  • Report:  #1489641

Complaint Review: David Dorer - Lawyer for Dozier Law Firm in Macon Georgia - Macon Georgia

Reported By:
Barbara - Eureka, United States

David Dorer - Lawyer for Dozier Law Firm in Macon Georgia
327 Third Street Macon, 31201 Georgia, United States
(478) 217-7442
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This truthful review is being written under the First Ammendment of the US Constiution - as Free Speech.

It is with deep regret that I have to file this negative report on my own lawyer, David Dorer - whom we trusted to properly handle our case against a negligent Home Inspector.

I let this matter go for 2 years, because I wanted to put it behind me, but it still troubles us to this very day.

My husband and I bought a home in Blairsville, Georgia in 2013.  The realtor, recommended a Home Inspection Company - Partin Homes Inspections.  I made the mistake of taking her advise.  The Inspector missed thousands of dollars of important things - like mold, etc, and we got stuck for all the repairs and health issues and our house in dis-array.

Originally, we hired a local lawyer named Francis Earl Wiggers.  This lawyer took us for a $2,000 retainer and did nothing.  After 8 weeks, he said all the money was GONE, and he did nothing on our case, nor had any proof of where the money went.

We did file 2 complaints with the State Bar of Georgia - but this "Lawyer Protection Racket Association" did nothing to help us - and mysteriously found no wrong doing on the part of Wiggers.

We did file a Negative Review on Wiggers on this site and 2 other sites.

In January, 2014, we started looking for another lawyer, and found David Dorer of the Dozier Law Firm in Macon, Georgia.  We sent him some preliminary material on our case against Partin Home Inspection, and he seemed very williing to take our case on a contingency.

We lived over 4 hours - each way from his office in Macon, but did drive down there - spending money on gas and a rental car in early February, 2014. He took our case on contingency and showed us that our case was worth over $ 100,000 and there was Prescident in such cases.

Also, he found out that the home inspector had adequate insurance. Here is the long and the short of what happened. We kept up with Mr. Dorer, with evidence, photos of damage, reports from an expert, etc. Mr. Dorer finally filed a lawsuit on December 31, 2014 - but he filed it in the wrong court.

The lawyer for the Home Inspector protested the incorrect filing in the wrong county court. About 5 or 6 months later,  in mid- 2015, he did file it in the correct court and county. Right after that, Mr. Dorer became rude and nasty towards us.

The lawyer for the home inspector told Dorer that the inspector did NOT have insurance to cover Errors and Omissions and Negligence.  Also, he had no money and was "under water" on his home. I spent money on a Asset Locator, and could not find much.

Mr. Dorer wanted OUT of the case, but would not even try to find assets or any other insurance.

Basically, after this, he allowed our case to DIE LIKE A FISH IN THE CORNER.  This is a term lawyers use when they wish they never taken a case.

I tried to help him, but he did nothing and I knew he was Abandoning Our Case.

The least he could have done for us, would have been to refer our case to another lawyer - who would dig into the matter and not just accept the WORD of the defendent's own attorney.

About March, 2017, I get an e-mail from Mr. Dorer saying this:  "The Towns County Superior Court Had Dismissed Our Case Due to Lack of Prosecution."He sent back our entire file and all the work and photos we did.

In short we lost alot of money by Mr. Dorer allowing our case to expire this way.  Also money we spent on photos, transportation, postage, 2 reports from an expert, repairs, and the Asset Locator.

I see, from looking at Online Reviews of David Dorer and the Dozier Law Firm - that he got alot of Glowing Reviews, except from 1 other person. Believe me, I wish I could give him such a wonderful review.  However, the above fact speak for themselves.

I just wanted to tell our part of this sad story.  In short, the Home Inspector got away with his negligence.  We got the SHAFT from our own lawyer. Before, we hired David Dorer and the Dozier Law Firm, there was another - more local lawyer, who seemed interested in the case.

We did not file any complaint on Dorer, with the State Bar of Georgia - due to the previous experience with them regarding our complaint on Wiggers.  We knew they would do nothing - as they are a known Lawyer Protection Association - as mentioned before.

We just did not want more aggrivation then we already suffered. If I had known how this would turn out, I would have presented our case to this other lawyer. However, Hindsight is 20/20. We no longer live in Georgia


Wish I had hired a different lawyer.



6 Updates & Rebuttals

Justice Avenger

United States
To Jim: Cyber Stalking is a Crime. The Authorities are Now Being Informed. This is your Last Chance to Stop the Harrassment

#2Author of original report

Sat, January 11, 2020

I am the author of a review on a Georgia Lawyer named David Dorer.

