  • Report:  #1203783

Complaint Review: Corey Ann Photography - Internet

Reported By:
anonymous - none, Ohio,

Corey Ann Photography
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Corey Ann Photography









very unprofessional and rude! Wants to defamate other ppl's businesses and publicly try and embarrass them! She is UNLICENSESD is NOT INSURED! Go to sunbiz nothing in her name: Corey Doyle Balazowich! She likes to make fun of other photographers in groups on here: 1)How To Spot A Fake Professional Photographer 2)photo­stealers How childish is it for a grown women to go on attacking sprees and calling tons of ppl to attack ppl's legal businesses? She goes on these pages to expose everything about ppl. You brought a business into your fit that wasn't in my name and that's called: tortious interference with business: Tortious interference with business expectancy is a business tort that allows two parties to a contract to hold a third person liable if that person interfered with the contract in a way that caused one or both of the parties to suffer damages! Because of your false accusations, you have others involved which will be dealt with as well. I'd think twice about hiring someone with this kind of mentality to go out of her way to try and destroy others! Also having your friends come onto my business page calling kids ugly, big ears, they look like crap is called bullying! How disgusting! Shame on you and your work ethics! 



15 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Thu, March 26, 2015

Here's the first email I had sent to me, I have copied and pasted it exactly how I recieved it, if you'd like all the others.. please email me for proof at [email protected]

See, I don't hide behind FAKE emails or names, I have nothing to hide unlike these trolls!!

IP address:

Return-Path: <[email protected]>

Received-SPF: pass (domain of outlook.com designates as permitted sender)

Hi Stacie and Bill,

I just thought you should know that every one on your street (the whole length of Adams Rd. as well as all the houses that are intersecting Adams Rd. and Harrison Rd.) has been mailed a nice long letter, with links and email addresses, detailing all your craziness and bullshit. It's about time your neighbors know what crazy folks you are. Imagine if you have any beef with any of them, they'll now have lots of things to use against you. :) 
Also, for the sake of balance (since you claim to have contacted the local police) I've also sent nice long letters to Ric Bradshaw (Sheriff) as well as the relevant folks at all of the following, you know, just to be sure I write the correct folks: PB County Sheriff, Delray Beach PD, Highland Beach PD, Boca Raton Police Services Dpt. among others (can't remember them all since there was much stamp licking!). 
Also, since you keep using your faith as a crutch, I've also written many of the local churches (anything between the water and the Turnpike 81 and north & south of your home) in case you actually go to church.  Maybe your pastor can help you deal with your anger and inferiority complex issues. 
I've wasted a bunch of time and a bit of money on this, but frankly, I got fed up watching you and your crazy antics and going after people, who while a bit aggressive, are actually doing a good thing by outing you.  In each and every one of those "public service" letters I've given those I wrote to my full and legal name and contact details so that they can call and discuss this issue if they so desire.   In a months time (giving everyone a chance to read the letters and follow up on what's happened on line), I'll send you a copy of the letter.  I've written NO lies, simply pointed out ALL the information readily available online of your words and actions in order to prevent you from lying to them. With all the facts, the truth will come out.  Even if people don't agree with anyone outing you and coming after you two, your actions are also reprehensible and should be reflected properly not allowing you play the "oh, we're being victimized and bullied online" card.  It's just not going to fly when everyone sees the facts.  IF (and I do have my doubts) you ever did contact ANY local police, now they ALL have the FULL story. 
Good luck outrunning the truth. 
This could ALL end if you simply own up to your actions. Remove ALL derogatory comments, reviews and RoR you've written and no further action will be taken by me and many of the others who've taken an interest in your story.  It may be too late (seeing as issues in court will catch up to you eventually, possibly even the 24th?), but there's still time to mitigate the damage YOU have done to yourselves!
Good luck, and may you find peace in your minds and hearts and stop stealing other people's s**t!

Fred Fuller

This is what we have to put up with on a daily basis from the trolls that follow/belong to the group "Photo Stealers"! They do NOT like when people expose them for the lowlifes that they all are!  They don't have jobs, they don't have lives, and they don't have an education.  If they did, they wouldn't have time to stalk, bully, or harass people 24/7!!

