  • Report:  #788460

Complaint Review: Divine Danes - Blythe Georgia

Reported By:
mr - lonestar state, Texas, USA

Divine Danes
Blythe, Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This NOT a "Ripoff", just a complaint & WARNING.  "Ripoff" states that this is not only a forum for ripoffs, but complaints & etc.

Read below, this is a response that I received from this filthy mouthed VILE breeder. It's very obvious that there are many other people that have had problems not with just her, but the quality of her Danes.  Several "Ripoff' reports are out there on this breeder.

I was e-mailed a post, amongst others, that she had posted on FB about me (not even knowing me or anything about the situation).  I'm also having issues with an uneducated, illiterate breeder....."Folkner Danes."
Google Folkner to see the "Ripoff" report on her.

Anyway, this piece of work of a person (would say lady, but it doesn't apply), when I asked if her posting had said, quote unquote,   "Trisha Wescom: another case where their mother should have swallowed :P that should make ya smile (this post was to Folkner Danes in regards to the issues I was having with Kim).

Kim Folkner made a point to post all kinds of things via FB about me. Kim thought by posting my e-mail & the utmost of untruths, that it would damage me in some way.  Just the opposite, I've received nothing but support & other people that have had to deal with sick pups or Kim's wrath. 

I just found that the above post was absurd, especially coming from a "Breeder" that portrays on her website...."DiveDanes" as being some sort of normal person with what seems to be your everyday family life.

This is the e-mail I had sent her asking her if it was her that made that vulgar comment.

 No, there's nothing you can help me with......just wanted to know if this was the VILE mouthed lady associated with the above quote.

It's really sad to read how you love dogs & how family oriented you are, just to see how filthy mouthed of a person you really are.

I wonder how your daughter would feel to know that her mother talks such trash? Would make your whole family proud huh?


THIS IS THE RESPONSE THAT I RECEIVED.......now the "f" word will be blanked out by the forum narrator, but I can assure you that the full spelling was used by this person.

How about, GO F*CK YOURSELF! I'm white trash, RIGHT, cause you know me personally?! AND PS, my mom did swallow you f*cking idiot, thats why there's only one of me!  Apparently she liked it like that!   Maybe your mom should have tried it before making that mistake they named Mike!  And here's your fair warning, you contact me again , by email, telephone, via my website, or in any other way, I will lawfully pursue you, you can be guaranteed of it.  F*cking Coward! Got something to say to my momma go ahead, she's on FB, but you might be in for more than you bargained for. Oh and my husband is on there too, your coward a** can go ahead and say to him something about his daughter, but I highly doubt you have the b*lls, or the spine.

Trisha Wescom
706-751-2582 --Fax
We strive to breed unique dogs to suit unique people!
[email protected]

Then this is her FB posting a few hours later......

Wescom    BTW you spineless f*ck @Mike, why don't you ask my family how they feel about my vulgar mouth, they're all over FB, I'm sure you're stalkera** can find em no problem! You might be careful what you wish for, Just Sayin'!  
3 hours ago

What I find amusing, is that making the simple statement about what would her daughter or her family would think about her white trash mouth, turns into me talking about her daughter.  Hmmm.....I guess if you can
deflect from the real issue, THAT'S BEING A DOWNRIGHT PIECE OF TRASH!  Then, I assume that she thinks that people will not focus on her classless statement, but that her daughter is the issue.

I have to say, if you read the "Ripoff" report on Kim Folkner, see her blatant lies, misspellings, illiterate, white trash talk, first, I can see how they're friends....a lot in common....lol!  Second, "Reputable Classy Breeders,"  DO NOT RESPOND TO PEOPLE IN THIS MANNER! 

Do they really think that potential buyers will want to deal with them?

Do they really think besides their white trash friends that support  them & have purchased a "so called quality Dane" from them, that the normal person is not going to question their mentality?


8 Updates & Rebuttals

a normal person


#2Author of original report

Mon, October 17, 2011

Believe me Trisha, I'm NOT doing this out of the goodness of my heart.  I depise every fiber of your existence.

Just to give you fair "WARNING", because it'll save your poor dogs & family from being neglected from all the time you're going to have to spend making "Rebuttals" to 20-30 (maybe more) INDIVIDUAL "RIPOFF" REPORT COMPLAINTS.  These WILL be COMPLAINTS, not implying a "Ripoff".

When I say "INDIVIDUAL", I truly mean, 20-30 SINGLE REPORTS if not more.  They will NOT be a rebuttal to this report.

That will fill several pages of "google" up anytime someone inquires about you or your dogs.



I also told you that you pissed off a lot of people (rescues, people that rescue) with your ignorant blabbing.


Seriously, they're ALL just waiting for you to blab one more time.

