  • Report:  #193209

Complaint Review: Direct TV - Englewood Colorado

Reported By:
- Catonsville, Maryland,

Direct TV
DirectTV P.O. Box 4227 Englewood, 80155 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

To Whom It May Concern:

The following is a description of the events that occurred when I tried to purchase HD service at my home,

Thursday, May 11th

First scheduled appointment to have the HD dish and box installed, scheduled time 1-5pm. Took off work at a cost of leave time to me. Tech did not show up and I did not receive a phone call. On the phone for an hour trying to find out what had happened. Started out calling 1-800-DirectTV and was transferred 3 times to the supervisor at the local dispatch, Philisha at 410- 577-1960, x239 she stated that she would reschedule me for 5-17, from 1-5pm and that she would make sure that it was a senior Tech that will come to the house. I requested that the tech be at my house at 1pm.

Wednesday, May 17th

Second scheduled appointment to have the HD dish and box installed, scheduled time 1-5pm. Took off work at a cost of leave time to me. Tech David Mitchell 443-456-7286- and helper Mike, show up at my house at 1pm. Asks if he can place the dish on the roof of my home and I said yes. David was at my house for about 3 hrs, during that time he was only outside attaching a dish to my roof, asks to speak with me and tells me that he has a bad part (RDH? Or something that did not work) and that he would have to get a new part and come back.

He talks to his dispatcher on the phone and I hear him ask so the job ticket will be mine. He gets off the phone and tells me that I have been scheduled for 5-19 from 1-5pm and that he will be doing the job and that he could be at my house earlier than 1. I said that I would be home at 12:45pm and that would be great if he could come then. Say good bye and see you on Friday.

Friday, May 19th

Third scheduled appointment to have the HD dish and box installed, scheduled time 1-5pm. Took off work at a cost of leave time to me. 1pm comes and goes and still no Tech David Mitchell at my home. Call him 2 times on his cell phone leave messages asking what was the deal. 2 pm comes and goes I call Phlisia at dispatch and no answer. So I call 1-800-DirectTV and ask to speak with a supervisor. Conflict resolution specialist (a female forget her name) asks how may she be of help.

I am a bit displeased at this time and ask her to not put me on hold and explain the situation as I have above. She says she has to go through all of the layers of phone calls that I had gone through on 5-11 to find out what was going on. She places me on 3 way and calls the tech David Mitchell, now he answers his cell phone and I ask what is the deal, and he states Oh I remember you, they gave the job to some one else. She ends that phone call and then she calls the local dispatcher and asks who has the job and when will they be there? The local dispatcher says a Tech named Will or Wills will be out in 20 minutes. So we end that call.

Still on the phone with the Conflict Resolution lady from 1-800-directTv, she states that she will call back in 30 minutes to make sure that the Tech has shown up and to also talk about some credits on my account and we end the phone call. She never calls back. Tech Will or Wills shows up and he is professional and pleasant but there has been no communication by Direct TV as far as what he is to be doing at my house.

So I try to explain the best I can what the other tech had told me and what he was at my house to do. He then understood and went about the business of hooking up my HD dish. A short time later Will ask to speak with me and explains that the Tech that was out here last did not know what he was doing, and he had placed holes in my roof, and asks me to climb up on the roof to look at the damage.

Sure enough it looked as if Tech David had ripped up the mounting bracket and moved the dish to another location. In the original spot that the dish was placed there are 4 holes where the screws where and some of the shingles have been ripped up leaving the roof in a condition that compromises its ability to perform the task of keeping water out of my house. Tech Will or Wills went on to say that the guy should have never attached the Dish in the first place because there was no signal. He then told me to be honest with you I would not even get the HD package because you have too many trees around your house and it is not possible to get the HD signals from all of the satellites.

He then called his supervisor and asked him to come to my house. Supervisor Mike Fitzgerald 410-800-8952 showed up at my house and climbed on the roof and took some digital pictures and stated that DirectTV would have to fix the roof and someone will be in touch. He also agreed with Tech Will that due to the fact that I had many large trees on the SW side of my house that I could not or should not get the HD service.

I had an appointment so I could not ask the supervisor as many questions as I would have liked, but what I did ask was if there was any paper work to fill out and he said no, that there was a whole department that took care of this kind of thing and that he would email them the pictures and they would contact me. I left for my appointment with no HD service at my house, holes in my roof and a useless dish on my roof.

Sunday, May 21

Returned HD TV at a cost of gas, time and $15 dollars to me for not having the box I bought it in.

Tuesday, May 23

9:04am Contact Direct TV by calling 1-800-DirectTV to try and resolve my situation for the first time, ask to speak with a supervisor, 9:10am speak with floor supervisor Aireale and explain that I would like to speak with her supervisor, she places me on hold and then continues the call and explains that her supervisor Latoya Jackson is in a meeting and can call me back in an hour.

I ask if Mrs. Jackson has an email or an address that I can forward this document to so that she may review the details of my situation and have a better understanding of what has transpired to this point. Aireale informs me that she can not give out email address and the only mailing address that she could give me is the president of the company. She then states again that Mrs. Jackson would call me in an hour. It was 9:18 at the time, so I ask so she will call me by 10:18am and she says yes. 10:28 am I have to leave for an appointment Mrs. Jackson did not call or any one from Direct TV for that matter. Once again, more of my time wasted and more stress caused by my interactions with Direct TV.

