  • Report:  #178975

Complaint Review: Circuit CIty - Richmond Virginia

Reported By:
- Canal WInchester, Ohio,

Circuit CIty
9950 Mayland Drive Richmond, 23233 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
It all started in March of 2001 when we purchased a Hitachi big screen TV model 43FDX01b at Circuit City in Columbus Ohio along with the 2 year service plan.

Everything was great until about 3 months later - when the convergence began to drift on the TV, everything began to look like a bad 3-D movie. Called the CityAdvantage number and they sent out a tech, an actual Circuit City tech, who reconverged the TV and everything was great again.

When the renewal form came in the mail we renewed for 3 years - seemed like the thing to do at the time.

Fast forward to about a 3 years later - same thing happens plus now a portion of the image is folded over plus the color balance is off on the set - everybody looks green. Call CityAdvantage again - this time they send a service tech out from a private contractor to look at the set. The tech reconverges the set, fixes the centering image to get rid of the folded picture, adjusts the color internally on the set, and cleans and focuses the set. The set looks great once again.

2 months later the convergence has slipped again, once again we call City Advantage, this time I am greeted by a phone center in New Deli India who is "so sorry about my problem." After 20 minutes of talking to a brick wall they finally agree to send out a service tech. This time I get a Circuit City tech, who looks at the set, scratches his head, and decides to replace some parts - mainly the convergence section. It seems like the problem is solved.

Fast forward to 2 months ago, we get HDTV via Dish Network, hook up the component cables from the HDTV Receiver, and we have a beautiful picture and fantastic color - WOW. I am watching the Matrix on TNT-HD and every time there is a flash or fast motion the screen blacks out. We call CityAdvantage again, the brick wall in New Delhi finally agrees to send out the tech, but the first service appointment is not until 2

weeks later.

When the tech arrives from Circuit City, he looks at the set, as I am able to duplicate the problem from him, and states he must research the problem and leaves. I get a call from him the next day, he states that he must order some parts and perform 2 repairs to the set to correct a manufacturing defect / design flaw. A week later he comes out to the house, performs the repair, and everything looks good.

1 week later we decide to watch Star Wars on a DVD - the blacking out problem is now affecting the DVD input when a bright flash or fast motion is on the screen. Call Circuit City once again, the brick wall in New Delhi states that is will be 2 weeks before they can send out a tech again to look at the set. During this 2 week period the following things happen to the set; the convergence slips again, the TV looses brightness, and begins to fade to an un-watchable level, and the black out problem makes it almost impossible to watch a


When the tech arrives, just happens to be the same tech who did the last repair, and looks at the problem he states the last repair should of fixed the problem. As for the brightness and color problem - he fixed that by simply cranking up the drive controls on each of the picture tubes - so much that on certain scene's the TV begins to make a high pitched whine.

He states that he must research the problem and get back to me. He has yet to call me back. Plus some of the adjustments he made seemed to make the black out problem worse, additionally it randomly blacks out for a second or two on other inputs. Basically the set is in worse shape after his visit.

To add to this we just renewed the CityAdvantage plan for another year.

Here is where I am at with this TV. The tech has shortened the life of the set by overdriving the picture tubes to compensate for something wrong deeper in the set with the brightness and contrast, the convergence is drifting off once again, and the set at times is unwatchable due to the black out problem.

When I contacted City Advantage they stated that the repair was complete. In my book it was completely screwed up. When I sent an e-mails to Circuit City I just get automated Reponses stating they are so sorry about the set. I finally got turned over to a case manager, but he has yet to call me

This is what I want, Circuit City to live up to its pledge in the City Advantage sales flyer, Keep your purchase working like it is new, if it can't be fixed it will be replaced with an item of like functionality.

Right know I have a set that does not work that I paid $1700 for plus an additional $750 for the protection plans or renewals of the plans. I feel like I've taken it in the A** with no lube or no kiss.


Canal WInchester, Ohio

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11 Updates & Rebuttals


Canal WInchester,

#2Author of original report

Tue, July 25, 2006

Well, after a LONG hard battle, I had received a call stating that we were "approved" for an exchange on our TV. I returned the call, and was transferred to the "Executive Offices," where I spoke with Kathryn. She was very apologetic, and had told me we were cleared in March, and she was not sure why we were just finding out. I briefly recapped my struggles with customer service, and how we had felt like we were fighting a losing battle. We were approved for almost $1400 in product. We picked out a brand new 51 TV and a receiver, and received a $35 gift card. I'm still working with them to get the last year of my warranty transferred to my new TV. The delivery men came out, took away the old TV and dropped off my new one. It is amazing to watch movies and HD programs, and not have the screen blow up. I guess after spending over $900 on the service plan, and countless hours on phone calls, emails and letters, the battle has been won and I am the winner. My recommendations - keep fighting, don't let up, and don't ever give them the impression that you will go away. If your complaint is legitimate, then you keep going on with the fight! It was a long and tedious process, but in the end it was worth it!