There's NOT a d**n thing left to say.



a normal person


#3Author of original report

Sun, October 16, 2011

Just a few things to correct, because I DON'T want you to think you've gotten by with something.

I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW DOWNRIGHT IGNORANT & STUPID YOU ARE! SERIOUSLY....You've started one hell of a fire storm in the rescue community honey.  You, AGAIN, have opened your big fat mouth about something you know nothing about.

You have PISSED off the wrong community deary.  They'll be so far up your a*s, that a whole box of Preparation H won't come close to relief. 

Your complete illiterate comment about rescues or people that rescue, that they consider the animals as "disposable" or "peddling" off to other rescues, is unfathomable. Those words actually fall under your category, so called "breeder".

Rescues are one very "LARGE" & COMPASSIONATE" group of people. They help each other out with fostering until the pup gets to it's new home, they help each other in transporting, other rescues will take one because they have a home already for them & many other things.  I
WON'T take the time to fully educate someone who can take the last rebuttal & twist it
so as to again.....BLAH, BLAH, BLAH yourself into "NEVER LAND".

You've really crossed the "WRONG" people now. God, are the e-mails flowing in. 


God, help you on this one.....this brings in a "WHOLE SLEW"  of people that, well......let's just say, you've made yourself very well known & NOT in a good way.  NO, amount of "DAMAGE" control that you try is going to save your already dying reputation.

This is your quote, "I checked I do have dogs that are Champions, do you? I show my dogs, do you?"

 Did ya read anything idiot?.....I rescue "special needs", I'M A THINKIN THAT THEY DON'T FALL UNDER "show dogs", unless of course, like the "Special Olympics" that have for people,
that they would have one for "special needs" dogs!  Then, yes, I think it would be an
honor & pleasure
to attend. My special needs would do very well, because I consider them "CHAMPIONS". 


Your quote again,"If you don't then how could you be "bettering the breed" as you so state". 
My exact comment, "It all boils down to, again, the fact that I, along with many others think that you people are not just poorly educated, but in it for the money.....NOT THE BETTERMENT OF THE BREED!"

Trisha, where in that statement of mine, is your sick twisted mind able to come up with your comment?

You really can't read or just can't understand what parts you can read.  You really are very illiterate & seriously handicap.  I'm NOT kidding.  I feel SORRY for you.

You know putting all the disgust that I have for you aside for a brief moment, there is some kind of disorder that some people have.  They can read something, not understand the contents & CAN'T retain the information.  You NEED to check into that.

Btw,  your lame e-mail postings about my e-mails to you.......NOT, some are mine freak.....others made up.  Good try though.

One final correction, your FB postings, WERE done with my info posted.  Dumb a*s, in your previous
rebuttals, you admitted & outed yourself several times. 



I know I've stated a few times that I WOULDN'T answer any more of your rebuttals that have zero substance to them, but I WILL NOT ALLOW FALSE STATEMENTS, STUPIDITY OR LIES TO GO UNCORRECTED.  

You REALLY need to stop, you're just getting yourself into a WHOLE LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH OTHERS THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HANDLE.


How many times do I have to direct you back to the REAL ISSUE at hand?

It was again, YOUR FILTHY, VILE, PIGGISH, LYING, ILLITERATE E-MAILS & POSTINGS that landed you here! Read this over & over & over, just maybe you'll be able to retain just this one sentence.

Take my advice, again....SERIOUSLY SHUT THE HELL UP!



United States of America
You SHOULD be spending your money for mental help!

