  • Report:  #186456

Complaint Review: Dell Computer - Round Rock Texas

Reported By:
- Lincoln, Nebraska,

Dell Computer
One Dell Way Round Rock, 78682 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Here is a letter to Dell regarding a particularly abhorrent abuse by Dell to an end user with a chronic heart condition, that has been going on now for two years!

Dear Mr. Rollins

Case # 129738319

Tag# 4G33D11

Before coming to the USA in 1990, I was the National Customer Service Manager for one of the UK's largest pc dealers. At the time, we knew Dell as an ethical competitor that prided itself upon the provision of high quality systems to its end users, and a company that had an almost untouchable record when it came to providing the highest class of customer service after the sale within the then young Personal Computer Industry.

I am now in the USA; I run my own consultancy, and boy have things changed significantly. Your company now has a reputation for providing products that overheat (the recent laptop fiasco that, rather than issuing a recall, you have decided to embark upon a quiet replacement policy for clients who complain is such an example); it has a widely publicized reputation for rude frontline technical support personnel, and customer service personnel who have no grasp of the basic fundamental concepts of what customer service really means.

A case in point is referenced in the above case # and tag #. It involves a Dell user who has a chronic heart condition; whose computer was purchased by the taxpayers of this state through the State of Nebraska Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. A computer that, ever since a technician replaced the original faulty installed hard drive has failed to function as advertised. A computer that, despite all the documentary evidence provided to Dell supporting that the original order was to include a CD/RW drive, Dell has stubbornly refused to provide the paid for and ordered CD/RW drive, insisting the user make do with the CD drive instead (it took an anonymous donation to the end user of a third party CDR/W drive to complete the system as ordered).

An end user who has been verbally abused by both your technical support personnel and customer service personnel. Frankly sir, an end user with a chronic heart condition who, if subjected to much more of this treatment from employees of your company would indeed have probably suffered a hear attack as a consequence (and NO sir, I am NOT exaggerating here!). In fact, I must admit personally, in view of my previous experiences with your company, to some skepticism on my behalf when I heard the end user's story regarding the veracity of her claims. That however, was before I became involved; that was before I personally experienced the same abuse at the hands of your technical support personnel; before I experienced the same condescension and blatant couldn't give a d**n attitude from your customer service personnel.

Effectively, in a nutshell, you had shipped the user a replacement hard drive with a defective installation of Windows 2000. Calls complaining about this resulted in no action on your part, DESPITE assurances from Microsoft that they had also contacted Dell about this specific issue and its effect on this direct end user. It was not until my involvement; not until I had informed three state senators (two Democrat and one Republican) of your abuse of this user and the fact that this abuse was being paid for by this State's own taxpayers dollars; it was not until I informed Dell that these same Elected officials were ready to introduce bi-partisan legislation that would forever bar Dell from being an approved technology supplier to any body of State or Local government within Nebraska, that ANYBODY at Dell even started to take notice.

Your ABU Customer Care Manager, Misty (Dell ext: 7365786) attempted to take ownership. After finding out that obviously, a correct and non faulty Windows 2000 System CD was not available, she offered a Windows XP Home CD to the end user. Unfortunately, Dell couldn't even follow through on THAT correctly; The CD that was sent did NOT include ANY Windows hardware drivers. I personally ended up in a stand up shout down argument with Misty out of sheer frustration at yet another display of absolute incompetence by Dell when it came to addressing the end user on this account and their issues. I even spoke to Microsoft who ALSO re iterated that the Windows XP CD that Dell had sent was NOT a full system installation CD, but instead a system RESTORE CD that did NOT include the essential Windows XP drivers!

Eventually, one of your Gold Key technical support technicians spent several hours on the telephone with the end user and was able to get a BASIC installation of windows XP on the computer; however, the CD containing the drivers is STILL required to complete the installation.

Frankly sir, your company's conduct throughout this whole affair is unforgivable and disgusting. You have defrauded this state by taking money for a hardware item (a CD/RW drive) and installing instead an inferior CD-ROM drive; your support personnel have been condescending and abusive to the end user. You have throughout continuously violated your own OEM contract with Microsoft Corporation. If I was you sir, I would be utterly ashamed at the conduct of both the employees concerned and my company as a whole in this matter.

There WILL be consequences to this however;

1) As stated, I am an independent consultant who is frequently asked to recommend hardware sources by my current and prospective clients. As of today, Dell has been removed from the list of approved recommendations to my clients.

