  • Report:  #166803

Complaint Review: BCTI - Tacoma Washington

Reported By:
- Somewhere, Washington,

Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A.
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It has been interesting to read everything that is happening to BCTI. In Washington state this originated because a student came to me to ask me about my thoughts regarding what he read on this website.

I can honestly (and remorsefully) say that before reading the report the student showed me in March of 2004, I'd planned to quietly leave BCTI. Like so many others I was going to keep my mouth shut. The next month the Executive Director and I had a conversation about an unrelated topic and she said. "I trust you, the students trust you, you're a good man". Then I knew what I had to do. I wrote a report here detailing my plans to contact federal agencies, the news media, and ACCET regarding their business practices.

I was terminated by BCTI shortly after the transition to BCES (Business Career Employment Services) 2 weeks after my report here. I stupidly admitted to employees I trusted what I wrote here. One of the employees was a member of my Career Services team who for lack of a better phrase stabbed me in the back by telling superiors of my plans and my report here. It wasn't Rachel.

The words one of the V.P.s used to terminate me was, "We feel you are not right for BCES". I asked what I'd done and was told, "We just feel you are no longer the right fit for BCES". Gee Katherine I wonder why!!!

I applied for unemployment because my new job didn't begin for 3 weeks. My unemployment was denied because BCTI reported I was late for work 3 times. Yes 3 times!!! (3 times that never happened) 2 weeks prior I was labeled a superstar along with my BCES counterparts; I was saved in the 1st round layoffs during the Career Services transition to BCES. No warning or documentation existed or occured with any supervisor warning me of my supposed tardiness. BUT THAT IS NOT WHY I'M HERE AGAIN! (Water under the bridge...)

BCTI has a history of denying an ex employees unemployment and Washington State Employment services usually "sides" with the employer in most cases. BCTI actually attempted to sue me because of what I wrote on the ripoffreport and claimed I had resumes of students and BCTI reports I'd planned to show to news agencies and federal government. Thanksgiving of last year I was thrown in jail for 4 days because I didn't pay a 2K judgment that BCTI won against me. Unbelievable yes, but very true. BCTI claimed I broke my non disclosure agreement by reporting here and that my allegations were false and fabricated. Hmmmmmm I guess the results of the investigations by ACCET and the federal government are the result of years of fabricated information made up my little ole me.

THAT IS NOT WHY I'M HERE TODAY. And allow me to make this clear. I don't seek restitution or any monies attorneys feel I'm owed. I'm NOT GOING AFTER anything. I'm not suing BCTI. I made a promise to God in July of 2004 that I would not seek revenge on BCTI and that I would forgive them. I promised I'd leave it in God's hands to do what he felt was best.

I was excited when I accepted the offer of employment BCTI gave me in 2003. I'd worked as a manager in the technology industry and was a manager of a recruiting agency for years. I thought I could FINALLY contribute to society instead of simply living in it. Sometimes I miss helping the students.

After being employed for 4 months I began to see what was going on behind the veil. Students, who had no business graduating, graduated. Students completed Phase II that couldn't do something as simple as use monster.com. Students finished Phase II that couldn't build a computer to save their life. Students who CLEARLY didn't have the skills necessary to meet the needs of today's employers (BCTI mission statement) were allowed to graduate and my team had to find a way to get them a job/career.

I visited many job fairs and talked to employers that wouldn't talk to me because I represented BCTI students. Good friends who worked in hiring manager positions at Microsoft, AT&T Wireless, Comcast, Adobe Software, and Surreal Software admitted to me that they'd never hire a BCTI student because the students aren't trained well. During a job fair in May of 2004 a hiring manager from AT&T walked away from me when I told her I work for BCTI and was representing students. I remember designing a simple EASY computer networking test for one of my former clients and employers. Upon passing this test my ex employer promised me they would interview and likely hire individuals passing the test. NO PHASE II graduate or student in PP4/5 (Progress period 4 and 5) could pass the simple 5 essay question test.

The corporate office reported to ACCET and other agencies that students employed in fast food jobs, movie theatres, home based businesses, and gas stations were employed in jobs using the skills they learned at BCTI. I was considered not doing my job with a report called the missing document report. For this report I purposely did not obtain documentation on students employed in the above careers. I didn't want BCTI to report those individuals working as cashiers were using their BCTI skills.

I witnessed my BCES manager (Monique) coerce a student to sign a document (Skills statement) detailing they were using their BCTI skills. That individual was a truck driver!! He is still employed in the same industry upon enrolling at BCTI!!! He was coerced by saying because he tracks his miles on a spreadsheet, he is using his skills. He is a graduate of Phase II and is probably trying to pay off a 15K or more loan, yet he is employed by the SAME company during his initial enrollment.

For my part in BCTI I truly apologize to all students. For a time I truly believed in everything I said during graduations, Phase II enrollments, and speeches. I can only say I wish I'd uncovered the veil sooner. I will help in anyway possible to assist you in the class action lawsuit. Please be patient with me, I travel a tremendous amount internationally and nationally for my employer. (Rachel I'm sorry we lost touch I'll try to call soon) I was called by the class action attorneys and I've been interviewed by reporters.

Yes I know some students later found great jobs with great companies however they are the exception and not the rule. In my opinion those students didn't need BCTI. They could have had a better quality and much cheaper education at another school. Sure there were some individuals that couldn't be helped or educated because they weren't motivated. The majority of students simply weren't educated. How can you charge 15K - 20K for an education in which you don't receive textbooks or updated reference material of any kind. Don (VP of D.I.s) you know of the conversation I'm speaking of.

Only 5% - 15% of graduates have gone on to great jobs. I see them from time to time. In my personal opinion these students didn't need a school such as BCTI. My opinion comes from my experience as a technical and executive recruiter for 6 years and 2 years as a Technology Implementation Manager before my employment as Director of Career Services at BCTI Tacoma campus.

Oh I almost forgot something in my long rant. Tom and Morrie, I never had resumes of old students and Career Services documentation. Do you remember; it's the stuff you sued me about because you were afraid of who I'd give the documention to? I told Stacy those things to see who I could trust. However I am allied with someone that does have the old resumes and documentation. Thess were documents requiring my Career Services department to obtain TRP (training related position) info on students working at fast food, movie theatres and etc. that you wanted to report to ASSET as careers/jobs. You remember the Missing Document Report don't you? It should be an interesting read for the judge.

It was fun before I left,... pretending I had no idea where the resumes were or who had them and why my department could never complete the missing document report. Yeah I lied everytime I'd say a student wouldn't sign a skills statement. There was no way I'd ask a student to sign a statement saying they are using their BCTI training skills while working in fast food or a gas station. How can you guys look yourselves in the mirror especially Monique and Katherine O.

Allow me to deflate those loyal to the Church of New Song (you know what I'm talking about) and to those loyal to Tom and Morrie. This is not about revenge (recall my first ripoffreport was WEEKS before my termination). IT IS ABOUT RETRIBUTION, not mine, (like I said, what you've done to me is forgiven) it is retribution for all of students you've harmed since BCTI established itself. It's about no longer letting you get away with saying you are Christians and ripping off the unemployed, the destitute, the homeless, the handicapped, and those looking for a better life.

When I drive by the old Tacoma campus, I smile.

Next time I post I'll explain the job lead process my team worked on in Tacoma. It should help some students understand why they didn't find the job they were looking for.


Somewhere, Washington

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