They can't wait until they get their next victim to do this to!  We have gotten it the most due to us fighting back, see usually people kiss their butts, not us!  We have stole NOTHING from THEM, but yet they are accusing us of such!  Ask them how many fake accounts that we have got Facebook and Twitter to take down?  See, they won't tell you those things, but if you'd like to see how many and the notifications from Facebook and Twitter, again please feel free to email me and I'll send you the proof!  If you'd like to see all the disgusting threats that these people have said and are now attacking my deceased parents... I'll show you proof af those too!  How disgusting to mock someone's parents that passed away, bad enough I can't see them or talk to them, but for you "Fred Fuller" to bring their names into this bogus lie just shows you're a sick, twisted human being!  All you people are! 

Stacie wrote this!! Never do deny it when I do!!!!!!!!  Again, these trolls think I posted the first one, wrong ASSumers... I put my name on the ones I write and I know how to write properly!  Keep it up, you're making Corey Ann Doyle Balazowich of Canton Ohio FAMOUS!!!!!!!!


Delray beach,
For funnl is a stalker

#3General Comment

Thu, March 26, 2015

well, looks like I have to come here again.  For funnl sure is helping your RoR search ratings Corey. Yes, because of this whole Stopstealinghotos situation Corey created, we now have 24/7 stalkers/harassers. For funnl is one of them. Likes to hide behind fake accounts harassing every day. A loser with no life. That's how I knew there was a rebuttal here because i recieve emails everyday from this stalker. See what you've created Corey. Also, another one of your followers on your site, threatened me multiple times. I was told I better hope I don't accidentally od on mushrooms and end up dead out in a field, in another email, told I would be lit up like a Christmas tree. Do you think this is ok Corey Ann Balazowich?  Getting death threats because you started all this mess??? Would you like people threatening your life?  I dont appreciate it. Everyone that does this to us thinks it's ok to do and say whatever they want as long as they attach that bs link to your website about us. Because of Corey Ann Balazowich of Corey Ann Photography of Canton Ohio, we are now in fear for our lives and of being robbed. Corey, because you have posted about us, allowed all the bs about us on your site and continue to have your site up about us, you are responsible for your followers actions. Don't believe me!! Ask your lawyer. When someone incites a riot, they are held responsible. For funnl hides behind a computer, never giving out their name or any identity but continues to stalk/harass us 24/7. If you were really a good person like you try to make yourself out to be Corey, you would remove your blog, photo stealers and Stopstealinghotos.com and tell bullshizer(another fake account) to remove his fake blogs, knowing you have put people's lives in danger. I have all the proof to back this up. If anything happens, YOU WILL BE HELD LIABLE!!!! with this type of behavior, I'd be scared if I was a client that disagreed with you. These stalkers might harass them too. Tell your followers to stop stalking/harassing immediately and remove those posts!!!! 


Please ignore "Exposing the truth"

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2015

"Exposing the Truth" is Stacie Klein, one of the many photograhers that have been outed by Stop Stealing Photos as image thieves and copyright violators. 

She was outed here: stopstealingphotos.com/sjk-photography-aka-picture-stacie-klein-delray-beach-florida/

for stealing images, claiming them as her own in order to gain business. Stacie Klein (and her man, William Will Bill Scott) proceeded to go on a rampage of revenge reviews and posting fake RoR reviews on Corey or anyone else who posted information about Stacie Kleins lying stealing ways. 

If anyone reading this really wishes to see the truth, see the above link as well as this excellent 4-part (update probably coming as well!) summary of all the craziness that ensued. 


Again, please ignore the drivel by Stacie Klein of Delray Beach/Palm Beach Florida and see this as a child lashing out when chastised for doing something wrong. And let there be NO doubt Stacie Klein DID steal images that were NOT hers, it's why in her above post she did NOT deny it, she only denied that they didn't belong to Corey Ann (or any of the commenters!).  Nice.. 




