  • Report:  #76036

Complaint Review: Barbizon Modeling School - Anahiem California

Reported By:
- Las Vegas, Nevada,

Barbizon Modeling School
http://www.modelingschools.com/ Anahiem, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is for all Barbizon schools. I went there and started learning makeup and more. They were teaching me how to do runway modeling but I was to short for runway so they said I could never do it. Then after a while I dropped out because if I could never use the classes why would I go but they charged me full price anyways even for the couple of classes I didn't take.

Then a couple of years later I saw a ad in the newspaper saying they needed teachers I called them and let them know I went through Barbizon classes and had been to some schools for tv commercials and more and they said they couldn't hire me because I didn't know enough? How do you not hire someone who took classes at your school because they know to little???


Las Vegas, Nevada

30 Updates & Rebuttals

Logical Thought

Bitter?...be better!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, May 27, 2009

As a graduate of Barbizon I have a couple of points to make in response to this comment. First, the classes are not only for those intereted in runway modeling. They are for modeling and acting. The modeling portion includes runway and photography. In addition, there are petite models who do runway. If it was your dream, be angry with yourself for giving up. Do not be angry with Barbizon for attempting to give you a broad education of the industry. Second, in regards to not being hired as a teacher, you never finished the program. Don't you think they have record of all students who have and have not graduated? It is a comforting thought to me , with the minimal amount of experience you have had, that you were not hired as a teacher. I have even more faith about the credibility and credentials of the instructors Barbizon had teaching me when I was a student. Do you even have any experience teaching? Why would you be hired within a company that has a 70-year reputation to uphold? Don't be bitter with Barbizon. Be angry with yourself for not following through and giving up on your own dream. Shame on you for attempting to ruin the dreams of children and adolescents because of your doubt in yourself!


New York,
In responxe to "Not True"

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, June 30, 2008

After reading your story I feel a lot better about going to Barbizon. I start my first class in a few days. My sister begged me not to go and told me to get my money back that she heard that its a scam just like what others are saying. But when you think about it college is the same way. I Have a Associates and a Bachelors Degree in Computer Information Systems and a Minor in Business. My school claimed that they would find me a job and help me every step of the way after graduation and constantly tell me to keep in contact with them. Four years and thousands of dollars later, Im stuck working in a Musuem doing Customer Service work, not that its a problem, but I have too much education for this kind of work! So I say thank you to all of you for opening my eyes to make my final decision. I do plan to still go to my first class, however after the first class I will determine myself if Barbizon is worth it. When you think about it no matter what you do your gonna give a lot before you get to where you wanna go. I've always been to shy to do modeling and did not think that look wise I could do it, but something told me to go for it and see how far it will take me. I am your average size woman and I love looking the way I do. Just remember that everyone has a different story and life is compllcated no matter what you do.


Elk Grove,
Modeling schools not necessary to become a professional model, however....

#4Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 16, 2008

It takes a special look, a great deal of luck, and tenacity to succeed in the modeling profession. I don't believe that a young girl has to attend classes to become a model. That being said, she can learn a great deal about handling herself in professional situations. That education is worth a lot. False claims are exactly that.



