  • Report:  #196282

Complaint Review: Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) Detectives Chris Copeland (Badge No. 10188) Detective Eric Hendel (B - Pompano Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Pompano Beach, Florida,

Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) Detectives Chris Copeland (Badge No. 10188) Detective Eric Hendel (B
100 Southwest 3rd Street Pompano Beach, 33060 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Complaint Against Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) Detectives Chris Copeland (Badge No. 10188), Detective Eric Hendel (Badge No. 9457), Michael Lott (Badge No. 5933); Sergeants Sudman (Badge No. 5254) A For Creating and Generating False Police Reports, For False Arrest, For False Imprisonment, For Violation of Civil and Human Rights, For Burglary (Breaking and Entry), For Vandalism, For Theft, For Police Conspiracy with a Criminal Family (the Lumsdens), For Robbery, for Breach of Police Duties, for Excessive Abuse of Authority, For Harassment, For Badgering, For Defamation of Character, For Makin Pompano Beach Florida

At all times the Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) of Broward County, Florida, completely disregards, dismiss, and discards any and all of my written complaints against their police officers. By doing so, BSO encourages the officers to continue violating my civil and human rights; and BSO encourages the officers to continue committing hideous and gross, criminal and tortuous acts against me. BSO absolutely refuses to hold the officers accountable for their unlawful, abusive actions and statements, their excessive and habitual abuse of authority, and their habitual and excessive breach of police duties.

On July 3, 2005, at about 2 a.m., a group of people were riding up NW 5th Avenue (bka Short 5th) toward NW 6 Street. The Lumsden, a well-known, infamous criminal family, and their hoodlum cohorts provoked a physical altercation with the people in the car by saying, ?Do not ride up our street like that.? The people paused to see who said that. They told the Lumsdens, ?Hey, this is not your street. We could ride up the street however we feel like it.? Suddenly, the Lumsdens began to throw bottles and other objects at the people's car. Then the Lumsdens proceeded to bash up the people's car by taking flower pots and pipes out of neighbors' yards, busting up the people's car windows. And they kicked out the people's car windows with their feet also. They totaled the entire car. Their was very young baby in the back seat of the car the Lumsdens destroyed. The flower pot thrown by Steve (last name unknown), one of the Lumsden's thug cohorts, as well as the shattered glass, badly injured the very young baby, putting the baby in critical condition, near dead with a busted head. The baby was taken to the hospital and admitted into the intensive care unit.

The Lumsdens are a notorious, dangerous criminal family known for drug dealing and trafficking, murder, causing riots. Detective Roberta Ditulio told me that the Lumsdens are the cause of a lot of drive-by shootings that BSO has responded to. Detective Ditulio informed me that the Lumsdens like to stay local and not travel too far. They know how to work around the criminal system and get a lot of people to do their dirty work for them and always bring people down with them. The Lumsdens are notorious for writing bad checks, grand larceny, arson, mugging, strong arm robbery, burglary, vandalizing homes and city property, assault and aggravated battery, terrorizing town citizens, battering and seriously injuring pregnant women, manipulating the criminal system and Broward Sheriff?s Officers in order to get their way and in order to avoid prosecution, to avoid imprisonment, and to avoid any consequences for their criminal actions and their criminal actions against citizens. They control a lot of people whom they get to do a lot of their dirty work for them. They always bring people down (send them up to jail and prison) who do their work for them. They hire crack addicts to mow their lawns and give them a piece of rock for payment. Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) and officers are well aware of the Lumsden's criminal activities and behavior and at all times show their approval toward them. BSO will incarcerate an innocent citizen or victim of the Lumsdens in order to stay on the Lumsdens' good side. The Lumsdens habitually fight people by jumping them. They never fight any one person alone or one on one. And they will not fight Nette alone. They always try to find ways to jump Nette. Or they try to pretend to make friends with Nette so they can set her up to jump her. They travel in packs and have a lot of enemies. They greatly fear going too far from their main territory on Short 5th. If any one of them goes to the store at the corner of the street, the other Lumsdens get worried and begin to look for the one who went to the store. They cannot set foot into Collier City, Florida, at all. There are too many people there who want all their heads.

I have received information from a former BSO police officer whose name must be kept confidential that most of the duties that BSO officers breach or refuse to perform, especially against the Lumsdens and associates, is because they have a variety of deals with the Lumsdens. BSO police officers allow the Lumsdens to deal drugs. BSO officers are afraid of the Lumsdens and are incompetent to handle them. The Lumsdens are paying them off. The police do not want to stop the Lumsdens and their felonious actions because they are jointly engaging in similar or the same criminal acts. Every police officer knows that he faces several risks when he joins the police force. Fear and engaging in criminal activity with a criminal family is not an excuse for not apprehending and imprisoning the criminals and putting a total stop to them.

Some of the Lumsdens and gangster cohorts who totaled the victim's car and seriously injured the very young baby include Steve (Sheena's boyfriend) Nik-Nik, Jessica, Kabria Lumsden, Marcus (bka J-31), Brown. The Lumsdens live at 830 NW 5th Avenue in Pompano Beach, Florida.

Lorenzo Jackson (bka Zo) called the police immediately after the Lumsdens destroyed their victim's car and put the baby in intensive care unit. Witnesses to the Lumsden's crime against the citizens in the car on July 4, 2005, include Lorenzo Jackson, Micky Jackson. Ebony (Yasha) Fredrick, Meisha (Ebony's sister) Fredrick, Eugene Massey, Althea Simon Thompson, Besfantanette T. Robinson (bka Nette), David A. Wright.