Some person, named JIM (not the lawyer I wrote about) is mis-using this valuable website.  Jim has been Harrassing and Stalking me.

He is lying about me and is slandering me for no reason.  I do not know who he is.  I have told him several times to cease his actions, but he continues.  Obviously, he has nothing to do with his pitiful life.

He is using this site to attack me, which is against their rules. I am a busy person, and have no more time for this. I am now going to inform the police, and other authories about this JIM and his deplorable behavior.

I am also now informing the rip off report website team and tell them to investigate this matter. I urge all readers of this message, to be on the look out for JIM as he might also have attacked your own reports.

People have a right to use this website to post reviews, and actual experiences with companies they had a negative experience with. They have the right to do so, without suffering the misery that this very sick individual called JIM puts upon me and anyone else.

This ends now.


The Author


Beverly Hills,
United States
Actually It Isn't - Moron

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, January 07, 2020

As I said, this is a public website and as such, my contributions are welcomed.  If you truly believe you are being cyberstalked, then the first question will be "am I following you on other websites?"  If the answer is no (and it is no), then I cannot be cyberstalking you. 

Now, you could try and claim I am bullying you, but it's pretty clear from the content of my posts, that I'm not bullying you either.  I'm just calling you out for your overall general stupidity and cretinous behavior.

Here is what you want:  You want the ability to slander people without cause.  You want the ability to sully other people for no reason.  You also want the last word on a subject - that is very important to you because you are narcissistic and listen to nobody.  You make every issue about poor you, and I'm sure your poor husband, whom you've already driven to insanity through all of your misadventures, has been putting up with your moronic and cretinous behavior for umpteen years and can't leave you without receiving serious mental abuse from you.  Perhaps I should contact the elder abuse division of your local police department and have you arrested.

If you want to understand what it's like to slander people for no reason, then keep reading this over and over again.....  Now it's time for you to go away.


United States
Someone Needs to Tell this "JIM" that Cyber Stalking and Harassment is a Crime.

#4Author of original report

Sat, January 04, 2020

Now this person, who calls himself, JIM claims that I MADE MY COMPLAINT (Against a Georgia Lawyer) His Business!  Now, why would that be?  He is clearly NOT the lawyer, David Dorer.  My guess is that he IS a lawyer, one who has nothing better to do than to Cyber Harass ME.

To reply to JIM's question as to why I did not file a complaint against the Home Inspector, Bruce Partin.  I did that on several sites, including this one.

I do not know where "JIM" lives, but Georgia is one of those states, who - unfortunately - does NOT require home inspectors to carry Errors and Omissions Insurance.  That is why Georgia is one of the corrupt states.

I tried to change things by asking my State Representatives and State Senators to create a law requiring anyone who inspects homes or property to carry Errors and Omissions Insurance.  However, they were either not interested or unsuccesful in getting such a bill passed.

If such insurance were required, we would NOT have been in this position nor needed any lawyer. Neither would anyone else who also might have received a bad home inspection from Bruce Partin or any other inspector.

Recently, I found out that Bruce Partin and his Son are still preforming Home Inspections.  I also saw that there were several negative reviews on him by other people - on other websites.  Same thing - that he missed thousands of dollars of problems with the home and the buyers were Out of Luck due to the fact that Georgia  State Government, does not protect consumers nor citizens.

This lawyer, David Dorer, as I stated failed in his represenation of us.  Also, by taking over 10 months to file the suit, and filing it in the wrong court - has allowed the 2 Year Statute of Limitations to Expire.  Thus, prompting the lawyer for the inspector, to claim that the Statute of Limitations Expired and therefore, the lawsuit was not valid.

Even though I had 1 bad experience with the State Bar of Georgia, I did call them about this problem with this lawyer.  Their curt reply to me was, THAT THEY DO NOT CONSIDER COMPLAINTS OF LEGAL INCOMPETANCE NOR MALPRACTICE.  Thus, it would have been another, complete waste of time  and energy, to file such a complaint.

From research I have done, The State Bar of Georgia is NOT an actual State Agency.  They are in fact an Association of Lawyers, by Lawyers and For Lawyers.  I have read many blogs from other Georgia Citizens who have also had negative experiences with the State Bar of Georgia.  One gentleman, so eloquently put it this way:

"The State Bar of Georgia is a Lawyer Protection Association, comprised of crooked lawyers who protect other crooked lawyers and the public is none the wiser.  99 % of the time, they will find NO cause for your complaint.  Even if you manage to get the offending lawyer to admit his or her guilt, then your chances with the State Bar of Georgia are only 50/50."

