  • Report:  #1236331

Complaint Review: AT&T - Nationwide

Reported By:
michelle rizzolo - daytona beach, Florida, USA

Nationwide, USA
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I have been paying AT&T for 12.0 mbps for three months. I have been at 10.0mbps at the highest speed test run on ookla. I have repeatedly been dropped daily with no internet at all. It will be down for hours.  Throughout the day I have to fix the "router and access point" in network diagnosis. It will apply the fix and my speed will go up a little bit. Most of the time in evening I am at 6.0mbps or lower. I have called them numerous times with no fix in site. They will send a tech out for $100.00. They also freeze up my laptop when it is out with the AT&T repair page. Also all of my browser icons change to the AT&T blue globe icon. I cannot even read a cache page. They keep my browser on the repair page for hours. I have to reboot the router fully then wait for a signal throughout the day.

Every time i call to complain they tell me, its me but they say a tech will come out for 100.00. I have paid them over 300.00 so far for the initial install 100.00 and 3 months bills including unwanted monthly equipment fees i was never told about and over 60.00 in taxes. I don't know what to do? I have a year service contract with them. I am paying 55.00 monthly plus taxes and fees. They are not providing me with service i have been paying for. I see it only getting worse daily. They are scamming me. I have a brand new computer and have all wi-fi adapter settings correct. Initially in the first week I was seeing 12.0mbps on speed test. So i know its not me. I have never changed the settings. I am reporting them today for fraud. They have lied to me repeatedly and brushed me off as If I do not understand.

This is CONSUMER FRAUD. I am stuck being taken advantage of and paying for services I am not receiving. Please help, I am on social security and live alone. I have no money for the 100.00 tech service call. Also is it right they charge me a 100.00 connect fee for the initial start-up cost? They also charge me 6.00 a month for protection in case my equipment fails or i need a service tech. which i have to pay but when you call with problems in your speed they require another 100.00 to come and repair? I am being scammed! already out $330.00 in 2 and a half months for what is supposed to be 12.0mbps. I always get less than 10.0mbps usually around 6.0mbps. I run the speed test throughout the day and it fluctuates constant changing up and down. so slow most of the time I cannot run a video or page takes over 20 seconds to come in.

This has been told to them by me at least 3 times a week. nothing changes. please help i do not know what to do? If I drop them all together they will charge me for a full year anyway plus disconnect fees and extra service charges. I have no re-course and no resolve. This is fraud with a consumer being devastated and abused by it. Thank you.


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