  • Report:  #1085934

Complaint Review: Blue Line Protection Group LLC - Colorado Springs, Denver Colorado

Reported By:
Anonymous - Denver, Colorado,

Blue Line Protection Group LLC
Colorado Springs, Denver, 80130 Colorado, USA
http://www.coloradomilitaryfitness.com, http://Facebook.com/Bluelineprotectiongroup
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

DISCLAIMER: This report was written with the intent of saving would-be victims and those seeking genuine protection services from being had by a professional con. The protection industry is made possible as a service to provide for people who may not even be capable of fending for themselves. Unfortunately due to the lack of standardization in the industry, it is all too easy for wannabes and charlatans to feed upon the reputations & accomplishments of others while aimlessly drifting in their own delusional macho fantasies. One of the last things security professionals need is someone like this creating  a bad image for the community and on behalf of those who take on jobs so that others may be safe and secure. 

As a former student of the company founder Ted Daniels' "executive protection training", I have all the reasons in the world to let the public in on a few little secrets about this outfit and what its founder doesn't want you to know. Formerly known as the soon-to-be-defunct Colorado Military Fitness & Self Defense based out of Colorado Springs, Blue Line Protection Group LLC is essentially a new up and coming "bodyguard" agency as of September 2013. I can personally attest to the deceptive tactics which comprise this so-called business and why it is important for not only potential trainees but also potential clientele to become informed of this disgraceful sham. Below:

Who is Ted Daniels? He claims to be someone of many different hats from his life's past. A former cop of 15 years trained "in every aspect of law enforcement", a combat soldier Purple Heart recipient, and most notably a (supposedly) retired celebrity bodyguard. Ted is very fond of making grandiose bold claims that in many instances are not verifiable or have not been proven to be true, despite the fact that he makes widespread note of these. One example is his claim to the use of the title "Deputy Chief of Police" of Maryland. Other instances involve Ted exaggerating actual documented situations in his life to bolster his own credibility and or overall character. A handful of inividuals such as myself have been informed of Ted's stories regarding his military service and the reasons for why and exactly how he was awarded the Purple Heart medal. If you come across Ted informing you of how this came about, he may just tell you a little white lie that he was "left behind" alone on enemy lines in Rambo-esque fashion. This is evidenced by two factors: 1) Fellow members of Ted's combat unit and the testimonies of what they themselves witnessed, and 2) It is logically incosistent with his documented behavior in his YouTube video, where he can be heard repeadetly crying out for help and saying "I'm hit!". Ted's background claims are a major selling point for his business whether they are partially factual or completely false altogether and/or unproven. 

How Mr. Daniel's seems fit to conduct business. He charges approximately $575.00 to become "certified" in executive protection, or to basically qualify motivated people to begin working in the bodyguard industry. While this may seem appealing to those who have come across other courses listed in the $850 or more range, the low price would in this specific instance indicate exactly what you are going to get when you pay for it.

Commonly listed in posted ads for this course you would think you were going to get in on a bundle: Pepper spray, baton, handcuffing, and taser certs along with training in defensive tactics/martial arts, firearms, and teamwork tactics. Based on my experiences with Ted you would be lucky if you got more than three of these included in your experience. You would be extra fortunate if you received any certification for completing anything within the course.  

The course is touted to have about 40 hours of training packed into it and "not just anyone" is accepted. In the likelihood Mr. Daniels does not approve of your personality for whatever personal reasons, you would be fortunate if most of the time spent in his classes will be wasted on the regurgitation of basic information you have already touched upon several times before. Also, the quality of his training will depend largely on whether or not he's even physically present to be there to answer questions or to guide you along (which may even be the majority of the duration of your course). Despite what Mr. Daniels says, just about the average schmoe will get into his rigorous training program and then you will be discarded as soon as employment prospects arise. As he commonly states: It's his name on that certificate.

Third is the shadiness and unreliability of Ted's laundry list of promises. On the Blue Line Protection Facebook page Ted boasts that he only hires experienced military, law enforcement and security personnel. The truth of the matter is that one of the last remaining "instructors" has only a few months of experience working in security. Mr. Daniels has little to no regard for how much he has managed to tarnish old relations with potentially valuable associates & colleagues. A former instructor of his (regarded by him personally as being his best) was only reimbursed for a mere $100 for instructing approximately 24 hours of course work. This coming from someone who preaches about the lucrative business of bodyguard work and yet seems to conveniently overlook that this type of salary is way below that which could be earned working off of minimum wage for the same amount of time. Considering that minimum wage these days falls between $9-10 on average, that works out to 9 x 24 = 216, and 10 x 24 = 240. Doing the math, that means this person was earning approximately $4.16 an hour for teaching 2-3 hours of course time in what Ted would tell you is in a lucrative business where you would almost be guaranteed earnings of up to $300-500 a day. 


Extra Red Flags:

Colleague Bashing. Ted is also known for dogging on other more reputable and well known protection agencies and organizations, such as Executive Security International or ESI (one of the most if not the most well known private/corporate security training school(s) in the world:http://www.bodyguardcareers.com/2010/12/22/a-review-of-the-executive-protection-international-conference/ 

When it comes to Ted's own business (which is still in the start up phase and was just only recently reinvented from a previously failed & disastrous business model) he gives it high praise. On a Craigslist ad for Blue Line: "We are one of the very FEW legitimate security firms operating in Denver." Ask yourself: When there are at least a dozen EP agencies within the whole state of Colorado that DO NOT lay any claim to their own legitimacy or attempt to belittle other organizations, what does that say of an infant organization that is run by an individual who just recently relocated from Philadelphia? Does it not seem to ring true that a well respected agency would spend less time and less emphasis on bragging about themselves than they would allowing consumers the opportunity to judge for themselves?

