  • Report:  #285795

Complaint Review: Circuit City - Madison Wisconsin

Reported By:
- madison, Wisconsin,

Circuit City
450 Commerce Drive Madison, 53719 Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I yearned for a Wii. I needed it. I had been addicted to Nintendo since Bros 3 and I would not wait one minute longer than I had to.

Thats why I drove, hungover in a blizzard in December. (Which I did spin out and hit a stop sign in, broke my left front headlight...a sacrifice I was more than willing to make.) I waited for 2 hours in a literal blizzard in my "I wasn't thinking I was hungover too cold jeans, no socks and a t-shirt under my less than warm pink pea coat" in front of Circuit City to get a Wii.

No complaints - like I said it was a yearning need beyond anything I'd ever felt before. I even enjoyed the nauseous Wisconsin freeze because I knew when I got home I would be playing Zelda: Twilight Princess.

The man at the counter seduced me however into buying their "protection plan". I normally don't get insurance on systems. Never had to, especially insurance plans that cost over 90 dollars for a 240 dollar system, but I tend to be clumsy as well as unlucky. I asked if I could take it outside, beat it with a hammer bring it back inside and get a new one. He said yes. I asked if something did go wrong, like I split my delicious diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper on it if I could bring it in and get a new one. I made SURE that the fact that if I brought it to the store I would get a new one then at the store.

Oh, but they were just whispering their sweet lies to me, and I fell for it.

I actually did need to replace my Wii. It would have been covered under Nintendo's warranty, but I wanted my Wii now...not 4 months and a trip to Japan from now. Good thing I spent over 90 dollars on that warranty right?


I bring it in and say, "here you go here's my warranty, my receipt (in duplicate), I need a new Wii. It is definitively broken."

This lead to a long drawn out attempt at a reasonable conversation with a brick wall.

Apparently, they don't give replacements at the circuit city. Even though I had notes I took about what to do from the sales man IN the event I wanted my replacement. They tell me I have to send it via UPS myself to some circuit city repair center.

Repair? I bought the warranty for a replacement. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten it, but I still figured it would be faster than sending it to Nintendo, so I did it. Although, I do believe after blatantly lieing to me the least they could have done was offer to have it sent out with their mail, I mean there contracted with UPS for gods sake.

So...time passes....and passes....and I'm kicking myself for ever buying the warranty and not just sending it to Nintendo, when wow and behold I get my "replacement"

A frigging Gift Card. Worth the value of a Wii at any Circuit City.

So, I call, 3 times hoping to get a reasonable individual on the line, but all I get is: "We don't know when or if we're going to get any Wii's."

Don't know? I was promised a replacement. Not a gift card, especially when the BEST they can do for me is to try showing up and waiting again another Sunday morning, hoping I suppose they even are getting any. I don't want near 300 dollars of stuff from Circuit City. For that matter all I ever wanted from Circuit City was a Wii (and honestly, I tried them last...I guess I should have just waited).

I asked if they could reserve me a Wii in the next shipment they got, just take down my name and number, post it in your employee room/office/whatever and call me when you have one. I would do it for someone in my position where I work. It's called human decency and fulfilling your end of a contract.

But of course, they can't do that either. I even reduced my request down to simply - well...I'll check in on Saturdays or early Sunday morning and if you have one could you hold it for me.


I regret ever buying that warranty. At this point I would rather have my broken Wii to send to Nintendo then deal with the needless, heartless hassle they keep putting me through.

I was lied to and coerced into buying a insurance plan I would NEVER had boughten if I was simply told the truth by the clerk about what the insurance entailed.

I hate you Circuit City and your little dog too.


madison, Wisconsin


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4 Updates & Rebuttals

Firedog Jon

I deal with wii crazy people all the time and i'm not even a sales person....

#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 30, 2007

Like the previous employee stated... We never know when we will be getting a shipment of wii's until the last minute. Most items like this are based on voucher systems... and its safe to say if your not one of the first 5 in line out side the doors then you more than likely will not get one. Circuit City is a first come first served business. Its been like that for a long time. Technically we are not supposed to hold anything for anyone. That makes it fair for those that do come out early or are in store and actually wanting to purchase the items. As for employees having the wrong information... sometimes it happens... like stated before... they are only human... not to mention... you have to consider how many items a salesperson sells each day. A while back they had people that specialized in specific areas of the store, but not to long ago they pushed sales people into FULL FLOOR selling. This makes it really hard on the sales team because you have to learn everything on the floor and your not really specialized anymore. Yeah some catch and retain more on certain areas than others, and in 5 months time i saw 2 whole crews come and go through the sales positions. Salesmen make no commission, and basically learn everything the know by being out on the floor. If they are new... then its safe to say they still have alot to learn and it would be nice if customers would give them a little credit. There has been times were they pulled me off computers i was working on to go help customers and sell them PC's. I'm not a sales person so i don't keep up with all the combo specials and what we sell in the magazines. I fix computers... but since i work with Circuit City people expect me to know everything about everything we sell. I just get to the point if a person wants to know about anything other than a pc technical issue i tell them to talk to a guy or gal in a red shirt. This helps to avoid any misleading information, but customers often call it being disrespectful or pawning them off on other people.... Honestly... I was just making sure they were getting the right information and that is by far more respectful than giving them false information i was unsure about in the first place. Some other issues is that MOST customers only hear what they want to hear and shut out the rest. When you buy extended warranties... the employee is supposed to first put the brochure explaining it in detail in your hand and then talk to you about it. If they don't do this then technically they are not selling it correctly. If you buy something its not the salespersons fault you didn't read the information on your own. You cant really blame a salesperson for you agreeing to a contract that you yourself didn't fully understand. If you have questions its your responsibility to ask the questions you want answers to. If you don't then your just as responsible if not more for the issues that arise from it. If the information gathered from questions doesnt sound right... ask for the floor manager, or go to the front counter to talk to the actual CSA's that you will be dealing with for extended warranties... you can also call the numbers listed on the brochures. anyways i'm done writing books for the night... goodluck with your issues. Just remember be patient... Until you work retail you cant fully understand how hard things really are for those that do so give them a little slack... I know i do now that i've seen all the stuff that happens in stores.