Canal WInchester,
They want to yank out the main board

#3Author of original report

Thu, May 25, 2006

and send it back to Hitachi to have them perform one last fix that requires a great deal of labor and special tools, only found at Hitachi - leaving me without a TV for a minimum of 2 weeks. THe tech says that Hitachi only performs this fix if asked, and no guarantee that this will fix it. Tech came out a nd put in a NEW board, but still the picture will get the black and white bars/sawtooth picture during scenes of action and bright light. I have another new case manager, and I am playing phone tag with her right now. She is never at her desk when I call,a nd she has only called me back once since she bacem case manager about 4 weeks ago - turning over like bees in a hive. I have letters ready to go to all the board members and executive leadership of Circuit City, director of customer service for the company who manages the Advantage Plan, the Attorney General's Office here in Ohio, and if needed, a local TV station's consumer action reporter. The letter expresses my sincere displeasure and that if they do not honor their warranty I will take any action necessary including legal in order to collect for this TV issue, as well as copies of the first letter I had sent back in February. Also found it interesting that the Pres of CC is the former VP of Best Buy, when the State of Ohio sued and WON its case agains Best Buy regarding their lack of honoring service plans, rebates and selling reconditioned items as new in box. I made sure to mention that in my letter, and that I'm sure Attny Gnl Petro would like to work again with Mr Schoonover on resolving this issue. They get one more shot to make this right, and after that, it's going to court to get what I know we deserve for all this crap we've been through. I'll update as soon as we have new info.


Beth, how many times has it been this year?

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, May 05, 2006

Beth, How many times has CC been out this year? I noted your post mentioning that it was "3 times in one year". You certainly seem like your well on your way to fulfilling that part of the warranty! At this point, even if the next repairman makes the TV work beyond your wildest dreams, I would still have a sour stomach having that hunk of junk in my house. I'm sure it will fail again. To me, its history makes it a screaming lemon! I still stand by my earlier suggestion of going to court. But, you might want to try out just letting them bumble around with it a few more times and see if you can really nail them to the wall for a full replacement. You would most likely get a much better TV in this day and age. After all, I think CC really owes you now, if not for "pain", at least for "suffering". If this were a car in California, it would have been tossed back to the manufacturer under lemon laws, sold over state lines, and in the hands of some other unknowing poor soul.....several times over by now.


Canal WInchester,
Tech out, replaced board, still not working right

#5Author of original report

Thu, May 04, 2006

Well, the tech came out 5/3, put in an entire new board with all the attachments. The picture no longer completely blacks out, but it still loses signal, has black and white bars and the picture jumps, exactly the way it had prior to the blackouts - we seemed to have resolved only part of the problem. IT IS NOT FIXED. It's really no better than before. Tech was going to call Hitachi to see if there were any other adjustments, but he stated that the board comes "compelte and set, ready to place in the TV," and he "shouldn' thave to do any tweaks." If that is the case, then all these "fixes" have not nothing to resolve the problem. It is still unwatchable. I have a voicemail at home from someone with circuit City wanting to know if my TV is working. Boy are they going to get an earfull - I'll be nice for as long as I can. but I am over dealing with this problem. 10 times he has been out, only once on a Saturday, we've had to reschedule once due to an illness - and every time I or my husband has to take a day off work. If I get no response, or things do not change, we are prepared to take them to small claims for the price of the TV and the stand, and whatever else is permissible by Ohio Law. Additionally I willb e contacting the Attorney General's Office and see if they can pursue a similar suit against Circuit City like they did against Best Buy and won.


Take them to court

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2006

This has just gone on long enough. Courts are a pain, but they cant be any worse than what you are/have experienced. I would just goto small claims at this point. Circuit City has a poor record of even showing up. Which will make it an automatic win for you.


Canal WInchester,
three times and still not working

#7Author of original report

Thu, April 13, 2006

The tech was out on 4/1, replaced the flex converter, still has same problem. Tech was going to call to see if he can order the main board, and if so, then he will come back again. Was not sure if the board is even made. However tech is on jury duty, so we have not heard anything since 4/3. I think there must be only one tech in the entire COlumbus Area who works on big screens, so if this poor guy is out then everyone gets backed up. NOt his fault and obviously CC doesn't see the need to hire anyone else, because they like to make you wait at least two or three weeks for an appointment. I hope that if this board doesn't work or if they can't get the board, Circuit City better be stepping up to the plate and honoring its warranty. CC customer service phoned us with a survey, and at the end they wanted to know our feelings about CC's ability to resolve our problem. I said: 1) There has been no resolution to this problem it is still happening after three visits to fix it within 6 months, 2) I have sent a letter to CC headquarters to complain about their lack of customer service and to recap the issues we have been having and I have NEVER gotten a reponse, 3) I hope for CC's sake that they do honor their warranty quickly, because I will have no problem going to the Attorney General of Ohio to file a complaint, they sued and won against Best BUy for similar practices on warranties and rebates. The CC CS typed in my response - like I expect it to ever get passed along, I'm sure it was deleted after we hung up. Still not impressed with CC and their Dis Advantage plan. Hopefully we'll hear soon about if there is a replacement part - we will update after that. Until then, still no movies...DVD's beginning to collect dusk and patience is wearing thin!!