Prioritization. The lack of organization about this business is apparent when you begin to look at how certain ads are phrased and what becomes posted for public consumption on various social media outlets. In particular, you will notice on their Facebook page that the founder takes pride in Corvettes and sports model vehicles, which are not standard or typically acceptable vehicles for protection work (you are better off with German auto makers than anyone else in these cases). 

Inconsistent Statements. One thing Ted uses to draw people into his circus act is providing the illusion that his services are often sought after. As taken from ColoradoMilitaryFitness.com: "PLEASE CONTACT TO ENROLL -  THIS IS OUR 3RD CLASS AND I HAVE ALREADY BEEN CONTACTED REGARDED PERSONNEL FOR ASSIGNMENTS.  RIGHT NOW I HAVE TOO MANY ASSIGNMENTSAND NOT ENOUGH CERTIFIED PERSONNEL." However, for Blue Line Protection Group he writes on Craigslist: "I need a person who has the time, connections and savvy to sell this organization toprospectiveclients" (posted 09-07-2013 under "sales"). Ask yourself: Why does someone who says that they have clients lined up for their services need extra bodies to bring in more clients?!


If you value your life and wellbeing and find it necessary to place such trust in the hands of others, you still have a number of other options to select from, even in the state of Colorado. If you prefer consulting with a group of semi-trained and brainwashed clown ninja warriors then Blue Line Protection Group LLC is the place for you! 



22 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

#2Author of original report

Thu, March 07, 2024

 As the originator of this report, let’s clear up some things for the record. Since this report was originally published, Blue Line Protection Group had its ownership transferred. Its founder & original owner Ted Daniels has since relocated elsewhere, changed parts of his identity and has pursued political aspirations. I am lost as to why the company feels it necessary to disclose the legality of false claims. Nothing attested in this report deals with the company in its current incarnation or since Mr. Daniels left. So in actuality, nothing in this complaint pertains to any legal disclaimer Blue Line Protection could make or has made. And I also do not assert any affiliation or familiarity with Blue Line Protection Group as it currently exists. It has come to my attention Mr. Daniels has amassed considerable hate and disdain with other parties. There are many more people who were involved in this situation and well beyond. His reputation in the end will speak for itself. New information more than a decade into the future reveals that Ted has perhaps bitten off more than he could chew, and more than a handful of individuals including fellow veterans aren’t too pleased. Let the record be known the intention for this report was to put dishonest business practices & fraudulent activity. It is precisely what this site exists for. As what should be a free society anyone can dispute the complaint but you cannot censor it because it inconveniences your ulterior motives. And I for one will not yield to petty threats or legal sounding language that has no merit whatsoever. No one has a right to con or to shortchange consumers looking for honest service or expecting something in return on a transactional basis.

Blue Line Protection Group, Inc.

RE: False Claims Against Blue Line Protection Group, Inc.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 30, 2016

Blue Line Protection Group, Inc. ("Blue Line") is a professional protection, transportation and compliance organization based in Denver, Colorado.

Blue Line provides armed protection, professional compliance and investigative services, and secure transportation services to individuals, businesses and government entities who need to protect their licenses and business investments or who require professional protection services for their employees, clients and physical assets.

Blue Line does not respond directly to anonymous postings or reviews on third-party websites or social media forums.  Blue Line vigorously protects its interests and pursues legal action, when appropriate, against persons or organizations making false claims or accusations against Blue Line, its operations or its personnel.

Blue Line welcomes any legitimate inquiries into its business practices and investigates all reports of misconduct thoroughly and impartially.  Blue Line complies with all pertinent local, state and federal laws.

For more information, visit www.bluelineprotectiongroup.com.

Report Attachments


Update on mail delivery

#4Author of original report

Tue, October 15, 2013

Ted has taken initiative by getting in contact with me regarding the delivery. He texted me a picture of the certification headlined under his current main company and I can verify through the snapshot that it has my name on it. Ted requested that I email him my physical address, which I have done so and that I would receive this by sometime tomorrow.

However, in the event something should happen during delivery of the product I am willing to give it leeway. I promised Ted that as long as I receive what was agreed upon when we buried our differences, then our conflict(s) are no longer relevant. And upon receipt of the actual physical product, I will uphold that promise. 


Failure to receive product

#5Author of original report

Mon, October 14, 2013

I know that Ted is not going to like me doing this, but nonetheless it has been approximately three weeks since we last spoke on the phone and to this day I have not received anything under Ted's name or from Ted's business. This is a problem worth disclosing because my receiving of the certification for the OC spray which I successfully passed and paid for was the agreed upon item for me posting that the differences between Ted and I had been resolved. 

I won't necessarily point fingers or accuse Ted of not being willing or being dishonest. But while I did not put too much stock in the delivery of the certificate owed to me I am still nonetheless disappointed that this has yet to come through after nearly a month's time has passed. 