Exposing the Truth

#5General Comment

Sun, March 22, 2015


This all stems from a website stopstealingphotos.com created by Corey Ann Balazowich from Canton, Ohio that appears that have good intentions, but in fact, it's just the opposite.  It now has almost 13,000 followers and growing everyday because of the drama created by the MODS and regular commentors.  Corey Ann Balazowich also has a Facebook page called Photo Stealers.  It all begins with someone turning in a photographer or other service which uses photos whether for business purposes or otherwise because they claim the photos are not theirs.  Some is correct, while a lot is under assumption.  However, the intellectual property in question isn't theirs and most of the copyrighted owners don't want to be involved with this site due to it's mob mentality.  Corey Ann or one of her MODS will then post the name of the business and person accused along with any and all links to those businessses or persons.  Included in this post is a list of demands which also suggest you pay restitution.  Immediately after the post goes live, a vast mount of followers begin attacking the accused.  Their attacks are vulgar, threatening, and include attacks on family, clients, and even children.  They deny their attacks then they will post Craigslist ads negatively about your business(es).  They begin to post your personal info such as address, phone numbers, alias, then try and make you the #1 search on GOOGLE as a thief, fraud, and extortionist.  They admit that this will never end and they will continue to stalk you because these people have nothing better to do.  It's nothing but an enjoyment to these people who sit behind their keyboards and try to ruin other's lives and then twist the stories to make it look like they're the victims!  

I am glad I am getting "blamed" for writing the original report, but haven't.  Those were my words in a review on her photography facebook page (that I personally removed in good faith) for it only to be copied and pasted on here and made out to look like I was the one who wrote it!  I am glad that these washed up photographers have nothing better to do with their worthless lives but to kiss this person's behind, worship the ground she walks on, only to be made out to look like total idiots!  I have never came onto this site until today and will be posting my rebuttals one by one.  When will you all get a life?    


ASSume is what all the rebutted state

#6General Comment

Tue, February 17, 2015

i want to make one thing clear. Bill Scott nor Stacie Klein nor Lollicakes Gourmet had anything to do with the original post here nor do we know who did it. Looks like someone copied and pasted. I find it disgusting that this is the methodology of an Internet organized mob to immediately place blame on someone that this entire group accused of stealing. Since I had to come here to make this clear, I am now going to explain how the sites work that Corey runs and takes part in. Before considering hiring this person, please read the following:  this person has personally attacked my business, accused me of stealing copyrighted photos. First off, I have never stole photos. So, why the attack?  This person works with others on a site called Stopstealinghotos.com. to destroy permanently the business they accuse. They act as the judge, jury and executioner. It's pathetic that they have nothing better to do with their lives than to bring hard working people down. Their group attacks businesses they accuse, clients of the business, family and friends and some have gone as far as attacking the children of clients.  They are nonstop and vow that the accused will never keep this business up and the accused will never be able to operate a business in the future. It's is actually mentioned that we should change our names because the mob makes the accused a number one search on Google as a thief. This person works continually day after day to damage the accused reputation everywhere and when asked to stop, they refuse. They claim this isn't stalking or harassing. Actually, it is. It's those and libel to those they've attacked. I have even received threats from some of the accusers. There have been many attacked prior to us and they will continue in the future unless the site gets removed. I feel this person's practices are unethical and this type of behavior shouldn't be allowed. After this post goes up, there probably will follow a bunch of rebuttals by the mob with more accusations and a link back to their site claiming that I am just upset that I got caught stealing As they did prior to this post. Keep in mind that they block the accused from coming to their pages to defend themselves, despite the fact that we shouldn't have to answer to them. Their rebuttal backs up the fact that they work in groups to protect each other and attack others. Good example: you are a beetle walking through a red ant hill. They attack in swarms. Though I have never used this photographer personally, I feel that their character towards others and their businesses should be noted. How can someone feel good with themselves knowing they are doing this!!!!


Delray beach,
Misleading group of Corey's followers

#7General Comment

Wed, February 11, 2015

i like how all the friends of stalking, harassing and bullying Corey Ann Balazowich of Corey Ann Photography from Canton Ohio come to her rescue. Let it be advised that Stacie nor Bill wrote the report. Let's get that crystal clear. Stalking, harassing and bullying Corey Ann Balazowich of Corey Ann Photography Canton Ohio has created a lot of enemies by illegally attacking those she accuses of stealing someone else's copyrighted photos. Photos that aren't even hers. it appears she has so much spare time and hatred in her heart that she created a mob mentality to attack those she accuses. The example is all those who've come here to rebuttal the original poster. They all work to defend each other. They work as a team to aggressively attack the accused, find out all information on the accused then post it to her sites to keep people attacking those accused eternally. Stalking, harassing and bullying Corey Ann Balazowich of Corey Ann Photography from Canton Ohio feels she is doing a good deed by exposing the accused and shutting down their businesses. When did she become the law?  When did this type of illegal mob mentality become acceptable?  It isn't. This group however, disagrees. One of her followers actually said, it's not harassing or stalking if the person they attack is accused of something?  Really?  Stalking is stalking. Corey, you've created this mess and you continue your practices so I would assume you are prepared to keep getting rip off reports from others you attack in the future. If you want to make the world a better place, stop with the attacks, stalking, harassing and bullying Corey Ann Balazowich of Corey Ann Photography from Canton Ohio!!!!


