  • Report:  #431814

Complaint Review: Artistic Beauty College - Littleton Colorado

Reported By:
- Littleton, Colorado,

Artistic Beauty College
8996 W. Bowles Ave. Littleton, 80123 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
March 7, 2009

This is a letter that me and other students that attend this school have created and not all problems are listed in this, but these are some of the big ones we dealt with. There are a few things that I do feel are important that I should add to this report. They are the issues of student loans being tampered with or not taken care as far as the school part goes. My loans went into collections after the financial advisor forgot to give my loan deferment to the loan company. There are people complaining that the school has taken more money in loans for people than what was discussed. There was an instructor who was stealing from students that worked there until 3 days ago. They give you the answers to every test taken so it looks like we are good students. The director refuses to give you any sort of corporate number or other information and hides all of it. She's willing to throw other students under the bus in order for you not to let her officials know. It a huge mess and the list goes on.


We are students at Artistic Beauty College in Littleton, Colorado enrolled since August and September of 2008 for the day class. We have come across quite a few areas of concern since starting school and now feel the need to address these issues as they keep getting worse. Listed below are our concerns and the reasoning behind it.

Some students were not given Clic Text Books

Those who started in August were given the old student kit with the Milady book system. We were told we would be getting the new Clic Books when the books arrived however out of those books we did not receive the Haircutting, Hair Coloring and Cosmetology Text books. We are now being told we will not receive them at all. Why are we not getting these books when that's the curriculum we have been taught and what tests are based on?

Kits DO NOT have all the supplies that were said to be included

The students who started in September did not receive many items such as; Flat Irons, Hot Combs, acrylic nail kits or neck trimmers. It should have been stated at enrollment they wouldn't be included and the student would have to pay for their own instead of half the class having what they need and the other unprepared.

No syllabus, schedule or grade sheet

On the first day of school students expected to receive a syllabus or grade point sheet as to what we would be doing in class each week however no such document exists. Everyday is a surprise and we feel unprepared.

Lack of storage space

Our student kits are HUGE, with many different tools needed to perform certain services and the lockers provided at school are very small, as we can't fit many of our tools in them. Also, we don't have any place to put jackets (students or clients) or purses that can be left unattended and still safe, considering theft has been an issue in school many students are having to put their purses in their locker, taking more space away for their supplies.

No product to use on clients

We understand we are switching product lines on hair color however we run out of popular color very quickly and almost never have finishing products to use. Many students have been forced to buy their own gloves and foils to use as well.

Using mock product on mannequins

In the pre-salon we would use gel, shampoo or cholesterol as mock product. We can understand not wanting to waste product however we weren't able to see the end results or get proper product knowledge. If were being taught with hands on then we should be able to use the actual product.

Class with NO instructor

On MANY countless occasions in the pre-salon, in 360 and now on the floor the students have been left without an instructor. We have 3 classes, the pre-salon, the new floor students (360) and the senior class but not enough instructors. Many students agree that we are wasting time and with that our tuition is being wasted as well. The school will get to busy with clients for the amount of staff there is.

Wasted Time

One of the biggest surprises and disappointments in this school is the amount of wasted time we spend during school hours. We're not specifically told keep your selves busy because we've assumed our instructor has something for us to do or learn. While in 360, the amount of time wasted was ridiculous. Students do not feel they are getting their time and money worth.


It was stated in the first few days of school, for all NEW starts as well so it's been repeated many times, that any student involved in starting rumors or spreading gossip would be suspended for a minimum of 3 days, yet the building can get very infected with drama. Therefore it is perfectly clear that you can cause problems and never receive any sort on consequence. As in ANY REAL salon we need structure and discipline.

Respect from Instructor

It's been a blurred line on where and when respect is given. Many students feel disrespected by Mr. Austin. His style in teaching has caused many issues, conflicts and student outbursts in ALL areas of school. For example he will make assignments out of no where and only notify half the class, leaving the other half clueless and not get a grade. We feel our education is being stunted by his way of teaching and we are not getting a fair shot at success.


This is an actual experience a student at Artistic Beauty College is experiencing;

February 12, 2009

To Whom is may concern:

I am a currently a student at Artistic Beauty College in Littleton, Colorado. The class that I started in was the beginning of the CLIC curriculum at Artistic. I have been attending this school since September 15th, 2008 and there are many issues and concerns that not only I have, but many other classmates have as well. Please be advised I had time to write most of this during school hours since we had so much free time.

The Enrollment Experience

When I was deciding which school would be best for me to attend; I based it off of many different variables. I essentially wanted to make sure that I was getting the most and best education that I could for my money. And walking into Artistic didn't look like much, but the financial advisor sold me on the curriculum, books, and especially the supplies. I felt like It was going to be like Christmas in September.