My knowledge leads me to believe that Ted lives in Colorado Springs and has recently (or is in the process) of relocating to the Denver area. There is no good reason that this certification was not delivered to my current home address within at most a week's time. Even if the mail in the local area has somewhat of a notoriety for being sluggish, in my time lived here I have never experienced a package being delayed by more than a week, and maybe a week and a half at worst. 

I texted Ted regarding this and attempted to find out if maybe perhaps he made an error with the address. According to the telephone conversation I had with Mr. Daniels, he informed me that the certificate I wanted would be "shipped out immediately" to me, and all I needed to do was post a notice about our "miscommunication" and then give him my home address. 

Allot of people would describe Ted as a nice personable individual. And to his credit from my end Ted has never entirely blown me off despite the original report. But I cannot say after this ongoing waiting period that I have the same kind of trust and confidence in Ted as I had previously. This was and still sort of is a big deal because the agreement was on mutual terms and it was very straightforward. Unfortunately the only responses I have received from Ted are an assurance that the product would be delivered and will arrive at my address.

There has been no menton of any specific carriers like FedEx, UPS et al and the sheer improbability that it would take even this long to get here can only suggest one of two things: 1) The certificate has been misplaced/lost upon delivery, or 2) No certificate was ever mailed out and Mr. Daniels here wanted me to come on here and do his bidding and hope that I would be intimidated enough to never bring up this topic ever again. 

It's a shame though, as Ted does teach some solid content regarding movement tactics with respect to EP (executive protection) training. On a relational side things are pretty much shot at this point and I find my trust with, in and for Ted almost nonexistent. I base this on the lack of prioritization and substance whenever an explanation is given. This is a prime example of that, as there is nothing complex or complicated about standard mail delivery of a piece of paper

At first I was adamant about getting to the punch with Ted, but truthfully at this point I figure if Ted is reluctant to follow through or for whatever reasons does not seem genuinely interested in upholding relationships that could be potentially benefiting to both parties, people of all types will soon figure this out and get a sense of where the ship is being steered and why.

With that said, I wish Ted the best of luck because he is probably going to have to rely on that at some point more than anything else. And if some people who are potential clients and or trainees find no fault or problem with these approaches to internal and interpersonal relations, then they have nothing to fret and will not have to fear being shorthanded and/or compromised. 

Hopefully there is still that minimal chance that said product will be delivered, but I will not wait around forever. In the event no such occurence comes around to fruition, then it is fair to say that my connections and my relations with this organization, its personnell and representatives will be permanently put to waste. 


Too Little Too Late

#6Author of original report

Wed, September 25, 2013

Hello there Mikey, I see you've given a piss poor attempt at being false in order to bring more credibility to the already endless plethora of lies you've entagled me and Ted into.

You're also waaaay stuck in the past here my friend. If you knew anything at all you would realize that Ted and I went over our differences and we came to a mutual agreement via phone conversation to bury the hatchet. So if I have to ask, would your supervisor approve of your current tactics?

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the "other instructor" of underqualified merits I spoke of in my original report. Not only is he clearly too lazy to see that this was put to rest in riding almost three days ago, he gets up on here and carelessly spews his modus operandi (i.e., fabricating details and twisting perceptions to fit a nice little story) to serve as PR for himself and the company he is associated with.

Little does he realize by COMPLETELY LYING ABOUT HIS IDENTITY, he discredits himself entirely and instead contributes to the original point I had made. In fact, based on my conversation with Ted, LIL' OLD MIKEY HERE (AKA "DRIVE BY") IS LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MISPERCEPTIONS IN COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE TWO OF US. Hence, about 90-95% of this whole mess can be traced back to this guy, for which I am justifiably very upset over. 

It's a free country here in America and that gives anyone and everyone the right to make themselves into complete idiots. Mikey was NEVER a student in my class, he was one of the instructors who has roughly the same amount of security experience that I do, made up stories about me communicating with him or things were communicated based on his personal exaggerations. I have proof that I did not text you back when you did in fact say that I did. So you are either delusional or extremely stupid or both. I will go with option C.

A wannabe gang banger who tattoos his neck, arms and chest with his own made-up gang language should really not be in this industry. Some "instructor" who is not creative or logical or sensible enough to run a substantial course should not be teaching what they clearly do not have a concrete grasp of. For one thing Mikey, you could always try to be more intimidating and frightful when you simulate an attack by an aggressor. Because I swear each and every time you acted out that role, you were giggling like a little school girl playing tag, not a ruthless potential bloodthirsty killer aimed at slitting your gut and letting your intestines spill out for simple gratification purposes. Case in point: Anyone who entrusts their life in your hands is assuming a terrible risk. 

You can't even get the facts straight when you do report facts and not mere fabricated lies. I actually had car insurance that day I got into a wreck. Remember that it was you who was driving a decommissioned police vehicle where you crammed your cousins in and had so many people as passengers at one given time that I had to share a front seat with someone while not wearing a seatbelt. This all was happening right after I got ticketed by state troopers who were already looking at you like you were stupid and were worried about you trying to imitate law enforcement. True story. 

Here you go again making up lies. I'm still employed Drive By, in fact I have TWO JOBS and have had the same two jobs for nearly the past SEVEN MONTHS. As far as me just not "showing up to class" it's funny how when I do ask you questions and attempt to get the communication process moving you fail to respond to anything. You would rather sneakily get up on here and spew your bull s*** concealing who you really are. I at least can admit my actual identity and my role in all of this and speak with the person one on one I'm having problems with. Notice I texted you about pulling this little stunt, which shows that you are truly nothing besides a PUNK. 