Broward Sheriff's Officers (BSO) (police) were called. One of the police officers who arrived at the scene was police officer Deputy Donald Broughton (Badge No. 11679). Broughton and his partners refused to arrest and incarcerate the Lumsdens and click, despite the witnesses' testimony and the evidence of the totally destroyed car and the seriously injured young baby. BSO police officers allowed the Lumsdens to escape in a Dodge Durango SUV. Immediately after Broward Sheriff's Officers came on the scene to take the incident report and then left, Brown, one of the females who kicked out one of the car windows complained ?Somebody said my name? (referring to Meisha Fredrick). The Lumsdens and goon cohorts immediately crossed over to the other side of the street at 851and 861 NW 5th Avenue and immediately proceeded to attack Lorenzo Jackson, Micky Jackson, Ebony and Meisha Fredrick, Eugene Massey, Althea Thompson, Besfantanette Robinson (Nette). Kabria Lumsden swung a pipe to hit Meisha for testifying. Nette immediately grabbed the pipe and caused Kabria to miss Meisha's head. Nette took the pipe from Kabria and slung the pipe away. Sheena, Kabria, and one other Lumsden female gorilla cohort jumped Nette for protecting Meisha. Nette was forced to fight all three of them off. Micky said, ?Oh my God.? and she and Simon ran in the house. Brown attacked Meisha and they fought. And Yasha fought. J-31 and three Lumsden hoodlum cohorts grabbed at Lorenzo Jackson (Zo) and Eugene Massey. Zo and Eugene took off and ran down the street. Zo turned around when he saw Yasha left behind. He tried to get everyone in the house. Steve blocked Zo?s apartment door in order to keep everyone in so that no one could help Nette, a main witness to the aggravated battery that Steve and the Lumsdens committed against the baby and the people in the car. Steven blocked everyone in Zo and Micky's house so that he and the Lumsdens could finish killing Nette. David tried to get Nette into the house. Steve grabbed Nette by the hair and said, ?Come here, h*o, you ain?t goin? no where.? Steve dragged Nette to the ground. Then Kabria, Sheena, Brown, J-31, Steve, and the rest of the Lumsdens and thug cohorts violently kicked Nette and beat her with pipes while she was on the ground. They stole her phone and robbed her of her SSI money. It is a federal offense to rob anyone of their government check. Worse of all, they caused Nette to lose her baby. She was pregnant at the time. Nette was bleeding internally from the uterus and cervix for several days as a result of the miscarriage that the Lumsdens caused her by their beating her half to death. The Lumsdens and gangster cohorts committed a felony by beating up Nette who was pregnant and by putting a young baby in the hospital intensive care unit.

David ran in the house to get me, his mother, and told me they were all jumping Nette. I had already heard screaming and thumping outside but did not know what caused the noise. When I rushed outside, I beheld about 15 Lumsdens, Steve, and other gorilla cohorts kicking my daughter Nette and beating her with pipes while she was on the ground.

The police (Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) were called again. They refused and failed to arrest and incarcerate the Lumsdens and associates despite the witnesses' testimonies and despite the evidence of injuries the police saw.

Detectives Chris Copeland (Badge No. 10188) is notorious for racial profiling, habitual lying, extreme retaliatory tactics, entrapping people, framing people, and violating citizens' federal and human rights, falsifying police reports, planting evidence on people, setting people up, making false arrests and causing false imprisonment. Detective Copeland was assigned to the burglary part of the case because Nette and Lorenzo Jackson were robbed. Detective Michael Lott was assigned to the aggravated battery part of the case because the Lumsdens and associates committed aggravated battery and several injuries. Detectives Copeland and Lott have breached their duties and have avoided the case all together, have taken no action on the case, and have deliberately failed to and refused to arrest and imprison any of the Lumsdens and associates for robbing, battering, and injuring Nette and her baby and for injuring that young baby that was in the car. They have avoided all our telephone calls about the felony cases. Sergeant Sudman (Badge No. 5254), who is their superior, allows any and all of the BSO detectives to do or to refuse to do about their assigned cases whatsoever they will or will not. At all times Sergeant Sudman fails to and refuses to hold the detectives accountable for their actions and for their failure and refusal to act.

Detective Eric Hendel and Sergeant Sudman are notorious in the same manner as Copeland: for racial profiling, habitual lying, extreme retaliatory tactics, entrapping people, framing people, and violating citizens' federal and human rights, falsifying police reports, planting evidence on people, setting people up, making false arrests and causing false imprisonment.

Approximately a week and a half later Kabria Lumsden waltzed across the street when she saw me and Zo talking and Yasha was outside also. Kabria made small talk with Zo, trying to figure out where our minds were. I told Zo to be careful of Kabria Lumsden and family and that she is up to no good. I advised him to tell her to go back across the street to her house and not to come over there. Zo ignored and disregarded my advice and Yasha did the same when Kabria picked her mind and made small talk with her. I informed Zo and Yasha (Zo's girlfriend and children's mother) that they do not know the Lumsdens like my children and I do and that they can get hurt again, maybe killed for sure next time, if they mingle with them. I reminded them both that the Lumsdens had just beat them all up and tried to kill them all for witnessing to the police against the Lumsdens aggravated battery on that young baby and the people in the car with the baby. Zo and Yasha continued not to heed my warning. The next day Kabria and another came across the street and pretended to befriend Zo and Yasha and to make small talk with them to try to see where there heads were. Next Sheena and more Lumsdens and goon cohorts repeatedly crossed over to Zo's, Yasha's and my side of the street over the course of a month. My son David and daughter Nette warned Zo's entire household to be careful of the Lumsdens and to not have them on our side of the street. There could be more harmful trouble. Micky (Zo's sister) refused to heed our warning also. The next thing we knew, the Lumsdens had taken over Micky's household and were running in and out at will, using Micky's shower and every part of her house.

The Lumsdens gradually turned Zo's entire household against Nette, David, and me. The Lumsdens caused Zo, Micky, Yahsha, and the rest of the house hold to forget who their true friends were, us. Out of fear, Zo, Micky, Yasha (Ebony), Meisha, C. J. Massey (Eugene's brother), Micky, Simon, all the Jackson household, turned away from my children and me, and resented us deeply, feeling they had to make a choice between the Lumsdens, whom they feared and who tried to kill them, and us, who were always there for the Jacksons and helped them anytime they needed. At the time of Hurricane Wilma, Nette took money from her small monthly check and gave it to Yasha for her baby Damarcus (Dae-dae). Nette has been there many times for Yasha when she needed. I gave Yasha the job of doing my hairs just to help her and Zo and her children. My daughter does hair and I did not have to help Yasha by allowing her to do my hair and paying her out of the goodness of my hear. For more than 25 years I have owned and kept two professional cast iron metal safes. I kept money in the safes for my youth ministry and for emergency so that I could give to those in need. I have gone into the metal safes and have given Zo money when he needed it in order to help him and his child Dae-dae.

Marcus Lumsden (bka Gooney) came back on the scene a couple of months after the big brawl between the Jacksons and them. Marcus had been incarcerated briefly for strong arm robbery. Marcus has forced Zo to be his punk and flunky and has forced Zo to team up with him to do whatsoever he demands. Zo is way too chicken to stand up to Gooney and to resist his unlawful commands and demands.