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 16, 2011

You are very clearly, quite a disturbed individual. And the email you keep posting, was the 5th response, you want to make it out like you hadn't already been told. You're an imbecile. I think every time you post, you make yourself out to be more and more of a lunatic. The fact that was made by posting the transporters information, was to prove that this is what you do! And you just clarified it for everyone, not only that, you threatened me on a website that does not remove posts. That's brilliant, let me be the first to tell you.  The fact is, you are the one who needs "help", maybe your money would be more wisely put to use treating your mental instabilities, than "saving" dogs. Fact is, I have bred off color litters in the past, but last time I checked I do have dogs that are Champions, do you? I show my dogs, do you? If you don't then how could you be "bettering the breed" as you so state. You do understand the statement "fatal" in fatal whites right? As for minding one's business, practice what you preach, like your some kind of Holy! Give me a break! You're nothing more than the slime at the bottom of the barrel. There is no need to compare me to the person you CHOSE to purchase a dog from, I'm not her am I? You want to keep saying stuff about the other people who have posted about me, you missed the statements from my actual puppy owners? If so, maybe should go back and re-read it. HOD, is caused mostly from owner or veterinarian error (wrong types of food, over vaccinating, performing too many surgeries all at once), had they listened to me, the dog would not have been in the situation he was in. As far as the litter whose papers were revoked, do you know how that was handled? Did you own one of the puppies? No, you sure didn't so it doesn't involve you, one bit. But for the record, EVERY family who does own one, was offered a replacement, and have been given their replacement puppy if they so chose. You want to make points, of partial truth, you did see my last post, where I amply proved that you are indeed the liar here? you are indeed the one posting statements of minimal truth or stature, and you are indeed the one sticking your nose where it does not belong. As I told you the first time, maybe your energy would be better spent putting interest where interest belongs. I now believe, that should be checking yourself into the looney bin, cause the things you are saying just prove that's exactly where you belong. Hopefully at ones that won't allow these poor animals to be with someone who regards them as purely disposable. A love, a passion, to do what? To go and peddle off the dog you just had to have, on someone else or a rescue, cause you think you did it a favor by teaching it how to live under the control of someone who clearly abuses everything she can...Boy, that's really sweet of you. Illiterate, vile,poor, sick, white trash, someone have a guilty conscience? Takes one to know one huh? You must've spent so much of your precious time thinking those up. I believe it's you who needs "rescued" cause someone has seriously burned you for life. It's very apparent. The real issue here is you, and your complete disregard for other people. Let me just prove this also, YOUR NAME/INFORMATION WAS NOT POSTED ON FB, PRIOR TO MY COMMENT! So if you perceive it to be about you, you are again proving how much of a lunatic you are! The comment was not made, nor directed, at any one individual...must be that guilty conscience of yours playing tricks on you again..Let us not forget that you must also be VILE, cause the exact same words came out of your mouth (proven above). What most people will find vile, is some far from sane woman, speaking about one's children to get a rise out, for something that had absolutely nothing to do with that family! Like I said, invest your money in helping yourself, cause it's ever so clear, you desperately need it! Leave the poor animals out of it, you should be the priority here. If you can't take care of yourself, how can you effectively care for any other living soul? Quit looking for a pity party, cause I don't see a single person pitying you, rightfully so. The only time one should have pity for you, is when you make yourself the priority, and get some professional help! Heck I'll even pitch in to help with your treatment.

a normal person


#5Author of original report

Sun, October 16, 2011

P.S. Meant to post this with my last rebuttal.

This absolutely shows the complete ignorance of you Trisha.

 Just what do you think you're proving by posting a link to a VERY RESPECTED transport...."Pilots -N- Paws"?  These pilots are all VOLUNTEERS that fly special needs, dogs/cats in danger & so on for free in their own private planes.  They are VERY WELL KNOWN, have been on all kinds of television shows for their incredible generosity.

Please people go to their site & see just how amazing these people are, all the rescues they do & to view some eye tearing photos & videos.

What I do has been quoted by many people Trisha, as commendable. I have a great passion for helping these babies that are a result of uneducated "backyard breeders".

 Not only do I rescue these babies, have them completely vetted & with some having to be purchased (even though most breeders just give them away, some still want you to "SHOW THEM THE MONEY", even though it's only a small amount), I do this with my OWN MONEY, put lots of time in caring for these babies until they leave. It's NOT easy to let them go. I fall in LOVE with all of them.

 No, I'm not implying that I need a gold medal for my small part into giving back.  I'm just wondering why you seem to insinuate that it's some sort of crime.  Did you think you uncovered an underground cover up? ........lol!

Why even try to consider this a subject of your rebuttal or even think it's your business.


I'm actually, amongst many others who despise "backyard breeders", one of your ENEMIES.  Again, "lethal whites" are NOT COMMON.

What makes me PUKE are the idiot breeders that will breed for "pretty" pups, get a couple of "lethal whites" or even worse the poor things never make it.....die at birth.  But, with knowing this, they continue to breed the same dogs over & over, continue to produce "lethal whites", but don't give a s**t because they got themselves some "pretty" pups. 

Ask Kimmy just how many she's had....go on do it?  How many have you had?  You know.....don't answer because your kind will NEVER tell the truth. 

There's no possible way to ever know just how many of you "breeders" produce them, because most of you dispose of them immediately thinking that they're useless & knowing they won't bring in the BIG BUCKS.  Just the thought of you people really pisses me off!

But, then I guess when you look at your illiterate, uneducated, foul mouthed postings & website, ripoff reports from other disgruntled buyers or people that have dealt with you, & your mentality.......I can say without a doubt......YOUR A PRODUCT OF SOME BAD BREEDING!

Now, I'm posting from the link that was in your rebuttal, the information of the rescue of the special needs baby. I want YOU to pay close ATTENTION TO THE DESCRIPTION OF THE THEIR COMMENTS.

