  • Report:  #979212

Complaint Review: Angela Jones - Morrison Tennessee

Reported By:
Remark13 - Prescott, Arizona, United States of America

Angela Jones
Morrison, Tennessee, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Please beware of Angela Jones (Angela Lawson, Lynn XX, Joey Lawson, Tiffany, Eugene, Tanner Smith, Carolyn, Kate or Kathleen)  These are a few of the many names being used by an unscrupulous horse trader in the Tennessee area!!!!

Phone numbers include: 615-684-5665615-663-0323Ripoffreport Report Image931-570-7026Ripoffreport Report Image931-939-2199Ripoffreport Report Image931-570-7016Ripoffreport Report Image


The horses that are being sold in the area south of Nashville are being sold by persons who are not upfront and honest.  Most, if not all, of the horses for sale are bought from private parties and/or auction houses and are being represented on the internet as being their own private horse for months, if not years - when in fact - THEY ARE NOT!!!!!! 

Please go visit the horse - show up way ahead of time - go back unannounced on a different day - take YOUR vet with you! 

Here is my story!

On October 8th of this year, I responded to an add that was posted on Horseclicks.com I spoke with Lynn in regards to a blue tobiano mare that was advertised on Horseclicks as a Gorgeous, one in a million, gentle and unique mare.  To quote the ad, "She is registered and absolutely safe for any level of rider, including beginners."  I explained that I was looking for a very well broke trail horse as I did not have the desire to work with a younger horse and I wanted something that I could just get on and go.

I was told by Lynn that she had owned this horse since she was 6 months old, and that this was her personal horse.  She had hundreds of hours on her and even goes out on night rides.  Nothing could spook this horse.  Lynn went so far as to tell me that her 8 year old autistic neice has ridden this horse - that the neice kicks and flops and pulls the reins the wrong way - and that Blu would just stand there and wait for her cue to move forward.

I spoke with Lynn for about an hour regarding the horse and asked why she was selling what sounded so great. She explained that she was moving in January to a home that didn't have horse facilities and that she was getting out of horses due to her age and past injuries. 

When I asked about shipping the horse, Lynn told me that she had just sold 3 broodmares to a gentleman in Nevada and was going to be coming out west in the next couple of weeks and for a small, additional fee, she would be more than happy to add Blu to the trailer and deliver her. 

I told her that I would call back the next day and let her know what my husband and I decided.  Lynn then mentioned that Blu had a harness for driving and if I was interested, this could be purchased along with Blu.  The thought of being able to pull a cart intrigued me.

I called Lynn the next day - we spoke for about an hour and  I decided that I was interested in purchasing Blu - what did she need from me?  She promptly sent me an email with her bank information - Homeland Community Bank - in McMinnville and requested that I wire the money to her.  She informed me at this time that she would be leaving a week from Monday and should be in Arizona by Thursday.  She needed to make the trip then so that she could be back in time for a family wedding.  Since I was going on vacation for a week, this was fine for me.

I sent the wire on October 10th and she requested that I also send her my name, address, phone number, etc so that she could get all of the paperwork done by the vet so that it would be complete when she left - (This is all in writing in our email correspondence)

At this time, I decided to go ahead and purchase the harness that she had for Blu (custom made by the Amish per Lynn). I went ahead and sent the money for this also. 

On Wednesday, I sent an email to Lynn asking about Blu's brother (Lynn had mentioned him in our phone conversations).  Lynn sent me back an email that he was not for sale, but that the "daddy" is - black and white gelding - trail horse - 15 years old - last one that I have for sale - and that she was very sad about it.

I asked price and was told $1500 - but if I was interested, she would sell him to me for $1000 so that he and Blu weren't seperated.  I told her that we would think about it - I wasn't sure if I wanted to take on 2 new horses -

The next day, I received an email from Lynn telling me that she was on her way to the vet to have the paperwork done so she don't have to wait till the last minute to deal with it.  I asked her for the name of the vet that she worked with and she gave me the name of Dr. Malone at 931-473-4129Ripoffreport Report Image.  I did call the vet to verify that they new of Lynn - which they said that they did, but hadn't seen her yet.   I did google the vet and found him on the web -

On our way out of town on Friday, October 11th, my husband and I were talking and thought that it might be nice to have 2 trail horses, so that we could ride together - it would be more fun that way.  I sent an email to Lynn and asked if "Cowboy" was still available and she said that he was, but that people were scheduled to come look at him over the weekend.  Since I was on my way out of the country on vacation for a week, I told her that I would touch base with her when I was home - What was meant to be would be.

