  • Report:  #68952

Complaint Review: Cheatsheet.net - Internet

Reported By:
- Independence, Missouri,

www.cheatsheet.net Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a cheatsheet from cheatsheet.net to help prepare for a certification test. The website states, "All our guides are 100% Actual Exam Questions with verified Answers by several MCTs and Cisco Trainers. We guarantee that you will pass your exam the first try with our guides." However after getting my cheatsheet, I found multiple mistakes.

I filed a complaint with the company and asked for a refund since they did not live up to my expectations. Here is their response, "Updated [ 2003 - 10 - 02, 3:56 am, Shirley Lee ] - We can offer you one (1) free cheatsheet of your choice for this errors." And my response was, "Why would I want another product?

First, I am not studying for another test. Second, I have no confidence in any of your products. This solution is unacceptable. Your product is faulty and I have found multiple errors. I will contact my credit card company to dispute the charges and I am going to file a complaint with the better business bureau and ripoffreport.com."

After this complaint, I was refunded my money, however, I still feel that this company is not representing themselves properly. I don't want to see anyone have to deal with this company's lack of ethics. They should not state that their answers are verified when in fact the answers were not or were verified by someone incompetent. If I actually knew where this company was located then I would file a complaint with the local BBB. Don't use this website!


Independence, Missouri

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Oh Shut Yer Pie Hole!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 13, 2003

If you are so extremely skilled at the subject matter to the point where you can pick out mistakes made by expert engineers, then why would you have ordered a "cheat sheet" in the first place? It sounds to me like not only were you trying to get something for nothing (and succeeded), but also you were obviously attempting to cheat on a major exam. Shame on you! And to top it off, even after the company in question refunded your money to account for their error, you STILL posted a negative report against them. Shame on you (ditto)! Next time you open yer pie hole just remember - - cheaters never win, and losers never cheat!

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