I had NOTHING to do with description of this baby.  What does it say Trisha?  Special needs: A victim of irresponsible breeding which produces deaf/vision-impaired dogs called lethal whites

Hmmm.....this is why I'll repeat myself, This absolutely shows the complete ignorance of you Trisha.  You've proven that others think the exact same thing about these babies.

Thanks for your help in this matter....lol!

Deaf/Blind Dane Pup  - ABQ 8/1 or after
by dogcopilot on Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:07 pm

Number of animals being transported: 1
Breeds, weight, age: Great Dane, 60-70#, 8-9 months
Health Condition: Fine but has special needs
Heart worm Status: Too young to test
Vaccinations: UTD
Health Certificate: Absolutely
Spay/Neutered: Yes
Special needs: A victim of irresponsible breeding which produces
deaf/vision-impaired dogs called lethal whites

I do have to say that I had commented NOT to play anymore, but this was just too funny to pass up.

AGAIN, PIG, MY LIFE, MY PASSIONS, MY ANIMALS, MY FAMILY IS NONE OF YOUR d**n BUSINESS....unlike you, I don't post my minor children, their names, pics, family outings, or family birthdays via internet for ALL to view.

Just REMEMBER, you STARTED this with what was it again?  Oh, let me remind everyone of the mentality of this so called "breeder".........her e-mail.......

How about, GO FK YOURSELF! I'm white trash, RIGHT, cause you know me personally?! AND PS, my mom did swallow you
f**king idiot, thats why there's only one of me! Apparently she liked it like that! Maybe your mom should have tried it before making that mistake they named Mike! And here's your fair warning, you contact me again , by email, telephone,
via my website, or in any other way, I will lawfully pursue you, you can be guaranteed of it. Fking Coward! Got something to say to my momma go ahead, she's on FB, but you might be in for more than you bargained for. Oh and my
husband is on there too, your coward a*s can go ahead and say to him something about his daughter, but I highly doubt you have the balls, or the spine

I WILL NOT reply to your lame, deflecting(I don't blame you for deflecting, you've got to be so embarrassed & humiliated by your behavior) rebuttals any further.

 But, I did have to point out that you think your damaging me in some sick way, when all you did was to help me talk about something that's very dear to my heart, rescue.  And to prove that by your ignorance of posting the link.....that it showed exactly what others think about you people.

Thank you for not only pointing that out, but for posting my e-mail.




a normal person


#6Author of original report

Sat, October 15, 2011

Poor little sick, bored "breeder", isn't that what you title yourself, "breeder?"

I guess when you have so much on the line as you do (with all of the bad things about you & your breeding on the internet), all you have time to do is to try & save your a*s.

I said I e-mailed asking you who you were.  Whatever other delusions you dream up & whatever you need to do to save your dying reputation, is your problem.  Obviously you have nothing better to do than to either spend your time making things up in your most uneducated postings or to produce a partial truth.

I will address this one thing only because you have no idea of what's going on, again. Unlike you, I DON'T have to lie or spend my days trying to save my reputation.  You DO, because all of these negative reviews from the many "buyers", are going to damage your so called "business". 

I rescued & have for many many years from irresponsible, uneducated, "backyard breeders", "lethal whites".  Not just Danes, but other breeds.  I then help find homes for them with families that are very educated on this issue. I do need to throw a shout out to all of the transports that have been so very kind in getting these babies to their destinations....You're angels!  Thank you for all of your help.

NO, idiot "Hope" was NOT one to go.....I have several that I have kept because I absolutely love these babies, would love to keep them all, but can't.   

Yes, again, I WOULD love to have kept them all, but special needs need a lot of special guidance at the beginning, then they're actually very independent once they get established.  I could continue to explain how this experience with these wonderful amazing babies has been, but won't do it with you. 

You see Trisha, sticking your nose where it doesn't belong again, producing only lies or partial truths, is why you're on here.  This is what got you in trouble....AGAIN. NOT knowing the whole truth or what the complete situation is, then blabbing your lying, foul mouth around.

So, I guess I'll have to confess......I DESPISE "hobby" or "backyard" breeders who claim to be "reputable or quality breeders" all you idiots do is breed whatever color with whatever color, to get what you hope will just be the prettiest babies so as to get more money for them.  It's these irresponsible, again, uneducated breeding methods that produce the "LETHAL WHITES".  Lethal whites are by no means a COMMON outcome in breeding.

Quality Breeders, do a tremendous amount of research before breeding so as to produce not only the best quality, but a pup that is sound & carries the best of the best in their gene pool.  Could also go on, have lots of info that I could copy & paste for you....might help you, but I doubt it....you & Kimmy are just looking for "pretty".  I find it funny that "mis-marked" or "unusual" to you people, makes you brag & you actually up the price on these babies, when in reality......IT'S POOR BREEDING!

