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Disabled and ordered to pay for adulterers child (in the USSA)!
Twenty Eight years ago,a child was fathered by an adulterer and destroyed my marriage.Now,today,and having been disabled for many years,I am still being "hounded" for child-support even though this same department has been sending me assistance of one kind or another for 25 years!! And,they can't prove paternity!! And,NO,I've never paid one cent to them for 4 very important reasons:(1)I've never willingly/knowingly entered into any contract with anyone;(2)the child is not mine;(3)even if he was,I have been disabled and unable to be gainfully employed for many years and,finally,(4)no one has jurisdiction over who I'm responsible for in any way,period!!
Bureaucrats will arrogantly push you around if you let them....
Don't allow it!Civil disobedience is sometimes a righteous act!
Justice isn't free it's earned with courage/commitment/tenacity/
and the American "spirit"!Fight on o' ye oppressed!!!