  • Report:  #859800

Complaint Review: Domonic Mongello - Internet

Reported By:
Truth Teller - Houston, Texas, United States of America

Domonic Mongello
Internet, United States of America
619 822-1904
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Domonic Mongello created a marketing system called PCF mojo (perpetual conversion funnel) and a home based business opportunity to market it called eco eco now. In doing research I discovered he started taking people's money back in 2010 and still has not delivered the product or launched  ecoeconow.org.

Domonic Mongello admitted he did not have the capital to create , run , and support this kind of business
and presented his concept called a "Social Movement Model" where all the people who joined would contribute their time and talents for free to build his company. He presented a great concept of a portion of money from direct sales and monthly fees would save an acre of rain forest through Conservation International so it sounded attractive that this company had a social conscious.

I have learned that there are fellow victims of Mongello's vested partner scam that have sent from $1,000.00 to $3,600.00. There are over 120 people that have sent him money and the marketing system has never been delivered nor has the opportunity launched. It is one excuse after another and one broken promise after another for new launch dates. The excuses for not launching have gone on for over a year for me and for some they have never received what they paid for in two years. I am very disappointed because this guy seemed so genuine and passionate about the cause of saving rain forest.

I guess all good con men are good at making us believe they really care.

Domonic Mongello is a U.S. citizen but he lives and operates out of Thailand for a reason. There is massive corruption at all levels of government and it seems he can get away with doing business like this with no consequences. Some of the vested partners said that he has some kind of legal issues and can not enter the U.S. I do not know if that is true , but his mother died this year and he did not return to the U.S. for the funeral so that seems odd.

He claims he has built several 7 figure businesses, but none of them exist anymore so he must go for the quick buck and then move on. He made a big pitch about masterminding with him and having him give each of us personal road maps for internet marketing success. That was really important to me and others to have someone who is supposedly a 7 figure earner mentoring us with this masterminding. Domonic Mongello has never done one mastermind or taught me anything live, on video, or in written form. There is no training of any kind that was promised.

The one of a kind marketing software (PCF) that was supposed to change internet marketing does not work and is so complicated it would take a top IT person to try and use it. Domonic promoted this marketing software as something that even a newbie could use. Definitely not true! I had some experienced internet marketers look at the PCF system and they said it was the most complicated overpriced software they had ever seen. I guess it was priced like an MLM where the price is inflated to pay commissions. The basic system is $997.00 and $97 monthly and the highest level was $9,995.00 and $995 monthly. That is how he fooled all of us to pay a one time fee of $3,600.00 and get the highest price system and never have to pay the $997.00 monthly.

It has been about two years since Mongello marketed the PCF mojo marketing system and no one has ever used it or seen one marketing anything. Most of the people who were scammed that I talked to went and bought less expensive marketing solutions in the marketplace. I was in a desperate situation financially when I learned about the PCF and scraped together the money to buy it. After waiting a year to use it to make money I am broke financially and working two jobs to hang on.

This is why I wrote this review of Domonic Mongello and the PCF mojo and the ecoeconow.org business opportunity. I do not want Mongello to take money from another person like me that is trusting him to deliver and he can not or does not for whatever reason. People like this hurt so many people so I feel a responsibility to help stand up for honest hard working people that deserve better than this.

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