Btw, as I've said, I've rescued (even if that means I have to purchase some to get them out of your dumb a*s hands) so as to get these angels into a safe environment with people who truly will do their very best to make sure that these babies grow up to meet the very best of the their potentials.  Which to my surprise in this life changing experience, has been as much potential, if not more than that of a baby that's not deaf, blind or both. 


My babies, whom two are deaf & blind "Hope & Faith", two whom are deaf, "Joy & Gracie" are my life.  And because of my knowledge in how to raise these special babies, you wouldn't even know that they have anything different about them.  They act & most importantly....THINK that they are like everyone else!

It all boils down to, again, the fact that I, along with many others think that you people are not just poorly educated, but in it for the money.....NOT THE BETTERMENT OF THE BREED!

So, when you step way out of line like you two have.....YOU CAN BET THAT THAT LEAVES ANY OPENING TO RIP YOUR ASSES & hopefully alert the potential buyer to look somewhere else.  Because NOT only will the poor person have a poor quality of a pup (it may be pretty...lol), but then they have to deal with you foul mouthed bullies who think that you have the right to talk to people the way you do.  To lie, twist the verbiage around, & to threaten. 

I have found that it does intimidate some, others just choose to bow out & not deal with such idiots. I however, WILL NOT, be harassed, bullied, threatened, or wrongfully accused of pathetic lies.  So you two(Kim) have over stepped your boundaries more than once. Honey, you picked the WRONG person to do that with.  I WILL stand up to you low life people.  And it looks like many others have done that with you.

Let's go back one last time to the original complaint......e-mail below from your piggish mouth.....just to remind you of what the real issue was here.  Let's stay FOCUSED ON THE REAL ISSUE......

How about, GO f**k YOURSELF! I'm
white trash, RIGHT, cause you know me personally?! AND PS, my mom did swallow
you f**king idiot, thats why there's only one of me! Apparently she liked it
like that! Maybe your mom should have tried it before making that mistake they
named Mike! And here's your fair warning, you contact me again , by email,
telephone, via my website, or in any other way, I will lawfully pursue you, you
can be guaranteed of it. f**king Coward! Got something to say to my momma go
ahead, she's on FB, but you might be in for more than you bargained for. Oh and
my husband is on there too, your coward a*s can go ahead and say to him
something about his daughter, but I highly doubt you have the balls, or the

Trisha Wescom
706-751-2582 --Fax
We strive to breed unique dogs to suit unique people!

There were also many FB postings with the same foul mouth a blabbing nothing but pure nonsense.

Like, I stated in my last rebuttal.....shut the hell up, try to save yourself some dignity.  God, if not for yourself, then for your so called "business" & the family that I'm sure would be very embarrassed to know that you could produce such disgusting profanity.

You continue to try to deflect your insanity by trying to bring in other things.  There's absolutely no way around it, YOU GOT CAUGHT, DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD BE REPORTED, & YOU HUMILIATED YOURSELF!

I Will NOT respond to anymore of your lame a*s rebuttals.  I have a FAMILY (dogs included of course) to tend to.  I won't waste another ounce of my time whipping your a*s with the facts.

Nothing more to say.....this could go on & on, because you continue to try & change what the original issue was.....THAT'S YOUR LYING, FOUL MOUTHED PIGGISH POST & E-MAILS!



United States of America
Here's what this loon did NOT care to include...

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, October 15, 2011

I suppose it's a good thing you don't know me personally huh. My daughter, talk about my daughter again,and I will have your a*s, for internet stalking of a minor. Try me dude! Cause my pictures on my FB are for Friends only, and being you're not one of my friends, ummm stalker!!!!!!! There's only 3 MARK RUESINK'S ON FB idiot, not hard to tell which one you are! Can't fix stupid, can ya? Don't worry about me, I wouldn't have been stupid enough to do the things you did. You ain't seen VILE, little fella! Get Mad, get real mad! I am not Kimberly Folkner, ya feel me. Nor I am affiliated with Folkner Great Danes, or Kimberly Folkner whatsoever, maybe you should place interest where it might do some good, cause talking s**t to me, will get you nowhere but in court!

This is my first response to her sending stuff through my website.

 after she sent yet another contact us form, which I will post later. That is the reply she posted (after editing it, mind you) after I lost my patience with some slime bucket who wants to talk about peoples kids! I didn't realize it was a woman until I started getting messages from other breeders saying she was then attacking them as well. All through FB, cause I don't know ANY of these people personally! This is what I sent after she sent yet another form through my website (again, which I will post at the end of this)

Actually I do. Just because she's friends with me on FB does not mean that she and I are affiliated. It's called a network for a reason. Yeah I made the comment, from a breeder's standpoint, dumbass. Since you're clearly stalking Kimberly too, I'll make sure she comes to court when you persist as you just did, even after being formally notified.