Tuesday, May 23rd

Email customer service at www.directtv.com, forward them the current document.

Tuesday, May 23rd

6:17pm call 1-800-DirectTV, to try and resolve my situation for the second time. Ask to speak with floor supervisor. 6:25pm speak with floor supervisor Kyle 100108182 tell him of my situation and ask what can be done. Kyle says he is sorry but my below requests can not be meet.

Ask to speak with his supervisor. Speak with Jamie in the retention department. I read her this document. She says she is sorry but they can not meet my requests, but the one taking the HD charges off my account, tell me I have to wait for the damage claim department to take care of my situation and gives me a long distance phone number for the damage department (303-712-5033) that she lets me know has just closed for the day, I let her know that having the situation resolved by me calling a long distance number at a cost to me, with the damage department getting to the issue on there terms was not acceptable, and that I wanted guarantees of when and how my roof would be fixed, she could not make them. I explained to her that I did not believe that the situation would be taken care of in a timely manner, due to the fact that I had been lied to by Direct TV before, and explain that rain is coming soon and I need to get my roof fixed.

I ask to speak with some one that has the power and authority to do something, she says that I can speak to her boss but I tell you right now they are not going to comp you the NFL Sunday Ticket, that's $200. I am a bit dismayed and ask her my time and holes in my roof are not worth $200. She puts me on hold it is now around 6:40pm. Speak with Marina, Account Supervisor, Marina admits that she is not used to handling these kinds of situations and gives me two phone numbers, one for the president's office (310-964-6598) and one for the same number for damage claims. She explains that I can get a contractor to fix the situation if it is an emergency and she said that this sounds like an emergency.

I say that is great and that I had not been told that before, and I would do so but that I wanted some sort of documentation stating that fact, because I did not currently trust a word that any one at Direct TV was saying, due to my passed experiences, she states that she can not do that. She says she is sorry but that is why there are different departments that take care of these kinds of things. I end the phone call astonished with no credits to my account and not knowing for sure if they have even removed the HD charges from my account.

At this time I decide that I am going to try and contact the President of Direct TV, but the phone number that I was given is not the right one or I did not write it down correctly. I call the damage control department and leave a message. I also make plans to hire a contractor to come out and fix my roof.

Wednesday, May 24

Response from Direct TV email:

Dear Mr. B,

Thank you for writing. I am very sorry to hear about the problems with your installation. We would need to ask you to send some additional information about this issue. We would also advise you not to complete repairs, as a local office may survey damage on a follow-up visit. Unless the damage may be considered to have an real urgency (i.e.broken water line, loss of power, ruptured sewer line).

The information we would need you to provide are as follows:

- The name and phone number as they appear on your DIRECTV account.

- DIRECTV account number

- Professional estimate to repair damages

- Short, written description of how damage occurred

- Photographs of damage

- Invoice of any emergency repairs made and any other supporting damage claim documents

Please send this information to:


Attention: Damage Claims

P.O. Box 4227

Englewood, CO 80155-4227

Once we have received the above information you will receive an Acknowledgment Letter from the DCT explaining the damage claim procedure in further detail and will be contacted by your local installer to start the resolution process.

When reviewing your account I found that the free programming and credit for service has been denied.

Thank you again for writing. Please continue to visit DIRECTV.com for the latest news and information about our service.


Aaron H

DIRECTV Customer Service

My response to the email sent by Aaron, sent on Wednesday, May 24th


Thank you for getting back to me. Your suggested solution to the situation will not do. There is bad weather coming to my area soon and I need to have the holes fixed now. I will contact a contractor and get the bill, then do I send it to the address:


Attention: Damage Claims

P.O. Box 4227

Englewood, CO 80155-4227

How will the contractor get paid? I am not going to pay for this. Thank you and I look forward to your response.

Direct TV response to my email sent on Wednesday, May 24th

Dear Mr. B,

Thanks for writing back. I apologize for any frustration this experience may have caused. I do understand the urgency of your request for the damage claim to be completed as soon as possible. If you would like to speak with someone immediately regarding the damage claim, you can contact our Property Damage Claims department at (303) 712-5033 M-F, 8AM-5PM MT.

Please understand that the local installation office must survey the damage, before it is repaired in order for the claim to be processed properly. In order to make sure that you damage claim is properly completed, you would need to follow the instructions provided in the damage claim packet that will be sent to you. Please be aware that if by your prerogative, the repairs are completed before the damage is surveyed and if not completed according to the procedures that will be in the packet that you will receive, that we cannot guarantee that you claim will be accepted. Please be aware that in order to make sure you claim is accepted, please follow the directives in the damage claim packet that you will receive.

You will be informed how the repairs will be completed, and how any necessary payments or contracting will be done. If contracting and repair is done on you own prerogative, we can make no guarantee to the outcome of your claim. Also, please be aware that if contracting on your own to make the repairs, that we cannot speculate how the contractor will be paid or if it will be paid by us.

Once again I apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. I have noted your account that this issue needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. As a reminder you can call our Property Damage Claims department at (303) 712-5033 M-F, 8AM-5PM MT to speak with someone immediately.

Thanks again for writing and stay tuned to DIRECTV.com for the latest news and information about our services.



DIRECTV Customer Service


Catonsville, Maryland

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