  • Report:  #587873

Complaint Review: CPP Recruiting TMG Summit Merchants Certified Payment Processing - Richardson Texas

Reported By:
anonymous - Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America

CPP Recruiting TMG Summit Merchants Certified Payment Processing
1101 E Araphaho Richardson, 70081 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am a very honest person and as I was looking for employment, I thought I would try my hand at sales. I thought I was going to get customers the best deals and everyone would be 100% staisfied with my excellent customer service and genuine care for their best interests. Boy was I wrong! There were several problems. First, as an inexperienced salesman, I certainly did not feel prepared to go and speak with customers after only a couple of hours of over the phone training. Now, I realize that this fact alone may turn some of you away from this report...I can easily be blown off for lack of experience or an understanding about what the sales industry is about. But my complaint has to do with a very deliberate attempt to mislead me.

Basically, I was told several things that I later found out were absolutely not true! For example, I was told that the customer had 30 days to cancel-no penalty. I later found out that this was a lie. They have 30 days if they want to cancel the proccessing service...but the minute they have signed the contract for the equipment...they are bound to that contract for 60 months!

I was also told that I would be given pre-set appointments which I soon found out was also a lie. I don't think, in the month I was there, that a single business owner had any idea who I was or why I was there. Or, like I read on other reports, the customer would say that they had been subject to uncomfortable badgering, OR even that they had out right told them NO don't send anyone! But I was sent anyway.

I would get a deal and ask my sales manager to please tell me EXACTLY what I should expect from this sale in my paycheck. I was quoted an "exact" price, and come pay day, I would be lucky to get even a third of that. They had many excuses why it happened, it seemed like there was always some kind of problem. I accepted it a couple of times before I realized that the only problem was that they were just bold face liars! Oh I was always able to be "reimbursed" $100 or $200, only after I complained. However, even that did not make up for what I had been expecting based on what my sales manager had told me.

I was told that TMG would pay for any expense the customer may aquired by canceling with their prior company. Lie. They pay up to $250. I was told that the fact that TMG had to pay off a customers current machine would not affect my commission. Lie!! This was one of the reasons I was given for a screwed up paycheck. I was told customers would be expecting me. Lie.  I mean, it wsn't that I had just misunderstood...I was literally being told one thing and then finding out later that it simply wasn't true!

I feel so ashamed for not doing this research before I got on with this company! During the month I was there I literally signed up business owners who I consider good friends of mine! Now, I have to tell them, after they are asking me to help them with the various problems THEY are having with TMG, that I have quit because I found them dishonest! How embarrassing is that?! Now they are stuck with this contract because I mislead them. Well I was mislead as well. I have recieved numorous phone calls within the last few weeks from others I had signed up with TMG asking me for help because they are not getting at all what they signed up for. Extra fees, more money..not the SAVINGS that I had promised them! I'm sure that these are just a result of other lies I had been told and not yet found out before I quit.

Please! Do NOT work for this company! PLEASE do NOT sign up with them if you are a business owner!!


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