  • Report:  #68733

Complaint Review: CAR PLAZA - DANDY WHEELS - FLAMINGO FINANCE - Pantation Florida

Reported By:
- Davie, Florida,

600 NORTH STATE ROAD 7 Pantation, 33317 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a car less than 6 months ago. 4 months into the purchase the car died. It was brought to the warranty repair shop Dandy wheels in Margate/ North Lauderdale. The car was placed on priority per Manager of Dandy wheels Bob Barnes.

The car was there for 14 days! 14 days to replace the engine! One month later car died needing a new coil. One month later car died needing a new fuel injector. As much as I tried to get some assistance the customer service was so bad. I called corporate and they had this Quality Manger, Mike Weinstein, call me. He was very versed in memorized replies. He had a stupid reply for every complaint. Bottom line, you bought a used car, deal with it. I got no where.

I brought it to the local dealership to find that the "NEW ENGINE" had the wrong spark plugs and wires, the coil was bad (Dandy just fixed), the fuel injectors were wrong, and 2 were bad (Dandy wheels just fixed). When I called Dandy wheels, irate with the customer service, Mr. Barned told me he didn't want to speak to me cause I was not very nice.

Well $2000.00 later I was not a happy customer. I still have not gotten no response from Mike Weinstein nor corporate nor Toni the NEW manager at car plaza who promptly told me he has only been there 2 days so he didn't care. The owner was in Isreal so there was nothing he could do.


Davie, Florida

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