The Lumsdens began to cross the street daily and cahoots with the Jacksons in order to try to provoke more and more enmity between my children and me and the Jacksons and them. The Lumsdens threatened my children and me daily and the Jacksons went along with whatsoever they did out of fear and having no back bone.

About July 7, 2005, Simon joined my son David's and my youth ministry as a fundraiser and a dancer and dance choreographer. Soon after Simon had met my son David and me, he began pouring his heart out and divulging his feelings against Cora Amerson and Greg and his horrifying experiences with Cora Amerson (his aunt and legal guardian. His mother is deceased) and Greg. He told David and me that Cora and Greg often make him strip all of his clothes off in order to badly beat him. He would suffer physical pain for weeks as of a result of their treacherous beatings. He often told me that he does not like his auntie (Cora) and that he wants nothing to do with her. He often admitted that he was intensely, immensely afraid of her. He complained to David and me about how Cora daily calls him a ?b__ch.? Simon complained to me that Cora gets a government check for him, a death benefit from his deceased mother, but that Cora does not use it to take care of him at all. He told me often that he was always hungry. About the middle of June 2005 Cora had dumped Simon and her other two children Carla and CJ off on Micky Jackson and then disappeared. She never came around to see Simon (her nephew) or them at all or to take care of him or to see about whatever they needed. Often Simon came to me about being hungry and asked me to give him something to heat. I had to feed Simon and hated to see him go hungry all the time. Simon often begged to spend the night at my apartment so that he would not have to sleep on the floor in Micky's apartment where his aunt Cora had dumped him. He had no bed to sleep in and no bedroom and slept on the bare floor every night. Simon sometimes smelled badly and often had dirty clothes or no clothes to wear. Whenever he saw me going to the laundry room, he would ask me if he could come along to wash his clothes. He had no money to wash his clothes of course and so I often washed his clothes and whenever I could, I bought him something to wear. Simon complained that Cora insults him every moment she gets: Such as whenever Cora and her children Carla, CJ, and Eugene are having a family discussion, each person would talk. But then whenever Simon would talk, Cora would intimidate him and say, ?Simon, ?b__ch? why you got to say such a stupid ?M.F.ing? thing.? Cora uses extreme scare tactics and excessive force to beat Simon and to put extreme fear in him. Cora has Simon so spooked that she can make him do just about anything she wants, even risk his own life and safety. Simon is so fearful and petrified of Cora that he is afraid to tell the authorities (police and department of children and families) about Cora's daily, habitual, years of severely abusing him. So he merely continues to tell others about how cruelly and abusively she treats him. Simon told David and me that Cora owes his grandmother a lot of money, $8,000. Simon complained about how sad and miserable he was, being in Cora's custody and often asked me to take custody of him Yet, he often stated how scared he was to start any custody proceedings. He said, ?I take a lot of whippings.? He told me that if Cora and Greg find out that he asked me to get custody of him, they will beat him.

On or about July 12, 2005, Simon presumptuously went into my bedroom without my permission and after I had left the room. He stole my cell phone from my bed. He jumped into the car with me to go to Saxon Wall neighborhood community store. He was acting extremely hyper that day, snickering, grinning, and laughing and by the time we had returned back to my apartment where my son was waiting for us, Simon had lost my cell phone at Saxon wall. But I did not discover that it was lost until later that day when I asked him for it. Someone had finally found the phone and began using it and refused to return the phone to me, despite messages that I had left. Micky and Eugene had discovered that I was using a different phone and questioned me as to what had happened to the other phone. Somehow they figured out that Simon had something to do with my phone being stolen and lost without my even telling them, which I did not want to tell them but they knew Simon that well. Simon got into trouble that evening and received the beating of his life from Greg.

On August 27, 2005, Simon begged and pressured me to buy him a cell phone. He said he needed it to use in case of emergency and for other conveniences. Although I had helped Simon often, I did tell him he would have to repay me the money for the cell phone, which was $104, plus the cell phone protective case, which was $15. He agreed to pay me weekly through the money he earned through fundraising for the youth ministry. Gradually, Simon stopped coming to work with the fundraising team and did not keep our agreement. He made every excuse as to why he could not repay me for the cell phone. But I continued to remind him of our agreement and of his responsibility to repay me for the cell phone and that I did not have that much money to spare or to give him.

On Tuesday, September 13, 2005, Simon called me from way across town, whining and telling me that he cell phone got stolen out of his book bag at school.. He made me leave the other fundraising team members before I got a chance to finish training his grandmother who had joined us as a supervisor. Simon put me to the trouble of going to the police station to report the cell phone stolen. Somehow I had doubt in my mind about Simon's phone being stolen. But I drove him to the police station anyway to report it. Detective Chris Copeland was assigned to the case to investigate and to retrieve the phone if possible. Simon and I that night got into an argument over the phone. He was extremely gross and disrespectful, saying words that a child has no business saying to an adult, nearly three-times his age, an adult who has helped him and been nothing but nice to him and motherly to him. Micky Jackson, who likes trouble and is fearful of Cora and will do all that she can to appease Cora, called Cora and told her about Simon's and my confrontation. Micky told Cora that I slapped Simon. She intimidated and forced Simon to get on the phone and to say the same just to get me into a confrontation with his aunt Cora. Approximately one-half hour later, Cora and Greg busted into my apartment while I was resting and on my way to sleep. Cora (who is hardly ever seen after she dumped Simon nor even interested in him) began violently cursing at me, threatening to bodily harm me and attempting to fight me. Greg was there to back her up to make sure I lost the fight if I had defended myself. Cora told me ?you put your hands on my child. I will ?F? you up. I will blow this ?M.F.er? up. I told both of them to get out of my bedroom and out of my house. I picked up the phone and called 911. Officer Freiburger responded to the call. Cora and Greg then moved in the living room. I put the phone down. Officer Freiburger knocked on the door and politely asked me if I was alright. He was sweet to tell me ?I'll take care of you. You know I will.? Officer Freiburger has been helpful to me and given a listen ear to me in some past situations. I let Officer Freiburger go that evening and told him someone was threatening me. Cora was really quiet while he was standing there. I finally let the officer leave. When Cora was screaming at me I told her ?hold on there. Do you know that you are about to beat me up for a child who don't even like you. As a matter of fact he hates you and wants to get as far away from you as possible.? While Simon was standing there, I asked him why did he call Cora over to my house. I was very hurt about that. Greg screams out, ?What's this I hear about you taking him around everywhere with you.? Cora screams out ?I hear you like him.? Then they both asked Simon ?Did she touch you?? Simon told them ?No.? I asked them what are they talking about: That I like him and did I touch him?? I told Cora just how Simon feels about her and Greg, that he lives in constant fear, is miserable and under tension at all times, suffers extreme daily abuse and neglect from her. How he told me she and Greg beat him all the time and she calls him a ?b__ch,? has $7,000 from his dead mother, money she is not using to take care of him, how she owes her mother $8,000, that he asked me to take custody of him as immediately as possible. He told me that it disturbs him that she and Greg are just living together and not married and that he does not understand how she can discipline him and not set an example in front of him. He told me how she curses all the time. Cora's mother told me that I should have had a pistol and blown her away when she busted into my bedroom to beat me up. Cora claimed she does not call Simon a ?b__ch,? yet my son has heard Cora call Simon a ?b__ch? and her mother told me that Cora habitually calls Simon a ?b__ch.? I told Cora and Greg that Simon has great dancing talent and that the youth ministry could put him on the map, send him traveling, help him achieve his aspirations in dancing, even fame, using his talent for God. Cora eyed me with such envy and flatly yelled ?No!?