2) The three previously mentioned State Senators have been fully informed of your companies conduct throughout this matter, and are, as we speak, still seriously considering the introduction of legislation that would remove your company as an approved supplier of Information Technology products to ANY State or Local government department or contract.

3) Two clients of mine (1 in Omaha, 1 in Kansas City KS) recently received recommendations from me for a hardware supplier for servers and networked computers. I HAD recommended your company and its Power Edge Blade Server products. However, today I have contacted BOTH clients and advised them MOST strongly to NOT pursue ANY hardware option from your company as we could no longer recommend that the level of post sales support would meet their expectations. We subsequently advised our clients to discuss their network server requirements with alternative hardware suppliers.

On a personal level, I am frankly sorry that a company that I had come to respect as an ethical competitor back in the early days of PC's and PC networking has fallen so far from those high standards. On a professional level, I am disgusted and horrified with the total absence of ANY comprehension of even the most basic customer service handling skills of, not only your frontline personnel, but their immediate superiors, their managers, and the fact that this lack of understanding extends to what would appear to be the higher levels of management of Dell. There is NO excuse that can be rendered by Dell for it's abhorrent conduct in this case, nor can there be ANY defense for the abusive mistreatment of a direct end user with a substantial and chronic heart condition, and the resulting additional stress that has been added to that end user by your employees.

At the very least Sir, an apology is owing to, both the direct end user in this case and, to a lesser degree, myself, for the absolute hell we have been put though; if your company actually gave a ****, you PERSONALLY should be making that apology. However, I suspect that, no such apology will be forthcoming, and even if an apology is made, it will be made by an underling who has been ordered to make an apologetic telephone call; in short, any such apology from a source OTHER than yourself will be considered meaningless and disingenuous.

As I stated at the opening of this letter, your company used to have such very high standards in terms of behavior and ethics; it is indeed so sad to see it has fallen so far from those ideals that at one time separated it from it's competitors.

As a final insult sir, this morning I received a call from the "Gold key' technical support representative who assured me that the sytem was now working correctly and the end user did not want my further involvement. I then called the end user who, coincidentally, was on the telephone to that exact same gold key representative, and they asssured me thay made NO SUCH STATEMENT!!!!

It appears that telling lies, even when they are easily caught, is pervasive within your company!

Yours sincerely

Trevor; partner


Lincoln, Nebraska

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


Las Vegas,
Dell is a terrible place to work!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 23, 2006

I worked at Dell Computers. I talked to other employees around the company as part of my job. There was an air of fear and intimadation throughout that company and apparent with each employee I spoke to. There were numerous and constant violation of health and safety laws in the entire company but I know personally of violations on production lines. The violations concern medical attention not given to employees injured at work. I personally saw employees belittled and demeaned in front of other employees. This was a continuous practice within the company. Dell has to have contractors because there is a 40% or higher employee turnover rate with it's employees. I personally saw several people quit after being demeaned and belittled by managers. It does no good at all to complain to the management in Round Rock. That will only assure you that you will be quietly "pushed out" of the company. I urge anyone to not buy from Dell Computers! They treat their employees very bad!


Dell does it again.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 09, 2006