Original Report is Retribution

#8General Comment

Wed, February 11, 2015

I have been following this photographer for a while, she also runs a website called photostealers.  At photostealers, Corey, screen captures and reports on other 'so called' photographers, who willingly violate copyright laws by using other photographers work and trying to pass it off as their own.  Corey meticulously gathers the evidence and thoroughly researches each instance before posting it on photostealers. The part about being unlicensed is based on requirements in Florida, which do not apply to any person doing business in another state, such as Corey. 


West Drayton,
Slanderous attack

#9General Comment

Tue, January 27, 2015

As stated by 2 other individuals the creator of this report who we believe is Stacie Klein or Bill Scott of a company called SJK Photography (please be aware this was a company run via facebook and not the SJK Photography you may find via searching google), this company was found to have stolen images from other compaines and displayed without permission to promotoe their business and entrap people into buying a service off them which could not possilby match what was on display. The proof of this was posted to a site called Photostealers which is a community site where anyone who has had their work stolen, or know of someones work which is being used without permission can submit it for review, if this turns out to be the case then the extensive research and proof is displayed and the individuals responsible are asked to apologise to the people they stole from and pay any fees due, if this is done then everything is good. Sadly this couple have chosen the route of threatening people (this page being an example and the comment stating that they are happy to put up anyone elses pages on here to spite them, pretty sure thats against this sites rules but then I guess we will see if the admin team are watching and doing their job)

Please form your own opinion of this post by viewing and reading all posts here and then the report filed which caused all this:




South Carolina,
Me! Me me me me me!

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, January 26, 2015

Can you please sign me up for a RR as well? Thank you. 

OR... you could simply stop filing false RRs and take down all stolen images off your websites as suggested in http://stopstealingphotos.com/sjk-photography-aka-picture-stacie-klein-delray-beach-florida/



Disregard This "Report"

#11General Comment

Mon, January 26, 2015

This Ripoff Report has been made by either Stacie Klein or William Walter Scott / Bill Scott of Delray, Florida. They are the owners of SJK Photography and Lollicakes. Mid-January the blog owner of StopStealingPhotos.com was given their names and screenshots in order to investigate photos stolen by Stacie and Bill from other photographers nationwide. 

Having found the proper evidence against Stacie Klein and William Scott of Delray, Florida, owners and operators of SJK Photography and Lollicakes, a blog was posted at StopStealingPhotos.com. (Link below)


 Since being featured on Photo Stealers, Stacie Klein and William Walter Scott have tried everything in their power to claim their innocence, even going as far as posting one star reviews on Corey Ann's Facebook business page (not to mention countless other photographers' pages), using not only their Facebook accounts, but creating sock accounts to further their cause. Evidence in the form of screenshots and caches continue to pile against them, and because of this Stacie Klein and William Walter Scott of Delray, Florida persist in "acting a fool" and refusing to make right their asinine "mistake" of stealing photographs for monetary gain. 

On another note, William Walter Scott has made numerous threats against people's well-being in addition to being a racist to those who would disagree with thievery. His anger management issue is evident in his comment above "Who Else Wants A Listing?". 

"looks like some other site commenters want to also have THEIR VERY OWN listings on this site for shooting their mouths off on stopstealingphotos.com? i can make it happen!"

"You make fun of children and how they look? With fish-eyes like that I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

Though, what has been written here isn't as terrible as the private messages he has sent on Facebook, threatening the lives of commenters, as well as their family's well-being. 

For the record, there has been no evidence of any blog member or follower of StopStealingPhotos.com making fun of children on SJK Photography's Facebook page. Where Stacie Klein and Bill Scott of Delray, Florida, owners and operators of Lollicakes and SJK Photography come up with these libelous statements is beyond anyone's comprehension. They're the mere rantings and ravings of mad cows on their way to slaughter.