Cora ordered me to stay away from Simon and that he is to stay away from me and that he is not to participate in the youth ministry or to go to church any more. Imagine a parent ordering I child not to participate in any Christian activities or environments. After all, being in a Christian, wholesome environment can only improve his life and his character.

On about Thursday, September 15, 2005, Zo and Yasha reported to me that they saw Simon with his cell phone. He kept taking it in and out of his pocket. Zo told me that he knows that Simon never lost his phone and that he lied in order to get out of paying me for the phone.

On or about Sunday, September 18, 2005, I called Simon's phone that Sunday and left a voice message letting him know that I know that he lied and that he still has his cell phone and that I expect him to pay me for the phone. I notified Cora by phone that Simon lied about the phone. She was extremely vicious toward me on the phone and hung up in my face.

On or about Monday, September 19, 2005, I notified Detective Copeland that I found out that Simon made a false police report about his phone being stolen and that he lied about the stolen cell phone. Detective Copeland asked me had Simon ever been arrested before. I told him I did not know. Copeland came over to Micky's apartment immediately and confronted Simon about the crime of making a false police report for the phone which was never stolen. But he failed to arrest and incarcerate Simon. Copeland was arrogant to tell me that he will do nothing about my phone being stolen either, the one that Simon had stolen from my bedroom. Copeland refused to put my phone in the system as stolen.

About October 1, 2005, and during the time of Hurricane Wilma, Cora and Greg moved into Mickey's apartment and had overcrowded it. She and Greg gave up their apartment in Crest Haven and moved in with Micky in order to vex, to spy, to harass, to disturb, and to terrorize me and to seek opportunity to assault and batter me and in order to take advantage of Micky, knowing that Micky was scared to say anything to them.

On Thursday, November 10, 2006, Micky Jackson, the lessee renter of the apartment at 861 NW 5th Avenue, Apartment One, across from my apartment, received a seven-day Eviction Notice from the Landlord. All the neighbors in the apartment complex had complained about Micky Jackson (the apartment lessee) Cora Amerson (the aunt of Althea Thompson (Simon), along with the Lumsdens who had created way too much disturbance and terrible public nuisance in the apartment complex. Cora Amerson had dumped her three children on Micky Jackson and had dumped them into her apartment. Cora habitually blocked the walk way so that neighbors could not pass by. Cora often had the table out in to apartment walk way, playing cards and dominos. Cora sat outside drinking and cursing. Cora had crowded Micky?s apartment with 12 to 14 people and 3 pit bulls. Cora made her nephew Simon sleep on the floor in Micky's apartment. Cora and her boyfriend Greg had given up their apartment in October 2005 had and moved in with Micky Jackson and family in order to stalk me, to terrorize me, and to fight me and at the same time, taking advantage of Micky who is extremely afraid of Cora and afraid to say anything to her or to stand up to her. The rest of the neighbors complained to the landlord about Micky and household. I had previously complained about Cora and told the Landlord to never rent Cora and Greg an apartment and that they are over their seeking opportunity to physically attack me and to terrorize me and to make my life a living hell. Cora hates me because of all the things Simon has told me about her and because he likes me and hates her and Greg and wants to get as far away from her as he possible can. I told the landlord how Cora and her boyfriend Greg busted into my apartment on September 13, 2005, with intent to bodily harm me, how she blocks all the parking spaces so that I have nowhere to park, and how she severely cursed me that night of Tuesday, September 13, using the ?F? word excessively, how Cora is taking advantage of Micky, who is afraid of her, how Cora is crowding that two bedroom apartment with about 14 people and 3 pit bulls and has fixed herself there in order to harass and to terrorize and to fight me.

That same day Micky had received the eviction notice, she and Yasha barged into my house without knocking and then came into my bedroom and disrespectfully argued at me and falsely accused me of trying to get them evicted. I explained to them that I have never tried to get them evicted, but that I did try to get Cora removed since she was a threat to me and my right to live in my apartment with peace of mind and tranquility. Micky and Yasha refused to hear what I said but walked out, throwing tantrums. I followed the outside to try to reason with them, but Micky had an extremely violent outburst of cursing and so did Yasha. Kabria Lumsden saw and heard the noise and the scene and came across the street to join the scene and to provoke a riot between Micky, Yasha, Zo, and herself. Zo joined them in the dispute and made hateful eyes and facial expressions toward me. Later that evening, Cora and Meisha and CJ joined them all in an effort to create a riot between them and me and my daughter Nette. I refused to participate in their primitive, jungle talk/argument and behaviors. Shirley Anderson was present also and told them to leave me alone. But they refused. I finally drove Shirley and Nette home. Cora and Yasha threw a bottle at my car as I drove off. By the time I had returned home around 10 p.m. that evening, I was awed at the site of my apartment. Yasha, Cora, Micky, and Meisha had broken my living room window by throwing their toaster threw the window. Glass was all over the living room floor near the window and in my son's bed and had cut him when he lay down to go to sleep. I immediately notified Charles the landlord who had the window boarded up within a few days. Fortunately, I had called the police before I had even approached my apartment to return to it that evening of the argument scene. I had them escort me to my apartment. Officer Jeremy Grant approached my apartment with my son David and me. He saw the window broken. Cora and the rest were really quiet in the house. Officer Grant knocked on the door, along with some back up partners. Cora answered the door and saw it was the police and then quickly shut the door in their faces. One of the officers leaned over and opened the door and then shined the light into Cora's face and screamed and yelled at them all in Mickey's apartment. Grant filled out a police report but refused to arrest and incarcerate anyone in Mickey's apartment for vandalizing my apartment by breaking the living room window. Grant refused to present the incident to the state attorney for prosecution of the culprits. Micky does not have the guts to stand up to Cora, who is the real cause of Micky's getting evicted. Even Yasha admitted to me on a previous occasion that Micky is afraid to say anything to Cora and that Yasha does not know why Micky is so afraid of Cora.