I already covered this last point with Ted. There were several instances in which classes were being scheduled at a time that did not work out for me. And so when that started happening, I gave up on it. Also, I never demanded a "full refund." Try reading what you are responding too it will save you wasted time in your life. You have glasses use them. 

By the way hairlip, if you were just a "student" in my class how are you so privvy to this type of background information? Are you a spook or something? Or maybe just a two faced coward LIAR?

So you see Mikey, right now you are biting off more than you can chew when you get involved in topics that are way, way, way over your head. I suggest talking things over with Ted and coming to the realization that deep down you are a two faced coward. You are, to quote a somewhat iconic film: "Neither cold nor hot, but luke warm. And for that I will spew you out of my mouth."


colorado springs,
I know the complainant

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, September 25, 2013

 I was a student in Jonathan's class (the complainant).  I feel that it is very unfair that he attacked Mr. Daniels and his business the way that he did.  Jonathan was a lackluster student and just stopped showing up for class.  He couldn't show up for the scheduled classes and unknown to me at the time, Jonathan could not even afford the class.  Mr. Daniels was gracious enough to put him on a payment plan for the course.  Jonathan's work schedule had changed and I remember asking Mr. Daniels at one class where Jonathan was.  Mr. Daniels replied, "his schedule changed, we will work him in when he is available"  Mr. Daniels was always willing to work with students and their schedules.

It upsets me that Jonathan would go on here and attack Mr. Daniels in this way.  He is a good, ethical and caring man and wants nothing more than his students to succeed.  He works with his students and gives them the individual attention that they need.

It is my understanding that Jonathan got himself into some financial troubles.  He crashed his car which he had no insurance on and I believe something happened with his living situation and unemployment problems.  He realized his situation and overstretched himself.  Even though Mr. Daniels was willing to work with this young man, he demands a full refund?  Jonathan is the unethical one fo attacking the very man who bent over backwards to accomodate his situation.


Failure to receive product

#8Author of original report

Sun, September 22, 2013


I know that Ted is not going to like me doing this, but nonetheless it has been approximately three weeks since we last spoke on the phone and to this day I have not received anything under Ted's name or from Ted's business. This is a problem worth disclosing because my receiving of the certification for the OC spray which I successfully passed and paid for was the agreed upon item for me posting that the differences between Ted and I had been resolved. 

I won't necessarily point fingers or accuse Ted of not being willing or being dishonest. But while I did not put too much stock in the delivery of the certificate owed to me I am still nonetheless disappointed that this has yet to come through after nearly a month's time has passed. 

My knowledge leads me to believe that Ted lives in Colorado Springs and has recently (or is in the process) of relocating to the Denver area. There is no good reason that this certification was not delivered to my current home address within at most a week's time. Even if the mail in the local area has somewhat of a notoriety for being sluggish, in my time lived here I have never experienced a package being delayed by more than a week, and maybe a week and a half at worst. 

I texted Ted regarding this and attempted to find out if maybe perhaps he made an error with the address. According to the telephone conversation I had with Mr. Daniels, he informed me that the certificate I wanted would be "shipped out immediately" to me, and all I needed to do was post a notice about our "miscommunication" and then give him my home address. 

Allot of people would describe Ted as a nice personable individual. And to his credit from my end Ted has never entirely blown me off despite the original report. But I cannot say after this ongoing waiting period that I have the same kind of trust and confidence in Ted as I had previously. This was and still sort of is a big deal because the agreement was on mutual terms and it was very straightforward. Unfortunately the only responses I have received from Ted are an assurance that the product would be delivered and will arrive at my address. There has been no menton of any specific carriers like FedEx, UPS et al and the sheer improbability that it would take even this long to get here can only suggest one of two things: 1) The certificate has been misplaced/lost upon delivery, or 2) No certificate was ever mailed out and Mr. Daniels here wanted me to come on here and do his bidding and hope that I would be intimidated enough to never bring up this topic ever again. 

It's a shame though, as Ted does teach some solid content regarding movement tactics with respect to EP (executive protection) training. On a relational side things are pretty much shot at this point and I find my trust with, in and for Ted almost nonexistent. I base this on the lack of prioritization and substance whenever an explanation is given. This is a prime example of that, as there is nothing complex or complicated about standard mail delivery of a piece of paper

At first I was adamant about getting to the punch with Ted, but truthfully at this point I figure if Ted is reluctant to follow through or for whatever reasons does not seem genuinely interested in upholding relationships that could be potentially benefiting to both parties, people of all types will soon figure this out and get a sense of where the ship is being steered and why. With that said, I wish Ted the best of luck because he is probably going to have to rely on that at some point more than anything else. And if some people who are potential clients and or trainees find no fault or problem with these approaches to internal and interpersonal relations, then they have nothing to fret and will not have to fear being shorthanded and/or compromised. 

Hopefully there is still that minimal chance that said product will be delivered, but I will not wait around forever. In the event no such occurence comes around to fruition, then it is fair to say that my connections and my relations with this organization, its personnell and representatives will be permanently put to waste. 




#9Author of original report

Sat, September 21, 2013

I, Jonathan W****, the author of this post who remained anonymous until now, am now disclosing that the conflicts between the involved parties have been promptly resolved. 