Where do I start. I used to work for a well known (In the technical world) Third party techsupport company that had the bulk of Dell's techsupport under contract. I am sure the "real" support people from Round Rock know who I am referring to. Anyways... I run a computer company myself now and will never recommend Dell ever. Did you know that Dell replaces your BRAND NEW part with a "Refurb" one. You buy a new part , it dies, you get a refurb. Even states it in the warranty , if you don't get bored and fall asleep reading it. Did you know that the reason why most Dell tech's can't speak english. Well thats because well Its not really a requirement. Just my opinion but out of 450 techs I have dealt with on the other side. Most 2nd level support are the ones who know whats going on. The rest just gawk out the most technical thing they remember from their 2-3 week training course. #1 thing with talking Dell Tech Support, take a good 15 minutes , and if your issues is not resolved, "Ask for a Supervisor" They can't refuse you one. They must comply at that point. Don't get mad, just get a supervisor , get that persons Id # and first name, Generally they are not a MANAGER - they are a 2nd level tech that is there to stop you from getting to someone in a team lead status. Re clarify issue, and most times will be resolved, unless you are completely insane, which I have dealt with a few, not all customers are right. Goes with the job. #2 CD's that came with the machine are the customers responsibility. Not DELL's according to the warranty which you agree to by buying the machine. Data is also not a huge concern because 90% of the time, the error is software (According to Dell) Thats why you have a restore CD. They know you will be lucky to even get halfway through the language barrier with your Special Tech, Habib or Raquiem. #3 Restore CD's are FLAT OEM Installs, no drivers. A seperate CD should have shipped with the system called a "Resource CD" This contains Drivers but from what I have seen. Sometimes they are other system's drivers and not the ones you need. #4 Get your computer Online - IE - Spend 20 bucks on a Nic card or modem - that has a driver cd and install them from the Dell Support site, its handy. Bout the only thing I applaud dell for. Or take it to your local repair shop and have them do it on a highspeed connection so you only have to pay for an hour of support. #5 Dont believe everything you see on TV. Why is DELL the best Tech Support Award Winning whatever. They are not but if you have enough money in advertising you can buy any award you need. Thats my two cents. This was not meant to be offensive - just informative. All information is in your warranty and can be deciphered with a GI Joe decoder ring. Don't get me wrong. There are alot of good folks that work for Dell and independent contractors , but they are forced to sign a non humanity aggreement in the hiring process. Hate the company not the people forced to work for them because they pay well.


Dell Customers

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, May 03, 2006

did i read this wrong or did the dell employee end in saying MOST DELL CUSTOMERS are ungrateful??? If she is a manager and i read this right WHAT IS THAT SAYING!!! Please correct me if i'm wrong. Also if there could be recourse for dell in a civil suit. Sounds like there are alot of ungrateful customers of dell.


Before purchasing anything, research the company's policy

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 14, 2006

I currently work as a manager for Dell's tech support for Business, Government, and Education customers and I will look up the service tag for this computer because I find it insulting that you generalize all tech support and customer service for dell. I work very hard every day to do everything in my power to help my customers and most of my coworkers do the same. I do acknowlege that some representatives for Dell do not care about the customer and not every person is willing to help, but most of us are. You speak of the abuse that this customer recieved but the only abuse I have experienced is the abuse I recieve from customers who think that I am trying to make things hard for them when I am only following Dell's policies that I must to adhere to. As for the cdrw drive, I looked up the information for this computer to see if there is a record of a cdrw drive being purchased. Only a cdrom drive was purchased. I have a list of every amount that the customer was charged, and he the records indicate that he was not charged for a cdrw, only a cdrom. Although I will look into it further. If anyone called in asking for it within the first 21 days from the invoice date, the customer should have the cdrw drive. If the customer can produce documentation stating that a cdrw drive was purchased, the customer should get a cdrw drive. And as for the hard drive problem, I will look at the account information regarding that issue before I make any comments. Your letter does not state if the new hard drive was imaged or if it was blank. Dell's policy is to send a blank hard drive and the customer must format the hard drive and install the operating system, drivers, and any additional software, with our help. But if the hard drive was sent out imaged, that would be different. As I stated, I will look into that issue further. You state that the customer had windows 2000, which we cannot send due to the fact that microsoft no longer issues us those cds. They are what we call eol, end of life. We simply do not have them to send to anyone. Also, I see on the invoice that a windows 2000 cd was sent with the computer so the customer should have had that one. Misty sent an xp cd that the customer did not purchase, which I'm sure meant nothing to you. You recieved a restore cd because that is all Dell has to send. Microsoft does not allow Dell to send customers the full xp install cd. And regarding the drivers cd, once a computer is no longer being shipped, we cannot send a drivers cd. Dell does not have them available. We do not even keep them in the warehouse. All the drivers for this computer are available online and we can assist you or the customer in downloading and installing them. Dell does this because any drivers sent will be outdated and we keep the most updated versions online. You state that the drivers cd is required to complete the windows installation which is incorrect. The drivers are available right now online. I would also like more details as to how Dell violated their OEM contract with Microsoft. I know that contract quite well and would like to hear more about that and educate you on that agreement if necessary. In closing, I am sorry if anyone has been rude to you or the customer that owns the computer in question, but most of your complaints are regarding Dell's policies (which do not change often), not the individuals who advised you of them. The fact that you wrote a threatening letter to dell just reinforces my feelings that most Dell customers are ungrateful and only see the negative.

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