  • Report:  #128982

Complaint Review: Child Protective Services Texas - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- arlington, Texas,

Child Protective Services Texas
Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We have reported physical as well as sexual abuse of my stepson in his mother's home. Not only did CPS not protect him by removing him and investigating further. In the 4 letters that they sent us. One time they had the mother as the subject not the child and said no abuse was found of the mother.

One letter said there was no abuse of her daughter. My stepsons sister sexually abused him and by CPS's own admission they investigated abuse of the wrong child the sister and not sexual and physical abuse of my stepson. We filed the report in regards to the mother abusing the boy and in a letter regarding this report they stated that My husband was not found to be guilty of any abuse. No one has ever filed abuse charges against my husband. They admitted they sent the wrong letter and would send out a corrected one.

We reported my stepson had untreated second degree burns (per the ER doctor) that he recieved in his mothers care. We gave the social worker pictures, the ER report and she questioned my stepson and he told her the same that we did. She cringed when she saw the burns, but her letter stated that there wasn't enough information provided to determine if there was abuse. CPS should be shut down and completely restructured. They are a joke in protecting our children.


arlington, Texas

2 Updates & Rebuttals


I'm so heartbroken!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 04, 2005

Children need stability in their life to do well in their learning opportunities. Please do whatever you're allowed to do with what you can afford to provide the child with educational items. He'll respect you for the interest you show in his education. Encourage him to do his best at whatever he attempts to do. When he's in your care, involve him in something that can put some stability in his life. Let him help you prepare and serve a meal. Teach him about life and about God. Support him with kindness and understanding in his goals. Find some projects of his skill level and interest. Start a 4-H Club notebook for him to work on when he's in your home. Some 4-H projects can be worked on while away from your home. These activities will provide him som stability in life. Involve him in learning a craft of some kind. Find a musical instrument he can learn to play. Help him collect, preserve and identify insects or leaves to display in science projects. Help him learn to use binoculars and compasses. Take him hiking, camping and fishing. Help him build a kite and go with him to put it in the air. Help him find wholesome ways to learn while he is not in your home. Take him to the public library. Help him search for books on subjects of interest to him. Help him learn to study better and use his time away from you constructively as much as he can. Remember that one-on-one contact will help the boy survive until he is old enough to tell the judge where he wants to live. (I believe that's twelve years of age.) Try to avoid criticizing the custodial parent in the presence of the child. Be a good listener. Keep careful notes. When possible, have another person witness the notes you jot down. Since dates on photographs are not always correct, take the snapshots near something that will identify the time and date of an event. For instance, you might try including part of the current newspaper in your photograph as verification for the date the snapshot is taken. I hope these suggestions will be of some benefit to you as you face the difficult days ahead.


