  • Report:  #331844

Complaint Review: Beach Land Development - Jon Chilian - Internet

Reported By:
- Cedar Park, Texas,

Beach Land Development - Jon Chilian
http://www.beachfrontbrazil.net/ Internet, Brazil
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Back in mid to end of 2005 I was searching for a some nice beachfront property to have as an investment and occasional vacation spot. I came upon http://www.beachfrontbrazil.net/

The prices seems very nice so I decided to do some research. I contacted them and spoke to a Jon Chilian. I also contacted a global real estate company and whatever other sources I could find to try and verify this company was legitamate. After speaking with Jon C many times over the phone and asking many many questions via phone and email I decided to purchase a unit.

Jon seemed like a honest guy but in the end hes the type of person who will tell you want you want to hear to make a sale. Jon assured me of many things via phone conversation and email. In the end he didnt deliver on most of these. Below is a summary of my experiences

Payment Debacle:

The project was slated to be completed in December of 05. It ran late which wasn't a problem. My original agreement with Jon was I was to pay 50% down and the balance over 24 months at no interest. I spoke to him on the phone about this multiple times and on more than one occasion I asked about the 24 monthly payments and he assured me the remaining 50% would just be equally divided in 24 payments and there would be no interest or fees. So that is the option I went with.

I sent my 50% down on 10/06/05. It's important to note that at this point the conversion rate from US to Brazil was very good i.e. US favor. I waited to hear about my remaining payments but I wasn't concerned as the project was late and figured they would start up when the project was completed. Around April of 06 the project was supposedly complete Also around this time I received an email from the lawyer I'd been dealing with in the project indicating I needed to send payments and they were late? I was confused. I then got a statement from the developer stating what my balance was and it was $4,261.22 more than it should have been.

I immediately contacted Jon C who said there must be a mistake and he would look into it. Over the next 2 months there were a few notes back and forth but nothing was done. Jon C did nothing to help figure out the problem. Finally I got details of exactly when Mamucaba received payments so that I could figure things out. I created a spreadsheet detailing this all out.

During this time realizing that in fact the developer was not only charging me interest but had tacked on a ton of late fees I started wiring money to them to get current.

Again Jon C did nothing here to help determine where these discrepancies where so I spent hours putting together a spreadsheet to detail out what happened.

It turned out that Jon C never sent enough funds on to the devloper from the money I had sent him. Furthermore he didn't even send any funds to the developer until 4 months after I had sent it to him. As a result they charged me a lot of late fees pain and frustration.

After I showed Jon the spreadsheet he couldn't deny that he hadn't sent enough funds on.

Jon C tried to get me to take a piece of land he was selling in Fortaleza in exchange. I disagreed and asked him to send on the funds he should have sent about 6 months earlier.

Finally he sent some additional funds however he never paid for the late fees which were due to him not sending the money to begin with and also he sent funds based on the conversion rate from that time which was much worse than when I sent him the money. So not only did he screw me on holding my money for 4+ months but he used the value of my own currency against me.

In the end this cost me an additional $3000 extra in fees, fines and insufficient funds forwarded on.

Project Incomplete

As If the payment discrpancies weren't bad enough I then found out the project was not complete. Speciific things that were either directly advertised on the website for the project or promised by Jon that were incomplete were the following:

o No Pool deck: Images advertised showed a nice pool with a deck and shaded covers etc yet there was no deck on the pool.

o Laundry Room: Advertised as such yet we had only a room. No equiipment

o BBQ Grills: Again advertised but not provided.

o Completed to American Standards: This was far far from the truth. Wires out of the ceiling no showers, drainage problems etc.

o Kitchen and Bathroom cabinets: I asked Jon specifically about this. I have an email from him where I asked if cabinets would be included/installed and he said yes yet there were none.

o No Phone lines: The building isn't even wired for phones.

o Property and Rental Management Services:

This is the most important one of all. Jon nor the developer did anything to get condo management in place much less rental services. I had spoken to Jon's lawyer and him about this many times while the project was being done and they'd occassionally give me phone number to a company that was going to be doing it but no one ever picked up the line. In the end we were forced to find one on our own. One of the other owners came upon a real estate consultant who was willing to do the job. We had no other choice so we went with him. It was the end of 2006 at this point. Our project had been sitting for over 6 months with no one maintaining it. For the first half of 2007 this individual seemed to be doing a decent job. He was completing all the things that were left undone, with the owners paying extra money to get it done. Toward the end of 2007 it became apparent that this guy was also not being honest with us. He had done some good but he was also screwing individual owners out of things they'd paid him for to help with their units. Meanwhile all of us owners have been sitting with units for 1.5 years now that we still couldn't rent.

If you talk to Jon he'll tell you none of this is his fault or responsibility. Essentially at some point he had disagreements with the developer and the developer became angry at Jon because Jon was charging ridiculously high commissions of 20% to 30% and essentially making more on the units than the developer. So these two fought and left us the buyers in the middle to suffer. Each claim the other is responsible. Very convenient. I'm not sure that Jon even has a grasp of what responsibility even is. He gladly took the 12k+ commissions from all of the sales yet somehow he considers any responsibility for delivering a completed project not to be his.