This Ripoff Report has nothing to due with Corey or how she conducts her professional photography business. It does, however, have everything to do with retaliation against a couple of photo thieves (Stacie Klein and William Scott of Delray, Florida, owners of SJK Photography and Lollicakes), unable to cope with the world shattering around them.   


South Carolina,
Clearly a fake report

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, January 26, 2015

This person, either Bill Scott or Stacie Klein are writing these report (shockingly all around the same time!) in response to being outed by famed website www.stopstealingphotos.com for doing exactly that.  Stacie was found to have stolen images she was using to promote her photogrpahy business. See all the evidence of the theft (as well as their crazy attempts at vengeance, including posting this fake report) here:  http://stopstealingphotos.com/sjk-photography-aka-picture-stacie-klein-delray-beach-florida

 Make no mistake, these people are lying stealing cheats who're simply trying to cover their tracks for running a fraud business.  



So True

#13Author of original report

Sun, January 25, 2015

This Joseph Philbert is a cyber bully. Part of a lippy blabbermouth team of immature losers. These idiots have nothing better to do then harass people. I see they are getting more and more listings on this website. All of them need to get a life and find something better to do with their life. That stopsealingphotos.com website is actually owned by "Corey Doyle Balazowich" The TOP RAT of the pack. Joseph is just a dingbat follower that also likes to be a part of a website for the purpose of going to battle over crap that is none of his business. I have attached a pic with Corey in this post. I'm sure she will love it seeing how she likes to drag others family and loved ones into her crap this one is for you. 


Who else wants a listing?

#14Author of original report

Sun, January 25, 2015

looks like some other site commenters want to also have THEIR VERY OWN listings on this site for shooting their mouths off on stopstealingphotos.com? i can make it happen! So for ALL THOSE that want to follow the actions of this rude childish woman are going to wind up with a listing! All you people are is a bunch of bullies and I hope more people that you put on your bulling website fight back on this website! Amazing how when it happens to you the rules of posting are different! 


"First of all, this person is not a customer. They haven't purchased any goods or services from the accused so that alone should be enough to invalidate this claim. Secondly, a good chunk of the information presented isn't even accurate."


This website is also for listing bigmouths and you ripping off others businesses reputations on your stopstealingphotos.com website! You got listed on this website not cause anyone is a customer but cause this is what you do to others and now this is what gets done to you back! None of the people on your website are your customers either. There is laws enforced by the police for those people to go to if they have complaints. You are just a mouthy miserable woman opperating a website to get a rirse out of people for the purpose of creating confrontation! You make fun of children and how they look? With fish-eyes like that I suggest you keep your mouth shut. 



#15General Comment

Sun, January 25, 2015

First of all, this person is not a customer. They haven't purchased any goods or services from the accused so that alone should be enough to invalidate this claim. Secondly, a good chunk of the information presented isn't even accurate. The accused has nothing to do with the first site mentioned, and naturally wouldn't show up on sunbiz because they do not and make no claims of operating out of Florida. Corey does not operate any sort of business or service that attacks anyone else's business or service. As for the rest of the report I don't think any rebuttals are necessary because they very clearly have nothing to do at all with Corey and her business. It is also worth nothing that there's exactly 0 evidence supporting the claims of being attacked. If Corey had truly attacked her business page, there should be some sort of easily submitable screenshot evidence to go along with it. There isn't even a business name included to even try and verify these claims, and again, I'd like to point out that this person is not a customer nor someone who has done any sort of business with Corey.


Please disregard this report

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, January 25, 2015

This report was written by either Bill Scott or Stacie Klein of SJK Photography and Lollicakes in Delray Beach, Florida. These two people were found to have stolen numerous images from other photographers and posted them on their various online profiles and pages, which is copyright infringement under US Copyright Law. You can read about it here:


This report is word-for-word the same text Bill Scott posted as a one-star on Corey Ann Photography's Facebook page. He has never been a client of that company, he is merely angry at Corey for something completely unrelated to her photography business. Bill Scott and Stacie Klein has also left negative reviews on others' photography business pages if they even commented about their outing on the web site linked above, have sent numerous threatening private messages to people, and have posted many hateful messages on the Photo Stealers Facebook page.

Please, completley disregard the report written by Bill Scott and Stacie Klein. Their attempts to ruin others' businesses are completely disgusting and should not go unchecked. Thank you.

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