On Friday, November 11, 2005, Kabria Lumsden and Yasha Fredrick called Nette early in the morning around 7 a.m., antagonized Nette on the phone and threatened that they would both soon come around there to Nette's apartment and kill her.

On Monday, November 14, 2005, I took Nette straight down town to the courthouse to get a restraining order (injunction) against Yasha.

On Tuesday, November 22, 2006, I was forced to place an injunction (restraining order) against Kabria Lumsden. She habitually came on my premises to stalk, to harass, and to threaten my daughter Nette, my son David, and me. She and her family often threatened Nette that they would bodily harm her at any time she came on Short 5th to visit her mother. Kabria would not allow my son David or me to go and come from our apartment house in peace, but would make threatening, disrespectful comments to David and me, often harassed, badgered, and picked at David anytime he walked up the street to the store or to visit friends. Kabria caused Micky Jackson and Yasha Fredrick to do the same along with her. Approximately three days prior to November 22, I was rushing to church and was late. Kabria asked Micky, ?Why is she walking so fast?? Then Kabria said, I bet you if I jump on her back, that will slow her down.?

On Thursday, December 1, 2005, Kabria Lumsden was arrested and incarcerated for violating the restraining order I had against her. She was found by Officer Bader in Micky's apartment where the court ordered her not to go. Micky's apartment was too close to mine and was well within 500 feet of my apartment. Kabria was arrested by Officer Bader and taken to jail in a squad car. I also left in order to avoid a further loud, violent, disturbing scene caused by Micky, Yasha, Zo, Cora, and the rest of the Lumsdens. Approximately 15 minutes after the police had taken Kabria away to jail in a squad car and after I had also left, Marcus (Gooney) Lumsden, Lorenzo Jackson (Zo), Cora Amerson, and about four or five Lumsden hoodlum cohorts busted out all four living room windows of my apartment, stole the huge window unit air conditioner, turned over my son David's bunk bed, threw my rabbit cage on the floor and spilled all the drippings everywhere, completely destroyed and trashed my apartment, threw my computer monitor on the floor and smashed it to peaces, threw a boom box on the floor and smashed it to peaces, stole my other boom box, turned my computer over, threw my fax machine on the floor and smashed it to peaces, stole a brand new set of the Bible on cassette tape, stole my best Bible that I have had for over 21 years and the carry case I kept it in which contained important notes, stole a case of CDs, stole my Verizon cell phone, stole some stereo speakers, stole a second VCR, tried to steal my bed but it was too heavy to move.

I beheld Officer LaFleur and another officer lift several finger prints from my apartment to identify the vandals, burglars, and thieves. After the finger prints (evidence) were submitted to the BSO detective bureau, Detectives Chris Copeland, Eric Hendel, and Sergeant Sudman, disregarded and discarded the finger prints (evidence) in order to protect Lorenzo Jackson, Cora Amerson, Marcus Lumsden and their thug cohorts who committed the crime and in order to avoid further investigating, arresting, incarcerating, and prosecuting them.

On our about Friday, December 2, 2005, Detective Copeland met me over at Akel community store, pretending to have intension to investigate and to solve the crime and to get my safes back. My children Nette and David were with me when he met me. We waited at Akel while he went on Short 5th Avenue to so-called investigate. Detective Copeland specifically told my children and me that he knows that Marcus Lumsden is the main culprit who broke and entered, burglarized, and vandalized my apartment. Copeland told us that neighbors have mostly scene Gooney going in and out of my apartment December 1, 2005, and several days after. A neighbor who lived right next door to me told me that he has soon Goony and Zo in my apartment every day, at times sitting in my living room, playing cards or dominos. Copeland repeated two or three times, ?Either way I am going to arrest him.? He said, ?Marcus will go to prison for a long time.? After that day, Copeland deliberately lied and denied making the statement to me and in the presence of my children. He made every excuse not to arrest Goony and gangster cohorts, avoided my calls more and more, and has done absolutely nothing to or about the culprits, refusing to arrest and to incarcerate them. About three weeks later, Copeland called me and told me he had arrested Pervis Byrd and some other man unknown to me for the breaking and entry and vandalism of my apartment. I told Copeland it is not possible for those two to be the culprits and why is arresting unknowns in order to get rid of the case. I reminded him that he knows who the real offenders are, but yet he refuses to do anything about them. Thos two men do not know me and I do not know them and they were absolutely not angry at me to at all and not to the point of viciously trashing my apartment the way it was, breaking everything in it. Only those who knew me and were angry could have done that and it was definitely because Kabria Lumsden was arrested that day for violating my restraining order.

On or about Monday, December 5, 2005 through about December 15, 2005, I called BSO each day that I had to return to my apartment to move out my belongings and put them into storage. I called them because my life was in danger every time I returned to my apartment and that street. The Lumsdens and goons and others sought every opportunity to jump my children and me whenever the police were not watching and whenever they thought we might be alone. Most times, police officer Deputy Bader was called to the scene to escort me to my apartment. And each time he harshly screamed and cursed me out about using ?his time.? He habitually used the ?F? word to me in the presence of my children, telling me ?We don't have F-ing time to watch you move,? and telling me ?You got (so many) minutes of my time. After that I am leaving.? On one of those days, a female at BSO dispatch told me not to call for police assistance any more right after I told her that it is sure that my children and I will be killed or seriously bodily harmed if we do not get police assistance to go to my apartment to finish moving out my things. On one of the evenings while another police officer was standing guard while I moved out my things, but the officer's back was turned, a Lumsden gorilla came upon my daughter from behind with a bat to hit her and kill her. Fortunately, my daughter moved away and went back into my apartment.

