  • Report:  #434944

Complaint Review: Best Buy - Richfield Minnesota

Reported By:
- Mississippi, Mississippi,

Best Buy
www.bestbuy.com Richfield, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for Best Buy for more than 5 years and boy do I have some stories!! I used to practically bleed blue and yellow but after I took off my blinders and looked at the company, well I am actually really shocked and imbarrassed that I was in on helping Best Buy scam so many customers.

First of all, let's talk about the newly revised protection plans (Geek Squad Black Tie Protection Plan) These are a crock of bull!!!!! for a premium(supposedly best)plan, you are paying MORE than what you are paying for the actual electronic!! Example: a laptop is selling for 499.99...the Premium Protection plan on that laptop would be about 549.99!!!!!!!!! They try to tell you that you are getting a really good deal and that they will repair pretty much anything that happens to the electronic device.

Well for that price, you would think they would! But they don't in some cases!! Most of the time when a customer FIRST brings their electronic in for repair or problems they will send it right off to the service center. But if you bring a laptop in more than once(and this DID happened at my store) they will usually deem it as non repairable due to a "software issue"!!!

Guys, get this...the service plan does NOT cover software issues so Geek Squad is told that after the first repair if the unit comes back to do everything they can to deem it a software issue so that it doesn't look bad on Best Buy for NOT fixing the problem!!!!!!! Don't buy this bull s**t!!! Also, They FORCE employees to sell it to customers and if you dont' sell so many per the daily sells you make the employees get into trouble! They told us to tell the customers that we are non commisioned so we aren't trying to get them to buy it for our benefit!

Second, the overall treatment of employees...This is HORRIBLE!!! Best Buy treats their employees like a bunch of trash! Corporate puts so much pressure on the Territory, district and Store managers that they are pretty much forced to mistreat the line level associates! They pay the associates decent pay, but expect them to know and do everything the managers have to do with the exception of severe customer issues!!! SERIOUSLY!!!

I worked my a** off to get to a Supervisor position. I never got complimented on any of my work or sales accomplishments, but when I didn't sell enough services or protection plans or if I didn't get enough people to sign up for the BBY credit card I got repremanded bad!! I mean lately with the economy the way it is it has gotten so bad that they are firing people for any reason at all. Not giving any warnings but just firing them.

I believe that they are doing all of this firing around the company in stores the last few months for a few reasons. #1 is because if they "FIRE" someone then they dont' have to pay that employee unemployment. #2 is because by "FIRING" employees they can simply tell the public that the employees are at fault, whereas if they were to actually just lay all of us employees off then that lay off would get back to the stock holders...and can you guess what would happen then?? Yeah, another company should come to mind!! CIRCUIT CITY!!!!!

Best Buy is definitly feeling heat from the tough economy. They laid off nearly 9,000 corporate employees and now to try to keep their heads above water they are firing great workers simply to get rid of the higher paid employees and hire in dumb sh*ts who don't know that they can actually get more money than what they are getting paid...all simply so that the public doesn't get a glimpse of their true hurtings!

I hope that Best Buy goes under. If you want electronics you should go to (((competitor's name redacted))) or (((redacted))) or even (((redacted)))...

(((redacted))) is becoming BBY's number 1 competitor. Which over the holidays I found out why!! You can get nearly anything on that site and most of the time it's at a REALLY good price. Check out other retailers before you even think about shopping at Best Buy. But if you choose to ignore my email along with all of the other former employee emails and customer emails, well you are really ignorant and you will get what you deserve when your electronics tear up and you can't get them fixed! :) Oh...and those magazines they are forced to push customers into getting at check out...watch out...if you dont' call and cancel those within a couple of weeks, you'll be charged an arm and a leg!!


Mississippi, Mississippi


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sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company, ..plus, if you post a competitors name more than likely they will show up on search engines as a Rip-off! - - your comments on this policy are welcome. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. In this case we removed an alleged competitor's name

3 Updates & Rebuttals

false needs

United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, March 16, 2010

Do not shop or trust the chain, BEST BUY.

