  • Report:  #572565

Complaint Review: Cutting Edge Solutions Inc - Butler Pennsylvania

Reported By:
POS Nightmere - Apple Valley, California, United States of America

Cutting Edge Solutions Inc
205 S Eberhart Rd., Butler, 16001 Pennsylvania, United States of America
(724) 285-3636
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Future Fusion was installed in our new restaurant in October 2009 and has caused us so much damage, we may be out of business by the end of the month, after only being open 4 months. Although business is good, customers love our food, atmosphere and entertainment. The staff is the best, everyone works like they own the place and puts in 110% effort.

But the damages casued in those first month put us so far behind it may be too late. Then to add insult to injury, these people treat us like idiots, throw accusations and insults and refuse to accept responsibility, blamimg our problems on lack of training, dumb servers, poor management Hospitality Technology Systems salesmen used high pressure bait-and-switch tactics to sell us this new experimental POS software that has taken them 3 months to fix - at our expense.

We have had system wide crashes, hardware failures and so many bugs it isn't funny. Our first two weeks we could seldom print a guest check costing us tens of thousands of dollars in lost revenue, customer walk-outs, customer complaints, employee meltdowns and more. then to make matters worse...

Mercury Payment systems which apparently pays them a commission has delayed depositing funds for up to 5 to 14 days causing havoc with our cash flow (devastating for a cash reliant business). All we have gotten for 4 months are excuses and them trying to turn the blame on us. There have even been "bugs" that tech support could not figure out.. for "days"...

We have lost tens of thousands of dollars due to these two companies. Future Fusion was not fully tested. John Giles, James Bacarella and his team at Hospitality Technology Systems "used" our small mom and pop new business to test their software and "work out the bugs"!!! Finally after three months of screaming, crying and threats, we have a system that is somewhat useable, but was "never" programmed - as promised, without many of the features - as promised... and more.  

Prior to opening in October 2009, we contacted a Point of Sale (POS) vendor for a computerized cash register and credit card processing system. The system and software that we were originally sold on, (Digital Dining) was initially out of our budget, so it was scaled down with fewer terminals to fit our budget.

The salesman then offered us used equipment to bring the price down even further, which was fine with us. We then gave them a copy of our menu so that it could be pre-programmed and ready to go when we opened. Due to construction budget issues, as with any new business, we were concerned about costs. We had also just come out of another bad partnership which caused our credit to be less than perfect, so we had to be creative and negotiate for the best deal. Mark the salesman then offered us a new lease program for $99 a month.

For a new business just starting out it was a great deal. What he didn't tell us is that it wasn't for the "Digital Dining" system we had been given bids on... but a cheaper knock off version called Future POS. Well, our credit for the lease was denied, so we were just going to use the start up cash we had to purchase the Digital Dining System... but then Mark and Scott comes up with another new offer to just lease the software and pay for installation and programming for $5k give or take and lease the hardware. Well, of course that was better than the $22k for the Digital Dining System. Having been forced to go over budget on the construction costs, due to unexpected (and a little outrageous) property improvements required by the City, we were all for a lower start-up cost to get the system.

Then to make matters worse, they ended up selling us software called "Future POS" which had just been released only three months prior...basically untested and to which James admitted "still had bugs" but that is jumping ahead of the story. The salesman then reassured us that the system was being programmed and would be ready to go when we opened. He even took our computer with him and kept it for a week, so it could be programmed.

Time went by and we were busy with the final tenant improvements, installing equipment and hiring employees. Two and a half weeks before opening, we called our salesman who again reassured us that everything would be there and ready a week before we opened, which would be plenty of time to train the employees. Time went by and we were busy with the final tenant improvements, installing equipment and hiring employees.

A week before opening and still no POS system. The day before opening, we ran to Staples and purchased a simple cash register so that at least sales could be registered somewhere still no POS. We quickly printed a scaled down version of our menu, with a simplified pricing, to make it easier on the servers and cashiers. Opening night, no POS. We received a call from the salesman who said his car had broken down and he was stuck on the freeway. Halfway into the evening, he shows up with his demo unit, and proceeds to install it behind the bar. One terminal for two bartenders and ten servers.

Then we learned that the menu had not been programmed into the POS and had not even been started. The salesman then spent the entire evening standing at the terminal programming our employees and menu items! (As if we would actually be able to use it that night). The funny thing is, we felt sorry for him and his girlfriend who was in a very bad mood, (and glared at us at every chance) because she had to pick him up from his broken down car on the freeway and drive him to our location (a good hour, hour and a half drive), so we gave them both dinner - on the house. The next ten days were only the beginning of our nightmare. The salesman was frantically trying to program the software, which they had re-assured us repeatedly, that would be done before we opened.

Then the real fun started when we actually began to try to use it. Half of the employees were never programmed in, menu items were entered incorrectly, with the wrong price or no price at all, menu buttons didnt work, servers could not send orders to the kitchen, printers failed, servers were locked out of the system, the entire system would freeze up - of course in the middle of a busy Friday night dinner service. We lost tens of thousands of dollars when customers got tired of waiting for their guest checks to be printed and just walked out, or a credit card could not be processed because the system was down, or the kitchen never received an order and a customer had to wait two hours for their dinner.