On Friday, December 16, 2005, Nette, David, and I went down to BSO Professional Compliance in order to file complaints against Detectives Copeland for doing nothing about my burglary/vandalism case, against Detective Lott (Badge No. 5933) for doing nothing about my aggravated assault case when Jacquelyne Andrews (a crack addict and marijuana abuser) tried to kill my son and me by chasing me through a Pompano residential neighborhood at a speed of about 60 mph or 70 mph and then attempting to kill me by cracking my skull with a four-way tire iron on May 22, 2005, and against police officer Deputy Bader (Badge No. 9363) for habitually cursing at me and screaming at me in the presence of my children. Bader repeatedly verbalized the ?F? word to me just for exercising my right to have police protection while I move my belonging out of my apartment so that the Lumsdens and Jacksons, including Cora Amerson, could not jump my children and me, bodily harm us or kill us. Investigator Rodriguez was extremely defiant toward me, talked quite sarcastically to me, had a facetious answer for every word I said and every concern I voiced, and told me that she and BSO Professional Compliance do not handle complaints against police officers. To get rid of me, she sent me to BSO headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, only to get more of the same run-around and apathy from Detective W. Foster. The fact is BSO Professional Compliance is the division where complaints against police officers are supposed to be filed, investigated, and resolved.

On Wednesday, December 28, 2005, at about 3:13p.m. and then at about 3:15 p.m., I received an alarming call from Simon. He was very uneasy and upset. He had tricked Cora into giving him he phone to call me by telling her that he wanted to call his father. Simon told me that Cora was forcing him to make false police reports about me. He told me he did not know what to do and asked me what should he do. He told me he still loved me and missed me and missed the fun we used to have and the talks we used to have and how well I treated him. He said he was sorry about all that bad things he did to me and all the bad things he said about me. He said it bothers him a lot how he wrongfully he treated me and that it stays in his head and that he cannot sleep. Then he began talking strangely because Cora was coming toward him. He had to play it off and then hung up the phone. Cora found out that Simon had called me and beat him right then after we hung up. After we had hung up the phone, something told me that I better go to the police station to see if any police reports had been filed against me by Simon and Cora. So I went the next day. The records division pulled for me a police report dated November 11, 2005, that Cora had coerced and forced Simon to make. I nearly passed out after reading the gross, hideous, abominable content of the report. I immediately noted that the report was dated the very next day after November 10, 2005, the same night that Cora had busted my window and vandalized my apartment the first time. Cora had called that same Officer Jeremy Grant (Badge No. 13179) and Sergeant Sallustio (Badge No. 5405) out to make the false police report in order to retaliate against me for making a true police report about her breaking my window and vandalizing my apartment and to retaliate against me because she had received a seven-day eviction notice. Both dumb, retarded, irresponsible police officer and sergeant falsely reported me to the child abuse registry. I had not seen or spoken to Simon since September 13, 2005. Yet Cora chose to wait until she got an eviction notice and broke my window to make a false police report against me, falsely accusing me of molesting Simon.

On December 29, 2005, after Cora learned that Simon had called me, she immediately retaliated against Simon and me by going down to the courthouse to file a restraining order on behalf of Simon against me so that Simon could not ever contact me again, especially to protect me in any way by warning me of the illegal acts that Cora was committing and forcing him to do, such as making false police reports about me.

Friday, January 6, 2006, I received a threatening call from an Officer Rubenstein as a result of Cora's calling him and telling him a lie, falsely reporting (accusing) me, of violating a restraining order. I had just now received the restraining order on January 6, 2006, ordering me to have no contact with Simon. Cora is punishing Simon severely and making his life as miserable as possible because of all that Simon has told me about her and because it stays in her head the knowledge that he likes me and hates her as a person and mother figure because of the way she physically, verbally, and emotionally abuses him daily and minute by minute.

On Thursday, January 12, 2006, Cora had Simon and me at the restraining order hearing. Simon could not look me in the eye when he saw me. He put his head down out of misery, wishing he could leave. Cora forced Simon to falsely attest that he had touched me inappropriately and that I had touch him inappropriately and a variety of hideous statements. I warned Judge Tescher that it is illegal for Simon to testify against me under duress and that the duress is a beating and that Cora is forcing Simon to make false statements about me. I told him about Cora abusing Simon and that he hates her and is terrified of her and intensely afraid to stand up to her, afraid to resist coming here to court and immensely afraid of refusing to give false testimony against me. I warned Judge Tescher that Cora beats Simon all the time and that she will beat him right after the court hearing and as soon as she gets him back home. Judge Tescher completely ignored and refused to heed what I told him and chose to believe everything that Cora forced Simon to falsely accuse me of. Then Judge Tescher let Simon go back home with Cora anyway so he could continue to be beaten more and more, which the judge was not supposed to do after I informed me that Simon is an abused child and is daily and constantly physically, verbally, and emotionally abused by Cora. The judge was supposed to call BSO child protective services and to have them remove Simon and take him with them to question him about the abuse he has been suffering. Tescher was supposed to allow BSO to take Simon into protective foster care custody until while they investigate the child abuse he suffers at Cora's hand and at the same time protect Simon from any further abuse. But Tescher did not care about Simon and the danger he was in with Cora and her boyfriend Greg who also beats the ?H? out of Simon. He was to interested and eager to pursue the false allegation of child molestation. He did not care whether it was true or not.