Here is proof that she did indeed contact me through my website!! 5 times!!!!!

[email protected] ? to trisha show details Oct 13 (2 days ago)

Your Site Address: http://www.divinedanes.com/

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Form Response Notification
The following form has been submitted from your website divinedanes:
--------------- Form Response ---------------
01 - = MR
02 - Your Email Address<br> = [email protected]
03 - Your Telephone (if you'd like us to call you)<br> =
04 - Best time to call you?<br> =
05 - How can we help?<br> = Do you by chance happen to be Trish Wescom, the Dane breeder in OK?

Message ID: 102119825
--------------- End of Form ---------------
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Reply Reply to all [email protected] ? to trisha show details Oct 13 (2 days ago)

Your Site Address: http://www.divinedanes.com/

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Form Response Notification
The following form has been submitted from your website divinedanes:
--------------- Form Response ---------------
01 - = MR
02 - Your Email Address<br> = [email protected]
03 - Your Telephone (if you'd like us to call you)<br> =
04 - Best time to call you?<br> =
05 - How can we help?<br> = Ok, you're in Georgia. But, are you Trisha Wescom?
Your site doesn't explain whom you hobby breeders are or where you're located.

Message ID: 102128622
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Reply Reply to all [email protected] ? to trisha show details Oct 13 (2 days ago)

Your Site Address: http://www.divinedanes.com/

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Form Response Notification
The following form has been submitted from your website divinedanes:
--------------- Form Response ---------------
01 - = MR
02 - Your Email Address<br> = [email protected]
03 - Your Telephone (if you'd like us to call you)<br> =
04 - Best time to call you?<br> =
- How can we help?<br> = Trisha Wescom another case where their
mother should have swallowed :P that should make ya smile

No, there's nothing you can help me with......just wanted to know if
this was the VILE mouthed lady associated with the above quote.
It's really sad to read how you love dogs & how family oriented
you are, just to see how filthy mouthed of a person you really are.
I wonder how your daughter would feel to know that her mother talks such trash? Would make your whole family proud huh?
Message ID: 102131388
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Reply Reply to all [email protected] ? to trisha show details Oct 13 (2 days ago)
Your Site Address: http://www.divinedanes.com/

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05 - How can we help?<br> = First off dummy, you're daughter is on your website showing a dog.
Making a comment about your VILE mouth & what would your
daughter think about such a trash talking mother, is NOT stalking of an
internet minor idiot!

You talk about not only her, but other family members on this
website "DivieDanes". You even talk about the date of your birthdays.

If you DON'T want people to know it, DON'T write about it.

Your website is for PUBLIC VIEWING. You're the one that's putting your personal crap out there for everyone to view.
Don't mess with me white trash.
This is DEFINITELY one case of where your mother should have swallowed!
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Reply Reply to all [email protected] ? to trisha show details Oct 13 (2 days ago)
Your Site Address: http://www.divinedanes.com/

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The following form has been submitted from your website divinedanes:
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01 - = MR
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03 - Your Telephone (if you'd like us to call you)<br> =
04 - Best time to call you?<br> =
- How can we help?<br> = Just curious.....if you're NOT
affiliated with Kim Folkner whatsoever, then why is your illiterate
comment direct to her?
It's on her FB page. You talking to her, her talking to you.
Does that ring a bell? Do you still stand by your claim?
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And I'm the liar? Really?? is that the best you got is to call everyone white trash? Gee, how much time did you spend thinking up that one? Surely, it's plain to see, that this woman has some serious issues!!! Who brings up other peoples kids because they're mad at someone else? A coward!!  Here I'll even post the definition of Coward for you!
coward/'kou?rd/Noun:A person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.Adjective:Excessively afraid of danger or pain. sounds about right..... I'm glad you think deflecting the interest from yourself is somehow gonna make feel sorry for you. You make yourself sound like the most indecent, rude, disrespectful, so obviously hate filled, ridiculous person!  BTW, why all the fuss when you rehomed the dog you got from Kimberly Folkner? A sad way to draw the attention away from where it needs to be, which is on you!!! Here's the proof!


You continued even after being formally notified to not contact me again in any way shape or form, so welcome to Harassment-Ville! Maybe if you were as bad as you think you are (hiding behind a computer screen, picking fights with people who have nothing to do with your "beef") you'd be bad enough to post your information here, so we know who to sue! COWARD! If you're gonna speak truth, speak the whole truth!

a normal person


#8Author of original report

Sat, October 15, 2011

Trisha, Trisha, Trisha......you poor white trash lying idiot.