Soon after I enrolled, came our orientation. I was told that I was to receive my kit at orientation, but that wasn't the case that day. That was my first disappointment, but I do understand that things do get miss-communicated SOMETIMES. Well class started at the beginning of that next week, and when we received our kits, to my surprise there was a lot things that were missing that were discussed in my meeting with the financial advisor, my mother, and I. We were told that I would be receiving a Freddy movable hand, a straightening iron, other thermal tools (besides the one Marcel), make-up, and DVD's. We were told that I would be receiving a kit that meets state board requirements, which was not fully the case.

Pre-Salon Experience

When it wasn't bad enough that we didn't receive all of our kits, we didn't receive an adequate teacher as well. It was extremely difficult being in Miss Kim's classroom. Since the first day we entered that classroom, on until our 2nd to last week in her classroom we would not ever start on time. The last week we had a night instructor and we started on time! Most days we would start anywhere between 8:45 to 9:15 am. Class was scheduled to begin at 8:30 am! Every morning would start off as either social hour between the teacher and students. Or a lot of days would be students waiting for the teacher to prepare her lesson plans or get things together for the day. When the teacher arrives at 8am everyday.

After class would finally start, we would do a little theory, sometimes some hands on stuff, and then move into a break. Doing no more than an hour of work before our break. She would specify our break should be 5 minutes. When in reality they would be no less than 15-20 minutes on a good day. We would have 2-3 of those breaks minimum in a day, not including lunch. Our lunch break consisted of no less than 45-50 minute breaks. When those are scheduled to 30 minutes, also on a good day. On top of all that, if not every student returned to the class by the time she had, (although most the class were in their seats waiting patiently), she brought it upon herself to stop class and go and search for 2-3 remaining students.

When I was discussing the issue with the social hour, a lot of my issue with it was that the teacher would constantly bring her social life into our classroom. A lot of my time was wasted on her discussing issues of her teenage son or war stories of partying in the middle of our theory class. If she wants to share those stories, I am more than willing to listen to her on a break. But, a lot of the conversations during class were very inappropriate and I feel severe hindered mine and my class mates education. For a curriculum such as CLIC that stresses so highly on professionalism, it is extremely difficult to learn from an instructor that lacks such properties.

Some other issues that I have had with my education in the pre-salon classroom were the extreme lack of discipline and respect. The students in the classroom range in many ages, but the majority of the girls are just out of high school and may require more structure than others who have gone through other colleges. Walking all over the instructor and class disruptions was our biggest issue out of everything that disrupted our learning. When the side conversations would arise the teacher insisted on screaming stop, and not take any further discipline, ever. And as the class grew larger with new starts, so did disrespect and distractions on us serious students.

The 360 Experience

After my experience in the pre-salon, I was really looking forward to 360 and maybe thought I could get some clarity on a lot of areas that I was uncomfortable with. But, on the contrary, once again, I found that it was a huge waste of time and money for our school and our students. Our 360 day goes as follows:

We begin our with 2 hours of theory. We do the theory for the most part, but same days it has been 2 hours of sitting around because of no instructor, 2 hours of arguing trying to get the issues that we are discussing figured out (but the instructor forgets or does not keep us on the same page), or 2 hours of sitting around because we are unsure what we are supposed to do. Our day continues with, if you have a client you are lucky (for the most part, once again). Having a client is great because it is true hands on, but when students are unsure about something or uncomfortable, we NEVER have an instructor around long enough to get correct information from. So you are, in turn, searching the other students for answers. If you do not have a client you are either working on an assignment which is great, you are still busy, or you are supposed to shadow a more advanced student. Which sometimes can be ok, but 90% of the time you get more in the way of them and you end up sitting and watching them.

It has been very frustrating being in this class, we have not been on the same page at all the whole time. For example: Our test out. Our test out for one was supposed to at the end of the pre-salon, but got cancelled and switch to the end of the 360. That was ok it gave us time to study and prepare more. But, when it came to test out day it was completely different than all of us were prepared for. 3 students got so angry and left school completely. Which was not fair to them or any of us who sucked it up, we pay a lot of money to go to a school that we do not receive what we paid for.

Since we were unable to get the education necessary from our pre-salon, we are now trying to catch-up with things on our own or even sometimes have to B.S. our way through services that we do not know or understand completely. And that is because there are not enough instructors to assist us. There are about 50 students that attend during the day. Roughly 36 students are all floor students with 1 full time teacher and most of the time 1 other to help if they show up. The problem is, is this is a hand on school and for that many people to be attending this school and have real live clients on top of it, with barely any help from instructors, I have seen many catastrophes lately. Everything has been a giant mess and keeps getting bigger.