I returned on Monday, October 22nd and there was an email from Lynn - She had held Cowboy for me - was I still interested. She didn't want to seperate them and felt that they would have a good home with me. At this point, I thought that we would go ahead and buy him also. This time she gave me a different bank to send the money to - she told me that this was the "farm" account and that in order for her to keep her books straight, I should send it there.  She again asked me for my contact information to complete the paperwork - I should have known that something was amiss at this time - but I was pushing that gut feeling down hoping that I was wrong.

I asked Lynn when she was leaving and she told me that she would be taking off on Sunday or Monday - her husband would be going with her so she didn't have to make the drive herself with the horses and trailer.  She explained that they had plans for the weekend with the kids (quads and camping). 

I sent an email on Monday as I hadn't heard from Lynn as to her leaving yet. This is the response that I received, "We had a safe n fun weekend ... until the last day (yesterday) when antoher 4 wheeler collided with us and caused us to have to head to the ER thinking I had a broken leg. Xrays show no breaks but I'm going for an MRI in the morning because my knee doesn't quite look right.  The Orhtopedist this morning says is looks a little "crooked" and wants and MRI to look further into it ...."

The next day I get an email that she is going back to the Ortho - just keeping in touch

On Wednesday, October 31st, I sent an email requesting the schedule for coming out to Arizona - and the response that I received the next day - Sitting in the Dr office, I have torn cartilage in my knee and also a ligament. My knee cap is shifted to the inside as wll so I am scheduled for surgery on Tuesday morning at 8:15 ...... I will see di I can find someone who can make the trip for me when I get home and start making some phone calls. ..... I will get right on trying to find someone when I get home ...

On Sunday, Nov 4th, I received an email that she may have a man who may be able to do the trip, hes coming my way to look at some property ....   Monday, I got an email that this man doesn't want to fool with hauling any horses ...  that I should contact USHIP for a quote to ship the horses.

At this point - I knew (even though I'd known in the back of my mind) that I was taken!!!!  I called the local sherrif in Arizona - and filed a complaint - I didn't know what else to do at this point - Lynn had my money and the horses (I hoped) and wouldn't (couldn't) deliver them. 

The sherrif did some calling around and did confirm that there were horses at her property, but no-one could confirm if they were the 2 that I had bought.  The next day I got an email from Lynn telling me that I knew all along that I had to get a shipper ... that she didn't appreciate me telling people that she was making it difficult for me to get them.  She demanded that I remove the horses ASAP and that she needed to know who is coming so that the paperwork does not expire before they arrive and all is in order for them to travel (this is all in writing in the form of an email) - *** NOTE - the paperwork is done!

At a point of desperation - I borrowered a truck, hooked up my horse trailer (Sat morning 6am) and headed to Tennessee in the hopes that there actually were 2 horses where she said they were.  I emailed Lynn to tell here that I was on my way and would be there sometime Sunday afternoon to pick up the horses - and she had the nerve to tell me "YOU CAN'T - U need to be here no earlier than Tuesday - Final paperowerk will be completed MONDAY and it takes 24 hours to overnight"  This was, per Lynn's emails, already completed.

Too bad lady - I am on my way and will have the local sherrif there when I arrive!!!!!  Now she is going to gain scruples and morality - I don't think so.

I did arrive there Sunday afternoon and loaded up the 2 horses that I purchased - and returned home to Arizona.  I had to have my own paperwork completed - AND THERE WAS NO REGISTRATION FOR THE MARE -

I have two horses that I have not thrown a leg over yet.  Both have spooked at the sight of a saddle - although, they are friendly enough and easy to walk up to in the pasture.  They both spook at the slightest noise and one woudl barely stand for the farrier.  I had to have the teeth floated on the gelding, "Cowboy" as his teeth were so long and so sharp, that he has the inside of his mouth all torn up.  He had also had a bad abcess on his foot and it will take months for this split to grow out. 

Through hours and hours of research on the internet, I have had the opportunity to speak with other people across the country who have been scammed by this person!  I have one of the tamer stories about the condition of the animal that was purchased.  There are people out there who have had to put the animal down that they bought and this person needs to be STOPPED!!!! before someone is seriously harmed by a "kid broke, been there, done that, bombproof, gentle for anyone" horse.

Angela is now working under a multitude of different names, phone numbers and email addresses since she knows that there are people out there warning everyone that we can about her!!!!  Please read the other ripoff reports and advise anyone you know to be wary!!!!

