  • Report:  #1042780

Complaint Review: City of Gardiner Maine - Gardiner Maine

Reported By:
JD - , ,

City of Gardiner Maine
6 Church Street Gardiner, 04345 Maine, United States of America
(207) 582-4200
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This is a "PUBLIC WARNING" to the "CITY OF GARDINER MAINE" from me "PETER WLODYLO" I know that you the CITY and "SCOTT MORELLI CITY MANAGER" are "VERY ANGRY AT ME" for showing this video "I AM THE FATHER IN THE VIDEO AND MY SON IS THE ONE THAT GOT KILLED ON THE VIDEO" Do you expect me to be "QUIET ABOUT THE CITY KILLING MY SON MARK WLODYLO" Do you expect me to "HIDE" your cities corruption about City of Gardiner EMT Denies Oxygen To Dying Gardiner Man, Mark Wlodylo (Cystic Fibrosis)
City of Gardiner Maine Ambulance EMT Service Denies Oxygen To Dying Gardiner Man At City of Gardiner Maine Fire Station and in addition to this refused to put him in the Ambulance . Dying Man's Own Mother Has To Transport Her Dying Son From The Back Seat Of Her Own Vehicle To The Ambulance By Carrying Her Dying Son (Mark Wlodylo) On Her Own Shoulders Because The EMT Says "It Is Not My Job To Stay Up All Night And Take Care Of Sick Kids" Hear this mothers complaint to City of Gardiner Maine MARK KIMBALL (Fire Chief) (Mothers Recorded Complaint to Gardiner Fire Chief Mark Kimball) Mother begs E MT's on her hands and knees for the life of her kids. "Please give my son OXYGEN he has CYSTIC FIBROSIS, he is dying" Don't you "FEEL ASHAMED ABOUT WHAT GOES ON IN YOUR CITY OF GARDINER MAINE, MR. Scott Morelli? (Send City Manager Scott Morelli email about this blog) , have you ever heard of such a thing, MR. Scott Morelli city manager of Gardiner Maine?

(The denial of OXYGEN to a sick man dependent on OXYGEN is MURDER)


 I have heard some terrible stories from my father "WASYL WLADYLO" about "FIGHTING THE NAZIS" he was imprisoned in their Concentration Camps (Holocaust Survivor and Victim Catalog) because he was a French Resistance Fighter and was imprisoned in "NATZWEILER" France. A special n**i Concentration Camp in France for Fighters (Natzweiler made for Resistance Fighters) and "DACHAU" Germany. ( Dachau Concentration Camp Video)

(Natzweiler n**i Camp for Resistance Fighters)WASYL WLADYLO WAS A MEMBER OF THE FRENCH RESISTANCE.(Certified by U.S. Intelligence January 12,1949)"The French resistance fighters blew up bridges, derailed trains, directed the British in the bombing of German troop trains, kidnapped and killed German army officers, and ambushed German troops. They took no prisoners, but rather killed any German soldiers who surrendered to them, sometimes mutilating their bodies for good measure" (a direct quote) http://www.scrapbookpages.com/Natzweiler/History/FrenchResistance.htmlON THE ENTIRE PLANET THERE IS ONLY ONE ORIGINAL FAMILY MEMBER STILL LIVING AND THAT IS "PETER WLODYLO" He said the German's took the kids, he didn't explain what exactly happened, he said "THEY KILLED THEM " (When the SS, GESTAPO arrested a RESISTANCE FIGHTER, they not only TORTURED him, they TORTURED his wife and family and KIDS) He said "Every Morning We had to Line Up for Morning Hanging. (Warning Graphic Photo) Natzweiler Roll Call (German Concentration Camp, Natzweiler-Stuthof Video) The Commander Would Pick The Ones to be Hung, They Made Us Watch." He said "We Had To Sleep on Barb Wire" "With people dying around me I Ate Rocks and Dirt and Stayed Alive" "The German Nazis used to burn the people Alive in the ovens" "EVERY MORNING WE HAD TO WAIT OUR TURN TO BE HUNG" /YOU MR. SCOTT MORELLI (Photo of Scott Morelli) AND THE CITY OF GARDINER MAINE ARE ONE OF THOSE NAZIS" Don't you ever, ever never "THREATEN TO DESTROY MY HOME AND FAMILY AGAIN" if you do, we the WLODYLO FAMILY WILL USE EVERY AVAILABLE LEGAL MEANS TO CRUSH YOU. THE LEGAL BATTLES BETWEEN THE WLODYLO FAMILY AND THE CITY OF GARDINER MAINE HAVE BEEN SETTLED IN COURT AND THE CITY OF GARDINER MAINE SPENT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF $400,000.00 ON 4 TOP NOTCH LAW FIRMS AGAINST ONE MAN (Peter Wlodylo) THAT NEVER WENT TO LAW SCHOOL, THINK ABOUT THAT. THE CITY OF GARDINER MAINE HAS TRIED TO DESTROY OUR HOME,BURIED OUR TOOLS AND IN ADDITION TO THIS WAS INSTRUMENTAL IN THE KILLING OF OUR SON MARK WLODYLO. A JUDGE ordered the City of Gardiner Maine and city manager JEFF KOBROCK (Photo Jeff Kobrock) to stop HARASSING the Wlodylo family. The Judge said, I would not have believed it if I had not seen it on the VIDEO, I have never seen such a thing in all my years on the bench, for lack of a better word, "The City of Gardiner is STUPID, I can't wrap my mind around it" Mr. Scott Morelli, "THREATENING THE WLODYLO FAMILY AND TRYING TO DESTROY OUR HOME IS A VERY BAD IDEA, ITS TIME TO HAVE "PEACE" MR. Scott Morelli city manager of Gardiner Maine. THE CASE HAS BEEN SETTLED THE WLODYLO FAMILY SEEKS "PEACE NOT WAR" THIS IS A PUBLIC WARNING TO YOU AND THE CITY TO STOP THE HARASSMENT OF THE WLODYLO FAMILY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. http://coruptcitykillshomeowner.blogspot.com/

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Rebuttal to "Jees"

#2Author of original report

Sat, April 13, 2013

Excuse me "Jees" the NAZIS killed my entire family. I am not going to HIDE what they did for your sake. You have no idea of what you are talking about, I can see from your response that you have not read this article. There are several blogs and web-sites related to this article. Wasyl Wladylo was my father, he was a FRENCH RESISTANCE fighter and suffered and almost died in n**i concentration camps Natzweiler and Dachau, this is all documented and certified by US INTELLIGENCE. The only other group of people that would kill a disabled man are the Nazis. And O by the way, I came from n**i GERMANY, you "JEES" are out of your league. Just ask any survivor if what I say about the Nazis isn't true.  Do some research before you open your mouth.  I have the RIGHT to talk about the Nazis, my family paid the price.



#3Consumer Comment

Sat, April 13, 2013

I have not a clue about your rant but leave out the n**i crap!!! My family lost members during the Holocaust so I see no reason to include that rant in this long, rambling post!! I see www.gardinermaineproblems.com many times in a internet search.

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