#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 09, 2008

First off i know none of us went to the same Barbizon. But i want to let people know my story. When i was 11 years old my mother took me to Barbizon School of Modeling in New Orleans, Louisiana. I was a very very shy little girl. It helped me learned alot about myself. My school taught modeling, acting, make-up, fashion, the harsh world of modeling. Let me tell you it is very very harsh out there in the modeling industry. You get 15 NO's to 1 YES. But i would have never been able to handle that without Barbizon. They also taught how important education was. Let's face it you never know how long your modeling career will last. I graduated at age 12. Im not sure how the other schools worked but mine had a agency they found me modeling jobs right after graduation. They never charged me more money for that service. They do take 10% of your pay from the jobs but thats standard at any agency. I was lucky my career took off. I worked from age 12 -29 Between New Orleans and New York. I had several major modeling contracts, magazines, calenders you name it i have done it. But the thing i loved ( well not at at the time..LOL) i had to homeschool cause i was working so much. If my grades slipped i could not model. If your grades slipped Barbizon would say NO! So i worked my butt off to make straight A's because i wanted this career so bad. Then when i graduated highschool they sat me down again and said ok what are your goals for the future you cant model forever so you need something to fall back on. So i went to college also and got 3 degrees. I have a degree in Travel, Nursing, and Forensic Science. Now i am a Crime Scene Detective. I know big change from modeling. LOL but i love it. But i have to thank Barbizon for everything thats has happened in my life. If they would not have taught me confidence, how to carry myself, how to take care of my body, how to eat right, how to manage my money, to know the warning signs of frauds in this industry,( Ladies there are alot of freaks out there and could be dangerous) , that if you set your mind you can do anything, and most important EDUCATION! Who knows where i would be broke, on drugs, raped, murdered. there are alot of temptations out there in this industry. I know that sounds crazy but if i didnt have the tools they taught me who knows.. Its very easy to get caught up in the glamorous life. Let me tell you yes you can walk into a agency and get signed without modeling schools. but believe me they dont teach you the insides and outs of modeling, they dont teach you how to be safe and know the warning signs, they dont tell you to get an education so you have something to fall back on if it doesnt work out. They just want the money coming in! I know some of you have had a bad experience but not all are like that. Please dont believe just cause your under 5'6 you cant be a runway model. You cant do the High Fashion like paris,etc. but im 5'6 and i did tons of runway shows for some well known companies and people. Im sorry i will stop boring you now, but I just wanted people to know not all schools are bad and they do teach you alot about the industry. I would do it all over again! I know times have changed since i went. I understand that. Well when i moved to indiana i wanted to teach modeling again so i went to the Barbizon here i worked one week there and didnt like how they were treating there students so i called new york and told them and they shut them down. They do care at the main office in New York. I want to wish all of you GOOD LUCK if your trying to break into the industy. Hold your head up high and follow your dreams! thank you for your time!


Fort Benning,

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, April 15, 2007

I took some modeling classes, not at Barbizon. I learned how to walk, I already knew how to do makeup since I am a beauty advisor. I participated in some fashion shows which were great but I had no unrealistic expectations about modeling. Modeling is a hard business, critcal, very opionionated people judge your appearance and reject you or accept you. It's not about beauty but about the clients the agency represents. Most people think it's about being beautiful. It's not. There are different types of models, spokesmodels, commercial models, high fashion runway models, catalog models, body part models, fit models, etc. Being short is not a problem, being ugly is not a problem, being beautiful is not a plus. It all depends on what the client wants and what they agency wants in their lineup. How much rejection can you tolerate to get the first job? First understand what a school or a class is supposed to do for you, enhance you and give you more knowledge. I have a masters degree but nobody at my university ever guaranteed me a job with this degree. It's misguided information if anybody ever tries to guarantee you anything now days. It's ignorant on your part if you buy into paying thousands of dollars and do not understand what is really being offered. Read the fine print or get an attorney to read it then buy at your own risk. I got all that I intended to get with my modeling classes and my university training. Modeling classes helped me to be more aware of my appearance and poise as I do own a business which how I use my university education. It also helped me with my presentation skills since I had to walk out in front of hundreds of people and show off the outfits from the stores who's clothing we wored in the shows. There is something gained in every experience but you must see how you can gain and benefit more than figure out how to whine about your loses. You cannot win and whine at the same time. Learn to read the fine print, make better decisions and hold onto your purse strings until you truly know that you can enhance yourself or benefit from what you are buying. Enough whining, go win now. M. Georgia.


North Carolina,
I am a Barbizon Graduate

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2005

My mother paid for me to attend Barbizon as my 13th birthday present. I went from being a depressed, slightly overweight girl to being a tall, confident lady in no time, thanks to the wonderfull instructors in Charlotte, NC. However, we refused to pay $4000 more for the IMTA and photos! That is when we REALLY knew we were being ripped off. When I was 16 I used my new found confidence to gain a six month contract with a reputable agency, then decided acting was not for me and at 18, I now own a small Fitness company in Lake Norman. I learned how to dress, how to eat, and for the time I was under the influence of their false claims, I had a dream--something I had not had in a long time--and even if that dream didn't come true, I still learned from my experience as we all do when we make mistakes. I am glad someone has reported this scam though, because, really, you don't need ANY money if you want to be a model. If an agency really wants you, they will pay YOU! I have seen some really good advice in previous messages, so if you are reading this, check out the messages above--they have some good advice.



#8Consumer Comment

Sun, March 20, 2005

I am just glad that I read this. Thank you so much!! I was about to enroll into Barbizon Modeling schools but now, I'm not. But if you can help me I want to become a model and I'm not sure really how to do anything. How do I find out who and where to go for the TFP session? Again I thank you and everyone who voiced their opinions, you really saved me a lot of time and money.


