  • Report:  #69009

Complaint Review: AXSYS National Bank - Fingerhut - Newark New Jersey

Reported By:
- Paul, Idaho,

AXSYS National Bank - Fingerhut
Newark, 07101-0166 New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I found out not too long ago that I had a negative mark against my credit.

A bill that was not mine was reported to the credit bureau against my credit and turned over to a collection agency by Fingerhut/AxSYS National Bank. This was not my purchase and when my credit was run, it was the first I had heard or seen of the debt.

Apparently 'my' Fingerhut so-called purchase was mailed to Denver, Colorado with a Denver phone number on the bill, yet I have lived in Idaho all of my life. This is not my debt and I would like it off my credit report! How can a company that screws up this bad still be in business?

I did prove to the collection agency that the debt was not mine, but the fact that I now have to get a hold of Fingerhut/AXSYS National Bank to have it removed from my credit report has become a joke.

Take my advice: Do not do business with Fingerhut or AXSYS National Bank!!


Paul, Idaho

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