  • Report:  #69828

Complaint Review: Carvel - Toney Alabama

Reported By:
- Pony, Alabama,

2948 E Market Toney, Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a large Disney-style ice cream cake from Carvel for my wife's birthday. It was a combination chocolate & vanilla cake with chocolate cookie crumbles and icing made to look like Cinderella's glass slipper. The cake was enormous. And since there were only two of us, it melted before we were able to eat all of it.

Imagine my surprise when I found what appeared to be a small snake amongst the melted cake remains. My wife, deathly afraid of snakes, went into impaired glucose shock from her diabetic condition at the very site of it.

To make sure it really was a snake, I took it to the local animal control, where it was identified as a small green garter snake. We are horrifically disgusted at this incident. We called Carvel to ask for our money back, but they refused, claiming that by FDA laws, food is allowed to have a certain amount of animal or bodily objects in them and still be in compliance.

They said we happened to be the unlucky ones. Great Goggly Moggly! What should we do?


Pony, Alabama

12 Updates & Rebuttals


This is a legitmate complaint

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 17, 2004

Yes, I agree that this man is unbelievably pompous for thinking that the town ought to be renamed for his sake. I also agree that the fact that his wife ate HALF of the ice cream cake is the likely reason for her diabetic shock. Half of an "enourmous" cake is not "sweets in moderation". However, a snake in an ice cream cake is not acceptable. Period. Yes, the FDA does allow certain amounts of animal parts in foods, but that refers to things like tiny insect parts, not snakes. I strongly suggest contacting the state health department and perhaps reporting this to your local paper. But make sure just tell them about the presence of the snake, and leave out the part about diabetic shock, as it detracts credibilty from your story.


Get real, Here's a tip--

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, July 17, 2004

Send someone into a heart attack? Yes. Diabetic shock? NO. My mother is diabetic, as is my father-in-law, so I know whereof I speak. Here's a tip--Cutting carbohydrates (especially sugary cake and ice cream) will decrease one's chance for heart disease AND diabetes. So either which way you look at it she's killing herself with her diet to begin with.


Oh boy... I dont need a doctor to tell me otherwise.

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, July 16, 2004

As the daughter of a diabetic, I know that getting fright from a phobia will nto send someone into diabetic shock. And I dont need a doctor to tell me otherwise. Sudden frights can cause heart attacks (Mild or severe depending on the person), hyperventilation, even trigger asthma (From the rapid breathing... seen it happen once. Dunno if its commn). But DIABETIC SHOCK? Please. The only way that would work is if the snake was made of pure sugar and your wife somehow ate it. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure that blood-sugar levels aren't affected by fright all that much. If they are, then with the number of pranks I pull on my mother, she should be dead a hundred times over. Please, next time if you're going to rip a company off, try and do it with scientific backing


Bogus name?

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 15, 2004

Look, this dude "Peter" has had many names and lived in many ficticious towns in the past. This is old news. Try a search for Shawangunk, Shawonga, Pegleg, Gretchelle, and Cozylee for starters. He's claimed to have live in: Toolaville, Idaho. (Pegleg, Gretchelle) Toolaville, Nova Scotia. (Gretchelle) Socksville, Nebraska. (Cozylee, Pegleg, Shawangunk) Socksville, Florida. (Shawangunk) Socksville, Kentucky. (Shawonga) Bunyon, Manitoba. (Gretchelle) Bunyon, Oregon. (Wettsy) Edinburgh, Europe. (Cozylee) New York, New York. (Shawonga) Orlando, Florida. (Shawonga) His credibility is zero. God only knows what he calls himself today. He denied the multiple personalities as long as he could, but he's not very smart. He had to admit these names were suddenly his real names! (Just like the towns?... Love to see that Birth Certificate!) The point is, "Great Goggly Moggly" was in his past posts along with "Waaah, Waah, Waah, Cry Me A River". All overlapped, all provable, all from the same guy. Do you really believe his story now? P.S. Out of the DOZENS of posts he made, none were any help at all since 2002. (Except his earliest, and that was only one about Circut City) All he did was belittle the person filing a complaint. Nice fella. Feel sorry for his friends, if he has any. So Shawangunk, how's the light of truth feel, swifty? And how are those lawsuits coming along, tough guy?

