  • Report:  #2244

Complaint Review: Arizona Court System - Bisbee, AZ Nationwide

Reported By:
- Marshall, MI,

Arizona Court System
Bisbee, AZ, Cochise Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband's daughter will be 18 soon and in order to drop his support for one child he has to petition the court along with a check for $61.00. He also has to fill out a lenghty form that has to include his income. Wait it gets better, after he fills all this paper work out his ex has to put her income on it and then she files the paper. Of course we will never know what she puts on it because we are not privy to it.

He was also told that after he submits the papers the judge can decide to up the amount and put a garanshee in with his employer. He has been paying it directlly to the court system since 1994, and now the laws have changed.

Bottom line dont ever get divorced in the state of Arizona, becuse the courts are getting rich on rediculous paper work. They don't have time to look at the court orders when they are notified that a child has turned 18.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Lake Havasu,
child support department

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, November 17, 2002

My ex died several years ago. The child support dept. was never able to collect child support owed me for 13 years of my daughter's life. After I learned of the death of my ex I received notice in the mail from the dept letting me know they filed with the IRS to access any refunds due my ex - to pay back child support. I called the dept to tell them my ex had died and to update their records. Now, still, I get these same notices 2 - 3 times a year that they will get my deceased ex's tax refunds to pay child support.

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