I recently conversed with the owner of Blue Line Protection Group, Ted Daniels over the phone and we have come to a mutual agreement that our differences have been largely the result of a miscommunication and failure of both parties to exchange information and that certain details of information were misconstrued and misinterpreted in transmission.

The owner of Blue Line Protection Group Ted Daniels has personally agreed not to seek legal recourse as a result of this published statement with regards to my initial report. I would like to personally note that Ted did guide the conversation in such a way as to provide satisfaction to me as a student and consumer of his training program and has agreed to mail whatever certifications that may be duly owed as a product of said training.


Phone call(s)

#10Author of original report

Sat, September 21, 2013

Well Ted you know who this is now. I will be returning your call but I also wanted to make few things clear before I do.

First off, I chose this medium because here you can always go back and read something. I'm not a fan of getting into it with someone over the phone if it doesn't lead anywhere, and I'm not so sure you'vactually been reading what I'm saying.

Secondly I don't know if you remember or paid attention but recall when ybus were going to visit Philly for a couple of weeks?  You said that anyone could contact yanyone's one and you would be available 24/7 or something close to that? I was unable to get ahold of you for a month and a half. 

Third when you did return you started scheduling classes when at this time I was unable to accommodate your schedule, and remember this was something I brought up with you from beginning get go when we first met. i have two jobs and the security work is my bread and butter. they are very strict about attendance issues. That job was my key out of eight months of unemployment. The lack of responses and consideration for my schedule when I actually did perform to the class's expectations (ask your instructors for that time period, they were commending me) meant to me it didn't matter either way. So it's not like I neever tried to talk things out with you. You didn't make it a priority to return 98% of my calls/texts. 

As George said the issue at stake is your business ethics. It's not even about money overall. So..I wanted to lay that down before returning your phone call. Hopefully you have actually read this because I will be a man of my word any reaching out to you. 

Ted Daniels

Manitou Springs,
here we go

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 21, 2013

 First and foremost - George, I have no issues with you and I wish you the best.  Secondly, whomever this "student" may be.... Did you finish the certification course, did you make it to class?  I just don't hand out certifications.  I tell all of my students - if you run into an issue - contact me and we can make arrangements and I will even teach you one on one to accomodate your schedule.  Apparantly this never happened.  If you want a service - you pay for it.  If you can't - don't waste my time.  Make it to class like everyone else and attend the training.  Did you complete the training?  Do you feel that the training you received thus far should be free of charge?  It would have been much easier if you picked up the phone and spoke to me.  I have allowed numerous students to do a payment plan or pay as you go.  why do you feel that you should be certified if you stopped attending training?  Your slanderous statements and erronious tone make me wonder why you never contacted me to discuss this issue.  Do you need money for rent - a wrecked car - tickets because you had no insurance?  Contact me and I can work with you.  If I don't know your situation, I can't help however, you did not get certified because you are not paid up.  Kind of like college where you stop coming to class and don't pay your tuition - what happens there?  Doesn't seem so unfair to me.


George - never directly accussed you but know you knew who this person was.  No big deal - you have your own thing going and I truly do wish you the best.  I apologize that somebody who didn't have the intestinal fortitude to pick up the phone and call me drug you into this.  No hard feelings towards you.


Nothing in life is free and you get what you earn.  I'm sorry but the world is a tough place and someday you may realize this.  However, if you just picked up the phone and talked to me, I would have worked with you financially and worked with your schedule.  I've done it for numerous other people.  You chose to lie and slander.  That type of behavior is not what the industry needs and it certainly isn't how professionals act.


Again, you have taken time to post numerous things on here but still haven't contacted me?  Why?  Iresponded yesterday saying that if you think you have been wronged, contact me and I will make it right.  Since then you have posted several more times and my phone has still not rung.  This isn't an integrity issue on my end, its one on yours

George R. Reavis

Colorado Springs,
Defending accusations against competitor

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, September 21, 2013

I am George Reavis and it is time I chimed in on this issue. I would like to point out first that I was creating this response while these new comments were posted on 9/21/2013 but I still want to post my response to defend my name from the false assumptions and accusations that Ted has previously posted as I am the person he is referring to as "competition" and the first instructor he certified.

First of all, I have had nothing to do with these posts and/or their claims. They are a direct reflection of a former student of Ted Daniels who is very upset at the fact that he paid Ted for a service, to receive training and ultimately a certification, and he did not get what he paid for nor did he receive any explanation or refund. Clearly that is this original issue here.

The reason I am responding on this is because Ted has made several comments about me, without saying my name, trying to bring me in or accuse me of this. As I address below, I have also been recieving negative threatening text messages from Ted on this issue. Ted, you should know me well enough to know that I am a man and if I have a problem with anyone I will simply pick up the phone and contact them oand/or would meet in person to work any issues out if that's what's needed.

 Let me begin by responding to the accusations Ted Daniels had made in this thread.

Ted states: “Unfortunately, this person decided to go out and open their own business. They are now my competition and feel as though they feel the need to throw mud for their own profit.” “I feel betrayed because I trained this person and he decided to start his own company - great for him! Unfortunately, his business is not thriving, he is not licensed or insured.”

