  • Report:  #1381126

Complaint Review: Connor Paddon - Burlington

Reported By:
Anonymous - Alabama, UK

Connor Paddon
121 EDGECLIFFE PLACE Burlington, L7L3Z2 Canada
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Connor Paddon

Previous Owner of Bewdly.com Coffee Company (bankrupt) and LosangelesRank.com (bankrupt) and Current SEO of Onsched.com appointment scheduling software.


(Note: you can also read this with full images/screenshots on connorpaddon.blogspot.co.uk/)

It started back in 2014.   I successfully won an auction for $11,000 : flippa.com/3047558-losangelesrank-com

You'll note it was some time ago, nevertheless, it was not so straightforward.

I did all my due diligence, the domain and website was transferred. However, an extremely crucial part (which is said in this listing)

"Maintaining rankings.

I will personally work on the SEO campaign for the first 6 months after the sale for free to ensure that the website doesn't drop at all in rankings, I will also show you what I do to maintain these positions.

This website has been built to last all major updates and has proved to do so, so far - through 3 very major update (Penguin 5.0) and Hummingbird, as well as many small Panda & penguin updates. This website is going nowhere"

Connor did not do this, and despite me making long standing attempts, and even offering to help with maintaining its ranking, the site DID in fact drop (extremely quickly), and not once did it generate a customer (the whole point was the SEO rankings were such that it was getting enquiries through the site almost on autopilot)

Since he explicitly said that he would quote "ensure that the website doesn't drop at all in rankings" and I have given him ample time to increase its ranking, he hasn't upheld his end of the deal.

Its now mid-2016 which is ample opportunity to solve this, but he is now refusing to even answer my messages. Hence why I have filed a report with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (here’s the reference number as proof that I filed it)

 REF: 2016-22851

Although, it didn’t just stop with me - (I'm not the only one - plus.google.com/115188476836698533489/posts/UKXcZdaJ8rP)

So even more reason I need to highlight what Connors doing is that there’s obviously a pattern emerging.

His next business he’s trying to sell is Bewdly.com – which is a flavoured coffee company which is apparently profitable and sells things like maple bacon coffee and vanilla bourbon coffee.

Here’s the listing on flippa: flippa.com/6547016-bewdly-com

Which after some invstigation, is still owned by Connor, which means perhaps the seller didn’t agree to some terms or something was up. – or perhaps he inflated the bidding himself Let me explain, after talking to Connor for a while in 2015 ( I still stupidly thought he might pay me back at some point after he’d “sorted out his finances”) he revealed that he inflates and hypes up his auctions (although he reassured me that my purchase of losangelesrank.com was completely legit (on hindsight – yeah right!)) and uses this as proof when the sale fails (for whaetevr reason) to show to potential buyers that the site is generating interest and is worth the cash.

So lets analyse a sentence in this Flippa Listing, where he is actually talking about SearchBoost.ca

“For anybody that follows Flippa, you may remember my auction for my digital marketing company that reached $420,100.00 without hitting the reserve price in April of this year, which was then sold privately to a buyer in the states.”

Hmm… lets see, sounds exactly like what I’m talking about – inflating and hyping the business up (the sale messes up) and then he sells privately to another unsuspecting buyer.

 Is Connor trying to do this yet again with Bewdly.com? Is Bewdly.com just another site that has faked accounts, or is operating at a loss, but appearing to be a profitable business?

(EDIT: Bewdly.com is now defunct, he may have potentially sold it to someone who couldn’t make it work, or just ran it into the ground, its unclear right now)

Let me pose this question – if this guy has such a profitable business, and if its so attractive, why is he in mountains of debt and can’t even afford a $20,000 car bill?

Here’s his screenshot where he claims to say he has no money and is in debt. Even if Connor is a nice guy – even nice guys can be pushed to do pretty bad things when money is involved and they need to get out of a bad situation.

 (Screenshots of Skype converations can be viewed here: connorpaddon.blogspot.co.uk/)

By the time this has been posted, he may even have convinced someone to part with their hard earned cash. But, perhaps I can stop him from selling his next pile of dog-crap “business” Onsched.com….

Here are his details. Do not be pulled in by his sales chat!


email: [email protected]

Facebook: facebook.com/cpaddon

Connor Paddon, Burlington, Canada

His associate/partner is Taylor Scrimshaw

Also of Burlington, Canada


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