married and was on site? Yes, never was treated like a customer should have at all by your company. I am going back to meet friends I met there. I was told in country to stay away from Anastasia date, dirty work they called it. Not real ladies. So yes, I am waitsing my time once again to reason with you and your company. Everyone can read this and see how you and your company will handle a real rebuttal!?

I also like how svadba.com or Anastasia date has contest to see how long they can get ladies to keep men in chat, with video and or longest phone call. Shame, shame, I also had been told about how ladies are actually coached in online dating, even the ones that are married and have kids can win with svadba.

So, at this point I would still have to say I would continue to have hard feelings about the character and true intent of your business practice, much so that I would most likely write  derogatoriness  posts when ever I can to make it known about. One gains much knowledge from ones experience, I experienced a lot while there. Ladies over seas true ladies are not what I found at your site.  You should post your email here so contacts so you can take care of these issues so many have complaints about

I am easy to find, I was in computer and it should show who I was in contact with in regards to the above and prior listed names written of herein!

This is smoke and mirrors that is being played out here.



Anastasia Date Customer Support

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 19, 2013

Dear Dan,

This is a matter we can definitely help you with. Please contact us and provide us with evidence that you were told that the ladies had no interest in a sincere relationship e.g. screenshots of conversations with the ladies, copies of messages sent you, anything of this sort. If it is evident that this is the case, we will refund you for your communication costs with these ladies, fine the agencies and remove the ladies from our database.




Damage control! USS Anastasiadate!!

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, April 17, 2013

Dear Anastasiadate!

In letter of rebuttal to your defense.

The company that you are representing Anastasiadate, or svadba.com I was a long time member of Anastasia date. Traveled to Ukraine twice. The ladies that are apart of these local agencies are fakes! Plain and simple. I was mislead and lied to by two ladies from your company you can see them posted, here are the ladies ID numbers ID: 1613537 named Eugenia (jane) Bespala, second ID: 1561044 Daria (darya) Vlasenko.

I had written a complaint to your customer service about the findings of these misleading ladies, every time your company never cared! I believed in your company and spent many dollars thinking your company and the ladies are real! Never once was there anything good to come from your company in regards to taking care of clients that had real complaints. It is a very sad state of affairs. I guess I should have listened and left your company after the first ID: lady 1613537, but I thought, she was just by chance only the one, so I stayed, believed in your company and then hello it happened again, not as bad as the first time.

While I was in country in Ukraine, I was told to leave Anastasiadate.com the local operators said ladies are not serious and that they get paid to chat and so on, not all but some! So you may have your policies and such, you do not have any control over the local agencies.

I had believed in your company, but after your company treated me like the ladies did, I left! I have nothing good to say after countless days and dollars being a member of your company. I feel you as a company do not care at all about customer, but only the all mighty dollar. You can look into my letter here with the names and ID numbers so stated above to know what my complaint are and when and who I was.

I think you have severally damage to your company creditability and your damage control will not keep your ship righted much longer if you keep you poor practices of customer care and relations.

Had you read what Tony Bochene had just done to AFA a foreign affair? Could you be next?

i never recieved any form of concern or even a free credit when i was there from cusotmer relations!


Anastasia Date Customer Support

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 17, 2013

Dear All,

I'm writing from the Anastasia Date Customer Support team. I'd like inform all those on this forum about our ant-scam policy.

Anastasia scam and anti-scam unit is the only agency that maintains a full time anti-scam staff specifically devoted to checking correspondence for fraudulent activity and reacting to reports of suspicious correspondence andinternet dating fraud.

All single Russian women who register on Anastasia are personally contacted by Anastasia scam and anti-scam staff to verify their identity and contact information, and to confirm that (1) the Russian or Ukrainian woman exists, (2) she knows and understands that she is a part of Anastasias system and (3) she is interested in finding an American or European husband and (4) understands the terms of her participation.

No other Russian dating agency comprehensively validates the identity of each and every woman on their site. Every other mail order bride agency in this industry, including Anastasias major competitors, rely on local agencies to establish their ladies' identities.

When issues of possible fraudulent or inappropriate activity arise on her web site, Anastasia scam and anti-scam unit launches a quick and thorough investigation, documents all findings concerning possible internet dating fraud, takes appropriate action and reports to her members.

In all cases where improper or dishonest behavior is found, Anastasia scam and anti-scam unit removes the Russian or Ukraine lady from her system, fines the ladys agency and issues a refund to her member.

Second or third offenses by an internet dating agency are fined more severely.

A fourth offense results in the mail order brides agency being permanently removed from Anastasias system.

If any one here is a customer who believes they have been a victim of this sort of behaviour, we ask you to contact us and we will do everything we can to help you. If this activity is evident in your case we will definitely, remove the particular lady, fine the agency and reimburse all your communication costs. 


United States of America
one in twenty

#10General Comment

Thu, November 15, 2012

Models, married ladies, ladies with children! (Anastasiadate)! It is their way. There are translators that actually write letters for the ladies, the ladies are not really aware of what is said. Some ladies write their own letters. Most of them just wait for the man to come. Some are serious, like one out of twenty. The others are pro daters and actually prostitutes, serious. I would not lie about this. Yes, they are beautiful and yes they will date you!

Chat with them, then go there. Lets say you chat for a couple of months, tell this lady you wish to meet her, serious intentions you both have? So you meet, are you to meet her family? Doubt it, are you to meet her close friends? Doubt it! You see most people do not understand, true Ukraine ladies meet their future husbands with close friends of family or friends. They are close together and social among themselves, not wanting to brig this foreign man into their family!