In Reply to Employee

#3Author of original report

Thu, December 20, 2007

Yes, I was sold the extended warranty. The snow storm was the first time I went to get the Wii, so no I was not upset the first time, I was elated. It wasn't until I attempted to redeem the warranty that I was upset. I also later found out that the college aged man who sold me the warranty was later fired, for the exact same reason I complained about: LIEING. He told me it I could get it right away, he also told a man he could kick in a TV and get a replacement so yes, I do feel this is Circuit Cities responsibility to correct for the lies of their employees. Furthermore, when I went to Circuit City I was THEN informed that you could special order a Wii...why had this not been mentioned before? I was told specifically that you could not reserve a Wii and needed to be there when the store opened. This also contradicts your statement as well about people claiming them beforehand - I was NEVER allowed the opportunity. I also know that you do know when Circuit City is getting them, as I was explained by a manager. I also now know that you can tell because they will mention it in the ads that go out the Wednesday prior. It seems for an employee your not well informed either, and this is exactly what I am complaining about. At least, I will mention that Circuit City did fix the problem. The manager I spoke with (and yes, I am a very personable person. I work too. I do not like being mistreated at work and therefore I do not take my aggressions out on employees at their work.) and he managed to pull a special order Wii for me when they had not previously called the person who ordered it. Also, because Circuit City admitted their mistake and explained to me that certain employees had been recently fired over the mistake (I have my receipt with the name of the employee on it, and I can read so I did know who it was, and I remember him clearly about 6', slender, brown curly moppy hair, college aged in a college town, dark blue eyes- they were pretty I admit). Also I was explained that the inept employees who were so rude on the phone, and had hung up on me numerous time (I wrote down the names as they answered- I did not appreciate being treated so rudely) were going to be dealt with. So not only did I get a Wii, but they even gave me another warranty free of charge. I would go back there again as long as I could be assured my non-management employee interaction ratio would be minimal.


Circuit City isn't a mom&pop shop.

#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 03, 2007

I must say, sorry for the inconvenience of being told something wrong, however, you must realize that you were probably dealing with some 17 year old kid, at his/her first job. Most certainly doesn't excuse it, but in the end, you were dealing with a human and they do make mistakes. You made quite a few yourself. Second, we don't know when we're getting Wii's in stock. We don't know for a reason. What happens when some kid sees a box in the back, where they're hiding, and says "Oh, yes sir, we will have some in. Let me get your name down, and I'll promise you one on Sunday". So he takes your name down, and puts a post-it note on the board, saying "ONE OF THESE WII'S ARE FOR MR. SMITH". Then, the post-it note gets separated from the Wii, and nobody's there to save you. So you come in casually at 10AM on Sunday morning, expecting your Wii. What happens when you don't get it? You're even angrier, and we're back to square 1 with you hating us. Or, third scenario. We get 30 people that buy the extended garuntee (read: NOT "INSURANCE"). Then, on Sunday, our ad says we'll have some, but only the first 3 people in line get them because the rest have been vouched for. How angry would you have been, if you drove out to Circuit City, while hungover in a blizzard in December, inwhich you spin out and hit a stop sign, breaking your left front headlight, and then wait 2 hours in a literal blizzard, just to find out you were the 4th customer to show up, and STILL don't get one? Sorry about your luck. Sorry the Wii is easily the most popular item in the industry. Sorry your FAVORITE company, Nintendo, isn't making enough Wii's, controlling the market specifically to MAKE THEM HARD TO GET, for TWO Christmas' in a row. Should you really blame Circuit City for selling out of the item by 7AM every time we recieve them, or should you blame Nintendo for PURPOSELY selling limited quantities to every store in America, just so everyone sells out by 7AM.


Well Look at the bright side...

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, December 01, 2007

u at least got a credit for what u paid for on the Wii...maybe CC could not get u a replacement unit b/c it is Not In Stock....like every where else....but since u were hungover and a little shooken up by the cold maybe u did not recall well exactly h*e they sold u the plan...just kidding...I guess u can wait til the Wii is available or but another gaming console with ur Gift card...

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