  • Report:  #27271

Complaint Review: comcast - north charleston South Carolina

Reported By:
- goose creek, sc,

4400 bell oaks dr north charleston, 29405 South Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Techs that lie and leave a disabled person waiting all day .....

On August 10, 2002, at about 9:30am my husband called to report that the cable in our living room and my father-in-laws bedroom was not working. He let them know that it was working in the other 2 bedrooms. They told them someone would be here by 8:00pm. He gave them his cell phone number to call and let them know not to call the home phone because his father is in a wheelchair and cannot get to the phone quickly.(My husband and I both had to work and would not be home)

I got home first, and was unaware that we were having problems with the cable. My father-in-law was outside and I thought nothing of it, because he does sit outside often. My husband got home around 6:00pm. His father told him that they had not been there yet. My husband told me about the cable problem, then the hell started.

I called to see what time they were coming. The first lady I spoke with said they had called, but no one was home. I asked what number they called. She said the home number. I told her that my husband left his cell phone number, because his father could not get to the phone quickly. She pulled up the work order, and the phone number was on it. She said that they would get to us on Sunday. I told her that was not acceptable. I let her know that my father-in-law had been outside waiting for them all day. He does not normally stay outside all day, but he did because he did not want to miss them or inconvience them by having to wait on him. She said there was nothing she could do. I asked to speak with a supervisor. I was put on hold for a couple of minutes. When she got back on the line, she said she would take my number and the supervisor would call me back because she was on another line. I told her I would hold. She said I could not tie up her phone. I told her company tied up my father-in-laws whole day. She hung up on me.

The second lady I spoke with did the exact same thing. The third time I called, I spoke with a man named Adam. Adam was as helpful as he was allowed to be, and really understood why I was upset. He went to talk to the supervisor, came back on the line and told me she was on her dinner break. (FINALLY THE TRUTH) I gave him my number for her to call me back.

At 7:40pm, Mrs Parmley (would not give me her first name) called me. I asked her if she had a nice dinner and she said yes. I then preceeded to tell her about my problem. She said they did not have technicians that worked this late and there was nothing she could do. I told her I knew that was not true, because I have had a tech out at my house at 8:30 pm when my cable was installed, because the tech did not read the order properly and called the wrong number. I told her this is the 3rd time I have had this problem. I told her that one of the other ladies I talked to told me the tech called my home number at 2:16pm even though they were told to call my husband cell phone. I also let her know I was not sure if he called it at all, because when I checked my messages there were none from anyone at Comcast.

She told me the only thing she could do would be to give me a 4 hour appointment for Sunday. She told my that I was lucky, because they usually only give 8 hour appointments on the weekends. I told her that they needed to get someone out to my house that night, it was not my fault they did not do what they were suppose to do and that we, especially my father-in-law should not have to suffer for it. I told her that he inconvienced himself and waited on them all day, and that they needed to get his cable fixed. She said she couldn't do anything. I told her I wanted to speak to her supervisor, she told me to call back Monday. I had also told her about the first two ladies who lied to me about her being on the phone, and then hanging up on me. She told me she was on the phone. I asked her if Comcast trains their employees to lie to customers. She said she wasn't lying.

On Sunday, around 1:00pm, my husband called and asked if they had fixed the cable yet. I told him no, and that he might want to call. He called and spoke with a lady named Cher. She got someone to the house to fix the problem. She apologized.

When the man got to the house, I told him the problem. He went to the box and fixed it. I now how cable in the living room and in my father-in-law's bedroom. Then my daughter came out of her room and told me her cable was off. When the tech came back to the door I told him the cable was off in the back two rooms. He just looked at me. I told him I had digital in one room and regular cable in the other. He said, "Oh, I thought that was illegal so I took it off." I guess they think I would be so stupid as to call and report problems with my cable, when I was getting it illegally. He did go turn it back on.

On Monday I called and reported Mrs Parmley. For all my father-in-laws time, they gave us a $25.00 credit. I guess they think that is how much a disabled man's time is worth. I told the lady the credit was not important, what I wanted was the 2 women who hung up on me and the supervisor's job. The should not be in customer service when they have no clue what that is. The all three were rude and uncaring liars. I told her I pay between $90.00-$100.00 a month for their service and should be treated better than that. I let her know if there was another cable company that serviced our area I would definitely use them instead of Comcast. It just amazes me how people who can not read simple instructions, like what phone number to call, have a job that requires you to know how to read. It also amazes me that they have so many rude people they have in customer service.


goose creek, South Carolina

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