This 360 experience has thrown, not only, our class, but the whole school into a place full of animosity and turmoil. NOBODY WANTS TO BE AT SCHOOL!!! It has been 3 weeks of straight arguments and obsession over these issues. And frankly, the students NEED something to happen. The issues with this class could easily be solved with something as simple as a syllabus. With that, explain the school rules, grade sheets, curriculum, and expectations of the students. And also make it a signed document so that it is known that everyone understands. WE NEED STRUCTURE AND DISCIPLINE IN THIS SCHOOL (for instructors and students)!!!

Other Important Issues

Speaking with Miss Jolene

Miss Jolene is a very nice woman, that seems like she understands and cares and I have went to her many times to discuss all of these issues numerous occasions. There has been very few things that she has ever really gotten on and found the answers and got back to the students. She is way too busy too take care of us it seems. The only time I can say that we got a tiny minuscule part of an answer, was on February 11, 2009. And there was a group of us (all 360 students) that went into her office discussing all of these issues once again, just this time as a group. We talked about the missing stuff in our kits, the issues with teachers, etc. Well less than an hour later, our missing DVD's show up. They were at the school the whole time (that is the way it came off to us). And it was great that we finally got those, but the fact is that many of us have asked for them numerous times, just never as a group, and when we had to basically corner her and ask for answers, she gives us something to maybe shut us up for a moment. She seemed like the whole time with the group, she wanted nothing more than to tell us we wanted to hear and to get out of the office and brush us off as always.

Product Issues

Product issues have been a constant annoyance since I am sure way before my class, but it has gotten really bad these past few weeks. We are supposed to be in the process of a product change in the school, so they have not ordered anything for us. We've been out of gloves, foil, peroxide, color, cholesterol, conditioner, hair spray, and the list goes on and on. With the 360 program, all services provided were supposed to free. My mother and a few other students clients had to buy there own color, peroxide, and foils. And NEVER got reimbursed and was told that they were not going to be. That is extremely unfair that some people got the free service they were supposed to and others did not.

Another huge product issue is the use of mock product when we are trying to learn and see the results of what it does to the hair. I understand wanting to save money on product, but we are students here to learn and we can not learn on fake product. It is a big reason why many of us have lack of confidence now coming on to the floor.

Storage space

Our kits are huge; we have way too much stuff for the 1 tiny locker they have given us. I am a person that needs all my stuff at school because I want to perform all services possible on everyone, but I have to lug my big bag around all of the time. It is very difficult for me to do so because I am also pregnant and shouldn't be lifting things all of the time. Especially now, I'm coming to the floor and no where to put my stuff that I need everyday, what are we to do?

Out of Pocket Expenses

Another issue that goes along with our enrollment and the whole school that no one explained to me ever, was how much money we would have to spend out of our own pockets besides the school tuition. I was completely unaware that we would need to have a full time job on top of full time school and still have time to practice and have time with our families. It is ridiculous the miss-conceptions that Miss Sherri (the financial advisor) gives to new students. On top of all of the supplies we have to buy we have to buy a new wardrobe, shoes, even winter or whatever type of jackets if we get cold, hair accessories, etc. We will get sent home or written up. So we have to forget about our lives besides school and spend all of our money on that. Even though we are there to better ourselves and get the career that we don't have now so we can spend that money! Where's the $17,000 go?

Time Issues and Absences

Since the 1st day of school there has been an issue of how much time we need in a week and if we need to miss a day or be late, No body has the same answer for us. This is 1 of the big issues that we discussed with Miss Jolene and her answer was simply let me look into it. Shouldn't the dean of the college know this already? It is really frustrating because up until 3-4 weeks ago I was having extremely difficult issues with my pregnancy and had to miss a lot of days of school. I had doctor's notes for almost every time that I was out, but since we can only use 1 note a week that gains us 3 hours, all the other days I missed I either had to make up my hours if I could or just let it go. But, some people have told me medical reason or not those let go hours cost us another $250 and an extra week added on to our graduation. But, Miss Jolene the 3rd or 4th time I asked about this subject, but this time in the group, finally said she did not even know the answer to this question. What is this college here to make money or give an education?

My Conclusion

In the end, I am extremely confused, pissed off and deserve some answers and an adequate school for the amount of money that I have to fork out to pursue my dream. As well as every other student in this school!! It is extremely disappointing and a disgrace to attend such a place that says that they are a place of education. We NEED change, hope and help resolving these issues. We NEED to know what is going on!!!


Littleton, Colorado


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