This went on for weeks, then months Only too late did we learn that the software was relatively new and still full of bugs?!?!?! When I confronted the vendor about this, they admitted it had only been released a few months prior) and used the excuse that Windows 7 has bugs, and it is expected, to which I told him that never in a million gazillion years would I risk Windows 7 or any new software, to run my entire new Since we were just a little mom and pop store in the middle of the desert, we were, from the beginning, not treated fairly or professionally.

James has resorted to calling us stupid and drunkards to redirect blame off his faulty software and broken down hardware. His e-mails have been less than professional and little more than childish banter, refusing to take responsibility for the immense damages his software and broken down hardware caused to our company. Then after two and a half months of them trying to fix the software, James, pretty much admitted the software they sold us is defective by "strongly" suggesting that we "downgrade" to the "original" software that has worked for years without problems. So in other words, he used us to "test" his defective software, costing us tens of thousands of dollars in lost revenue, not to mention all the additional labor hours, stress and emotional issues (between management, servers and kitchen employees, "and" your his people),which we have had to deal with all that on top of the stress of opening a new restaurant in a troubled economy... Thank You James, very much for the extra headaches.

Now, even though the "data" is inaccurate due to all the POS errors since Oct. 1st, it is a good chunk of data, which James informs us would be lost if we "downgraded" - his callous urging to downgrade does not take in to account the additional labor hours, paper and ink that will be required to print THREE MONTHS of data, and manually re-enter it... if that is even possible. We were promised inventory control, food and beverage costing, employee time functions, sales controls, gift cards, terminals that work, software that works, reports that were readable without a microscope, reports that were helpful to run our business, and a long list of other promises... We have been promised over and over and over and over again.... Not one promise has been kept.

Our business has suffered greatly, directly due to all the POS issues. Do you know what it feels like when twenty people stand in the middle of your office filled with fifty or a hundred other people and shout out how long they had to wait just to pay for their food, and then loudly proclaim that they will "never" be back? Every day I sit at this computer for hours trying to fix issues that never should be an issue, or trying to calculate employee hours manually, or manually tracking sales data, or writing e-mails to you and your people, or sitting on the phone with tech support, when I should be busy running my business.

Our employees have been brought to tears by angry, tired of waiting, customers. Employees have quit, unable to deal with the stress, and all are infuriated at the loss of tips from all those really very angry customers, who will never come back. They have systematically destroyed our business before we even got started. The losses and damages they caused in the first month alone are astronomical. We are not happy. Our customers are not happy.

Our employees are not happy. Our bank is not happy. Now after three and a half months even though the software is somewhat working although the system was never programmed as promised with our menu, (Mark must have been drunk when he populated the liquor item list), when is the last time you ever had a bourbon Margarita? He created a Margarita, Martini, Cosmo and Cadillac Margarita in at least six different places on the list, the buttons he created never worked, and I have spent two days trying to figure out which item in the list is actually tied to which button, since the duplicate items are ridiculous!

Then to make matters worse, they are holding us hostage with the credit card processing company Mercury Payment systems which likes to hold our money for five to fourteen days before depositing it into our account, and if we try to change processors or disable Mercury Payment systems from the Future Fusion system, the entire system will shut down because they have some lease agreement between them. We have been working with Wells Fargo to switch over, but James has refused to give them the information they needed, then after a week, he finally tells us that we are thick because we just dont get it that Mercury Payment systems has a deal with Future POS and if we bypass Mercury, they will disable the POS system oh they even got mad because we installed an ATM unit in our restaurant. We have cried, and screamed and begged and we have threatened. But instead of them taking care of the problem, James sends us demeaning e-mails accusing us of being drunk and stupid.

I repeatedly asked for training and offered days, yet he blew me off and then accused me of refusing to set up training dates!? I asked for access to the remote access that we were promised, after three and a half months he still has refused to send us the information. When we gave them our $1000 deposit and a copy of our menu in July August of 2009, they promised it would be programmed and ready to install the first week of October when we were ready to open it was not.

We gave them the $5k+ for programming and installation and they have been billing us $813 a month on a lease for a system that has never been anything close to what they promised. Then to make matters worse, we cant even file our sales taxes because they admitted the data that the reports returned was not correct?!?! We have run the same report several times and come up with different totals, so which one is the correct one? The only way to know is to sit and manually add up all the receipts one at a time for the past four months.

Thank God the tech guy Chris still answers his phone and is the only one who has helped fix anything. Three weeks ago Scott came to finally "help", he said he would fix things, and do this and do that. We have not heard from him since. 


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Apple Valley,
Hospitality Technoloy Future Fusion Rip Off

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 06, 2011

 I just read the response by John Giles, who is the "software" writer and horribly WRONG. His rebuttal is all lies, and excuses used to cover up what they did and how the owners of this restaurant were treated. The accusations and his so-called "explanation" is just a small example of how customers are treated by him and Hospitality Technology Point of Sale systems.