If you would like to contact me, please feel free to send me an email.  I am extremely passionate in my quest to stop this person from hurting anyone else.  I can't do this alone - and need information from anyone who feels that they have been wronged by Angela!!!! 
Report Attachments

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Removing Kathleen (Kate) Durso

#2Author of original report

Wed, December 12, 2012

After much consideration and research, I, as the author of the original report, do hereby remove the name of Kathleen (Kate Durso) from this report.  I did not have any direct or indirect dealings with the person named above involving the transaction of the two horses. 


I want my name removed from this content

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, December 09, 2012

This is Kathleen Durso. I am filing this rebuttal in defense to my name. Which is listed within the content of this report. I as well, have contacted the author of this report by email on 12/9/12. Requesting they make the necessary changes to this post. And clear my name from this entire matter. If it is not addressed, and corrected in a timely manner. I am contacting my attorney for further legal action against this author. As my full legal name is now included within this content, as being a liar, scammer, horse trader, and unscrupulous.

In a matter of which I had absolutely no involvement whatsoever. Nor did I ever have any dealing, of horse sales, neither personally, or verbally with this author. Nor, was I ever involved in, either personally, or verbally, with any other authors of complaints on this board for the sale of horses, against Angela Jones, Angela Lawson, Tanner Smith, Eugene, Lynn XX, Tiffany, Joey Lawson, Joe Lawson, or Carolyn Smith. And I will retain my legal rights to have my name corrected from this report, with whatever it takes.

To set the record straight, I am not, nor have I ever been affiliated with any sale or sales of horses sold to these authors, by Angela Jones, Tanner Smith, Angela Lawson, Lynn XX, Eugene, Joe, Joey Lawson, Tiffany, nor Carolyn Smith. Nor did I involve in the sale of any horse/horses with any, or all of these persons, listed within this content.
I have never sold a horse to anyone that has ever filed a complaint. It appears that my name has been brought into this matter, due to Angela Lawson making, and accepting phone calls to sell horses, by using a cell phone which was in my name. I helped Mrs. Lawson with a cell phone when her family had no telephone. There are children in the home, and I felt bad for the family.

The telephone number for the record is: 615-663-0323. Which has since been disconnected per my request to my cell carrier, as of 12/9/12. Of all the other listed numbers in this content. There are no other phone contact numbers that pertain to me.

Lastly, to the author of this report. I regret that you had a bad situation, with Mrs. Lawson on the sale of your horses. And if calls were made to you to by the use of the cell phone which was on my carrier. I clearly understand your error, by posting my name. However, as for me, you have literally slandered my name to the public, within this content. When in fact, I have never had any dealing with you, neither personally, nor verbally regarding the purchase, or sale of your horses. I have sent you an email this morning. I have also provided you with my phone contact, to further discuss this matter. As well as requesting, that you to clear my name from this entire matter. I will allow ample time for you to make the necessary corrections within this content. As I clearly know reports on this board, cannot be completely removed. I am confident that you will make the necessary corrections. And I am sure you clearly understand my concerns with my name having been included to this post. Thank you ~


Angela, you are far from truthful in this rebuttal letter from you!

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, December 09, 2012

You make many false statements, but you do make some truthful statements as well. 

One true statement is that you are not all of those names...you ARE only your legal name, but you have most definitely used MANY aliases/names in the past!

Another truth, is that yes, there ARE MANY people in the past 10-15 years that have had complaints about their horses they bought from you...VALID complaints!

Another statement that may be true, is that you purchase from individuals as well as auctions, and all would be fine and good, IF they were all honesty represented by you in the ads!  You are asked direct questions, and give direct lies as some of the answers!  You have claimed to have personally owned them for certain periods of time when it is not true.  You lie about their past, you lie about their training, you lie about their suitability of their use for beginners, timid riders, etc., and you lie about their health and/or condition.  So yes, horses CAN be good whether they are purchased through a sale or individual, but the more important thing, is being TRUTHFUL with people, rather than PREYING on the innocent!  It seems that you end up buying many of those "problem" auction horses and turning around and selling them as beginner safe riding horses for the child, timid, grandma or husband, all of which are terms for willing, well trainer, people oriented, dependable, trustworthy, reliable problem free horses!  And yes, we know that horses are animals and they have minds of their own, but you also need to be responsible for the lies you tell to people in order to make the sales, so that you can fall back on that excuse you seem to provide all the time. 

You mention the people that would not return their horses for refunds or exchange...what about the ones that tried?  Where were you then?  I know personally speaking, you sure wouldn't do it for me!  Not once did you even attempt to resolve the situation and I most certainly DID notify you on many occassions!

