  • Report:  #1289814


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Another victim of Poulos - Mastic Beach , New York, USA

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on september 17 2013 i received a phonecall from a correctional officer related to my child. His exact words were "there was a court date today, you didnt know about it, your lawyer didnt know about it so uhhh nobodys holding it against you or anything but the judge said that if we return your daughter to you CPS will put he in foster care right away". 

I had my daughters father go to a notary over summer 2013 when he originally mentioned filing paperwork as i have never once denied him of his child. He  refused to see his daughter under my supervision for 3 months until his dad convinced him to go to notary. This letter stated that my child was to be home by 9pm Sunday. He never brought her back to me. Immediately after receiving that phonecall I made as many phonecalls as I could to try to verify this information. % times a day to each FRANCINE MOSS, CATHERINE MILLER, as well as CPS. For 6 WEEKS nobody had returned my calls!!!!! CATHERINE MILLER had schedule 3 home visits with myself and my child at the begining of the matter. The first time she was very pleased with our living enviornment.... but failed to CALL OR SHOW to the other 2 visits!!!! Unprofessional at its finest! Week 6 was our next family court date I had approached my court appointed attourney FRANCINE MOSS of RONKONKOMA NY and asked her why didnt she call back and if this phonecall was true. She stated "NO its not true". I replied "good so i can finally go get my child back with a police officer??" she had responded that i should hold off. Whe i asked her for what reason she replied that i didnt want to make matters any worse. I had to call my daughters daycare Sept. 19 and tell them that my daughter who I have raised since birth, alone, without the suppiort or help of her father... would not be returning because I didnt know where she was!!! ... I was furious. I asked Mrs. Moss to contact certain organizations as well as my school and my childs daycare to show proof that she has resided in my custody. I had a DWI in 2010 that my daughters father based his alligations on. I asked Mrs. Moss to contact probation and and my outpatient facility to prove that i was not a drug user! All of her responses were... "lets hold off. we will wait for trial". She refused to do anything in mine or my daughters best intrest!! I went to court with a blindfold so confused 1-2 times a month with nothing but adjournments and drug tests. When the results of my hair follice test came back CLEAN I asked Mrs. Moss again if I could go get my child. SHe responded in the same manner as the first; time. I didnt understand at all what was taking so long and why I was even appearing in court over that 7-8 months!!! Finally towards the end I had made a decision to fire her as my attourney. It took me a while thinking maybe there was a method behind her neglegence....

When I walked into the court room DEBBI POULOS had asked me why I wanted to relieve Mrs. MOSS. I had respomded that she had not done a thing to help my case. Nothing for the better interest of mine or my childs. Never returns my phonescalls.... JUDGE POULOS started slamming her hammer talking about "how dare you talk about Mrs. Moss this way" that she had known and been friends with Mrs. Moss for a long time and I had nerve. At this point I decided to speak my mind about CATHERINE MILLER as well and was almost arrested for contempt. She set a trial date and told me I had better come in with a Lawyer. I payed GERARD DONNELLY of HAPPAUGE NY $3000 to represent me and before trial he came out to me and told me that he didnt want me to go to trial because they would "ring me a new one and it would be like watching a good friend die slowly" that i should take joint custody and reapproach the situation at another point of my life. I was outraged! He manipulated and convinced me to sign this paper. I KNOW that it was his easy way out. This entire time I had a feeling that something sneaky was going on in that courtroom, I just didnt know how to prove it or where to start. 

As i am signing the joint custody paperwork I asked Mr. Donelly "my childs father disagrees with everything and anything he is not trying to coparent and our relationship was always the same way. So how could we make mutual decisions in the childs best interest when bnone of this is in her best interest. He went to talk to POULOS came out with what he made to seem as a second original document of the court order and as I was reading to verify he did everything in his power to destract me and just have me sign. Somehow it worked as I was not it the right mental state of mind. When I later read the court order it was NOT the same as the first!! This one had stated that I could not reapproach my situation till I was released off probation and that if Him and I coukldnt come to an agreement that HE would get final say of my child. The way thee document was written had caused the denial to be involved with her school. He has since made every decision on his own or with his infertile girlfriend. When he initially mentioned the court paperwork i found out shortly after that he had a new girlfriend. I KNOW THIS IS DUE TO HIS RELATIONSHIP! WHen they fight he communicates more with me. When they are happy together he ignores me completely. His girlfriend worked at a daycare so immediately after running off with her they had signed her up to KIDDIE ACADEMY EAST ISLIP. I called this center and got hung up on twice by the woman in charge. I was calling to ask who allowed her father to make this decision without MY consent because she was already in a school.

I had to swear under oath that nobody forced me to make this decision and that it was in the best intrest of my child with tears streaming down my face soaking whatever papers were infront of me as she commended my verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive ex for stepping up to the plate when I could not do so. She had told me she hopes I pull; myself together for the sake of my child and I am lucky enough to have this man as her father, that i was battling a disease and she wishes me the best. In my heart I knew I wasnt doing this willingly but i felt defensless as nobody was representing me the way they should be!!! I struggled very hard to establish a great life with my child. SHE WAS NEVER WITHOUT. I was a full time mother, employee and student who graduated with a 3.8 GPA in Medical Office Administration. Not only was my daughter well taken care of but she was HAPPY. He neglects her feelings I am convinced he is a sociopath. Before my child was born I had raised and supported him like a child for 4 years! I was mandated to weekly 1 hour visits at the EAC building located next to FRANCINE MOSS'S office with no other option ironically. When I finally saw my 4 year old daughter again she told me "Mommy I know my daddy stole me from you, i miss you and it will be okay".

 I have an 8 minute recording of my daughters father on a phone call acting irrationally, screaming admiting to lying under oath etc.... 

8/14/14 I was released from probation and didnt even leave the courthouse before I started making calls to re approach and get my baby back. I repetitioned through the probation department and when the court date arrived I had asked DEBROAH POULOS if I could respectfully request the case be adjourned dur to the fact that I have not yet found legal counceling that I was content or comfortable with. She ripped up my papers and threw it out infront of me telling me to comne back when i get it together case dismissed. Since then I have called advocated and have been doing research about my options as a yound single woman on a budget and have not gotten too far. Today at my visit with my child a man informed me about this website and the report on Mrs. Poulos so ofcourse I will speak my story too.My child misses me, and is hurting and constantly being relocated. She lies for her father in fear of her consequences. She claims her dad and her dont talk about her feelings at all. She shows up at this building with injury after injury. Sick. or dry skin cracking bleeding etc.... PLEASE HELP USSSS =(

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