  • Report:  #1210639

Complaint Review: Discover Card - Nationwide

Reported By:
Ang - Cresskill, New Jersey,

Discover Card
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I used Discover card for a very small payment toward kitchen cabinets, most of the funds I gave to the company were in the form of cash.  So only $1,000 was used on my Discover card.

The kitchen cabinets were inferior, falling apart, shelves collapsing, causing damage to my dishes, and my body.  The shelves came tumbling down, breaking all my dishes, falling out of the cabinet, and landing on my arm, as I was trying to minimize the damage.

The company we used, refused to speak with us, they ordered wrong size cabinets, they gave us the wrong hardware, some were polished chrome, others were shiny chrome.  Good thing my husband, before he retired, put in cabinets for a living, so he knew how to fix some of the smaller things on the wood cabinets.

The cabinets were not wood, they were not custom as they told us, they ordered us a 24" sink base, when we needed a 30", the shelves do not stay up with the clips they gave us, so more money going to hardware store to get the proper hardware.  The veneer is coming off the front of the cabinets, when it should not be veneer it should be all wood.  I could go on and on about the problems with the cabinets, but I am sure you get the picture.

I have called the company no one calls us back, I disputed with Discover, but to no avail, I had to keep going back to make another dispute, because they kept siding with the company.  I had pictures, they did not want them, and when I told them that one of the papers that was signed by my husband was forged, they just brushed it off.  Actually, one supervisor told me it wasn't, I guess Discover employs handwritting experts.

After 24 years in banking, being a manager, complaince officer, and BSA officer, I think I can tell if the handwritting is off, especially when it is my husbands signature, and it was signed on a piece of paper the company typed saying that the cabinets were  fine by us.

Imagine, Discover fell for this, or has an alterior motive, maybe this company is a client of theirs, and I just don't make the grade with Discover.

My girlfriend, just had a dispute in with Citi card, it was less that when had happened to us, and she won.  No questions asked, Citi card said she was a member in good standing, and they believed everything she said.

I will be closing my accounts, and never use Discover again, I am talking to everyone to boycott Discover.  They are truly a horrible company.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Now who’s in need of a therapist?

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, February 22, 2015

“I did not say that I told them my husband signed the papers, you moron, I said I told them he didn't sign the paper.”

That is incorrect. You wrote, “I told them that one of the papers that was signed by my husband was forged”

That may not be what you intended to convey but don’t call me a moron due to your inability to properly clarify your statement.

“I would throw myself off the roof if I had to deal with the likes of you people.”

Now who’s in need of a therapist?

How much time elapsed between the date you paid the deposit with your Discover card and the date you filed the dispute?

You may have invalidated the warranty by attempting to repair the cabinets yourself.

“Yes, we should have not accepted the cabinets”

That may be the primary reason your dispute was declined.


It must be violin time...

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 22, 2015

First off sorry so I misspoke when I wrote "sister" instead of "girlfriend", but it does not make the rest of my points invalid.  Also, this is a PUBLIC web site as such you are going to get member of the PUBLIC who may point out things you don't want to hear.  But that doesn't make them any less truthful either.

So please tell us how having renters destroy your residence, having 2 friends and an ex who (all?) have cancer helping you out, you helping them with things such as Medicaid, SSD, nursing homes, appointments. Has ANYTHING to do with why Discover should have just seen it your way and approved your dispute?

You also seems to fail in one other huge area.  Even according to you this $1000 was a very small portion of the entire bill.  Yet you seem to have no in interest in getting back the other money you paid as you still have failed to mention anything about trying to sue them.  So why not when you sue them for the rest of the money, don't you add in this $1000 and any interest you have had to pay?  Perhaps it is because you truly don't think you have a case that could be proved in court and were in reallity hoping to just put one over on Discover to get something back?

The fact is and you have even restated it..YOU accepted the cabinets when you probably should not have.  Again as far as Discover is concerned that was probably enough to deny your claim.  Oh and you can say that the situation was same "premise" to that of your girlfriend but that again doesn't make it so.  It was a different situation as you can NOT compare cabinets that are installed and you are not supposed to give the FINAL payment and sign off on them until the job is done.  With furniture you pay for the ENTIRE order BEFORE it is even delivered to your house.  So nice try but...no.

So to put a summary on this.  You are going after Discover for a very small portion of the money instead of the whole thing makes your entire story a bit odd.  So if you truly have a case which you say everyone says you do, you need to sue the company for the WHOLE amount.  Oh and if you do prevail this still doesn't make Discover wrong, because again they are NOT a court of law and based on what you gave them you can't say that other companies would have seen it your way.




New Jersey,
Discover CArd

#4Author of original report

Sun, February 22, 2015

OMG, what is it with you people.  Are you all on some kind of stupid pills!

I did not say that I did not get a receipt, as a matter of fact I gave them a Bank Check, which is just like cash, as it is certified funds. This means that the funds are taken out of a persons account, and a bank check is made in place of the customers check.  So it is just like cash.  And I have receipts, paperwork, you name it I have it.

