  • Report:  #164265

Complaint Review: CAPITAL ONE VISA - Richmond Virginia

Reported By:
- Sun City, Arizona,

15000 Capital One Drive Richmond, 23238 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Capital One Visa Cards - It's best to leave home without it!


It's not the $29 bucks, I don't like being ripped OFF!


You Decide (Read Below)


These guys are not shy about

ripping you off!


Be sure to call the card in lost or stolen and record the phone call!

(they are recording you)

I have seen charges appear after the account was CLOSED!


Debbie P. writes:

Do you know if anybody has tried to call these people and get a lower interest rate? And/or had them drop the annual fee of $29.00? This was something I was interested in, but now that I've had time to view your web site, I'm thinking of re-considering! Thanks for the information!

Just wanted to share with you my horrible experience with Capital one... On my statement my minimum payment due was $10.00. I Mailed far enough in advance to reach them by the due date. My Balance was 303.00. I was $3.00 over my limit on that statement, but It did not reflect any over limit charges. Last night I received a Call from a very rude lady stating I was $95.00 over my limit. Thinking someone had used my card without authorization I began questioning her. The more I questioned the ruder she got. Finally I Stated I just wanted to close this account out. She wanted my Checking account information and told me to make stop payment On my check of $10.00. I told her I would not give her my banking Information and would not put a stop payment on that check (it Has not cleared my bank). After getting out of the tub (where I Was when I was so rudely interrupted I called capital one hoping To speak with someone who could intelligently answer my Questions. I got another rude woman who accused me of yelling At her and speaking to her disrespectfully so she hung up on me When I was pressing her for answers she could not give. Before Hanging up on me I told her that obviously we are having a Problem communicating because I was neither being Disrespectful or yelling, therefore could I please speak with a Supervisor on duty. She stated it would take 48 hours for a Supervisor to call me back. I took about 30 minutes cooled Myself down and called again. The next representative told me That I had the problem because I would not stop asking questions And listen. Oh by the way, now I was just 83.00 over. As I asked Questions she too became very rude and said that I was calling Her stupid. The word stupid never crossed my lips... Then she Made a direct reference to the conversation I had with the other Representative. I understand this is illegal. It was slander and They could not type that I the screen. I asked her if she had a Record of that conversation and she very hatefully admitted to It. I also found out that if I asked to speak to a supervisor they Should have let me at that time. I am so upset that I can not stand It. I tore the card up and am mailing it to them. I am closing my Account out and I am going to pursue this. What ever happened to Customer service? I am irate!!! Do you have any suggestions. I Called a representative with another card I hold and she could Not believe the treatment I received. I feel that they are a sham And I want to expose them. They took advantage of me due to my Past credit history and they spoke to me like I was a criminal. Any Advice you can give will be appreciated.

Sincerely, C.W

Capital One Visa, organized crime back in action

I don't have any advice Murph-1, but if you come up with a solution let me know. We are having the same types of problems, very rude calls, demanding instant banking information.

However our situation appears to be somewhat different from yours. We consolidated several cards into one Capital One Visa, $5000.00, at better interest rates, introductory rate at around 8.5% with increases expected within one year, prime rate + 2 or 3%, I don't remember exactly.

I am self-employed and my income is inconsistent but we have made payments for 3 years now, some late some not, and putting up with the vulture calling each month with their rude and harassing calls, and not really watching the billing process, but just sending payments.

We finally set down and analyzed the situation.

We have paid around $6,500 over the last 3 years.

Our balance as of now is approximately $5,850.00 and the interest is at 25.90%

Remember we only began with $5,000.00

When the rude collection people called to harass us, I question this balance and ask how they could possibly charge such high interest, she informed me that they could do anything they wanted to.

As of now We are pissed to the max. We have not sent a payment in 3 month and have wrote letters to the Collection Dept. and to the Main Office, Richard D. Fairbank, CEO and to Nigel W. Morris, COO, insisting on a 3 year installment plan with a 9% interest, this is the only way we can pay off this card, otherwise we would be paying our monthly payments the rest of our lives, like the other million poor fools that got trapped.

You would think in this day and time someone would be regulating this type of organized criminal activity.

Anyway there's probably nothing we can do about these crooks, there's to much money, attorneys and politics involved.

Just do what we did say HELL NO, WE WON'T PAY NO MORE, and stop payment.

Please send me advice and/or comments on this problem, if you have any feedback, it would be


Subject: Capital One

I was solicited for a $2,500 guaranteed credit card. I had to pay a fee which I did. What I got was some junk booklet showing all these institutions that will provide credit cards, but that is not what my correspondence said. Any comments on this.