Not A Glutton

Race City,
North Carolina,
oh my what an ego

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, July 15, 2004

You're assistant governor of your town & feel that it's name should be changed to yours. Exactly how much cake was left? did you buy this cake in a Carvel store or a grocery store? If you purchased it in a local Carvel store, maybe someone there doesn't like you very much due to your over-inflated ego. Carvel also makes cakes in different sizes, so why would you buy and "enormous" cake for just 2 people? Why didn't you put the remainder of the cake in the freezer? Why would you want to eat an "enormous" cake in one sitting? I guess you were absent the day they taught that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. You need to reel in that ego of yours and come back to planet earth, maybe then people will have some respect for you and not put poor harmless little garter snakes in your cake.


Yes, the town is Toney

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 24, 2003

Yes, the name of the town is actually Toney. I however, prefer to affectionately call it Pony, as Pony is my last name and I am the assistant Governor of the town. Effectively I am one of the lawmakers and therefore believe the town should hold my name. After all, if you change the T to a P and omit the E, it spells Pony! I have written to the address you provided, and I will submit an update to this case as soon as I get my desired results. Thank you very much for your caring and considerate demeanor. You would make a fine citizen of Pony (Toney - actual city name) should you ever desire to move to the fine state of Alabamama. God bless!


Yes, the town is Toney

#8Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 24, 2003

Yes, the name of the town is actually Toney. I however, prefer to affectionately call it Pony, as Pony is my last name and I am the assistant Governor of the town. Effectively I am one of the lawmakers and therefore believe the town should hold my name. After all, if you change the T to a P and omit the E, it spells Pony! I have written to the address you provided, and I will submit an update to this case as soon as I get my desired results. Thank you very much for your caring and considerate demeanor. You would make a fine citizen of Pony (Toney - actual city name) should you ever desire to move to the fine state of Alabamama. God bless!


Yes, the town is Toney

#9Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 24, 2003

Yes, the name of the town is actually Toney. I however, prefer to affectionately call it Pony, as Pony is my last name and I am the assistant Governor of the town. Effectively I am one of the lawmakers and therefore believe the town should hold my name. After all, if you change the T to a P and omit the E, it spells Pony! I have written to the address you provided, and I will submit an update to this case as soon as I get my desired results. Thank you very much for your caring and considerate demeanor. You would make a fine citizen of Pony (Toney - actual city name) should you ever desire to move to the fine state of Alabamama. God bless!


Yes, the town is Toney

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 24, 2003

Yes, the name of the town is actually Toney. I however, prefer to affectionately call it Pony, as Pony is my last name and I am the assistant Governor of the town. Effectively I am one of the lawmakers and therefore believe the town should hold my name. After all, if you change the T to a P and omit the E, it spells Pony! I have written to the address you provided, and I will submit an update to this case as soon as I get my desired results. Thank you very much for your caring and considerate demeanor. You would make a fine citizen of Pony (Toney - actual city name) should you ever desire to move to the fine state of Alabamama. God bless!


You just HAD to open yer Piehole, didn't you?

#11Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 23, 2003

I was asking what I should DO in this situation, not your individual opinion and judgmental attitude. If you do not like reading my posts, no one is forcing you. So turn your eyes elsewhere! As for my wife's diabetic condition, she is allowed to eat sweets in moderation. Being her birthday and all, she decided to eat the ice cream cake. The site of the small green snake startled her so badly that her body went into diabetic shock. I feel that the food manufacturer's response was not customer-friendly in any way. Telling customers that FDA standards allow for a certain amount of animal and bodily parts may be true, but customers certainly do not have to know that. They should have refunded our money for the cake. I am not going to rest until I get my refund! I am prepared to boycott all Carvel bakeries to the fullest extent of the law!!!!


I was right!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 22, 2003

On the whole cell phone post you were (and still are) claiming Pony Alabama... It is Toney like I stated before... Thank you for clearing that issue up! As to your complaint, contact Carvel Corporation 200 Glenridge Point Parkway Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30342 Maybe they would be interested in keeping their good name although the store in question is probably a franchise.


Peter, I think you may be guilty of attempted murder!

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2003

How about NOT buying your diabetic spouse treats that contain enough sugar and fat to send an entire small town into sugar shock. Snake or no snake, this act sounds like attempted murder to me! You probably put the snake in there yourself. It was undoubtedly your first cousin. Great Goggly moggly! Maybe the law should check into your actions. And perhaps the ED should block your email address to prevent your filing these outlandish reports that are about as real as the town you claim to live in and your job at Nextel!

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