  • Report:  #443828

Complaint Review: Drive Financial - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Unknown, Utah,

Drive Financial
Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Below is information for erveryone tha might help or give you a point of contact for further stuff to happen - hopefully....

Funny thing about Drive Financial - all the threats and its a year later and since they failed to follow through on there part with the writtten letters I received and agreements that were made - screw them - i got there sh*t (my car) and they aren't getting it back.

I would sell that b*tch to someone in Mexico for parts or just bury it in a mud whole before I give it back to them... Enough lying (Police Officer Williams who is also customer service Williams who is also Loan Manager Williams adn who ever else she plays it off to be when leaving messages - well how do you like my CALL REJECTION that I put on my cell phone? It is oh so nice to NOT hear from you anymore..

PISSS OFFF DRIVE and like Leanardo DeCaprio said in his movie - catch me & my car if you can... I dont register at my current address I dont have any new bills and dont sign up for anything under my home address now so piss off & good luck a**holes.

Barber et al v. Drive Financial Services

Drive Financial Services, L.P. has settled a class-action suit with over 1, 150 Texas residents, according to Houston consumer protection attorney Richard Tomlinson.

The Texas residents on behalf of Velincia Barber had accused Drive of violating numerous federal and state consumer protection laws while attempting to collect debts.

Specifically, the suit charged that Drive sent threatening letters to Texas residents who fell behind in their payments. Said letters threatened wage garnishment and purported to be from an attorney or law firm, actions which violate the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Texas Debt Collection Act.

The settlement requires Drive to pay the class $250, 000 plus Tomlinson's legal fees and court costs. U.S. District Judge Sim Lake of the Southern District of Texas ruled that the settlement should be approved as fair, reasonable, adequate and in the best interests of the members of the class.

Class members were notified of the settlement and entitled to submit objections to the court prior to the hearing before Judge Lake. Among the more than 1, 150 notices, however, no objections were filed.

The fact, said Tomlinson, that Drive has to write a quarter million dollars in checks to the Texas residents they harassed should send a message to other debt collectors who use abusive, unethical and illegal techniques to apply pressure.

Ha ha ha ha

Unknown, Utah


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Oh yes you have them on the run...

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, April 22, 2016

Let's go back to one basic factor.  Why would they be trying to get your car?  The one and only reason is because you have failed to fulfill your part of the contract in paying them the money you made a legal agreement to do.

So if you are telling the full truth here.  To avoid them from finding the car you have basically lied to the State not giving your true address information, you have no other bills or any ties to you.  You apparently have a job that pays you under the table and doesn't report to the IRS.  Basically going off the grid.  In addition to this you most likely either don't have or have lied to the insurance company as well.  Which means that if you are ever pulled over or in an accident you could be in some major legal trouble.   But heck you are keeping them from reposessing their car..right?

You claim you would sell the car to someone in Mexico.  But you see even if the car is gone that doesn't mean that they can't come after you.  If they really wanted to push it you could techically be arrested for grand theft.  Now would they do that..probably not.  But they can sue you.  In order to sue you they would use the current contact information THEY have to serve you.  Since you have admited you have lied they will never find you, but the courts have procedures in place to still allow a suit.  You will then have a summary judgement against you.  Judgements depending on the state can last decades, meaning that even 5,10,20,40 years later if they finally find you they can take further legal action to take the money that you legally owe. 

But this report is totally ironic because your entire report is based on you "getting the best of them" and not being afraid of them.   Yet you are doing everything in your power to keep them from finding you.  If you were really not afraid of them you would tell them exactly where to find you and confront them face to face...not as some coward playing "hide and seek".  Oh yes..you really got them going.

I'll just say one thing about the Class Action lawsuit.  $250,000 is "chump change" in terms of these suits.  Each of those 1150+ people would get a grand total of around $200...probably not even enough for a single monthly payment.  Yet the suit didn't void the loan or any other actions.  It only had to do with the collection tacticts. 

Now, of course I would not be shocked if you come back with another "rant" about how you will be victorious and take down this big evil company.  So if that makes you feel better go right ahead.  Because in the end this isn't for you, this is for the people who still can demonstrate reason.

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