  • Report:  #494711

Complaint Review: Dremu Skincare - Internet

Reported By:
R.S. - Bliss, Idaho, USA

Dremu Skincare
dremu.com 33130 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

It's been almost a year since I ordered facial products from this company. I thought certainly I could trust the company, after all a picture of Oprah appears on the website claiming that these products are the end all in cosmetic beauty! I decided to give them a try for the thirty day trial at the end of wich they promise to return your money in full if you are not satisfied... hmmm...

So I did try the products, was not impressed and sent them back. I soon recieved an e.mail saying the a refund had been processed. Unfortunately there was no refund. I contacted the company via e.mail and recieved no response... did it again... same deal.

I tried calling the company and still no response although I left several messages. Then I got tricky and called the number used to place an order. What do you know? I did get through to a man who was so sorry about the delay in my refund and he would get right on it and call me back. The next day I recieved another e.mail saying the refund was in process...again... and again still no money was returned.

I called so many times after that and finally got ahold of the same man on the orders phone number. He was rude at first, angry that I had called him about my refund on the wrong number. Then he became quite humble and apologetic saying his "account department" must have made a horrible mistake. Right. There is no account department, he is running the show on his own and he is a dishonest lurch. But what could I do but wait for him to "research the problem and get back to me."

That's the last I heard from him. I filed a report with the BBB and they recieved no response from him either. I hope this report helps to shut down a dishonest company.


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