Canal WInchester,
Follow Up - CC hates their customers

#8Author of original report

Fri, March 31, 2006

There is a clause that says three times in ONE YEAR for the same problem and it is not fixed, they should be honoring the warranty. We have to wait to see if this last part fixes the issue before we can do anything about the warranty. Not very optimistic that Circuit City will honor it. As far as the convergence issues, the TV does that three gun tubes for the projection, and it is a known issue with this specific Hitachi that there is "red slip" where the gun slips out of focus. We have had Circuit City out before to add/replace parts to "fix" this, but it still happens. I understand the new technology and how much things have changed. However, if it is supposed to fixed, then it shouldn't do this - period. The tech is supposed to be out 4/1 - he was supposed to be out 3/29, called off ill. Sorry that he was sick, life happens, not upset with him. However I had to call Circuit City to find this out, after not receiving any call from the tech or Circuit City by 9:30AM (they are to call between 7AM - 9AM to schedule the appointment), so I wasted 2 1/2 hours of my day that I specifically took off for this appointment. Wish Circuit City had a plan to contact people to tell them and to re-schedule appointments. I will update after 4/1.


Canal WInchester,
Follow Up - CC hates their customers

#9Author of original report

Fri, March 31, 2006

There is a clause that says three times in ONE YEAR for the same problem and it is not fixed, they should be honoring the warranty. We have to wait to see if this last part fixes the issue before we can do anything about the warranty. Not very optimistic that Circuit City will honor it. As far as the convergence issues, the TV does that three gun tubes for the projection, and it is a known issue with this specific Hitachi that there is "red slip" where the gun slips out of focus. We have had Circuit City out before to add/replace parts to "fix" this, but it still happens. I understand the new technology and how much things have changed. However, if it is supposed to fixed, then it shouldn't do this - period. The tech is supposed to be out 4/1 - he was supposed to be out 3/29, called off ill. Sorry that he was sick, life happens, not upset with him. However I had to call Circuit City to find this out, after not receiving any call from the tech or Circuit City by 9:30AM (they are to call between 7AM - 9AM to schedule the appointment), so I wasted 2 1/2 hours of my day that I specifically took off for this appointment. Wish Circuit City had a plan to contact people to tell them and to re-schedule appointments. I will update after 4/1.


Some help...

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, March 24, 2006

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I am no expert on big screen TV's. But it sounds like you have been having multiple, and many of the same problems that all come down to this "convergence" issue. From your posts you are on the 2nd-3rd time with it. Isnt there a clause in your warranty that states, if after a certain amount of times dealing with the same failure, they will replace the unit with an equal or better quality product? I may be wrong about the exact wording and such. But I do think its there. Also keep in mind that you extended the warranty. So that may have changed what you are covered for. They can be very hard to deal with. But some do get what is due. Dont give up hope until they cross the line where its obvious they should handle it.....and dont. On the "convergence" issue, I'm curious. It sounds like you have an older "projector gun" style big screen. One that has red, green, and blue projectors that seem to be out of alignment. That would explain the strange 3d effect you describe. 2001 to now is like going light years in TV technology because of HD, LCD projection, etc.


Canal WInchester,
Waiting now for parts ugh

#11Author of original report

Thu, March 23, 2006

Tech had to order another part, and is scheduled to come back out on 3/29. This is supposibly the last of the service bulletins puts out by Hitachi about this TV. If this doesn't fix it, then we start down the road of trying to make them honor the Advantage plan. I have NEVER EVER heard back from Corporate office about any of the letters I sent. And as I keep reading I know we will have a fight on our hands to get them to honor it.


Canal WInchester,
Tech Coming back out again for the third time

#12Author of original report

Fri, March 03, 2006

Well, after being contacted by a Case Manager, who stated she really didn't handle our problem, was not sure I got her info, and that it was hard to believe that the 888 number couldn't help, she at least scheduled another call, so we're on the third one. The case manager was very nice, and tried to help - she could have been like everyone else I have dealt with - unable to hold a conversation because of the inability to grasp the english language or only the ability to read pre-determined answers to questions - not able to think on their own. Still have NEVER heard from the tech who was supposed to call us back. And after reading everyone else's posts, I am preparing for a battle to get my TV replaced. It's amazing that this company can get away with selling the extended warranty/rip-off. Best Buy got busted in Ohio by the Attorney General for similar items, and I will be contacting that office if this is not resolved in a reasonable amount of time or to a reasonable conclusion. This will be the third time for the same problem, we will see what happens. Also, have never heard from CC corporate offices - mailed hard copy of complaint letter (no cussing or slamming, simply state the problems and resolution) and emailed it the PR people listed on the website, since the only other email is the Customer Service email and they could give half a crap about helping anyone on that email based our of New Delhi.

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