I wrote the TRUTH about you and the horse that was sold to me on my web site.  You tried bullying me into taking it down, calling it slanderous, but I only wrote the truth, and it was not slanderous.  If you recall, you tried forcing me to remove it, threatening legal action for slander, but I fooled you, and I actually did contact an attorney and was totally within my legal rights to do what I did, when when I came back to you with that tidbit of information, I never heard from you again...you like to appear threatening, but it really does not matter to those of us that know our legal rights.

I see the many ads out there "outting" you, and I smile ear to ear, as I am so VERY HAPPY to see that there are honest, hardworking people out there that value the life of people enough to see that they are making an HONEST effort to try to STOP you and your tactics from killing someone!   I am guessing and hoping that it is these ads that have caused you to stop selling the horses...not because you don;t want to deal with people like us anymore, but more because they are making others aware that you are a DISHONEST horsetrader/seller that cannot be trusted, and I am PROUD of the efforts of all those willing to step up to the plate and tell their stories publicly to aid in the battle to STOP you before you kill someone!!  People that are reporting you are not treating or judging you unfairly!


United States of America
You Didnt Tell The Correct Story

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 09, 2012

1st I am not several of the names you say that I am.  You among another few ladies have simply let your mind run away on alot of issues.  I am NOT anyone other than myself and you have several names listed whom I am NOT as well as phone numbers who are NOT mine.  You along with many many people in the last 10-15yrs have purchased from me and out of the hundreds of horses sold there are obviously going to be people who are not happy.  Some would not return thier horses for refunds/exchanges and i couldnt help them if they didnt.  Others never even let me know they had a problem, they just thought it best to write nasty and slanderous ads about me instead of trying to resolve the situation and notifying me.  Now there are several of you ladies who insist on repeatedly writeing slanderous and harrassing write ups about me but you never seem to list the ENTIRE story.  You leave out very important parts such as the horses who were picked up and taken to Arizona.  I notified you befor you ever left that the necessary paperwork was not completed because I didnt have a pick up date for the horses and the health certificates only good for a short period of time.  U notified me u were coming and i told u I would have it completed and ready and you took it upon yourself to come anyway.  I called the sherrifs department where they told me to draw up a contract releasing me of all liability in regards to that paperwork and documentation and that you were advised it was not legal to transport those animals and you signed it assuming all responsibility.  Those horses were perfect riding horses and had no issues while here.  I have several videos of each horse to also prove it. 

I have purchased horses from individuals, auctions and friends.  There are many many wonderful horses who are bought and sold through auctions and to think otherwise is just silly.  Many people have nowhere else to sell them and thats where they go.  After all...thats why its a "horse auction".  Yes there are problem horses who are auctioned but there are also many many wonderful horses who are bought and sold everyday through these auctions. 

I no longer opperate as a business and have no desire to.  However if I list a horse for someone else, or happen to ride a horse for someone it does not mean that horse is mine.  Also, you seem to think every horse listed within 100 miles is MY horse...NOT TRUE.  You are listing negative and slanderous remarks about people I dont know as well as people I do know and none of them are ME.  You shouldnt jump to conclusions and steal other peoples photos and pass them off as being my horses when they are NOT. 

Your stories are half told and dont include the ENTIRE contents simply because you want everyone to assume YOU are the victim.  Sure they sound good when you post them...but its not the whole story.

People like you are the exact reason why I no longer wish to buy and sell to the public.  I have no desire nor the time to waste on having to come to places like this to respond to childish/half truth stories and defend myself.  People automaticly jump to conclusions and judge unfairly...

I am proud to say I am no longer in business and have to deal with people like you! 

Everyone who purchaes a horse should keep in mind..

IF YOU CAN NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ANIMALS YOU PURCHASE THEN YOU SHOULDNT HAVE THEM.  HORSES ARE ANIMALS AND HAVE THIER OWN MINDS.  THEY ARE UNPREDICTABLE AND CAN NEVER BE FOREVER PREDICTED BY ANYONE.  It is impossible for the seller to know the buyers skill level, abilities, knowledge of horses, or to know the circumstances and conditions in which the rider will place themselves and their horse in during any particular ride or event.  If you can not accept those responsibilities then you should not buy from anyone!

I will not respond to anymore of these reports as I am done with everything and anything that pertains to a horse.


Question for the author

#6General Comment

Sun, December 09, 2012

You mention in your report to email you regarding this matter. However you did not list an email address. What is your email contact. Thank you

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