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Capital One Services excessive charges ripoff Richmond Virginia
On 22 Feb 03, arrangements were made by my wife to pay our monthly payment by check by phone. Upon receiving my nest bill it was noted that their was a $10.00 Cap 1 Electronic Phone Payment charge dated 21 Feb, a pay by phone fee of $10.00, and a over limit fee $25.00.
After contacting Capital One we were informed that they did not process a payment for check by phone. Instead the meat heads made a payment off our credit card thereby causeing it to go over the limit. They would not take the additional charges off the credit card. Capital One will issue only credit cards in the amount of $200.00 to $300.00 range so they can suck it up in additional fees. This company needs to be looked into by the Federal Trade Commision. I am going to contact FTC in regards to this matter.