JOhn- If you want to save time, $ and help your daughter

#9UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 04, 2004

There are many books out there with addresses and #'s to agencies, look them up an dsend photos of your daughter to them. Do your research first though, dont just send out photos. Look up what kinf og clients they take, if they only take adults you just wasted a photo. Also make sure she is seriuos, if she is young which most girls are when they so desperatley want this particular dream, make sure there are realistic boundaries set. If any places ask for $ down avoid them, a real agency is not suppose to make any money untill your daughter is booked for a job and then they make a percentage of the paid job...schools "help" supposedly but an agency after the repore is intialized will help your daughether learn the same things and her lines if she gets an acting job. Just do the research, your an adult you know how and you'll be safe..your also in CA not to bad of a market probally.


Las Vegas,
If your looking for a modeling school....

#10UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 30, 2004

Most are rip off's I would say the best way to get something going is a TFP session. TFP is Time For Prints. Most begining photographers will do portfolio shots so they can add them to their resume, and give you beautiful copies free. This is a great way to get a proffesional portfolio made for upcomming models. Just wanted to give this little bit of advice to parents out there trying to stretch a dollar to help their kids dreams come true. Hope it helps.


Las Vegas,
If your looking for a modeling school....

#11UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 30, 2004

Most are rip off's I would say the best way to get something going is a TFP session. TFP is Time For Prints. Most begining photographers will do portfolio shots so they can add them to their resume, and give you beautiful copies free. This is a great way to get a proffesional portfolio made for upcomming models. Just wanted to give this little bit of advice to parents out there trying to stretch a dollar to help their kids dreams come true. Hope it helps.


Las Vegas,
If your looking for a modeling school....

#12UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 30, 2004

Most are rip off's I would say the best way to get something going is a TFP session. TFP is Time For Prints. Most begining photographers will do portfolio shots so they can add them to their resume, and give you beautiful copies free. This is a great way to get a proffesional portfolio made for upcomming models. Just wanted to give this little bit of advice to parents out there trying to stretch a dollar to help their kids dreams come true. Hope it helps.


Las Vegas,
If your looking for a modeling school....

#13UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 30, 2004

Most are rip off's I would say the best way to get something going is a TFP session. TFP is Time For Prints. Most begining photographers will do portfolio shots so they can add them to their resume, and give you beautiful copies free. This is a great way to get a proffesional portfolio made for upcomming models. Just wanted to give this little bit of advice to parents out there trying to stretch a dollar to help their kids dreams come true. Hope it helps.


Barbizon San Diego, a little scared at the $2,295.00 price tag

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, November 30, 2004

I appreciate all that had voiced there opinon here. And being that I was at the Barbizon Modeling School in San Diego with my daughter this weekend..I was a little scared at the $2,295.00 price tag. I was told to call the next day and I did today after 3 P.M. and was told that my daughter had made it to the school. They stated that only 15 girls made it out of 50 or so. During the phone call they wanted me to pluck down 495.00 with a credit card and make intrest free payments of 140.00 every other week. Well...Like I stated, $2300.00 is alot of money and I wanted to do research...glad I did! And lastly what I have learned...Take some photo shots of your child..and send them to directly to agents in your area.


what a rip-off

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, November 25, 2004

After I graduated from Barbizon I though I was gonna become a model since I'm 5'9 1/2 and everybody says that I should be a model but the bad news is that I got turned down by 3 agencies in my area so far.


South Carolina,
Stay Away

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, November 17, 2004

I am a student for Barbizon right now. I have had my photoshoot which cost way to much and was told that I need other photos taken for my comp card because the photographer,which they provided, didn't get a certain shot.They also claim to care about our academics but my graduation will make me miss a day of school. I am in a wheelchair and was told after we payed and i started classes that is would probably be a problem! I am furious and my family is broke from this! The classes are teaching me nothing because half of the things they teach, like the walking and runway, don't apply to me in a wheelchair. I want to drop out but I want my money's worth and make it through graduation before I decide if i will continue to be a part of Barbizon. The teachers are good,but teach me nothing vaulable. Barbizon should not cost this much and be such a struggle.Stay away from this agency!!


New York,
I did not like Barbizon, way to expensive and not necessary at all.