  • This is with your assumption that I had something to do with this report, which I noted above, I had nothing to do with it. Funny how you immediately assume it was me, again. Seems to me you may have a guilty conscience?? On our last meeting, when you showed up at my job, I thought I made it clear that our issues were worked out and we were both going our separate ways. We even shook hands on it. This is not the first time that you have to tried to accuse me of going behind your back and starting my own company. I would like to note that I established my company on December 16, 2012. (You can verify that on the Secretary of State's website if you'd like Ted: http://www.sos.state.co.us/biz/BusinessEntityCriteriaExt.do ) I did not meet you until April 4, 2013 (4 months after I registered my company) and on our first meeting I gave you one of my business cards, so you knew right then and there what my ultimate business goals were. Quit acting like you had no idea what my goals and plans are. Additionally, whether or not my business is thriving is of no concern to you. But for the record, I offer several different services but I choose to focus on the training aspect at this time. That is my passion and is what I truly enjoy doing.

  • I would also like to remind you that after you gave me my Instructor certification and we started going our separate ways, you gave me your blessing for me to start running my own classes. Remember that?

  • The unfortunate thing between us, is we had a potentially good thing going, but for some unknown reason you suddenly decided to stop contacting me and after several months of business planning and talks about doing this together, it all stopped. Sounds like you've been doing this with a few people. Not only did you ruin what may have been a good friendship, but you also lost a big resource for your company. You have very erratic behavior and it appears that you jump to assumptions and never directly face the person it involves or that you are falsely accusing.


“When in business and you run a legitimate organization with quality personnel you always make the competition shaky”

  • I am in no way shape or form “shaky” because of you or your business. In fact you wouldn't know anything about the security business if wasn't for me. I have been in the security field since 1999 in several states and you and I spent hours upon hours discussing the industry, how to start your own security business and other security topics. In fact I was the one who suggested you start a security company and not focus solely on the bodyguarding aspect. So please don't flatter yourself by thinking that I am in any way intimidated of you or your company.


“ i guess when i uphold standards and do things by the book, people don't always make the cut. i am not the everyone. gets a trophy. Kind of guy. “

  • I have an issue with this statement. If you accept money from people to provide them a service with the ultimate outcome being that they receive a bodyguard certificate or any other type certificate, then that's what the students should get. If at any point you identify that someone is not “cut out” or you no longer want to instruct them, then at that point you should advise them of this and refund at least a portion their money. That's the right thing to do. From one business owner to another, as you've heard me say many times, “What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong”. Because of your failure to do this or to have the business morals, one of your previous students is very upset and has gone to great lengths to put it out there.

Additionally, I find it intersting that you quoted “Lions should never concern themselves with the opinions of sheep". There have been many occasions where you cowardly contact me via text or email from my business website with some bogus ridiculous accusations. Every time this has happened, I pick up the phone and call you, cause I am a man and I am not afraid of a confrontation. For example: As soon as you sent me a weird accusatory text message yesterday, I replied via text message and when you didn't respond I called you as I had no idea what you were talking about. But, surprise surprise, you didn't answer. You then sent me another text message threatening to sue me. At that point I had to conduct my own investigation making several phone calls and web searches just to figure out what you were talking about. Once I figured it all out, I called you again, but surprisingly enough, you did not answer. The same thing happened when you sent me a childish email from my business website a while back. I called you to discuss, but yet again failed to answer or reply. So maybe the “lion” should look at himself in the mirror, he might find that he is in fact the sheep.

 In order to clear my name and to prove I am not the anonymous author of this thread, I give permission to Ripoff Report, or whomever else to provide Ted Daniel's any information or confirmation that this was not me. I am writing this response from my personal laptop and they may be able to match the IP addresses up.

Ted, maybe what you need to learn from this is stop conducting shady business practices and secondly not jump to assumptions, not falsely accuse people and threaten legal action without conducting YOUR OWN INVESTIGATION. That's what you were taught in the Police Academy, right? 

Ted Daniels

Manitou Springs,
If you have an issue - contact me

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 21, 2013

I don't know what else to say other than contact me.  I don't know how to remedy your situation if you do not contact me.  Your way of bringing up issues and slandering me and company without even giving me an opportunity to address your issue is just vindictive.   

Ted Daniels

Manitou Springs,
proven my point

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 21, 2013

now yet another story..... you know an instructor.... you have already been proven to be a liar.  i have no more time to entertain this.  everytime you post you claim to be or know somebody different.  i have yet to receive a call or email from you to correct your complaint?  whomever you will claim to be next.


Agreement Between Author & Owner

#15Author of original report

Sat, September 21, 2013

Lets consider a resolution to this case. You are looking for only one person Ted. It is not who you have been talking too already. And while I am not the only person to have issues with how you have run things in the past, it is both unnecessary and unfair to go after them. 

Threatening legal action is actually not going to have ANY affect on the SEO listing of this page. You can  read the site policy for yourself. It's permanent. This website has programs that can give you a positive rating and turn around your online reputation here. You could pay a couple thousand to the site by signing an agreement to deliver the outmost customer satisfaction to your clientele. Much more affordable than paying a lawyer and paying court costs. Think about it. 

Secondly you can refund me the deposit I paid you and I will bury the hatchet and say no more. I would not even be asking for the full amount I paid you for the course. This should spell out to you that I did not file this complaint soley to defame you and ruin your reputation. If that was the case my goal would be to run you into the ground and without regard for facts, the truth, or even refunds/apologies. Getting my money back is not even the most important thing to me.

