  • Report:  #1754

Complaint Review: Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation - Nationwide

Reported By:

Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Last Friday, March 24th, 2000 a letter from Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation stated the following: This letter is to notify you that we forwarded your account to an attorney/trustee to immediately initiate foreclosure proceedings. The letter has a few standard lines and at the bottom it states: You will be notified as to the date the property needs to be vacated.

This is the second time they have done this. Last year they took me for a ride. Broken agreements, and non existent communication systems. Confusion, three companies indicating contradicting information.

The dollars amounts are simple to figure. I followed the all requests and instructions and met every demand that had been asked of me by the company that has indicated they wish not to have me as their customer. The truth is I had never applied for a loan at this financial institution.

[email protected]

[email protected]

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