Let's address your rebuttal one embarrassing lie at a time.

First, you say, "you don't know Kim Folkner", "the only familiarity that you have with this case is being on Ripoff report"....right?  Your words?  If you DON'T know Kim, why would she ask someone that she DOESN'T know for advice?  Also, foul mouth, you've had lots of friendly conversations with her.  Keep on a diggin.  I'm going to laugh when you're buried!

Now the other, your only familiar with this case because of "Ripoff"?......you JUST stated in your lame rebuttal, that she's been asking you for advice concerning this case. Maybe this would be considered a familiarity with the case, huh?  Um.....maybe you want to revise your rebuttal?

There are so many contradictions that you've made, that I seriously think the Preparation H is going to be more useful for you, because by the time I'm done shoving all of your lies square up your fat a*s, you'll be begging for relief...lol!

Stalker?  Look it up idiot. Your FB postings are NOT done in a private setting.  They're posted on Kim's site for ALL the PUBLIC to VIEW.  Do you really consider that stalking? What was it that you said in your rebuttal?, "FB is a social network".  Yes, if you want private conversations, then you set up a private forum.  All of your comments or advice as you would consider them, are NOT in a private forum.  Again, right there in plain ole site on Kimmy's page.

Let's get to something that I'm going to rip your lying, sick minded, filthy mouthed a** with........"a stalker's who wanna make comments about someone's kids"  your exact quote.  I'm going to copy & paste my simple e-mail to you sicko.

No, there's nothing you can help me with......just wanted to know if this was the VILE mouthed lady associated with the above quote.

It's really sad to read how you love dogs & how family oriented you are, just to see how filthy mouthed of a person you really are.

I wonder how your daughter would feel to know that her mother talks such trash? Would make your whole family proud huh?


Where the living hell in that e-mail am I so called stalking your kids?  Your other comment "what reason should my kids have ever been brought up in the first place, other than to disrespect someone"  Next quote, "when you come at someone with the intent to do harm, it's only natural for
one to react"
Next, "bring their kids, into your battle." 


What part of the above e-mail even comes close to any of that?  I, as stated per my e-mail, just commented on how would it make your daughter or family feel to have a mom or family member so filthy & vile mouthed. Good god, you really are a psycho.

I will give you a little credit though, take my simple e-mail that was seriously wondering if someone that presents themselves on their "business website" as a dog loving, family oriented person, could be the same person that was so embarrassingly VILE.  Not only once, but several times. You take that one question that I asked concerning your family & use it as some kind of excuse as to why you humiliated yourself. 

Also, all over your "business website" is nothing but pics, names, birthdays & so on about your whole family.  If you claim to be so protective, why post them on an internet site for ALL TO SEE?  Hmmm.....anyone out there getting what this liar is all about?


Now, I will comment about your kids.....I FEEL d**n SORRY FOR THEM!  What kind of an example of a mother are you? 

Let's also address some other lies trucker's mouth...... again, you claim you only know about the case between Kim & I because of "Ripoff" report, which we did address this from one aspect, but here's another......quote, "Kimberly Folkner, nor did I sell you a puppy"  Um, yes she did, that's clearly in that report. Want to change your claim yet?

And, NO, you didn't sell me a pup. Thank all the angels in Heaven, because just "google" this person's name (Trisha Wescom) & you'll see that there are not one, not two, not three, BUT FOUR "RIPOFF" REPORTS ON THIS SO CALLED "BREEDER!"

Other lie & delusional, quote, "I stood my ground with someone who was intentionally attacking me"  how is that so? 

Does anyone, I mean anyone out there take my above e-mail as an attack?  You're seriously either mentality ill or on something.  How are you even able to function in your life?  Do you ever misinterpret your dogs who jump on you to play as an "attack dog?!".....lol!

You also claim that I e-mailed you five times.....SHOW THEM, THIS SHOULD BE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU.  You act like I e-mailed five times to harass you, show the few e-mails where I'm asking you if you were "Trisha Wescom, the one that made comments on Kim's FB site".  You avoided answering that question.  I then asked again, just wanted to make sure that you were the one that made that sick a*s comment.  I didn't want to address the wrong person.

My issues with "Folkner Danes" are quite similar to those with you.  It's to WARN people of the mentality of dealing with so called "breeders" like you all.

You idiots put yourselves in the position of being reported.  You seem to think that you can bully & spew crap all over people because, why?  You're a what? "breeder?"  That doesn't give you the "Golden Throne" to rule from.  There are consequences for your actions & this being it.

 You all being in the so called "business" & us being the "consumer or buyer" GIVES US THE RIGHT TO REPORT THESE UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIORS.  So it's NOT ONLY  OUR RIGHT, BUT OUR DUTY to report to potential buyers of what kind of idiots they have a choice to deal or not deal with. 