Never make a purchase at BEST BUY with a credit or debit card, or you may unknowingly purchase other services.

BEST BUY gave my credit-debit card information to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED without my knowledge or approval.

The facts of my experience: 

I made a purchase at BEST BUY and unknowingly was signed up for SPORTS ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. The subscription was never approved by me and terminating it is proving difficult. Through several calls and transfers to the number accompanying my unapproved debit transaction, I finally was told by a SPORTS ILLUSTRATED representative this subscription was approved through a purchase I had made at BEST BUY, and that I "must have forgotten about approving it"...which is a lie.

Researching this topic online I have discovered other posts stating BEST BUY offers incentives to employees for these subscriptions in the form of store credit and as stated in this thread...BEST BUY reprimands employees who do not "suggestive sale".

I have also discovered posts from said BEST BUY employees (ex and non-ex) who claim that some clerks have been observed forging signatures to subscriptions without the customer ever knowing until they started receiving the magazines...which as in my case are more difficult to "cancel" than should be.

Though I am aggravated with SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, my anger is directed at BEST BUY as I think the company's practices are in question more than rogue BEST BUY EMPLOYEES, this is THEFT of a most underhanded caliber.

I shopped with BEST BUY who then gave my credit-debit card number and information to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED.

Do not shop or trust the chain, Best Buy.

Let me say that again...




#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 01, 2009

I agree that the Premium Black Tie Protection Plan is not worth it because most people are too lazy to take advantage of all that it covers, but the less expensive ones are great for a lot of people, the Standard Plans cover you for a new battery once the original one sucks, and you can just get the accidental damage protection plan on any laptop for $99.99 and just stick with the 1 year warranty from the manufacturer.

Rancho Cucamonga

Santa Ana,
Get your facts straight

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 17, 2009

I agree the Service Plans are extraordinarily priced high. Point taken. However, you speak about things in which you obviously have absolutetly have no knowledge. Can you please point readers to an article where Best buy laid off 9,000 corporate employees... the last I read through internal company reports it was about 40. Also, you state: "... if they "FIRE" someone then they dont' have to pay that employee unemployment." As it sounds as if you are probably unemployed in the state of Mississippi... here's a link so that they can investigate your eligibility: http://www.unemploymentoffice.net/State_resources/Missiissippi.htm. As a person who has also worked at Best Buy for 5+ years, the only people I've seen get fired really deserved it... I'm sure you're the exception. If you were improperly fired, you should spend your attention seeking legal council, instead of spewing inaccurate venom against a company that is trying very hard to keep their employees in jobs... any attorney will surely take your case if you are in the right. Also, you state: "Best Buy is definitly feeling heat from the tough economy." I think all businesses in the U.S. and world wide are feeling the crunch, my heart goes out to the nearly 34,000 people who lost employment at Circuit City, some were my close friends that I met at Best Buy. You might consider the latest stock report dated 03/17/09. October 2008 @ $29.50/share to March 17 2009 @ $31.73/share. Also, you state: "Corporate puts so much pressure on the Territory, district and Store managers that they are pretty much forced to mistreat the line level associates! I never got complimented on any of my work or sales accomplishments..." I work 50 hours a week in the advertising industry and keep working at Best buy for "fun". You would not last a day in any professional sales environment without the express understanding that sh*t always rolls down hill. You "worked your a** off" to become a supervisor and you never realized that you would be pressured to perform to a minimum standard??? Maybe you should have stayed a "line-level" employee. Business ain't your mom's house... you won't get a pat on the back every time you do your chores... you get a paycheck as thanks. I like to work at Best Buy. I, luckily, don't have to... I choose to because it is a fun place to work where customers like talking to me. If your main point is that you think the service plans are a rip off, so be it... don't buy them. Best Buy is a place you can actually go and see a product in action, and get (usually) pretty good information because the sales force is non-commissioned. Get a job in the non-retail business environment and maybe you'll get some perspective on how good you had it at Best Buy.

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