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, November 05, 2004

First of all. .I'd like to say, Barbizon is way to expensive and not necessary at all. . .it's great for the tall model like people to go. Once you graduate. . they expect you to go to the IMTA convention that costs another couple grand. .Why waste your money, they dont' really care about you once you graduate and once they have your money..be careful before you make a decision. All i learned to do was put on makeup and walk. Also, I have to tell you Barbizon people. .i went to the White plains center. . your teachers are horrible. They taught us the same class 3 times because they would forget what they taught us the previous month, and we never did acting or photos shots. Go ask the students in white plains. I'm not biasing my opinons, this is how we all felt. it was really bad and i wish i could have gotten my money back. you should really make sure your teachers know what they're doing, it only gives you guys a bad reputation. We always started class late. . and the rooms were way to small to handle that amount of girls. And no scouts ever came to see us. . and why did WE have to travel to Boston to a model's meeting. . .ridiculous. we pay you.. to help us. we shouldn't have to go out of our way, it should be brought to us.


Las Vegas,
Your Wrong?

#18Author of original report

Mon, November 01, 2004

What I say to that is...I said SOME not ALL. To bad they didn't teach you how to read. Besides, Everyone knows... Look, I started this rip off report and I just wanted to inform people about this school. Everyone knows that the entertainment field is full of rip off artist. I just wanted people to be aware of this one.


Las Vegas,
Your Wrong?

#19Author of original report

Mon, November 01, 2004

What I say to that is...I said SOME not ALL. To bad they didn't teach you how to read. Besides, Everyone knows... Look, I started this rip off report and I just wanted to inform people about this school. Everyone knows that the entertainment field is full of rip off artist. I just wanted people to be aware of this one.


Las Vegas,
Your Wrong?

#20Author of original report

Mon, November 01, 2004

What I say to that is...I said SOME not ALL. To bad they didn't teach you how to read. Besides, Everyone knows... Look, I started this rip off report and I just wanted to inform people about this school. Everyone knows that the entertainment field is full of rip off artist. I just wanted people to be aware of this one.


Las Vegas,
Your Wrong?

#21Author of original report

Mon, November 01, 2004

What I say to that is...I said SOME not ALL. To bad they didn't teach you how to read. Besides, Everyone knows... Look, I started this rip off report and I just wanted to inform people about this school. Everyone knows that the entertainment field is full of rip off artist. I just wanted people to be aware of this one.


your wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#22UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 31, 2004

well i would like to say that i went to barbizon and they have go t me going as a model. just three weeks ago i got back from la. and thats not all they teach you, they teach acting as well. and you dont have to be a certain hieght to go for that. their not bad, and they can get you off and going. so what do you say to that.


Las Vegas,
Not Just Me

#23Author of original report

Sat, October 09, 2004

See this isn't just me they are ripping off lot's of people. Barbizon promises things they can't do.


I was once a barbizon student!

#24Consumer Comment

Fri, October 08, 2004

I took all the classes they gave you at Barbizon, taught to walk the runway, which I love to do, how to put on make-up and acting classes as well. It all seemed pretty fun, I got to have my photo shoot, and graduate modeling class. The bad thing about after I graduated I never got called for any jobs, like they promised they would and I never got my make-up that comes with the tuition. I really hope if any of the Barbizon employs from the Chattanooga branch sees this, they will remember next time that when they promise something they give with they promise, because no one I get in contact with will ever get a good note about barbican. And probably barbican probably won't get any business from anyone I talk to!


I attended also..

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

I also attended Barbizon and I have know learned alot more about agencies and schools i agree totally that it is VERY un-nessesary. I have always wanted to be an actor and they claimed to be a modeling/acting school. They traveled to my area 3hrs from a larger city and held our class in a hotel banquet room... I did learn a few things from the industry and did get a few jobs. But I was paid a few hundred per job, no where near the few thousand my dad spent on the class....so do all yourselfs a favor and call an agency with your head shots and start on your own...im sure they could give you the same advice I got for a few tho... Nicki


Las Vegas,
Barbizon school rip off

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, August 01, 2004

To Paul Pickle I was mad at the begining when my father lost his good earned money to put me through this school that they claimed would make me a model when I was too short not when they didn't hire me first of all also I was hard up for a job when I called them and I was just curious if they would hire me. They did call back asking me later if I would like to be hired for something forgot what it was because I turned it down. Anyways - why I was mad at these people was because Helaina is right. All modeling schools are bad. They will tell you you need school and you don't, they will tell you that you can do runway but you can't, and will teach your kid things that are useless. Also about the last few classes I had already attended like a yr of this school and became bored when I realised it wasn't doing anything for me so I skipped the last like 2 classes I am sure that wasn't the two classes that would make me the next Crawford so chill out. You think you know but you don't.