West Virginia,
CPS in Beckley WV is a BIG JOKE

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, May 10, 2005

I know what you are going thru. My husband has a sweet 7 yr old boy. I think of him as my own since my husband works all the time and I am the one who cares for him while being at the house. Let me start from the beginning: My husband got drunk my Michelle but her motive was getting pregnant by him and claiming it was another mans because he was on Social Security Disability. So this meant, she got a "check" for the child "being his". Well, he found out that she was sleeping with other men as well. (3 men got tested as being the father) He dumped her after he found all this out. So now, she needed to find out who the father really was. It was my husband. RIght after the child was born, she wanted child support but she didnt want him to have anything to do with the child unless she needed money. She thought it was his responsibility to also buy all the milk, diapers and everything else he needed while she partied on the child support money. She even got ahold of his SS# thanks to the Child Advocate Office and got credit in his name and ruined him from getting a vehicle or a home later on. (He didnt know she was doing this because all the bills were going to her address. Then when he met me, she has the address changed to our address.) About 3 months after Jarod was born, she called wanting to know if Art wanted to see his son. He said yes thrilled to finally be seeing him since he was born. All she wanted was sex. He went to her house, and she told him to come into the bedroom where she was sleeping and Jarod was in there also. He went to see and hold him and she said, Oh I called you here for sex, not to see Jarod. He spent a few moments with him and left. She was angry because he wouldnt sleep with her. Her comment was, "Oh I cant get pregnant" and he said to her, You told me that once before and you ended up pregnant and I dont believe you now.This happened in 1997, we started dating in 10/2000. Now that we met and are dating, he sees how I am with my 2 sons and how close we are. He told me about his son and how he never sees him. So he calls her wanting to see him and she says yes. (OH the only other he got him was his birthday which is July of 98 and at Christmas time. Just holidays that she wants you to buy him something and she ends up putting her name on it too because she didnt have the money to buy him anything. (she has 2 daughters from a previous marriage and she did the same thing to him) But yet she got all this money and didnt have money to buy him anything. But she has the money that night to get drunk on) When we go and pick him up, she sees me and gets hateful and says, Oh, you have a girlfriend, you have to bring him back in 2 hrs, he has a birthday party to go to. Whenever she needed somebody to watch him without paying for it, she called us when her mom and dad or brothers and sister said they had plans and they werent changing them to stay home with him. So we got him until she got done with her "sex session". (we later found this out from her friends) This goes on until Christmas day of 2001, she calls and wants to bring Jarod up to the house to get his gifts. She pulls up and wants to come in and we tell her no. This is our time with him. She throws him back into the car and leaves. She gets down the road and calls and tells me what she thinks she knows about me. She proceeds to tell me that SHE found out I was an unfit mother and had my kids taken away. OH NO I DIDNT. That is another girl in a different county with the same name as me. She tells me that she talks to my ex-husband everyday because he is there flirting with me (her) and how he told her everything about me. I was so fuming mad, I wanted to grab her thru the phone and slap her silly. So when I start telling her off, she hangs up because I tell her that I am a better mother to her SON than what she is. She calls back and tells me if we want him for an hour to come and get him. So I did. I tell her off some more while my family is in the car distracting Jarod. She drives off. Art takes him home. Now we are to May 2002, he comes to our house with a perfectly round circle burn on his finger. Supposedly, we did it over the wkend. She called on Wed to see why we burnt him. We dont smoke was our answer to her. He comes to house again that wkend, and it is bandaged up. We clean the wound and it needs air to scab over. She has it covered up so she wont get in trouble. Headstart is told we done it. We were told Headstart done it. CPS was called, they came to my house after they question him and he told them his dads brother done it (he is a deputy in NC and could lose his job due to the lie), CPS was told he was in NC and is a cop. Then we tell Tim Vickers (CPS worker) she told us it happened at headstart. They talk to my 2 sons and they tell them it didnt happen at our house. THen she calls and tells us that he said it was my 2 sons who were smoking. We dont even have cigarettes in the home. Well, that was finally settled and it was told his grandparents (her parents) done it. August of 2002, we file for visitation on a regular basis. She has court date after court date postponed. She needs knee surgery, or she is sick, or has to work. Now its Jan 2003, she calls us upset wanting to talk to us and she told us she couldnt deal with him anymore that we had to come and get him. She was letting us have him. Finally, it was all over. WRONG!!!She called Sunday wanting him back and Art let her have him back. I wouldnt have. Alot of fighting goes back and forth. NOw its 12/27/2003 and my dad is in a life and death car wreck. We were suppose to pick him up that Fri. (she called us in nov. wanting us to get him EVERY WEEKEND OR NEVER so we agree) and when Art told her that he had to go to Huntington, she got irate and said you pick him up because I have a date and I have plans. When we told what happened to my dad, she said that wasnt her problem and she didnt care. Well, we didnt get him for 2 wkends and she was MADDDDD. Still date after date is postponed. Finally in June, we have a court date. Now its 2003, and it was postponed. Finally after paying for a lawyer, we get our weekends set. Court papers are to state that it is shared custody. Well, they arent. July 4th wkend is here, she wont let us have him. WE go back to court. She is slapped on the hands for it. NOthing else. She takes us back to court in Feb of 2004 because Art got a better paying job. Well, she wanted more money. So we go to court and she dont know that if a child gets a SS check, they no longer get child support and if they do, it is taken off the SS check. She was furious. Law master got mad at her. So she got fooled at this court date but so did we. The custody was suppose to be changed to shared and it wasnt. So now we cant find anything out about the boy. School grades, doc's visits, nothing. But it was also suppose to say that we were to buy him glasses once a year, she wanted us to buy 4 pairs a year. Law master said no, 1 in plenty for a child. Well, that was left out also. So now, she wants us to buy glasses that the welfare bought for him. He had the new pair not even a month and now they are lost. Thats why she needed the 4 pairs, she breaks them and wants us to buy them. NO WAY. (I know it sounds stupid, but she gets more a month from Social Security, back child support, food stamps) and lives better than us. Free daycare, hospital, dental, vision, etc. WE have to pay for ours. March of 2004, her son was put into a mental hospital because "he dont mind me". Well, he does me. I just have to give him "the look" and he stops behaving badly. She dont care. He almost got hit by a car. 5 TIMES in 1 month. 2 wks later, her boyfriend overdosed on the childs ADHD medicine. (snorting it makes you high) In Nov of 2004, she has Art arrested for child abuse. The boy lied and said his dad done it. So another court date and more lawyer fees later, we went to court and while I was standing outside, the Prosecuting Atty seen me and asked me why was I there. I told her what happened, she had all the charges dropped when she told Michelle if she is lying about Art doing the abuse, she is going to jail. April, 2005, he has more bruises. He tells us that his mom slung him in the bathtub on 3/18/05 (that week we didnt get him "because he was sick" and he wasnt). He had bruises all over him. We took him to the cops. I couldnt do anything because Im not his mom. His dad has to. So we finally get to take him, hospital report is taken, cops are called, cps is called. SHE GETS BY WITH IT. WHY?? Court order states she has custody, he stays with her until we take her to court and have it changed. So therefore, if the parent has physical custody, the CPS office will leave him in the abusive home. Her boyfriend (which are numerous and alot at the same time) beats him too. She has berpes. Yet, she sleeps around without telling the guys. She has threesomes, and with girls too. She does all this while Jarod is in the house. If she wants him to go to bed, she will double his medicine to knock him for the entire night. He almost burnt the house down for fixing himself something to eat. She was knocked out on sleeping pills. HER friend almost hit him with her car while he was riding his bike, she was on the futon knocked out again. Yep sleeping pills. She even overdosed him. She said she didnt care. Yet, there is nothing we can do to get him out of there temporarily. Not even foster care. Foster care would be better than with her. Living with a litter of puppies is better. She signed over custody of her 2 daughters over to their father because he has a better job and can take care of them better than her. NO, keeping them was costing her more money and it was taking from her bar hopping money. I was even told to take pictures, I was told pictures can be taken at any time. I have the camera with the date stamp, they didnt care. It can be changed was what I was told. So they didnt care. Jarod even told them that his mom and BOYFRIENDS were abusing him. THEY DONT CARE. I have wrote the Governor, Senate, House of Reps, Congress, etc. YOu name it, they were wrote. The local newspaper office refuses to publish my letters. Last year, we had a mentally handicapped womans child to die because it froze to death. WHY? Welfare didnt have time to check on them and make sure they had heat. HOW in the hell can u forget? They claim they are so overworked and underpaid. Then go and get another job!! Hope it all works out for you!

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