  • Report:  #957815

Complaint Review: Dr. Ahdev Kuppusamy - scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:
VictimofAhdev - , , United States of America

Dr. Ahdev Kuppusamy
east rancho vista dr scottsdale, 08521 Arizona, United States of America
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VictimofAhdevued for all the thing he did to these people he called his "family". It was all a scam, I didnt even hear the word Scottsdale as an option until weeks before he got the job..wouldnt u discuss with ur fiancee where you'd be moving?? Especially since u had a little boy together and u were trying to get her pregnant, which you did? If u were willing to get her pregnant, where was the wedding?? He slipped up a couple times, thats when i knew that sick feeling i had in my stomach that he was lying was true.

Watch his video on The Pain Center site. He says what a'family' man he is, his parents have lived in a different state then him since he was 18, he hasnt talkd to his brothr over a controversy about in a decade. And the people he call his family, he abandoned. Left me a single mother in a lurch. While goes off to his new $$ job, and picks a girl off the internet to mee from facebook, but wouldnt show a picture of himself, so it was a blind date. The funny thing is, i had looked up the webpage of where he was going to work, because i thought i would be his wife, and i scanned the friends of the company and two blondes caught my eye, I said he will cheat on me with one of these girls.

So befriended his g/f before he ever left nj, before they ever met. I knew who he was gonna f*ck before he did. He needs tons of sex to be happy, like 3 times a day if not more when hes not workng. He cheated on me w a dozen or so nurses, or if he got mad at me for somethng he'd sleep w someone for punishment.never met his parents or friends for five yrs. Saying its a cultural thing they dnt do that. But aftr knowing a 23 yr old college kid, he has a picture of thm w his parents, arms around each othr like a happy family. And he knew ths girl from the internet. He found his next perfect victim.

 Ill tell u how to tell he's lying----His lips are moving. Once he kissed my belly hoping ther was a baby, then that same week I had surgery to remove a cyst and he never came to check on me and while i was. Recovering hee slept with a nurse on Easter, no less, as if he had to prove he was the antichrist. 4 days later he told me huge lie about leftover restaurant food in fridge as soon as i opened the door.. hes smiling at me and says'can u tell i'm beaming'', meaning he was so in love when he looks at me. He is a lying sociopath that even was willing to kill his own sons beating heart, and then abandon us. He said he will only marry a fair white girl to eventually irradicate his indian genes so generations frm now will be all white.

 I am finally suing him for pretending, again, that he would buy me and my son a house, then renegging on it aftr we had already moved. He is such a manipulative liar, that he perjured himself. I guess tht swearing on the bible doesn't work on the devil. He is a dr for the $ and thats all. He is so arrogant he said he doesnt feel sorry for the poor, and said it isnt my problem u didnt go to school. He changed drastically since i first met him, and not for the better. I dont know how he stands one day in his own skin. He is just fooling all of you.every last one of you

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