  • Report:  #116687

Complaint Review: Burgwald Kennels Cane Corso's Maryland Mike Burgwald - Maryland Maryland

Reported By:
- san bernardo, California,

Burgwald Kennels Cane Corso's Maryland Mike Burgwald
Maryland USA Maryland, Maryland, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Mike Bugwald has opening admitted to buying and using with the intent to continue breeding a male cane corso he imported from italy, Italian Champion Duce di corsus di burgwald that is knowly unhealthy and unfit for breeding purposes. Duce di Corus di burgwald has hip dysplasia in both hips, and it is a very highly genetic health problem known in that bloodline. Duce a son of italian champions Simon. Here are some people posts about this problem.

So Called Professional Breeder,

The way that you come off on this bb,

about other peoples opinions & feelings, makes you

sound like the type who should breed SOFT, LITTLE,

WHITE CUDDLY dogs with pink sweaters generally


If you knew anything at all, the best finds are

generally found not among the professional

breeders websites or magazines -like most things-

(they keep the best for them selves)so they can

win shows to advertise their kennels and continue

to earn money.

The bets finds are rather in local newspaper ads or

by word of mouth.


I'm a very well to do man; and I've seen your dogs

here & there- all over very where, trying to

sell them like they are cattle. Hiding behind the

the love of the breed & acting like just showing

them for the shows; just for the betterment of

the breed.


By the way; I do not sell dogs- I'm not a profesional

breeder & I truely love this breed.

I've purchased a fine puppy from Sentinel and

also from some of the best well known top of the line

breeders in the US & Italy.

I make it a point to by pass you and your kennel

every time. I counld not imagine purchasing a

dog from some one that has such an opinion of

himself- and by the way- your cattle farm does

not impress me at all!!

Best Regards,

Bling!Bling! Know What I Mean?


Finally someone told it like it is. This guy can't take the time to spell check, he openly lies here and on his advertisments. He lied about certifing his dog that at 12months was an HD-C so tell me who years later they could possibly look so good? No dog in the world could and you lied to us all about that Mike. I could go on and on but it is clear you have some need to feel better about yourself but putting others down. You talk like you know your stuff well if you did you would not of bought a dog that never produced anything but one very small dog that took years himself to get a championship. That dog should have atleast 5plus plus champion offsprings. Not none. Ripped off , you get what you put out:)



Donna, What are you talking about? I never said I cert. Duce only that I had his hips check out by 2 vets in the metro area and both felt he would pass. Please go on with what ever you where going to say more ? Please do." You also claim that I think I know my stuff / I do and he produced another Champion at 9 months old :) Also what do you mean you get what you put out stupid please you have no clue in what you are talking about LOL. Also Donna is not a real person everybody she also hide behind a fake author LOL Please ! Mike Burgwald aka Burgwald kennel.com


I can't stand by and keep quiet anymore. You are full of it when you say you never said you officially certified Duces hips just that had vets look at them. When you first got Duce you posted here that you sent in his xrays and that two vets told you that they looked very good and he should pass with no problems and you would let everyone know when the official results came in and shut up all those liars who slammed Duce and lied about his hips. Well, now you change your story. Guess you answered everyones question. Why don't you tell the truth Mike. You got his results and they failed. If they had passed you would have posted them EVERYWHERE. Duce is dysplastic and OFA failed him. That is the TRUTH. You posted at least twice you sent his xrays then you never mention it again. Now you come up with the BS story you never said that just that you had him xrayed. HAHAHAHA, sure you went to all the expense of having him xrayed to prove all the naysayers wrong but didn't spend the extra $25 to have OFA certifying them officially.

You call yourself a reputable breeder but you are lying to people about Duce's hips. Why? Because of the MONEY. The same thing you are slamming Dori and others over. You know if you admit he failed his OFA then you won't be able to justify breeding him and wasting all that MONEY on a useless stud. You are all about the MONEY so don't criticize others.



I saw a advertisment that stated you own a dog that came from a world champion fathered by 3 time world champion "Cheno" now with all the research I have done and its a lot, I cant find any dog fathered by cheno that is a world champion. Am I missing something or someone? Thanks to anyone who can help? Could anyone post this dogs picture?


First of all what Advertisment that Stated I own a dog that came from a world Champion ?

No one has the right to use my name for any advertisments , Please email me if you like about this issue

and as for who I own Yes I do have a son out of Cheno as well as a b***h. Good Day !

I have the flu so I may be slow in my reply as my body allows me to.

Mike Burgwald aka Burgwald kennel

As we all can see he can not offer anyone single person proof this dog does not have poor unhealthy hips. And continues to lie about his dogs status.