Subject: Capital one rip-off card Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 21:42:38 -0800

I recently made the mistake of applying for a Capital One credit rip-off card and did not tell them to consolidate my two other cards and they did it without without my authorization. I wrote them a letter on Dec 21 st. and requested a copy of my application and a phone call to discuss the problem. I haven't heard from them yet. I think these guys are a bunch of crooks. I am new at this computer world so I don't know how to add this to the list of rip-offs on the computer. you can add it if you want to.

I don't think I should have to pay these crooks anything since I didn't authorize the transfer of my other credit card accounts. The problem is the applicatIon has a small block that tells you to put an x if you want to transfer your other accounts and they can do it without your knowledge and send you a copy. If there Is anyone that can give me some advice, please let me know. Jim

I was told when I opened a secured account that I would be able to increase the balance by adding to my savings. When I put an extra $100 into the account they told me I could no have an increase. Instead of returning my check they added 100 to my balance making me 100 over the limit. Each month the account uncures fee of $50. I'm a student so I cannot pay the minimum nor the balance. I'm totally screwed.


Hi, my name is Jbarks

My husband applied for the Capital One Visa because we had debt problems. I also signed so he could get me a card too. This took place about 93 or 94. We break within that time. He called to cancel the account and requested his $75.00 dollars at that time. You needed $200.00 balance in order to get a card. They told him he could not get a refund of his money and they kept the money and we never did get the cards. Then 2 to 3 years later after we reunited and moved to Maryland we got a bill. It said we owed Capital One visa over $500.00 dollars. We contacted them and they said they sent us the card in November of 98. Mind you we did not live in the same home since 96. Who or Whom received the cards we do not know. So we requested an investigation of the stolen credit cards. They sent us bills showing female handwriting of my signature to stores in SE and at the Maryland line. The signatures are not mine. Someone had received the cards where my husband use to live in an apartment in SE Washington, DC. We sent them the information they requested to straighten this mess out but when I requested my credit file they still have the credit listed in my name as owing money and the one for my husband as stolen. When in all actuality both cards were stolen and we never received anything.

This really upsets me when companies do not check with persons within a period of time to see if they still reside at the same address before sending out such materials. Especially, If you requested a refund and canceled the credit card in the first place.

Hi I just wanted to say thank you. Capital one sent me a visa card and I don't remember even signing up for it. I did call one time to get it. But was told that I wasn't on some kind of list and that I couldn't get on it. I got one in the mail today and I was not sure if I should keep it. I found your site and I talked to so many people who told me to cancel the card. I am so happy that I did. I am trying to build good credit. And I don't want or need the hassle. I feel so much better.

Warm regards, Marlene


I came across your site just in time. I completed a Capital One credit card application tonight, signed it and put it in the envelope to mail out tomorrow. Well, instead of the mailbox, it will be going into the shredder.

Thanks for such an eye-opener!!! Deb


I ran into your web page looking for some way to nail Capital One visa. They have me so

irate that I would love to see one of their phone operators or a supervisor face-to-face. But

that won't happen. I've tried to close my account for the last four months and each month I

receive a new statement with a new late fee attached. What was a zero balance, is now a

$173.00 balance. They keep saying that I'm late with a payment and tack on another $29

dollar charge. I'm contacting the New York State Attorney General's office on Monday and

the Better Business Bureau. If I have to use my attorney to sue them, I will do that also. It

not the amount involved, but the principle of the matter. I have contacted them by phone,

sent them copies of my original bill, which shows a balance of $0.00, and they still send

me a monthly statement with another late fee attached. One way or another, I'm going to

get the sons-of-bitches. If you know of any resources that I can use, please contact me,

because the war starts Monday.

Thanks for your article,


I am 71 years old, worked as an accountant for 40 some years and have been blessed to

be hit with a first in my lifetime I was charged $25.00 for paying my Visa on the day it was due. Our dear friends at Capital One reminded me of some fine print on the back of my

statement that states any payment received by them after 9:00 AM on the due date was considered LATE. Inasmuch as 99% or more are received by mail and by their own admission they don't receive there mail to process it until after the deadline- therefor almost all payments received on the date due ARE LATE. How stupid do they think we are???!!


