  • Report:  #114029

Complaint Review: Berkeley Premuim Nutraceuticalas - Askenzyte ComBerkeley 4Enzyte.oLifekeyInc - Cincinnati Ohio

Reported By:
- Brighton, Colorado,

Berkeley Premuim Nutraceuticalas - Askenzyte ComBerkeley 4Enzyte.oLifekeyInc
P.O.Box 42635, Cincinnati, 45242 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have called the company twice and cancelled this product since my husband cannot take it. They keep sending the product and keep charging it to our credit card.


Brighton, Colorado

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Before you buy, tell them Hold on a minute, I need to check this out on BADbusinessbureau.com!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 22, 2004

If you're like many people, the first time you come to rip-off report is AFTER you've been scammed. Sometimes, the information in these reports will help you get all your money BACK. Other times, it is gone for good! So, how can you PREVENT this from happening again? How can you FIGHT BACK against fraud? Who can you trust to give you the facts YOU NEED to keep your hard-earned money OUT of a crook's pocket? One name stands out from all the rest! BADbusinessbureau.com! The local POLICE can't help you spot crime in other cities or states. Your friends can't offer advice about companies they never heard of. Even the FEDERAL law enforcement agencies can't keep all the fraud under control. So, what can you do? Are you a sitting duck just waiting for the next fraud to cheat you? NO! You can LEARN to spot fraud BEFORE it gets your money! Maybe you think you're too smart to get taken. Well, I've got news for you, pal! The frauds are JUST AS SMART as you are. AND, they have plenty of time to sit around and cook up a scheme that will fool even the best of the best. If you haven't been taken yet, it's just a matter of time! They're OUT there. Lurking. Planning. Waiting for YOU. They work day and night. Running the same old scams that have cheated people for years. And, thinking up new and sophisticated schemes that will fool even the pros. They have fake businesses so real you'll never be able to tell the difference until it's too late. They use computer systems that are specially designed to cheat you without you ever figuring it out. The have connections to major banking institutions all over the world! They look and act just like real businessmen. They wear expensive suits to work each day. They work in modern offices as good as anything Donald Trump could buy. They're on the internet. They got ads in the all the newspapers and magazines. They're just WAITING for you to come on by. They attack you from all sides. Your credit. Your BANK accounts. Your job. Your business. Your car. Your home. Your PHONE. Your computer. Your family. Even your CHILDREN aren't safe from crooks trying to get their hands on your money! So, what can you do? How can the little guy stand a chance against a world full of corruption and fraud? How can you keep the money you have worked so hard to earn? I'll be honest with you. Alone, you don't stand a chance! They'll grab your money. They'll tap into to your bank account. They'll copy your checks. They'll hack into your computer and steal your name and all your passwords. Then, they'll use them to wipe you out! You'll be left broken and desperate. Your credit will be ruined. Your name and reputation will be damaged for years, if not for life. But, you don't have to be a VICTIM anymore. There is hope for you. You need to do TWO things to keep fraud out of your life. First, come to BADbusinessbureau.com and read the reports. Stay up to the minute on how the scams are working and who is running them. See what do to when a crook gets hold of your money. See how the victims across the country are getting taken. And, learn to spot these scams BEFORE they get YOUR hard-earned money. Before you're ready to spend, take a few minutes to check. It could be a business you're thinking about buying. Or, a friend lets you in on a hot tip. Maybe it's a new item you'd like to purchase. Or, just an everyday need that you have to take care of. Whatever it is, tell them hold on a minute. I got to check this out on BADbusinessbureau.com! That's the last thing a fraud ever wants to hear! You see, unlike the Better business bureau, the BADbusinessbureau can't be bought off. There is no membership for a crook to join into. Nothing is ever covered up, like in the Better business bureau. At the BADbusinessbureau, you get the story straight from the people who seen the actual scam. Nothing gets taken down. There is no way for a con artist to keep you from reading the facts. So, before you hand over your money, tell them. Hold on, I'm going to check this out on BADbusinessbureau.com! With thousands of complaints covering every topic from crooked accountants to worthless weight control scams, the BADbusinessbureau is the veritable A to Z index of fraud in America today. It is THE place to turn to for information on the latest frauds and scams, as they happen. Then, after you have used the BADbusinessbureau.com, take a minute to support them. You see, fighting fraud is hard work. d**n hard! And, dangerous too. These frauds don't give up easily. Many of them would like nothing better than to see BADbusinessbureau.com disappear forever. They try to hack in. They send threatening letters. The frauds use every crooked lawyer and politicians they can find to try to shut this down. They don't want you to HEAR THE TRUTH! The frauds have big money to spend. Make no mistake, there are many highly successful scams that can easily spend $5 million. The people at BADbusinessbureau need your help to fight back against these frauds. They need to be ready to defend themselves whenever a crooked lawyer files a lawsuit. That takes money. A lot of money! In addition, more funds allow them to do more to help YOU, the little guy. They can expand and bring you even better coverage of the fraud BEFORE you get taken. They can come up with new and better ways to FIGHT BACK and get you a refund, before a crook can make a clean getaway. So, help the BADbusinessbureau anytime you can. You don't need to send a large donation to make a difference. If you can find $20 in your budget, that's more money that can be used to fight these frauds. Just $5, or even $2 will make a difference. There is another reason to donate. It's your way of saying THANK YOU to BADbusinessbureau.com! Thank you for being there. Thank you for taking the time to help! And, thank you for caring enough to listen to my problem! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done. So, before you click off, click the donate link, and tell them thank you for the help. Remember, without places like this, we will be all alone against a world of fraud. Without the BADbusinessbureau, fraud will surely win! Don't let that happen! Whether it's the terrorists or fraud attacking, we must continue to fight hard to keep our nation strong. Our lives, and the lives of our children depend on it! God bless all of you!

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