I don't need anyone's help, as I do fine by myself.  I wanted consumers to know about Discover.  AS for my friend, not my sister, please read the letter over again; she had the same exact situation, it was a piece of furniture, she accepted it without even looking at it.  She did not know that there were flaws in it, and on the contract, it stated that if you accept the furniture, you can't stop the payment.

Citi card, looked in favor or their client, and took the money back from the vendor.  So, while it is not cabinets, it is the same exact premise.

You are protected with your credit card, not your debit card, and usually the credit card companies will side with their clients in most cases. 

I have done everything possible to get the cabinet company to help out.  Both my husband and I know what we are doing, you don't know our situation.  How about this, I had a renter, who destoyed the house, and did not pay us for 7 months.  In NJ you are out of luck with a tenant, they always win.  We had to move out of our other house, rent it, and renovate this house before the cold weather came in.  So for all you angry people out there attacking me, we were under the wire.  And yes, that is how things go wrong.  And to add onto that, I have 2 friends, and an ex husband that I have been helping as they have cancer.  I have been helping them with Medicare, Medicaid, insurance, SSD, nursing homes, chemotherapy appointments, food stamps, you name it I have helped them, so I am so sorry that I may have messed up.

Yes, we should have not accepted the cabinets, however, as in every deal, the cabinet company wants half down, so I have no idea where you people are from, you make it sound as if I did something so stupid as to give money to the company.  No money down, no order.  So, tell me what was I to do.

As I have stated, after my rebuttals, this comes off, as I don't need such angry, stupid people to come back at me when they do not know the whole situation.

Sleep well, you angry, sad people.  I am so happy I have loving people around me, I would throw myself off the roof if I had to deal with the likes of you people.






New Jersey,
Discover Card

#5Author of original report

Sun, February 22, 2015

I really don't need any crap from an idiot; and that is exactly what you sound like.  So, now I take my complaint off this ripoff site. 

I did not say that I told them my husband signed the papers, you moron, I said I told them he didn't sign the paper.  I didn't list every single item in this complaint.  If you are so nosey and must know, Mr. or Mrs. No It All; my husband signed one document, the others were forged.  There was a document written by the company saying we accepted the cabinets, which we did not sign. 

As for the wood or veneer, the cabinets were wrapped in plastic and cardboard, and the truck driver would not wait for us to look at every single cabinet.  We checked three, and they were fine, the rest must have some kind of a flaw.  When we called the company back, they stated that they would take care of the cabinets.

Now, let me just say, that I did not write every single thing that happened, I just wanted consumers to know about Discover. 

Before I even wrote on this site, I called an attorney, the Attorney Generals office, the Consumer Affairs, and the Contractors Association in NJ.  Why is it that I was told I have a case, and whomever wrote back to me claims I am an idiot and I won't win.  That I have holes in my story, well you definetely have a hole in your head.  And I suggest you put your head up your behind and stop getting so nasty with me.

Who the h*** do you think you are attacking me.  You need to see a therapist, as you seem to be a very angry nasty person.  God help the person you live with.

So ________!



#6Consumer Comment

Sat, February 21, 2015

Your husband was an experienced cabinet installer but for some reason you accepted inferior cabinets of the wrong size with non-matching hardware. Why was he unable to identify the difference between veneer and wood? Why didn't you refuse delivery prior to the installation? Why did an experienced cabinet installer replace the shelf clips with inferior clips?

“he knew how to fix some of the smaller things on the wood cabinets”


“The cabinets were not wood”

How can you expect someone else to believe your story when you contradict yourself? You appear unsure as to whether or not they were made of wood.

“I told them that one of the papers that was signed by my husband was forged”

Whose signature did your husband forge?

“I guess Discover employs handwritting experts.”

That is very possible but they didn’t need a handwriting expert because you told them your husband signed the document.

Your story contains loopholes. It appears you accepted the merchandise as is but later suffered from buyer’s remorse. How much time elapsed between the installation date and the date you filed your dispute with Discover?



#7Consumer Comment

Sat, February 21, 2015

Just to start off..it is YOUR opinion that it is a vaild dispute.

Discover like other credit cards do NOT generally get involved in what is generally considered a "quality of service" issue.  If they do..great.  But if they don't this is NOT a RipOff.  Where you still have other avenues you can pursue such as Small Claims Court.  Where since you were a Bank Manager, a Compliance Officer, and a BSA Officer you would not have been stupid enough to give them cash without some sort of receipt or proof..right?

So with what you have described it almost should be a "slam dunk" case.  In fact if you could even reasonably show the forgery you may even have a criminal case.

Now, as for your sisters situation. Unless she used this contractor, paid them $1000 and complained about the same issues.  You can NOT say that had she been in your situation that Citi would have seen it her way, and you saying that it proves Discover is wrong is again YOUR opinion.  That is NOT based on fact.

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