  • Report:  #1034863

Complaint Review: Charlie O' Conner and Golden circle distribution - Southington Connecticut

Reported By:
Bane - westhartford, Connecticut,

Charlie O' Conner and Golden circle distribution
1049 queen st Southington, 06489 Connecticut, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I started with kirby in southington ct in may of 2012. A friend had called me and said he got this amazing job that pays 500$ a week and no sales required. At the time i had just quit my previous job and it sounded like a great opportunity. I asked my friend if he can get me in there and he called his manager who at the time said "Anthony sell a kirby first then you can bring as many friends as you want and i will hire them". I thought hey mightaswell buy a kirby from anthony to secure a position in the company. I used my credit card to buy a kirby for 1,500$ thinking why not? i will make back my 1,500$ in 3 weeks!!! After metting Charlie o' Conner the owner of golden circle i saw the 30k rolex he would always brag about and all these trips he goes on and how he has made millions in the company and so me being the person Iam, i bought into it. Who doest want such a lifestyle? It all seemed so real and Charlie O' Conner did a great job at presenting everything. Truly the best salesmen i met in my life!

I invested over 25k borrowing all the money from my father. I bought a brand new van which cost me over 10k  and secured a 4 year lease at an office, bought all types of office related material as well as furniture and tvs. Charlie O' Conner send kevin o conner who is his younger brother to recruit and help me get the office rolling. Kevin o conner never paid me rent or anything on time; infact always cried broke when the first of the month came. Kevin o conner also played a part in me loosing my business and charlie o conner new he was responsible however looked past that because blood is obviously thicker then water. My number as a distributer under charlie o conner got cancelled because "kevin o conner" who was a seperate entity and his own distriubter using some of my office space to conduct business failed to pull a background check on an individual. We had a deal that when kevin hires a class all kids are his until there icebreaker weekend is over so he was responsible for pulling the background because he hired him because in the practice weekend demos may be setup with neighbors in the neighborhood not just family and friends. between december and january charlie o conner started charging me 100$ more for a kirby which i paid so i was paying 700$ instead of 600$.  Charlie o conner gets them for 500$ or less.  when i contested the price charlie o conner stated that he cant sell me kirbys anymore because my number is cancelled and he doesnt know if i will get it back. When i said what about my office and my van i make payments for and my investment? his answer, Sell your van its a loss.  

If charlie o conner told me in the begining and disclosed everything i couldve made a wiser decision however he didnt tell me anything. He told me this is a great franchise business and never said '1' complain and they take away your franchise.  He just kept bragging on how he made this much and how his lifestyle is this and that... I have no problem with kirby or anything infact kirby is a great product its the best on the market and kirby is a great company thats been around forever. My issue is with Charlie o conner and golden circle for scamming me into selling me a dream and having me invest and get knee deep into the business and then pulling the rug from under my feet. The methods of recruiting are defrauding. Now im stuck in a big lease and out thousands and thousand of dollars.

In  the begining i trained over 4 weeks for which i didnt get paid a cent for. Drove miles and miles to rallies and morning mandatory meetings and participated. I wasnt paid for my participation in the madatory morning meetings at southington over the months either. Be carefull and watch out for Charlie o conner in southington. Kirby is a great business and if your looking to get into it there are other offices that will gladly hire you and run an ethical business and dont pressurize you to sell kirbys to your families and friends that truly cannot afford them. I feel like i got scammed and what happened to me was no less then a violent crime because it has had a detrimental affect on my livelihood. Iam going to be peacefully protesting outside his office in an attempt to get justice and reimbursed for my investment and time because i was mislead and swindled to believe certain things and wasnt disclosed the most important ones. If you have been scammed by them or someone you know exercise your first amendment right to freedom of speech and picket his office with signs dont just get dishearted and leave it. These scams and lies have to stop. Charlie o conner send his brother kevin o conner with a form stating release of all claims with a check for $1000 something in an attempt to pay me off pennies to the dollars im owed and suppress my voice and options.

Stay far away from charlie o conner and kevin o conner and matt o conner in ct southington. They will smoothly swiftly rob you blind of your money and never disclose the facts in the begining. I really trusted charlie o conner and believed everything he told me because he seemed like an honest selfmade millionare however if he has any morals he should reimburse me for my money and next time before promoting a person disclose the fact that one complaint and your shutdown.  Ive never heard of that in any franchise business...

Please be careful and makesure you do your research before they have you sign any paperwork, infact have an attorney review the paperwork before you sign. I guarantee you the attorney will tell you its a fishy contract prepared in the companies favour and only them. Iam trying to come to a settlement with charlie o conner however he is not willing to meet me half way either so i will be protesting peacefully outside his business until he does. Be care and stay away from CHARLIE O CONNER KEVIN O CONNER and MATT O CONNER. I have lost 9 months of my life and over 20k and also hundreds of hours of unpaid work including training. I wont get my time back but hope i get some of my money because iam in a very bad position now after dealing with charlie o conner. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


the truth

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 22, 2013

I am writing this so the truth will be known about what really took place with the writer of this complaint.I do have inside info because I know the writer and was I know what really happened.I was one of the first people in Golden Circle to talk to the complainant just one day after he bought his Kirby.He was asking me questions about the product and the company and seeing as I have been around Kirby for 4 years he was interested in what I had to say.I was a sales rep for 2 years and after I was unable to go out to the field anymore due to health problems I was offered a job in the service center repairing Kirbys and care of the building maintenance.I am very knowledgeable about the industry and the writer wanted to know about the product and our franchise.I was totally honest with him and we talked for a long while.The next thing I knew he came to work for us and began training.Within 1 week I was told that he was going to be fast tracked to be a distributor trainee.Melick the writer asked A short time later if I thought he would succeed in Kirby.I told him if he worked hard and followed Charlie's lead he would be.It was not long before he was renting an office and opening up to sell the product.

This is where his problems began.Kevin was sent to help and he tried,but Melick wanted to do it his way and not the Kirby way.The only one he has to blame is himself.He was not taking care of customer complaints and not making sure his sales reps were able to work for Kirby.Due to the nature of our business,door to door sales,we  can not hire convicted felons and put them in houses selling our product.It was up to him to make sure his employees were able to work for him not Kevin,even though Kevin was responsible to run back ground checks.If I had just invested all that money in a office I would make sure that all my bases were covered,wouldn't you????The corporate office in Ohio pulled his franchise # and Charlie and our regional director tried to stop that process but more complaints came in and the end results were him losing his franchise rights.

Melick and his father met with Charlie and the situation was out of Charlies hands.Charlie kept trying to help Melick but it all came to an end when Charlie found out by phone that Melick was doing things in his office at night with his employees that was not in the best interest of the company,like smoking pot and snorting cocaine,as well as trying to bed a female employee down.That is when Charlie decided he did not want to have Melick represent his company anymore,and cut all ties with him.Shortly after that Melick was arrested for DUI and then procession of pot.The only person Melick can blame for his lose is himself.Charlie did the right thing and so did corporate Kirby.Would you want Melick representing your company???I think not.
I know Charlie well and he runs an ethical company and helps hie people as much as he can.I kno from personal experience.All I can say is that Melicks story is just that,a story and he needs to take responsibility for his actions not blame someone else.He is in trouble with his dad and is trying to pass the blame onto some one else.He owes his dad alot of money because he was foolish,not because of any one else.   

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