I do not know the name of the author, but agree with him 200%.

JIM need to know that this ripoff report site was created with the intent of allowing anyone, who was wronged by companies or alleged professionals to air their truthful story.  This is expecially true for those of us -like me - who tried all avenues of getting justice and compensation for the monetary and emotional losses - and did not get any measure of justice.  In trying to get such justice - I actually got more monetary loss and further fustration.

This site has helped people to truthfully say what happened to them.  It also allows the company complained about to either tell their side of the story OR offer to make things right.  Thus saving their reputation.

I have been attacked by this JIM when I wrote up our horrible experience with a real estate agency, which was made worse by the Maine Real Estate Commission investigator's wrongful dismissal of our valid complaint -by him writing up 5 pages of compete Lies and Gross Distortions of the Truth.

Jim has called me STUPID, MORON, STUPID 3 TIMES and other negative - uncalled for comments.

This site is also for Consumer Comments, that are constructive, helpful, and offering help or telling of their own similiar experiences.  NOT FOR HARASSMENT.  This person immediately replies to every comment I made.  He even critizes every word I might mis-spell.  Why is he stalking me?

I do not know why this JIM is targeting me.  He certainly is NOT conforming to the Rules and Codes of Conduct that he checked off as agreeing to.

I have spoken to my Federal Legislatures - NOT mentioning anyone's name nor website.  JIM needs to know that Cyber Stalking and  Cyber Harassment are considered Federal Crimes.  Punishable by fines or prison time.

I am now asking JIM to stop the Cyber Harassment and Stalking.


Glad to to listing our home in Spring, 2020 and moving way West.


Beverly Hills,
United States
You Made Your Complaint My Business

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, January 03, 2020

One of the problems with the 1st amendment Barb is that you cannot suppress someone else's right to speak, especially when you espouse your own 1st amendment right.  I have the right to ridicule you under the 1st amendment.  That's why it's called free speech.  But all of that is so over your head, so I will drop it.

The truth is, you actually have a valid complaint this time - the trouble is your complaint should have been against the inspector, not your lawyer.  No lawyer would have been successful against the home inspector and no lawyer would have made you happy.  Your home inspector not only did a really poor job of inspecting, but also:


  • Failed to carry any E&O insurance for poor inspections
  • If he has an attorney but no assets, then I suspect this isn't his first really bad inspection
  • His lack of sufficient assets is his insurance that no one will sue him for a poor job.

The reason an inspector has a General Liability insurance policy in a situation like this is to protect the assets you own from being taken in a lawsuit.  But if you have no assets to protect, then insurance is unnecessary because there is nothing to go after.  By having no assets, the inspector insulated himself from a lawsuit.

For those reading this report, there is no judgment that this attorney is either good or bad.  No one can make that determination from this report.  The complaint should have been against the home inspector who not only failed to perform a competent inspection, but lacks the necessary General Liability insurance needed to conduct business. 

His incompetence cost Barbara several thousand dollars and if Barbara would file a separate complaint against this home inspector, then this would be a proper complaint directed at the proper party.  I also would love to have heard from the inspector as to how he could have been so incompetent and then fail to carry proper insurance.

United States
Looks Like this Person, calling themselves, Jim is Back - when he should Mind His Own Business

#6Author of original report

Thu, January 02, 2020

Well, I see that the famous JIM is back attacking my truthful reports.

I have 2 things to say to this Jim:  MYOB.  In case you are too stupid to know what that means - it means, Mind Your Own Business.  You not the person who got ripped off by their own lawyer.  You would not like losing a case because a lawyer took your case, then allowed it to be dismissed by a court due to lack of prosecution. So, MYOB - Jim Boy.

2 - it seems you have nothing better to do in your miserable life, than to follow me.  You know, I can easily found out who you are.

This site is supposed to be for people who have been ripped off or cheated otherwise.  It is also for the business to comment and tell their side of the story - or make it right for the consumer.  Also, it is for other people to learn from.

Also, if you bother to read the Rule and Regulations on this ripoffreport site, you will clearly see that CYBER BULLYING AND HARRASSMENT ARE AGAINST THOSE RULES.


Are you a lawyer, Jim?  If you are, there is an old joke,  WHAT DO YOU CALL 500 LAWYERS CHAINED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN?   Answer:  A GOOD START.  

Maybe you ought to join them - in the ocean.  Get a Life.  I am prepared to rebut every single nasty comment you make.