Your most expensive option would be to go through with an attorney. You will end up paying x costs and the $2000 to have this complaint turned into a positive rating for you. 

I am actually saving you money through my suggestions. So you can make the decision.





#16Author of original report

Sat, September 21, 2013

Ted, if you go actually go back and read what was originally posted you would see that I NEVER claimed to be an instructor or that I am someone besides the author of the post. 

I said that I know of one of your former instructors, and he informed me of how you dealt with him while he did business with you. 

I stated I was a student of your training course. Never an instructor, and never anyone aside from the author of the post.

What you just mentioned brings up food for thought though: If these sites are not reputable, why are you so bothered by the complaint listed here? You should be able to just brush it off. You have not and it's clearly affecting you in a very negative manner. Let's not beat around the bush here.

If what you are saying is true, why are you so obssessed with bragging rights? Why do you insist on calling yourself "one of the best" agencies when you just got started? You've been in Colorado for how long? Seems a bit much to get going like that and to post those sort of things about you like they have to stand out in every ad you have in circulation. 


Ted Daniels

Manitou Springs,
conflicting stories

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 21, 2013

 The writer of this report is a liar.  First he posted that he was an instructor of mine.  then he posted that he was a student of mine, then he posted that he spoke with the person who wrote the initial report.  Yet all of the reports come up under the same author.  How is this so?  This entire report is a lie and a scam from the initial author.  Anybody who takes the time to read all of the comments will see this. 

Unfortunately again, sites like this do not fact check and people can come on as an "author" and claim to be several people under the same name.  How can you post under the same author if you spoke with the initial author on the phone.  Caught in the web of deceit and lies.

When in business and you run a legitimate organization with quality personnel you always make the competiton shaky.  I do not resort to these tactics of lying and pretending to be somebody I'm not.  I do not bash other businesses for my own gain.  Unfortunately, others do.  Read the posts and decide for yourself.  My reputation, work ethic, training, experience, credentials and satisfied clients speak for themselves.

The lie trail -  "I was an instructor who was only paid $100 for 24 hours work", " I was a student who I took their money and did not give them a certification",  " I spoke with the person who filed the initial post"

Which one is it because all the posts come under the same author?  It really is a shame that the competition goes to such a low level to slander. 

Please read all posts - the lies and inconsistencies will jump out at you like they did at me.

Ted Daniels

Manitou Springs,

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, September 21, 2013

 as you can see, my name is posted at the end of my reply. i have nothing to hide. If there is an issue of any kind, i will fix the situation. i am a bit confused, first you were a student, then an instructor? Which one is it? All students who completed & attended training received certifications. again the validity of your posts carry no merit since there is no name attached. my reputation speaks for itself and your stories are conflicting. if you feel you have been done wrong in any way, contact me & i will make it right. you have my contact. don't hide behind screen names. The sad part about sites like this is that anybody can can come on and write whatever they like wheth,er it is true or not. i guess when i uphold standards and do things by the book, people don't always make the cut. i am not the "everyone. gets a trophy. " Kind of guy. again i am not afraid or ashamef to post my identity. i cannot help you if i don't know what the issue is? I feel your malicious. intent here is obvious . my integrity is not in question.... yours is.



#19Author of original report

Sat, September 21, 2013

 If you read the report through you will see that I describe myself as being a student to your course. I know some of your former instructors and that is how I know about their circumstances.

Okay, secondily: My intent here is to inform the public of what to me is clearly a disservice on many different fronts. A disservice because I did pay the majority that was owed to you and your management of the course was very secretive and without any sort of disclosure as to the status of the class and where it was I stood in the midst of things. I did however manage to find out from one of your former instructors you had plans to "drop" me, and even they have absolutely no clue as to why you decided to take me off the roster, and you had no intentions of ever informing me of this personally. 

I found out that you began shifting things between different people and your line of communication became very sporadic and your actions and words/statements were not all that well aligned, you might even say where you said one thing and did another.

Now, the biggest problem was that all of that Ted was that it was in essence by all accounts taking advantage of my good graces and my motivation in wanting to help grow your business because of my initial impressions of you. I gave you plenty of leeway up to the point I started finding out that you were going to do away with me and not even provide a reason why.

I have ZERO CERTIFICATIONS from you. I have absolutely nothing from you for anything. So there are three things at play here: 1) I paid you the majority of the money owed to you, 2) I did perform and to the best of my knowledge adhere to course protocol and whatever it was that was expected in some instances compartively better to your other "students" you didn't even want in your course, and 3) Not only have I not received jack from you or anyone else representing your business, you never intended to contact me about whatever issues you might have been having with me.

Ted, I'm going to ask you straight up aside from what can be read here in public eye view, wasn't it your policy (according to you) that when you dropped someone and so on and so forth you REFUNDED THEIR MONEY? I keenly remember you telling me about those kind of scenarios. No one else I've talked too seems to have ever mentioned those kind of details, but they have mentioned other things you've glossed over with me about. 

Without communicating in any sort of way and having other people teach the overwhelming majority of "your" courses plus taking my money and not ceritifying me for anything and then having me dropped for no known reason = Scam & theft

Unless you somehow could spin or explain this in a different way that would actually make sense?