My issues with YOU, are your lying, vile, insane comments & e-mails. If you were a lady or an adult in any manner, you would have just responded to me with maybe a "I am sorry" or "I was just trying to be funny,"  which I guess if your an illiterate white trash person like you, then I guess that's your kind of humor. 

You my dear didn't have to be so vile in your comments(which you knew where public) to YOUR
, being as you said, quote again", I DO NOT KNOW THIS WOMAN, OR THE PERSON SHE REFERS TO, KIMBERLY FOLKNER"  unquote!

Which is it Trisha?  Kimmy, your a*****e buddy or not?

Was your family attacked or not?

Don't bother answering.....ALL THE ANSWERS ARE ABOVE.

What's so disturbing amongst many others, is the fact that you both run a so called "breeding business".  Obviously, you have no choice, because this is something you can do from your homes.  Neither of you could EVER work in the public.  NO PEOPLE SKILLS WHATSOEVER!  And from all the reports, you can't even breed properly.

I find it quite SAD that people like you can even remotely be allowed legally to consider yourselves
"Breeders".....You give the QUALITY BREEDERS a BAD NAME.

Now, case proven.....shut the hell up, get off the drugs, take some anger management classes, & an English class would also be very beneficial.  Just look at all of your postings.....I don't have to say
anything, they speak for themselves!


You DON'T know me.  It shows what kind of mental case you are to spew your vile venom to a complete stranger.  Some day, someone's going to "b***h SLAP" your big mouth & I hope when they do.....that they do it hard enough to make it permanent!  Ya never know, I just may be there to assist!

There's nothing further to say.  I've PROVEN my point not only to you & the people whom I'm quite sure won't want to deal with you, but to your FRIEND Kimmy.


United States of America
Somebody Sore?

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, October 15, 2011

Ok, look... I do not know this woman, or the person she refers to, Kimberly Folkner. Kim is a "friend" on FB, which is a social network, so this does not somehow imply that we are some kind of "Best Friends."  Kimberly Folkner sent me messages through FB asking my advice on how to handle this type of crazy person. What she doesn't show here is my statements to Kimberly regarding their "issue". Kimberly is not someone I am personally affiliated with. The only familiarity I have with this case is being posted on Ripoff Report. In my case, only partial truths are posted, and I was advised by my lawyer not to reply. But this has absolutely nothing to do with me, all I did was try to make someone laugh who was having a bad day. My FB page is not a business page, it my personal page, for my family and friends, not lurking little stalker's who wanna make comments about someone's kids, from behind a computer screen like a little coward. Clearly by the posts she has also made about Folkner Danes, it's easy to see she's out for someone's blood. I'm not your bait nutjob, I don't know you, you've not ever met me or had any dealings with me whatsoever. But what you also don't mention is that you contacted me through my website on the contact us form, 5 TIMES!!!!!! again like a coward. You DID NOT email me. I emailed you, in regards to your statements about my kids...who does that, you're a fool. For what reason should my kid have ever been brought up in the first place, other than to disrespect someone. When you come at someone with the intent to do harm, it's only natural for one to react. You got your reaction alright, cause only a spineless sack like you has the audacity to bring someone, and their kids, into YOUR Battle. Get over yourself, do you need a pity party because of whatever happened between you and Folkner Danes? Maybe some Preperation H, cause apparently you're feeling a little screwed...? You're clearly grasping at straws, look at the other posts she has made. If you have an issue with Folkner Danes, I suggest you take it up with her, cause I'm not Folkner Danes, Kimberly Folkner, nor did I sell you a puppy, nor am I affiliated with her. So your business with me is non existant to make claims against me. If you're crying a river because I stood my ground with someone who was intentionally attacking me, then I don't know what to tell you, cause I got no love for ya. That's what you get when you run your mouth about people's kids and family. Grow a spine so you can hopefully walk away with some dignity.  I also advised Kim Folkner to add clauses in her contracts for loons like you! The facts are that I wouldn't place a puppy with a slime bucket like you no matter how much you offered. I'm still not sure what kind of pity your looking for with your issue with Folkner Danes, it seems really clear that someone didn't get their way and now they're pounting, like a 2 year old little baby. Grow UP! Also, this has absolutely nothing to do with my dogs, or my business. You're acting like an abused animal, cowarding when necessary only to attack moments later. Those are the facts, lets see who disagrees with me. Yeah, so I used some foul language and treated you like the coward you are, what parent wouldn't....oh, the same kind that brings other people and their kids to a battle that has nothing to do with them. Sorry I hurt your feelings, just be more careful about which trees you decide to bark up!!!

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