North Carolina,
I worked for a state agency that licensed modeling schools

#27Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 01, 2004

Frankly, all modeling "schools" are a ripoff. It is NOT necessary to attend one in order to become a working model. Call any reputable agency and they will affirm this. If you want to learn how to dress and wear makeup well, or give your daughter some polish, schools like Barbizon are great. If you go in expecting to become a working model, you are most likely in for a big disappointment. These schools, as the original complainant reported will take ANY student, even if said student is obviously unsuited to the modeling profession (short, overweight, bad skin, you name it). They have to. Otherwise it's discrimination. One school, John Casablancas, claims that every graduate is automatically reviewed for a contract with the Elite modeling agency in New York upon completion of their course. John Casablancas, the actual man, owns the Elite agency. Their claim is true - but the Texas Education Agency (which licenses the schools that operate in their state) did an investigation against this school in response to a 1995 student complaint and found that, out of 33,000 students who graduated from John Casablancas schools in 1995, only 55 students were actually offered a contract with Elite. 55 out of 33,000. Modeling schools often hold "Open Calls" for models in a city, usually at an exclusive hotel. Proud mothers take their starry-eyed daughters to these calls and are delighted to hear that, yes, Princess can be a model! All she needs is a little polish and training. Enroll her at our school and we'll get her started. Once Princess is enrolled, mom will be hit with other unexpected expenses: "head shots" aka a model's photo portfolio, which usually costs hundreds of dollars; a professional modeling bag, cosmetics, and probably a trip to the International Modeling and Talent Convention (which runs into another couple thou). If you want to model, all that's necessary is to have some head shots taken and start sending them to agents with your resume. Remember, always, that modeling is like singing and acting: only a very talented few will ever make it in the business. Skip the modeling school. It's really a waste of time and money.


Ask more questions

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, January 02, 2004

I think the question should be, "Why didn't they tell Alexis, we offer these classes, but you are too short for runway modeling." Then a more informed decision could have been made. Just my opinion.

Paul Pickle

North Carolina,
if this modeling school is so horrible as you claim, why would you want anything to do with them, either as a student or a teacher?

#29Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2003

Are you serious???? Your "complaint" is full of contradictions. For example, you state - and I quote - "How do you not hire someone who took classes at your school because they know to little???" Yet earlier in your report, you state that you never finished and in fact never even attempted several of the courses. Why should they hire someone who was so lazy as to pay for classes yet never take them? Also - if this modeling school is so horrible as you claim, why would you want anything to do with them, either as a student or a teacher? It sounds to me that you were at first a bit disgruntled after you discovered that your lack of height would affect your chances of becoming a successful model, and then decided to take your aggression out on the modeling school when they then did not offer you a job. It is a bit ridiculous that you would think that a company would hire someone to teach when they themselves have not even completed the basic coursework that the students are taking, and also have no working experience in the industry. Get over it!

Paul Pickle

North Carolina,
if this modeling school is so horrible as you claim, why would you want anything to do with them, either as a student or a teacher?

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2003

Are you serious???? Your "complaint" is full of contradictions. For example, you state - and I quote - "How do you not hire someone who took classes at your school because they know to little???" Yet earlier in your report, you state that you never finished and in fact never even attempted several of the courses. Why should they hire someone who was so lazy as to pay for classes yet never take them? Also - if this modeling school is so horrible as you claim, why would you want anything to do with them, either as a student or a teacher? It sounds to me that you were at first a bit disgruntled after you discovered that your lack of height would affect your chances of becoming a successful model, and then decided to take your aggression out on the modeling school when they then did not offer you a job. It is a bit ridiculous that you would think that a company would hire someone to teach when they themselves have not even completed the basic coursework that the students are taking, and also have no working experience in the industry. Get over it!

Paul Pickle

North Carolina,
if this modeling school is so horrible as you claim, why would you want anything to do with them, either as a student or a teacher?

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2003

Are you serious???? Your "complaint" is full of contradictions. For example, you state - and I quote - "How do you not hire someone who took classes at your school because they know to little???" Yet earlier in your report, you state that you never finished and in fact never even attempted several of the courses. Why should they hire someone who was so lazy as to pay for classes yet never take them? Also - if this modeling school is so horrible as you claim, why would you want anything to do with them, either as a student or a teacher? It sounds to me that you were at first a bit disgruntled after you discovered that your lack of height would affect your chances of becoming a successful model, and then decided to take your aggression out on the modeling school when they then did not offer you a job. It is a bit ridiculous that you would think that a company would hire someone to teach when they themselves have not even completed the basic coursework that the students are taking, and also have no working experience in the industry. Get over it!

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