There is no "mallicious intent" here. I would only resort to using this website if I was more than certain that there was something sketchy admist and it might do the same sort of damage to individuals and their businesses that I experienced. That's all really. You know, in order to file for defamation you have to have knowingly false statements as part of your claim to your recovery. I will have you know right here and now that most of what I've posted if not everything I've posted is to the best of my knowledge is completely true. I have no intentions whatsoever of publishing anything about you I couldn't state had a factual basis or at least a reasonable inference of such at worst. 

The posted complaint here is a permanent record of the site. I'm afraid no course of legal action is going to change that. Read the site policy on this. However Ted, I know for myself and perhaps for others that if you are interested in making amends then I would in whatever way possible bury the hatchet. You can count on me for that. Plus, if your reputation and integrity are not at stake here, then making amends or correcting the situation should be relatively painless. As far as I'm concerned I would need some sort of assurance to know that you would be willing to work this out.

I refuse to release my identity to you because we have a trust discrepancy here, and until I know that you will resolve this issue and that we can move forward, I will actively remain anoynmous for as long as I possibly can. Those are the meat and potatoes of this complaint. Not complicated.



#20Author of original report

Sat, September 21, 2013

By the way, I want to make it clear that the person who did write this report is not who Mr. Daniels supposes. I just spoke with the individual on the phone and in knowing this person personally I wanted to make a disclaimer that said individual would have resorted to calling Ted on the phone personally.

I was cheated out of one your courses because I did not receive any certifications from you when I took your course. I am one of those people that never received notifications from you and had to jump through hoops just to get answers, and not very good ones either. You took my money and did absolutely nothing to ensure I was taken care of. 

This website is a portal specifically designed to handle these situations. Not only was I a trainee but I was a CONSUMER of your product. This website is a tool to protect my capability to tell my unfortunate circumstances with you and how I wasted my time and it ended up nowhere. 

Much of what has been relayed to me by others is true in my circumstances as well. And as you can imagine, I'm about as unhappy as you are right now if not more so. 

These posts are property of the website. So take it up with them. You won't get very far though. 


A Closing Note

#21Author of original report

Fri, September 20, 2013

Okay Ted, I'm going to do you a favor and spell this out for you once and for all:

Your approach to the industry damages the credibility of professionals. Because I believe every professional would at least let their students or trainees know ahead of time they weren't making the cut. Not tuck tail and run off with their money and not inform of anything. 

This isn't a PR move for any specific competitor. As I disclosed at the very bottom there are dozens of places people can go visit and see as alternatives. I look at what your company amounts too and what you've advertised and it's a joke. Very sloppy. 

Don't worry about who the individual author is that decided to make you known to the worldwide web as a scam. That's the least of your worries. You didn't screw over just one person but several all at once. You should be worried about how that could possibly affect your reputation. That's mostly a matter up to you by now. You could do the right thing by providing refunds to the people you stole from essentially. That is, by giving them some scraps from under the table and then jerking what rest was owed to you without giving them the full admission of content as initially promised. And more importantly like an extremely shady and dishonest person would do, not have anything to say to their face about it. Just leave them to keep guessing if they are sti

You are a new company that states that you are the best in town? On what grounds does anyone have to take that on face value? To invest that sort of confidence in what you have to say?

What you are saying right now is because of your "experiences" you get to come on in and become the big bad boy on the block with all of the resources. Except..it wouldn't take very long for people to realize that the biggest thing you have to provide is allot of talk. 

I certainly don't want others to buy into a service that doesn't function adequately and comes from questionable places. It's not right for more people who are passionate about protection to become involved in more of your courses without getting the full package you promised to deliver and or a notification from you detailing specific reasons why you wouldn't certify such and such. 

So this is all pretty much a huge deal for you Ted. This is essentially YOUR PROBLEM. You made your bed and now you can sleep in it. Thank you and have a nice day. 

Ted Daniels

Manitou Springs,

#22REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 20, 2013

 I am Ted Daniels and I am the owner of Blue Line Protection Group LLC.  I know the person who wrote the vindictive report.  Unfortunately, this person decided to go out and open their own business. They are now my competition and feel as though they feel the need to throw mud for their own profit.  I will not stoop to that level.  I will show anybody my credentials and experience in the field.

I feel betrayed because I trained this person and he decided to start his own company - great for him!  Unfortunately, his business is not thriving, he is not licensed or insured.  I could mention the company but choose not to.

If you want the best - demand the best ask my employees or my clients.  Even ask me - I can can show you EVERYTHING in writing.  "Lions should never concern themselves with the opinions of sheep"


Of course...

#23Author of original report

Fri, September 20, 2013

Hello Ted, it's no surprise you were going to show up at some point.

It's really none of your concern as to who specifically is behind the authorship of this report. I put it up here because a lot of people got screwed over by you and what have you done to help each person on the individual level? NOTHING.

For that you more than deserve to be on this website. And even in your response you come up with some weak non-rebutting reply that doesn't even address what's been brought to the table initially. Very weak. Why would someone go to your company ask you or any of your employees about YOUR quality of work?

Why would I go to YOUR CLIENTS? How do I know they are actually "clients" in the traditional sense? I put enough trust in you that my money was going to go as far as it could with where you said it would get me. You don't provide solid reasons as to why you don't want anything more to do with people, YOU JUST LET THEM VANISH OUT OF THIN AIR. You screwed up with that trust factor big time Ted. And I am not just one person that sees that for what it is.

In fact, you have a number of people who are on to your game. So if you have an honest bone in your body, you'll stop leading people by the nose and playing games. Really. 

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