On Tuesday, April 19, 2006, that filthy viper, Detective Chris Copeland (Badge No. 10188), a very wicked and vile police officer (unfit to be a police officer), called me at about 3 p.m., tricked and deceived me and illegally entrapped me as follows: Copeland told me that he needed more information about my property that was stolen and vandalized in my apartment by a (he claimed) Pervis Byrd (either a Lumsden goon cohort or someone Copeland merely conveniently pinned the crime on in order to get rid of the case so he would not longer have to be bothered). Copeland said that there was a problem with the taped statement that I gave because there was too much static in the tape and that the states attorney could not hear it very well. He said he needed me to come to the police station right away and to give him another taped statement. He asked me to be there within about 15 minutes. I told him that I had a meeting with my youth ministry group soon but that I would soon be there. As soon as I arrived, I was in the parking lot and called him again and asked him what information he needed again. Copeland used extreme trickery, was very deceptive, and told me that if I did not come in and give the information that he would not be able to do more on the case until next week and that he was going away and would not be back until next week. He played on my eagerness, yearning, and anxiousness to have the case solved, to have those who burglarized and vandalized my apartment arrested and jailed, and to have my two metal safes returned to me. I told Copeland that Marcus Lumsden has told my son David that we are not getting the safes back about the last time that my son went back to Short 5th Avenue around my apartment to look for my cat Teddy, whom I had for ten years. Copeland deliberately ignored and disregarded what I told him and only wanted to know how quickly I could get down to the station. I reminded Copeland that every time my son goes back to my apartment to look for my yellow cat, Gooney (Marcus Lumsden) leaves his house and yard and crosses over to the other side of the street where my apartment is, confronts my son, asks him suspicious questions, and asks him what is he doing over there. Gooney is not the police and he does not own Short 5th Avenue. Therefore, my son has no need to account or to explain to Gooney why he is over on that street. However, Copeland knows, as well as my children and I do, that Gooney asks David suspicious questions as to why he is over there on Short 5th because he has things to hide; namely, my two metal safes and all my property that he stole and vandalized. Gooney has to hide the fact that he, Zo, and Cora and a few of their goon cohorts broke and entered (burglarized), and vandalized my apartment on December 1, 2005, immediately after Gooney's sister Kabria was arrested for violation of my restraining order against her. Copeland lied again and told me that Goony refused to give up his right to remain silent and that he will not question him any more about the crime or my safes that Gooney has in his possession. Copeland informed me that he is not going to do anything about Gooney and the rest of those who burglarized and vandalized my apartment. Copeland lied and said that he walked all through the Lumsdens' house and that the safes were not there, again in order to protect and to cover the Lumsdens. When I arrived at BSO police station, there was Copeland, waiting for me, along with an abusive, corrupt female police officer Deputy Coker (Badge No. 10420). Copeland asked me to step into the interviewing room. When I stepped in, he lowered a devastating boom on me and told me that I was under arrest for a sex crime. He had the biggest devious smirk of pleasure on his face I have ever seen anyone have in a long time. He said there was a warrant for my arrest. I was floored, shocked and puzzled. Copeland continued to falsely accuse me of committing a sex crime against a neighbor and told me I was being placed under arrest and in protective custody. I had to think for a good moment. Then I replied by asking if this was about Althea Thompson (Simon). Copeland falsely accused me of having sex with Simon (a 14-year-old). Corrupt female Officer Coker agreed with him. Coker proceeded to hand-cuff me and to drag me into the booking room. I immediately repeatedly told Copeland that Simon has alerted me several times through a friend of mine and Simon called me on December 28, 2005, twice at about 3:15 p.m. and warned me that his aunt Cora is forcing him to make false police reports about me and that she is forcing him to have me arrested and incarcerated and telling him what to say in order to have me arrested and sent to prison. I warned Copeland that Cora and the Lumsdens who are having me arrested are the same exact people who broke into my apartment and vandalized it both on November 10, 2005, and on December 1, 2005 and now have my two metal safes. I warned him that they have all conspired together to use Simon to put me in jail, which Simon told me they would. I warned him that Simon has sent me several messages by a friend of mine, alerting me to what he was being forced to say and to do by his Aunt Cora and the Lumsdens. I warned him that it is against the law and a crime for Simon to be forced and coerced into making false child molestation police reports about me under duress of a severe beating by his Aunt Cora. I warned Copeland that on December 28, 2005, Simon called me directly and told me that his Aunt Cora is forcing him to make false police reports about me and that he asked me what should he do. But I never got a chance to tell him because his aunt Cora was coming toward him, and he was forced to hang up so she would not know he had called me twice to alert and inform me. I told Copeland and Coker to get a hold of a letter dated December 29, 2005, that I wrote to Officer Danny Freiberger, notifying him of Simon's phone call and what Simon revealed to me. Copeland (continuing to smirk and to grin and to gloat about his revenge on me) and Coker (agreeing with everything he says and does) refused to listen of course. Copeland falsely accused me of having sex with Simon. I immediately challenged Copeland by telling him that since he is so sure I had sex with Simon, then get a doctor into the police station right now to examine me and let?s see if I had sex with Simon. I told him that I can prove that I have not had sex with anyone since the last time I was married, which was about 1998. I also told Copeland and Coker that I will NOT have sex with any man who is NOT my husband. I challenged Copeland to give me a lie detector test (a polygraph) and that I would prove by it also that I have never had sex with Simon or any man since the last time I was married. Copeland began sn***ering and ran out of the room when I challenged him to have a doctor examine me and to give me a lie detector test. Coker was excessively arrogant and had her eyebrows lifted, swearing she had something on me. Both Copeland and Coker refused to and failed to read me my Miranda rights. They violated my right to remain silent. They refused to allow me to speak to a lawyer. They refused to allow me any phone calls. I reminded Copeland that the same exact people who are using him as a pawn to put me in jail are the same ones who busted up my apartment, stole my property, and now have my two metal safes, and have illegally entered my apartment repeatedly for over 10 or 15 days after breaking in. And Copeland and the rest of BSO repeatedly allowed it and deliberately did nothing to stop them and refused to apprehend any of them. I told Copeland that it is strange that he can arrest me on a false charge that he knows is false but he will NOT arrest and jail those who busted up and destroyed my apartment, took my two metal safes, and caused me to be homeless for over a month. Copeland told me he is not going to do anything about them or the crime they committed against me. Eric Hendel (Badge No. 9457(and a Lumsden gorilla) and another officer searched my apartment without my permission and without a search warrant.

Note that Copeland is not even a sex crime detective. He is a burglary and robbery detective. Eric Hendel is a sex crime detective and the one assigned to the case. Eric Hendel has never attempted to meet me or to contact me. Copeland took it upon himself to insert himself into the case that is not even his to handle, and his Sergeant Sudman let him out of revenge in order to retaliate against me for submitting complaints about his never returning any of my calls and his refusal and failure to arrest Gooney and the rest of the Lumsdens and gorilla hoodlum cohorts, including Cora Amerson who vandalized and burglarized my apartment. Sergeant Sudman conspired with Copeland to falsely arrest and imprison me in order to get revenge, to retaliate against me for telling Lieutenant Armstrong (Badge No. 5033) that Sudman habitually screams and hollers at me at the top of his lungs and slams the phone down every time I call about my burglary/vandalism case. While I was being placed under false arrest, illegally detained, and being wrongfully booked and asked stupid questions, I soon realized that I had been set up and framed by Copeland, Coker, Sudman, Hendel, and Ferrelli for the false felony charge of lewd/lascivious child molestation of a person under 16 years of age which Copeland and Coker told me they were charging me with. They caused me insurmountable financial distress by imprisoning me on a $20,000 bond and costing me $2,000 to be bonded out, as if I have that kind of money to just give away. The degradation, humiliation, and emotional pain and suffering of those detestable police officers' labeling me a child offender is insurmountable.