The socials that these dating agencies have, men come to them, they meet prodaters, and then go out on dates with these ladies, expensive restaurants! Nothing happens, money is spent, men think they get a lady!)) Then they leave and then the next batch of wallets comes in! It is like fresh troops coming in, all the children see the fresh GIs and run up to get free hand outs! Then they saw these same kids later as victor Charlie some other place. Not good, Anastasia date has all the independent agencies in Russia and the Ukraine do their own back ground checks, post profiles and then these agencies get royalty kick backs. So much money for so many profiles and so much money for letters written and translated to ladies. Most translators write to about five men. Here this company is know as dirty work by the peoples, actually sick! Something is to happen soon.

It is all about making money, this agency does not care at all, in regards to the international marriage brokers act. They are not compliant. You can not give your information to ladies, but the ladies can give theirs! But this agency stops this because they will lose income. Plus most of these ladies will not give personal info because they are not truly serious to start with .they will say I cannot give, not even their full name!))  some girsl are on cam, you can see them, some seem to be typing away even though you are not receiving anything! Why, because they are on cam typing to every other man they can.  Making money! They also can win trips and even cars from the site called svadba.com! You can easily look this up! This is how they recruit ladies, you can see ladies that won trips! Some just win money for being online! Like twenty dollars! If you are chatting ask the ladies if they know of this site! What they will say, what do you think they will say? I never hear of it! Funny actually, this is how they get ladies on there for hours at a time, chatting and making money and you think they are there waiting for you!)) I hope this comes to light on all that think this is real, it is not.  There is a man that worked for these agencies, he is kind of wild his name is Tony Bochene, he has a web site tonybochene.com and posting on you tube if you wish to see, there for you information is a address for the FBI and the department of commerce in regards to people being taken advantage of.

This is what I think and feel shall happen to this agency in not to long of time, they will not be permitted to due business as in the USA online much longer. fox news" already got after AFA a foreign affair. Yes, you can go there and date, free food and entertainment for the lady why the hell not! I just get sick of all the people that believe in this site like the other guy on here ih1066, Dan I think he is over here now, he will not learn, maybe this time they will burn him good and he will come to his senses. Stop wasting your coin on this site. Stay in the USA! Believe me, not good here! These ladies that you look for are far and too few between on this site of Anastasia date!



To each his own? this is the question

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, November 04, 2012

I had chatted to a lady for almost six months. Traveled to the city of Kharkov to meet this lady. I will not say name here of her. She was very crafty in chat and in letters, could tell you everything you would wish to hear. She was pretty but far from supermodel status by any means. So I went to the Ukraine, never been there this former Soviet block country and to me former possible enemy of the cold war. Strange seeing the old communist symbols still decorating the buildings. Anyways, she was happy to see me I guess. I was there for twenty days with her. She was at university studying to be journalist as far as I knew!((  Her profile said she was beginner in English, I asked her if the language barrier was to be a issue for her and I, her reply, no we shall walk the streets hand in hand and find this love. Well that was great, so I thought. The first time we met in person was at the Paris restaurant in Kharkov. She was the same lady as she was in chat and cam. She also said to me at dinner that she wished to finish two more years of studies in international law, I was shocked. But to wait if there is love, what the heck! Just do it. We went out on other dates with the translator with us. Mind you every time the translator was between her and I. when ever she, the lady was too close to me she , the lady I went to see would move off quickly. Odd I thought. I asked her in chat later that even why she seemed so scared of me? Her reply, I did not speak her language! Funny I thought. I also had her full name, I gave this name to my friend back in the USA, this is where it all became interesting. You can read of this on this site. All I can say I was honest with this lady, never did I do harm or wrong doings to her. I was in doubt, I said to the translator that I do not think I wish to pursue this any more and she said it is ok she is to be fine. I had met the translators husband, he said forget about her, she is not serious at all. So when this lady went to the place she said she had to I went on other dates. Yes, not at all like her by any means. Yes, there are scammer liars on the agency site, there are also low life men there to chatting with good women. Take it as you may, the site of ananstasiadate is in my opinion ok so far, their pricing is a little high, but this weeds out the true low lifes that could try to take advantage of good ladies. I am returning soon again to the Ukraine. I have many things set up. I shall see if they become true. If not then it is what every one calls scamming site! One must not look for ladies that are 18 years old, if you are forty plus why would you want to marry your daughter? If they have low id number, like 158000 for example why are they still there. As far as paid chatters? Hard to say, I have saw adds for agency wanting ladies for there profiles and be paid, also vk profiles stating wanting translators good money. There are posts here in regards to this. I will as I said find out and draw my conclusion in what is real and not real. Then I will post my findings here. By the way the lady I write of is no longer on the agency site, she is also banned for life from another site in UA not related to the dating site for something else. She had add posted as professional translator, English and Chinese! She told me she was learning Chinese. But not that she knew English! Funny I thought, shy not English if you are to marry western man? She asked me at dinner if I would teach her English!)) I thought why, she new this already!)) she also asked if prostitution was legal in the place i lived! I was very shocked at this question, but if you read more off this at this site you will see why it comes to be a serious question on her part!)) My experience, chat short then go there, meet many not one as I did. Then you can weed out those that are s*******!! Bon appetite

Keepin it real in the field!

I''ve been there

United States of America
a date

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, July 21, 2012

I went on a date with one of the beautiful girls there so for you to say it is unlikely is entirely false. I spent a week there and went on dates every day but 1.

The marriage sites are of value. How much value depends on you.

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