Subj: Capital One

Date: 00-07-17 09:35:25 EDT

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]


I don't know if you are still taking stories about capital one thieves but here's mine anyway. They gave us a card and claimed that they would give us 1% of all purchases back after a year. So we got the card and used it for ordering inventory for our home business. After a year they were supposed to send a check for $350 which we can't afford to just lose. The check never came so after several phone calls in which they claimed it was in processing (I bet they don't let payments go three months over for processing) they then said that at the one year point our account was over the limit so they get to keep the money. The account was over the limit because they entered the amount of a check incorrectly and then charged us late fees and overcharge fees. It was probably not a coincidence that it happened to be right then. These people are thieves.



Subj: Capital One

Date: 00-07-17 09:35:25 EDT

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Thanks for the info I have been using their card for about 3 years and I have not had any problem with them. I have an excellent credit rating though. I am going to pay off my balance and dump them. Reading some of the comments on your sight it seems obvious to me that Capital One is in business to help people that do not need help and they are trying to take advantage of people who have already been taken advantage of.

I wish there were more sites that spoke out against companies that take advantage of the little guy.

By the way to all the folks that have problems with Capital One submit a complaint to the Virginia State Attorneys Generals office the department of consumer protection. If that office can not help you they CAN tell you were to send your complaint.

Folks might also try sending complaints to the COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY in Texas. It is a Federal Agency that regulates many financial institutes that issue credit cards.

I strongly urge people who are being abused by credit card companies, banks etc to write letters to as many people as you can think of that might help. Write you Congressman or Senator. If you write enough letters some one will hook you up with the correct agency to assist you. These guys can be beat but it takes time and a lot of effort. They are not the last word.

If you throw enough stones you will hit something, keep trying.


Subj: Capital One

Date: 00-07-20 07:31:01 EDT

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

I ran across your site trying to find an address for Capital One so I could send my monthly payment. They did not send me a bill this month and I know if I don't make my payment before the due date they will charge me the infamous "late charge." I too, was solicited by Cap. One to open an account and did so. My credit limit was $400 and all was fine for the first year or two because I never used the card. Then the summer of '98 I used the card while on vacation and had a balance of about $300. Sometime around xmas I got a cash advance which put me over limit and the nightmare started. I was charged and overlimit fee, and a late fee and after that, my balance kept going up rather than down every month no mater what I paid. I canceled the card but I still have to pay annual fee until the balance is -0- . But the bottom line - when I kept receiving a past due and over limit fee each month I started calling them every month and having them transfer the funds from my checking account. I worked a payment arrangement with them and started trying to get my balance below $400 again to avoid the over limit fee. This is the kicker, several times, not once, but several times I received my statement and it had the over limit fee and I called and was always greeted rudely and informed that my payment did not reach them in time and when I would explain that they had transferred the money and it was their fault if they didn't do it on time - they would hem haw around and finally waive the fee. Now that I am finally under limit again - they don't send me statements and I don't know where in the heck to mail my payment. These people are crooks - I mean real crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Subj: Love your Capital One site

Date: 8/6/2001 9:03:38 PM US Mountain Standard Time

From: @houston.rr.com (Lisa)

To: [email protected]

I love your site! I don't feel so alone any more. My Capital One problem is/was small, however, it really made me mad. I made an electronic (quicken) payment to them and the payment cleared MY bank on the 27th. The due date for Capital One was the 27th. I was assessed a $25.00 late fee on the 28th. I called customer service and the first agent told me BY LAW, they don't have to post electronic payments for up to 5 days after receipt. Hummmmm....... I asked a few pointed questions and was promptly transferred to a supervisor. He advised that IF I had paid by regular check, used their envelope and returned only the payment stub (without staples, tape or other correspondence), they had up to 2 days to post! I told him that was contrary to their own printed matter on THEIR bill. Moving on the my electronic payment, I was informed that it is considered an "unconventional" payment, hence the extra posting time. I asked which law and he said "United States Congress". Since when did "United States Congress" become a law? What a vague and blanket assertion - the United States Congress law. I either dreamed this or actually received something in the mail about Capital One's practice of late posting and charging late fees...... wish I could remember :))


Subj: Capital One

Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 17:37:27 EDT

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Hi, I found the specific cases very interesting to read. I work at Capital One in the u.k (and I'm not in any sort of senior position) I can honestly say that none of these cases are normal practice (at least in the uk) and I will be happy to give my own personal advice on any further queries. The reason I offer this help is not because I have been asked to, or will be paid to do, but because Cap. 1 is the best company I have ever worked for, and I must say by far the most honest. I would appreciate it if this message was posted, as the site seems very 1 sided. Thanks

Gareth Williams


Sun City, Arizona

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