  • Report:  #223133

Complaint Review: Divine Saviour Church - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- CALIFORNIA, California,

Divine Saviour Church
610 Cypress Ave Los Angeles, 90065 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
this is not a Charity rather a cause, i have been living here nice and queit 4 years till this church puts up 4 blairing bull horns allday everyday allday long starting at 7 am i have asked the Roman Catholic church to cut the noise.i have sent enough letters and made enough phone calls to fill an inch-thick file with no success The church's bells which aren't actual bells but a recorded carillon broadcast through 4 bull horn speakers -- ring hourly from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day having to "hear 10 minutes of droning megaphone chimes, "They shouldn't dictate to the neighborhood when to commemorate 9/11 by ringing their bells for a solid hour at 6 a.m. in the morning the church uses an electric carillon system.

In other words, the church is automatically broadcasting canned music throughout the day. Its ?bell? ringing is not personal and does not mark a human event? indeed, the system would keep broadcasting even if every human being on earth were to perish, at least until the lights went out. broadcasting its recordings every hour? and every 15 minutes In the first place, we feel that hourly broadcasts are excessive in a pluralistic society, particularly when the "bells" are actually just an automatic appliance. But? every 15 minutes on a Saturday Sunday??!

"If This is maybe your only day off, would you really want to hear a loudspeaker blast that is as loud as your alarm clock every 15 minutes starting at 7 AM We feel that hourly ringing is excessive especially if the broadcast is not a simple striking of hours but of some musical selection We also feel that trouble is almost inevitable when bells are replaced by broadcasts of automatic appliances If Saturday-Sunday is maybe your only day off, would you really want to hear a loudspeaker blast that is as loud as your alarm clock every 15 minutes starting at 7 AM?

If you're someone that likes to think, likes to read, likes to create art, likes to get into one's unconscious via some tranquility in the home, then this a major disruption. this blast of loudspeaker waking you up all the time is annoying, and letting you know what time it is every 15 minutes. Plus you have to hear 10 minutes of droning megaphone chimes. i have been recording and measuring the sound level of the bells for the past two months. these levels are as high as 98 decibels, a level i think is too dangerous.

This is just a terrible, loud, horrendous noise that we have been subjected to for nearly 8 months It causes ear pain, intense ear pain, and I've gone to my doctor and he told me I've got a hearing loss in not just the one ear but in both ears as a result, Church's are exempt from Los Angeles California noise law.

we need your support!

Divine Saviour Church


610 Cypress Ave

LosAngeles CA 90065


CALIFORNIA, California

9 Updates & Rebuttals


ed reyes has no brain

#2Author of original report

Sun, January 07, 2007

Ok! everyone here can see the city officials mistakes of interpretation because of his acoustic ignorance. Blasting sound waves thru the air is not a case of "freedom of expression." As democracy is not a ticket to violate other people rights. Devices as speakers or any electronic, mechanical or digital equipment that produce sound waves traveling thru the air vibrating and invading the airspace provoking sickness on those that can hear and feel it, it is a violation against their rights. Noise are like sound waves bullets capable to produce human suffering and despair. Noise is a weapon!!! You can tell a child: -Do not put your hands in the fire or you will get burned!!! Mister Ed Reyes's has an acoustic mind of a child and he needs to learn about acoustics like this Church needs to learn about acoustics and about GOD's Law of Love for your neighbor. Jesus! I feel like I am being transported to a land of apes.


read this everyone

#3Author of original report

Sat, January 06, 2007

please read this everyone http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2003/08/17/churchnoise030817.html


blairing bull horns

#4Author of original report

Wed, December 20, 2006

i never thought about living next to a church would be so noicy, yes we had a meeting some time ago my council member Ed Reyes Phone: (213) 485-0763 and the priest both of which refused to do anything. i aslo received my first death by "tony" the guy that works at the church for no apparent reason calling us raicst hitlers huh?? making no sence at all, these people have no common sence. %98 of these people cant speak engish. the priest had the nerve he told everyone if you go against him he will send you to hell. my council member held a parade. i was thrown to the ground by his body gaurd no reason. he did not like my protesting. thankyou!!


blairing bull horns

#5Author of original report

Wed, December 20, 2006

i never thought about living next to a church would be so noicy, yes we had a meeting some time ago my council member Ed Reyes Phone: (213) 485-0763 and the priest both of which refused to do anything. i aslo received my first death by "tony" the guy that works at the church for no apparent reason calling us raicst hitlers huh?? making no sence at all, these people have no common sence. %98 of these people cant speak engish. the priest had the nerve he told everyone if you go against him he will send you to hell. my council member held a parade. i was thrown to the ground by his body gaurd no reason. he did not like my protesting. thankyou!!


blairing bull horns

#6Author of original report

Wed, December 20, 2006

i never thought about living next to a church would be so noicy, yes we had a meeting some time ago my council member Ed Reyes Phone: (213) 485-0763 and the priest both of which refused to do anything. i aslo received my first death by "tony" the guy that works at the church for no apparent reason calling us raicst hitlers huh?? making no sence at all, these people have no common sence. %98 of these people cant speak engish. the priest had the nerve he told everyone if you go against him he will send you to hell. my council member held a parade. i was thrown to the ground by his body gaurd no reason. he did not like my protesting. thankyou!!


blairing bull horns

#7Author of original report

Wed, December 20, 2006

i never thought about living next to a church would be so noicy, yes we had a meeting some time ago my council member Ed Reyes Phone: (213) 485-0763 and the priest both of which refused to do anything. i aslo received my first death by "tony" the guy that works at the church for no apparent reason calling us raicst hitlers huh?? making no sence at all, these people have no common sence. %98 of these people cant speak engish. the priest had the nerve he told everyone if you go against him he will send you to hell. my council member held a parade. i was thrown to the ground by his body gaurd no reason. he did not like my protesting. thankyou!!