Employees were told by the drunken salesman Mark Snyder who grabb assed the servers that it was the employees fault the system was bad, that the employees were drunk and stupid and the restaurant owners were stupid, and hostile. Well, of course we all were hostile!!! On a busy Friday night during the heat of a packed dinner service, the terminals would go down and we lost hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars in lost sales, lost tips and thrown out food!
This wasnt just a one time occurrence, or a problem that was fixed in a timely manner, this went on for MONTHS! Without any resolution! Day after day, week after week, the manager waas on the phone with tech support, the owners were on the phone begging and screaming that this newley opened business was being financially ruined because the employees could not even ring up a sale! You would be hostile too, if your lifes dream was being destroyed by computerized POS software and hardware!

Hospitality Technology Systems and the Future Fusion software was to blame Not the employees and not the restaurant owners! If a treat was all they got for all the lost money and lost time and lost customers, they got off easy!

Scott Wiess and Mark Snyder are con men and sold this restaurant a system that never worked from day one. It was never programmed as promised and the telephone support people couldn't even fix the issues half the time! The owners even had to create a quick smaller menu when they opened because the menu wasnt even programmed into the system, and Mark sat there for two days entering in menu items, and he never did enter all the employees names into it so half the servers had to share server numbers.

I can only guess how many thousands of dollars this restaurant lost because of Hospitality Technology Systems and Future Fusion. (and no one ever thought it was Digital Dining the screen saver said Future Fusion right on it, so THAT is another big lie by Scott Wiess trying to make the restaurant owners look stupid).

Mr. Giles closing statement accusing the restaurant owners of being less than professional is exactly how the owners were treated by THEM! These people threatened to shut the system down, and threatened to cut off support because the manager was calling them for every little thing that went wrong.!

I dont care what excuses John Giles wrote, none of it is true. He never contacted the restaurant owners. He never addressed any of the programming issues, and put it all off on his salesmen Hospitality Technology systems, POS systems who tried to cover their misrepresentations and fraud by making up stories about the employees of the restaurant and the owners.

Bottom line, Hospitality Technology systems is a RIP OFF and if you own a restaurant, or are looking to buy a Point of Sale POS system DO Not do business with these guys!

Report Attachments


United States of America
Allow me to share my side of the story

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 23, 2010

Let me start by saying that this situation is tragic, and there are no winners here.  Opening a restaurant is extremely difficult, given the state of the economy, employee challenges, and numerous day to day headaches.  I certainly feel bad for what the owners of Big Mike's have been through, but their story is far from accurate.  Let me start by giving a brief overview of the players here, because this report makes it sound like it's one big company.

HTS is a restaurant POS reseller in California, who finds restaurants that need a system, and installs/supports the system.

Cutting Edge Solutions is a POS software company, and we sell through a network of dealers in the US, Canada, and the UK.

Mercury Payment Systems is a very reputable credit card processing company with competitive rates, and lower upfront cost because they've done direct integrations with POS software companies (like us) so the customer doesn't have to purchase expensive (and sometimes unreliable) third party software/hardware just to process credit cards.

Errors and Omissions:

I can't speak for all of the "he said, she said", as we're the company that produces the software, so we DON'T typically have any direct contact with the end user in most cases.  We're also located in Pennsylvania, so we're far removed from much of what has transpired.  Here are the things that I KNOW to be inaccurate, or just plain omitted:

For the first 4-6 weeks the customer had the system, they were under the impression that it was Digital Dining, and had sent a series of nasty emails to the WRONG COMPANY.  Otherwise we would have gotten involved much sooner, and things might have turned out differently.

Future Fusion is a new product, and with any new software, there are bugs.  That being said, it had been in beta for the entire summer, and was released to the general public in July of 2009.  At the time of Big Mike's installation, there were roughly 32 other sites using the exact same version they got, with no problems.

Future POS has been around since 1998, and we have ALWAYS gone above and beyond to keep the customer happy, even when it means that we lose money.  We've never had a lawsuit against us, and we have also never had a BBB complaint.

We certainly aren't some "cheap knockoff" of Digital Dining.  We compete with DD every year for several customer service awards.  If you want to see who wins those awards and who doesn't, feel free to visit www.rspa.org.

James from HTS refuses to do any further business with Big Mike's due to "death threats" from big Mike, which got so abusive that James had to contact the local police department.

HTS is a quality business partner, and has never had a SINGLE COMPLAINT from any other Future POS installation.

In closing, I'd say that if you want to know if a business is reputable, go to the people who care about the accuracy of their information: The Better Business Bureau (www.bbb.org).  I'd also say that if you want the people you deal with in business to give you the best possible experience, you should probably conduct yourself in a professional manner, without swearing, threatening, and posting nasty emails about the people you expect to help you.


John Giles


Cutting Edge Solutions

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