Other Shaky things I'm also aware that Jon C had many people send parts of their payments i.e. Jon C's commission directly to Panama instead of Brazil. One can only assume he did this to evade Brazillian taxes.

I've asked Jon to merely reimburse me for a some of my losses throughout this whole very painful process but he refusese to even acknowledge any responsibility for even providing a complete project.

Contact Information and Advertising The following are contact information for Jon C as well as websites he advertises under

Jon Chilian

License: CRECI 707-J

Brazil Phone: + 55-21-3521-6450

UK Phone: + 44 (0) 207 193 1472

US Phone: +1-561-459-1178

Email: [email protected]



Company Aliases:

Beachfront Brazil

Tropical Beachfront Ltda in Panama

Beach Land Development

Other References:



Cedar Park, Texas


8 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Sat, April 18, 2009

I want to be VERY clear here. I don't want some innocent company to suffer so i'm going to again state that the two companies/parties responsible for my problems are Jon Chilian and BLD or Beach Land Development. Jon tried to say he wasn't part of BLD to me clearly to protect this company when in fact he sold me the property as a representative of BLD. As mentioned he signed every email with BLD, my invoice had BLD letterhead etc. etc. The Sandgarden site has listed on their site that they are a partner with BLD. That to me implies a significant relationship with their company and BLD. So to be clear be warned of BLD and any involvement in a project involving their company.


Rebuttle to comments

#3Author of original report

Fri, April 17, 2009

I have done my research. The http://www.sandgardenhomes.com/Index.html website even has listed as a partner Beach Land Development...though they'll probably remove that now. Jon C. tried to tell me he wasn't connected with BLD which was an utter joke. I have hundreds of emails from Jon over the 2 years I dealt with him and all of them had BLD, Beach Land Development as part of the signiture. I have an invoice from my down payment with BLD letterhead lol Also interesting that if you look at the beachfront brazil website and sandgarden they both are selling the same plots of land on the same beach section..hmm.. The map is no longer up on the beachfront website but it matched as well when it was there.


New Zealand
Total False information regarding association with SandGardenHomes.com

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 06, 2008

I can not comment on any of teh information about this individuals dealings with Jon Chilean. However the author has made a totally false statement without research. JC has never, and is not in any way associated with my company www.sandgardenhomes.com. I am the owner and operator. We do share share adjioing office space with another Brazilian company, BLD whom I knwo previously had a connection with Jon. The leap to us having the same is poorly based and without grounds. The author should research the companies mentioned before deciding what and who owns them. I welcome a call to discuss this as this sort of thoughtless action is damaging to legitimate companies who are not at alll involved with this private matter between the author and JC.


Yet another website Beach Land Development ltda is running

#5Author of original report

Mon, May 12, 2008

http://www.sandgardenhomes.com/Index.html I now see their physical address which I didn't have before. BLD - BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT Av. Santos Dumont 2626 Lojas 44/45 Aldeota - Fortaleza - Ceara CEP 60.150-161 Licenses: CRECi 707J / CRA 7559 Direct Line UK: +44 (0)20 71935339 Direct Line US: +1 561 459 2054 Direct line Brazil (GMT-3): +55 85 9993 1041


Yet another website Beach Land Development ltda is running

#6Author of original report

Mon, May 12, 2008

http://www.sandgardenhomes.com/Index.html I now see their physical address which I didn't have before. BLD - BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT Av. Santos Dumont 2626 Lojas 44/45 Aldeota - Fortaleza - Ceara CEP 60.150-161 Licenses: CRECi 707J / CRA 7559 Direct Line UK: +44 (0)20 71935339 Direct Line US: +1 561 459 2054 Direct line Brazil (GMT-3): +55 85 9993 1041


Yet another website Beach Land Development ltda is running

#7Author of original report

Mon, May 12, 2008

http://www.sandgardenhomes.com/Index.html I now see their physical address which I didn't have before. BLD - BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT Av. Santos Dumont 2626 Lojas 44/45 Aldeota - Fortaleza - Ceara CEP 60.150-161 Licenses: CRECi 707J / CRA 7559 Direct Line UK: +44 (0)20 71935339 Direct Line US: +1 561 459 2054 Direct line Brazil (GMT-3): +55 85 9993 1041


Yet another website Beach Land Development ltda is running

#8Author of original report

Mon, May 12, 2008

http://www.sandgardenhomes.com/Index.html I now see their physical address which I didn't have before. BLD - BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT Av. Santos Dumont 2626 Lojas 44/45 Aldeota - Fortaleza - Ceara CEP 60.150-161 Licenses: CRECi 707J / CRA 7559 Direct Line UK: +44 (0)20 71935339 Direct Line US: +1 561 459 2054 Direct line Brazil (GMT-3): +55 85 9993 1041


New Website. Apparently the old site is getting a bad reputation

#9Author of original report

Sat, May 10, 2008

Looks like Jon and his friend have started a nice new website. Don't be fooled. These are the same people Beach Land Development ltda http://www.bldbrasil.com/site/en/index.php Another recent reference is http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS128644+08-Jan-2008+PRN20080108

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