While Officer Coker was booking me and had me heavily chained to a metal bench and asking me a lot of facetious questions, she repeatedly cursed, using the ?sh_t? word. I reminded her that I am a minister and that her cursing is very offensive to me and that it is not part of her job description/duties as a police officer to curse at me whom she has under false arrest and whom she has illegally detained and have chained to a bench.

While Coker and Copeland were ridiculing me and keeping me chained to a bench like an animal, a police officer Deputy Ferrelli (Badge No. 13517) came into the booking room, grinning, giggling, and poking fun at me and instigating trouble with me. I asked him what was so funny. He kept giggling, scoffing, and grinning at me. I told him he needs to make sure that he has absolute proof that he has something on me and that he has something to grin and giggle about before he starts celebrating by grinning, giggling, and making fun of me. Then I challenged Ferrelli to a doctor (pelvic) examination and to a lie detector test. He refused and laughed and grinned even harder. I asked him that ?oh yes it is much easier to frame a person and to set her up and arrest her on false testimony, on false charges, and based on false witness and to make it stick, isn?t it?? Ferrelli found that hilarious, giggling even harder, because I had hit the nail on the head. Copeland and Coker agreed with Ferrelli and approved of Ferrelli?s infantile behavior. Another corrupt detective poked his head into the booking room and lied and claimed he knew me and lied and claimed he had arrested my son. Officer Ferrelli immediately insulted and slandered me by saying, ?Apples fall from a tree.? I told him it is unlawful for him to make such a gross, defamatory statement to me and outside the presence of his superiors, a judge, and a jury. I told him to prove it, prove his statement in my case: Prove that apples (my son David) fall from a tree (me): Prove that I am a criminal and that my son follows after me. I told Ferrelli that it is against his job description/duties and against the law for him to make such a wicked, abusive, slanderous, and false accusation/allegation about me. Officer Coker agreed with Ferrelli. Then I told Ferrelli, ?It is against the law for child (Simon) to be forced to give false police reports about me under duress (of a beating).? Ferrelli said, ?No it's not,? while grinning and smirking and laughing hard. I told Ferrelli I dare him to repeat that statement ?no it's not? to and in the presence of his superiors, and I dare him to repeat it in court in the presence of a judge and jury. I assured him that he will get his chance to do so. I told him we shall then see just how tough and pompous he really is and how funny and cute his statement really is. Now as soon as Ferrelli denies making the statement, and he will, it will prove my point: Ferrelli is well aware that it is illegal for him to make such statements to me as he did and that he well knows that it is indeed illegal for Simon to make false police reports against me and false testimony against me under duress of Cora's beating him.

It is a fact that Copeland, Sudman, Hendel, Gooney, the Lumsdens, Zo, the Jacksons, and Cora Amerson have conspired together to frame me and to set me up and are now working together to retaliate against me and to destroy my life, to destroy my youth ministry, to publicly shame, disgrace, condemn, and degrade me, and to falsely imprison me for as long as possible. I have been informed that my life is in danger. The Lumsdens, Jacksons, and Cora Amerson and their goon cohorts are now after my life and are now seeking a way to kill me. And Copeland, Sudman, Hendel, Coker, Ferrelli, and other Lumsden hoodlum cohorts are aiding and abetting them.

Now, if anything drastic happens to me and my life: If I get seriously injured, if I am condemned to prison for any reason at all, if I disappear, if I get killed or otherwise come up missing or dead, I URGE the public citizens to hold Detective Chris Copeland, Detective Eric Hendel, Officer Coker, Sergeant Sudman, Officer Ferrelli, Sergeant Sallustio, Lorenzo Jackson, the Jacksons, Marcus Lumsden, the Lumsdens, Cora Amerson, Ebony Fredrick, Micky Jackson, CJ Massey, Carla Massey, all the Lumsden goon cohorts (imps), and BSO PERSONALLY responsible.

Cheryl Pompano Beach, Florida

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Sheppard Air Force Base,
It sounds like you got what you needed. Arrested

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 11, 2006

You Write a perfect novel, and one that needs to be checked at the door. Further I feel you are your own worst enemy one that should be checked into a mental institution, who should not be allowed to be apart of our society one for sure if I lived in your town I would be the first to call a 51/50 on you and then I would make sure I was in charge of your defense and further request a 51/51 on you every six months. You are one sick person.


Pompano Beach,
The Above Complaint is Additionally Against Police Officer Deputy Jeremy Grant (Badge No. 13179)

#3Author of original report

Wed, June 14, 2006

The above list of Police officers complained against includes police officer Deputy Jeremy Grant (Badge No. 13179). Grant had evidence and knew that Cora Amerson, Micky Jackson, Ebony (Yasha) Fredrick, Meisha Fredrick, Carla Massey, CJ Massey, Lorenzo Jackson, Steve (Lumsden goon), Gooney, and other Lumsden goons vandalized my apartment and busted my living room window, shattering glass all over my son's bunk bed on November 10, 2005. Yet, Officer Grant deliberately covered for them all and deliberately refused to arrest them. Plus Grant was so embicile and so retarded as to conspire with Cora Amerson and the rest of the Lumsden gorillas and to be used as their pawn to make false police reports against me and to have scums of the earth Detectives Eric Hendel and Chris Copeland to obtain false warrants in order to falsely (illegally)arrest and imprison me. Grant had evidence and knew that Cora Amerson, Micky Jackson, Ebony (Yasha) Fredrick, Meisha Fredrick, Carla Massey, CJ Massey, Lorenzo Jackson, Steve (Lumsden goon), Gooney, and other Lumsden goons vandalized my apartment and busted my living room window, shattering glass all over my son's bunk bed on November 10, 2005. Yet, Officer Grant deliberately covered for them all and deliberately refused to arrest them. Plus Grant was so embicile and so retarded as to conspire with Cora Amerson and the rest of the Lumsden gorillas and to allow himself to be used as their pawn to make false police reports against me and to have those vile snakes Detectives Eric Hendel and Chris Copeland to obtain false warrants in order to falsely (illegally) arrest and imprison me.

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