I have to agree with Sandra

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, December 03, 2006

ANY noise that often and that loud is intrusive and annoying. I homeschool five children, and weekday or not, it would be very distracting to have to listen to bells, chimes, music whatever, that often and loud. We live in the woods, with space in between homes, and I have heard complaints more than once from other neighbors because of music blaring at other neighbors. Once in awhile isn't an issue, every night for 3,4,5 hours starts to wear on you. Noise is noise, religeous or rock. Document the problem, speak to other neighbors, write to the paper, and continue to complain. You have the right to peaceful enjoyment of your home. (I would have never thought about living next to a church as being loud.... thats something that I'll remember if I ever move again!) Good Luck!!


Rhode Island,
Suggestion - revised

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 03, 2006

I typed and sent this but left out what I thought was an important step toward possible resolution - so I just added it and resent. Music blaring throughout a community at 98 decibles hourly from 7am-6pm every day, and every 15 minutes on Saturday and Sunday is invasive and disruptive regardless of whether it comes from a religious organization, a car dealership, or a nightclub. I would suggest that you write to them again outlining, in less than one page, the manner in which it disrupts your living space and has changed your life within your home and, if appropriate, affected your health beyond your ability to control the changes due to the fact that you have no power to affect the volume of the sound within your own home. Church bells are one thing, music is another -and even bells every 15 minutes on the weekends is beyond reasonable within a residential area. I hear bells marking the hour regularly in my community, but never every 15 minutes. It is background noise and not invasive and is pleasant, but it is not overly loud -is sounds quietly in the background and does not interfere with any activity in my space-higher volume and of music would be problematic. I would also suggest you do not refer to the issues of pluralism in society because that is blurring the lines of 2 issues of concern: your ability to manage your living space and the societal tensions between groups. Decide which is most important to you and craft your words to support your point. Try to create the letter so that it does not sound like a complaint or recrimination, but rather a basic address of concerns with logical and valid supports for the legitimacy of those concerns. You could also offer for them to visit with you and hear what you hear in order to help them better understand your points. Send the letter to the organization that is broadcasting, to the diocese, and to every one of your local representatives. If there is no adequate response, then the next step would be to send it, exactly as originally written, to your local news organizations, your mayor, and your town council representatives. Follow up with phone calls to your representatives. You do not have to present your situation in a contentious manner. If your presentation is logical, clear, reasonable, maybe offers possible solutions, and does not degerate into nastiness or accusation, then you have better chance of being heard and your concerns considered. Diplomacy is a strong and positive tool. The church in question has options - they can lower the decible level, they switch the recording to bells, they can broadcast on the hour and compromise the every 15 minutes on the weekends to the same hourly schedule as during the week. As you say you live quietly, perform artisitic pursuits during your time at home, and think and meditate in your home, then you live as I do and I am making an extrapolation you would no more want to create antagonistic situations in your area. Expressing your situation obectively will help you in this. I sincerely doubt that the church will cease broadcasting altogether. That they do not broadcast after 7pm indicates that either they have thought this out to a degree already or that there is some ordinance regarding broadcasting times. If your concerns are more societal in nature, and it is an objection to the ideas behind the music, then contact your local branch of the ACLU and leave most of the personal concerns about how it has distrupted your patterns of daily activity out of it. At that point, the primary focus is on an invasion of religion into your home -like Jehova Witnesses ringing your doorbell or calling your phone for 5 minutes straight, every hour every day and every 15 minutes on weekends. Keep to the point of your primary issue. If you go this instance, you should be prepared for antagonism from those who so not feel similarly and who may consider your claims an attack. If your concerns are truly your home environment from a basic pattern of daily activity then no one can reasonably claim it an attack any more than they could similar concerns from a neighbor who addresses loud sounds coming from the teenagers next door. Also, are there others in your vicinity who are similarly troubled? Those who work the standard 8-5 Mon-Fri would still have the sound on the weekend. Those who work 2nd or 3rd shift would have it interrupt their home time or their sleep. Those who work retail or restaurant would have their days off rotate and some would be weekdays, those who work from home would be there all the time. If it is so loud as to be disruptive, then you would not be the only one troubled. Find each other. Sound is noise regardless of the idea which it supports. Both the volume and the appeal of the sound to given person is the question. Someone who loves to hear what is being broadcast on the schedule it coming might still have conerns similar to yours about the volume. Those living physically closer to the source would be more impacted. Those further away might hear it be but be oblivious to impact on a home the is nearer than they are. Keep this mind when you talk with others about it. Good luck.


Why is this REALLY bothering you?

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, December 02, 2006

Since they are only ringing the bells between 7 am and 6 pm, I cannot see how this is such a nuisance. Assuming that you are gainfully employed or engaged in other activities during the day, the ringing of the bells cannot intrude on your sleep or other necessary activities to function on a daily basis. It's a church, for crying out loud!! Do you really equate church music (i.e., bells) with "noise"?? You might want to re-consider your approach before you stir up the entire community and create some problems that will only affect YOU in the long run.

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