Do you really have nothing better to do than read these reports and make your ugly comments?  Bet you are doing this to other people as well.  I think I found something you wrote on another consumer report.



The Author of the Report


Beverly Hills,
United States
Seems Barbara is Back...

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, December 30, 2019

I figured after the first sentence...that had to be you.  The 1st amendment is assumed here.... otherwise the site has the ability to remove anything they wish.  They don't wish to because of the 1st Amendment.  Now to your complaint and remember - everything is generally your fault:

This lawyer took us for a $2,000 retainer and did nothing.  After 8 weeks, he said all the money was GONE, and he did nothing on our case, nor had any proof of where the money went.  $2,000 doesn't buy you much with a lawyer - maybe just under 7 billable hours over 8 weeks, which would be easy to document.  We did file 2 complaints with the State Bar of Georgia.

Based on what you've written, there would be nothing the Bar could do for you, not because of cronyism, but because you have yet to identify anything the lawyer did wrong.  Lawyers are allowed to bill for their time and if you decide the lawyer isn't a good fit for you, or you simply aren't happy with the lawyer and wish to end the association, then the lawyer can keep the retainer money earned for the hours billed.

  I'm sure all your lawyer did was submit what he did for the hours worked after the complaint was received, and the Bar was satisfied.

He took our case on contingency and showed us that our case was worth over $ 100,000 and there was Prescident in such cases.  The word is precedent, and your lawyer guessed there was an insurance policy he could go after - that's really the ONLY reason the lawyer took your case.  $100K is probably what would have been available under the policy.

The lawyer for the home inspector told Dorer that the inspector did NOT have insurance to cover Errors and Omissions and Negligence.  Also, he had no money and was "under water" on his home. I spent money on a Asset Locator, and could not find much.  That's a bad break because an inspector doesn't have to carry an E&O policy, but that isn't the fault of your attorney.  Your attorney realized that since the inspector lacks an E&O policy, as well as personal and business assets, that there is no money for him to go after.  Suing your home inspector once this information was found would be pointless since there is no money for either your lawyer, or for you.

Mr. Dorer wanted OUT of the case, but would not even try to find assets or any other insurance.  You just finished telling everyone here there is no other insurance to go after, no assets to go after, there is nothing to go after.  You did an Asset Search and virtually no assets were found.  There is nothing to pursue except to bankrupt the inspector, which a lawyer could do, at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars.  It wasn't that he wanted out.  Contingency lawyers don't work for free.  The case ended there.

The least he could have done for us, would have been to refer our case to another lawyer - who would dig into the matter and not just accept the WORD of the defendent's own attorney.  For what?  So the next attorney could tell you there was nothing to pursue?

In short we lost alot of money by Mr. Dorer allowing our case to expire this way.  Also money we spent on photos, transportation, postage, 2 reports from an expert, repairs, and the Asset Locator.  You forgot to include the money you were out due to the inspector's negligence.  However, none of your losses were due to the lawyer.  You would have been out the same funds regardless of the lawyer you selected.

...there was another - more local lawyer, who seemed interested in the case.  If I had known how this would turn out, I would have presented our case to this other lawyer.  Who would have found the same thing as the lawyer you selected, which is that while you may have a civil case, there are no assets to collect and therefore, the case is not worth pursuing.  And no, there would have been nothing the State Bar would have done to your attorney because of course, he worked for you for free.  His law firm may not be completely happy with the result either....

The funny thing is this:  The last 2 lawyers you either selected or thought about selecting would not have pursued the case since there was nothing to collect; that's what contingency lawyers do - they go after insurance policies.  There is no right or wrong.  They are classic ambulance chasing attorneys....  If there is no insurance policy, then there is no case to pursue.  The only lawyer who would have succeeded was the first lawyer who billed you $2,000 and took the case assuming there was no insurance to collect. 

This lawyer would either have succeeded in prosecuting the inspector, or at least settled with the inspector for some small amount you would have been very unhappy about.  The inspector would have filed bankruptcy, there would be nothing for you to collect on, and you would have spent THOUSANDS - maybe tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees pursuing the case.  But you would have at least won the case and a principle fulfilled.  Your lawyer on the other hand....loses either way.

What I hope you did was tell your realtor - if the realtor recommended this inspector, then you need to make sure the inspector is no longer recommended by the realtor.  Inspectors rely on people like your realtor for their livelihood.  Without that recommendation, they quickly go out of business.  If you really want to obtain relief, that would be the best way to go.

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