will update


san bernardo, California

2 Updates & Rebuttals


My Rebuttal to this Rip-Off report

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 09, 2005

Lets first say that this person doesn't even know me or has he ever seen any of my dogs. (Fact): Dog in question Italian Champion Duce is a outstanding example of the breed type in ever way, and has no health issue recorded as of this date 11/9/05 including HD. This person is unknown to myself and the Cane corso comunity and paste and copy a post from the International cane corso federation BB, and then added his words to the post and paste it here for reason un-known to us other then its known to be a very s**t world when it come to the Cane corso breed with alot of hate around the many, many BB forum for this breed. (FACT): We check the IP number of this person and found them to be another breeder trying to create problems for Burgwald kennel and any pups that will come from this outstanding stud Italian Champion Duce. Duce has produce many out standing dog here in the US and in other parts of the world, he produce other Champions with Great pennhip score and HDB score as well in italy. (FACT): If you do your home work you will find some of todays top dogs came from this very same rare Bloodline un-match here in the US which brings all the hate towards this dog. (FACT): Burgwald kennel doese not have a cattle farm of dogs, only 3 females and 2 males that live in our home not out side in a kennels or pens, but are apart of our family daily life and companions. ( NOTICE THIS QUOTE):If you knew anything at all, the best finds are generally found not among the professional breeders websites or magazines -like most things- (they keep the best for them selves)so they can win shows to advertise their kennels and continue to earn money. (FACT): Yes this is correct, so why was a Champion sold to me from Italy? Ask the breeder himself, this person who posted on Rip-Off claim that the breeder never keep anything out of this male to replace him, "Wrong " see his website and e-mail him for yourself and you will see the outstanding male he held back to continue to produce cane corso for the betterment of the breed type at / [email protected] ( AGAIN ANOTHER QUOTE): NOT DOING IT FOR THE MONEY; PLEASE!!! I'm a very well to do man; and I've seen your dogs here & there- all over very where, trying to sell them like they are cattle. Hiding behind the the love of the breed & acting like just showing them for the shows; just for the betterment of the breed. (FACT): I myself never claim to be the best breeder in the world, but I do know the breed I've selected to beed and show. Which we done very well as you can see at www.burgwaldkennel.com I'm very active in the show ring around the US and use the ring to make sure I'm staying with in the Standard with my breeding program which is what most quality breeders do. Yes this person may have seen my dogs here and there and if he has, it sure sounds like he hateing on my quality, but must say that I have produce a HD pup before out of a dog name Apollo which I'm not ashame to say like many other breeders out there are. (FACT): About 98% of the Cane corso breeders have produce atleast one pup with HD and if they say never, well then there just a lier and I know many customer's who I've talk to about buying a dog with HD, just ask around and see for your self. (ANOTHER QUOTE): OH PLEASE!!! By the way; I do not sell dogs- I'm not a profesional breeder & I truely love this breed. I've purchased a fine puppy from Sentinel and also from some of the best well known top of the line breeders in the US & Italy. (NOTICE HIS QUOTE): He claims to not be a breeder but then puts out a kennel name where he got one of his puppy from! Hmmm!! and then he said he also got some meaning more then one from some of the well known top of the line breeders in the US & Italy, again Hmmmm, Hmmmm! very intresting but he said he not a breeder. (ANOTHER QUOTE): I make it a point to by pass you and your kennel every time. I counld not imagine purchasing a dog from some one that has such an opinion of himself- and by the way- your cattle farm does not impress me at all!! (FACT): This is nothing more then a breeder in my area who is Hateing on me and my selection of a Champion dog who is the son of a Mutli Italian Champion, who is also a son of a Multi Italian Champion HDA & HDB. Many people where inquiry about this Italian Champion dog name Duce and the price was not cheap there for many was waiting for the price to come down and made offers which I bid over many others who later attack me on the many differant Cane corso BB. (ANOTHER QUOTE): Another- Finally someone told it like it is. This guy can't take the time to spell check, he openly lies here and on his advertisments. He lied about certifing his dog that at 12months was an HD-C so tell me who years later they could possibly look so good? No dog in the world could and you lied to us all about that Mike. I could go on and on but it is clear you have some need to feel better about yourself but putting others down. You talk like you know your stuff well if you did you would not of bought a dog that never produced anything but one very small dog that took years himself to get a championship. That dog should have atleast 5plus plus champion offsprings. Not none. Ripped off , you get what you put out:) Donna (FACT): This post from a person name Donna was from the same IP address as the person name BLING BLING! People will try to use other name to make it seem like there are many others in a attack but forget to use a differant IP address. Hmmmm, Hmmm! funny thing that is." (Our Final Thought To This Rebuttal ) Yes there are many people like your self getting ripp off from many differant companys and this one is not one of those company I asure you. We have produce about 9 litters total since we started breeding the Connie Corso italiano, and we only had 1 stolen from a customer and the avg litter had 13 puppies with one litter at 18 puppies, and out of the 9 litters over the years we have a customer name Donna in Battle Ground, Washington with a pup out of Apollo & Jasmne which we don't breed anymore produce a HD meanning one pup out of 10 in the litter. As I spoke to others who breed HD free dogs that produce a HD pup in a litter of 10 was told thats is not bad and should not worry. But I do anyway because of the hard work and personal money me and my family have put into our program every day to improve and then to find out that even when we buy from other breeders we to fall victim to pups with HD as well and have to start all over again. Thank you for taking the time to read our Rebuttal to this false Report of Duce having HD which is in-correct. We did in fact have his hips check by vet and xrays show him to be good and at 6 years old thats not bad. You are more then welcome to visit us see his xray for your self and his import reports from italy.Take care and as always God Bless! Mike Burgwald


Mount Vernon,

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 08, 2005

So what if the dog has bad hips? Anyone with half a brain knows that there is no proof that genetics play any part in HD. And the fact is, diet, working the dog too hard, etc., etc. can cause HD in a dog. If Mike did lie,maybe it's because the general public believes the hype that only OFA good or excellent dogs should be bred or that a dysplastic dog will produce dysplastic pups. I've seen dysplastic dogs through good hips, I've also seen generation after generation of excellent hip dogs throw a litter of dysplastic pups. Mike, I do not know you personally,I can only comment, because I know someone who thinks you are an awesome man. Reports like this are simply from people angry that you won't conform to THEIR way of doing things. Anyone who could even believe there is a such thing as a dysplasia free large breed dog is uneducated indeed.

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