  • Report:  #259637

Complaint Review: Avi Martinez; As Representative Of Adam & Eve Singles In Partnership With TangoWire Corportation - Seattle Washington

Reported By:
- New Denver, British Columbia,

Avi Martinez; As Representative Of Adam & Eve Singles In Partnership With TangoWire Corportation
601 Union Street, Suite 1601 Seattle, 98101 Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On behalf of my Indonesian Step-Daughter (who lives in Indonesia) and in an effort to facilitate her finding a suitable husband in Canada, I created a profile on the Adam & Eve Singles website, which included a physical description of her as well as five photos of her in various poses.

Lady Jill is an accomplished model and actress in Indonesia and is therefore relatively affluent in that country. She desires to continue with her career development in Canada/North America but is not interested in a 'Sugar Daddy', however, whoever might be interested to make a committment would be expected to sponsor her for immigration purposes. (Canadian Immigration Law).

I clearly stated that I, as her adoptive Canadian PaPa, was the author of the profile and that I and her mother would screen prospective suitors to weed out anyone who we thought was not genuine; subsequently I/We would forward a short list of men and let her decide who she sould contact.

We were advised that her profile would be posted as soon as it was reviewed by a staff-member of Adam & Eve Singles.

OH contrare: When we logged on to 'the site' to preview and edit the profile if necessary -- we were surprized to find that the following advisory:

"Membership Deleted! Your profile has been deleted, as we have discovered that it is fake and fraudulent. This is hereby a formal request for you to cease and desist using our site now or in the future. Ignoring this request will result in strict civil legal action against you. Your actions and movement on our site will be tracked from this point forward and will assist our company in any legal recourse we will have against you."

I wrote to their 'customer service' to express my displeasure and received the following email in reply:

Please feel free to refer to our Terms and Use Agreement, which clearly states that we do not permit this type of misrepresentation or third-party participation on our site. You have violated a number of our rules, actually. Before you continue being resentful and so actively vindictive, we invite you to reflect on the very "Christian ethic" to which you yourself refer. "Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile." Psalm 34:13.

Best of luck to you.

Avi Martinez

TangoWire Corporation


It is true that I did express my displeasure with the accussation that I/We were being fraudulent when we placed Lady's profile; I did advise them that I would 'blog' the incident if necessary and I did suggest that they examine their so-called Christian values before they so off handedly accuse people of fraudulent activity.

As for their 'Terms of Use Agreement' -- I did study it and found no article of that document that I/We dishonered. There was no misrepresentaion, nor was their any 'impersonation' as I was completely 'up front' about everything, including the fact that I was writting the profile for and on behalf of Lady, because her English is not good enough and that we wanted to protect her from less than honest suitors.

I replied to Avi as follows:

Avi Martinez: Hi yourself

NOTE: I did refer to your "terms and use agreement" it does not specifically mention 'this type' of third party participation on 'your' site -- where that participation is by parents (who, under common law), are NOT 'third party' to children under the age of 21 and relatives in the process of 'match-making' for their children is a time honoured CHRISTIAN tradition. **There was absolutely NO 'misrepresentation' -- of ANY materiel fact or of any other sort -- made, by me, on your site. Your interpretation of your 'rules', is in the least, Hypocritical -- considering that you are, in fact, yourselves functioning as match-makers if not (de-facto) 'money-changers'!

Accusing people of fraud and misrepresentation is a slippery slope, in Christian ethics and in Law. I am NOT vindictive but, when I or the people I care for are maligned, especially in such a bigoted manner -- I DO become defensive and protective. Quoting scripture out of context -- shame be upon you Avi and be well aware as to what evil YOUR 'virtual' tongue and lips are speaking!

We shall continue to work towards finding a suitable Christian husband for our daughter and be further advised that should this process be further frustrated by any action(s) that you or the corporation that you represent have or will initiate -- I will seek whatever remedy available to ensure that you 'cease and desist' from making or otherwise publishing your slanderous, defamatory remarks and cause you or them liable to whatever extent available to me. Have a nice day ...

Yours most sincerely;

(edited out -- as per ROR terms of use)

An angry parent

I attempted to send this message but received the following advisory:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at yahoo.com.

I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.

This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. does not like recipient.

Remote host said: 550 Customer Service for Members and Partners Only

Giving up on

Apparently TangoWire/Partners is a very large 'social community'; I have attempted, subsequently, to place profiles for 'Lady' on a number of other sites and have not been allowed to even register?!. Has the original site 'black-balled me' within their 'social community'; If that is the case then perhaps TangoWire et al is quilty of a conspiracy to prevent me from succeeding in my endeavors ... could this be seen 'defamation of character'?

Has TangoWire built an empire that constitutes an unfair 'monopoly' that should be investigated under state, federal and global stautes that limit these types of 'monopolies' and if found to be engaging in unfair practices then perhaps a 'class action' should follow.

If my attempts to find a suitable husband for my/our daughter are overly restricted and it can be shown that 'TangoWire and Partners' are responsible, I would be more than happy to receive quieries from appropriate members of the legal community and others who have been similarly 'maligned'.


New Denver, British Columbia


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