  • Report:  #71080

Complaint Review: Economy Lube - Waterloo, Kitchener, Guelph Ontario

Reported By:
- Kitchener, Ontario,

Economy Lube
20 University Ave. E. Waterloo Waterloo, Kitchener, Guelph, n2e1a4 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Economy Lube

## University Ave. East.

Waterloo, Ontario

(519) 746-####

Before letting Economy Lube perform a transmission flush on my vehicle I had the manager(Steve) early March 8, 2003 assure me that their transmission flush would clean the transmission filter and the transmission pan itself.

I then had my vehicle to their shop on March.8.2003 at 12:38 PM for a transmission flush.

Less than 40km after leaving their shop my transmission failed and is now total JUNK. To date Economy Lube (manager Steve) has refused to repair or replace my transmission, even though they signed my bill stating I should have a mechanic look the transmission over and then report the repair cost to them. It seems they now only did that as a ploy to try and get rid of me.

This manager (Steve) even refused to give me the name and address of the owner of Economy Lube so that I could start civil procedure.

In talking to MANY different tranmission shops since, I have learned that Economy Lube's equipment is incapable of totally cleaning the transmission filter and/or transmission pan. The Guelph Economy Lube manager confirmed this for me today, March.10.2003. What their equipment can do though is clog up the transmission filter or other orfices, thus starving critical internal components of vital fluids, thus causing transmission failure.

What is most disgusting is that their Kitchener Economy Lube shop ( Shawn ) is also telling potential customers that Economy Lube's transmission flush will clean out the transmission filter, the pan and even the torque converter, this is a total LIE.

I urge all potential customers NOT to let Economy Lube do a transmission flush on your vehicle. Take your vehicle to a reputable repair facility and have your transmission pan removed, then the transmission filter replaced and the transmission re-filled will good quality fluid.

If Economy Lube tells you their equipment cleans the transmission filter,pan and torque converter you will know they are lying through their teeth, and you face the real chance that their equipment will clog your transmission thus causing transmission failure.

Found out about this today, March.15.2003

Ford Motor Company's Automatic Transmission Engineering Department research findings prompted Ford to endorse dropping the transmission pan and draining the torque converter instead of using the transmission cooler line to flush the transmission such as Economy Lube did on my Ford vehicle. I sure wish Economy Lube had warned me about this Ford research before my Ford transmission was trashed !! You would think Economy Lube would have no excuse for not knowing about this Ford research, after all Lube is their business one would think. If you own a GM, Toyota, Dodge or any other make you would be wise to consult your dealer to see if their research findings are the same as Ford, it could save your transmission and much $$$$ .



Just when one would think they live in a civilized country (Canada), they learn different.

Today ( March.10.2003 @ 4:50 PM) I was called by Pro-Active Paralegal Services on behalf of Economy Lube and was threatened with physical harm. I was told " I will find out where you live and get you", by some crazed person that said he is with Pro-Active Paralegal Services. Sure enough I checked the phone record and it went back to (519) 568-#### which is Pro-Active Paralegal Services at ### Bedford Ave. Kitchener, Ontario

After the first call I asked him to stop calling or I would phone the police, well that did not stop him, he called 5 more times. Needless to say the police have been called and I will attempt to have a charge of threatening laid against him. It's amazing that Economy Lube would rather unleash an unstable individual on me, instead of dealing with my broken transmission in a rational way. This to me sure states mountains of how Economy Lube conducts business. A sad commentary indeed.


March.10.2003 Early evening

Well the police have been by to see me and they assure me they will put an end to this nonsense from Pro-Active Paralegal Services, as this IS NOT how reputable businesses should be handling customer complaints. I hope they can talk some sense into these people because I'm now in a state of fright for my saftey, who knows what kind of crazy person this is at Pro-Active Paralegal Services. Do I now have to move to another address to feel safe, what does one do in a situation such as this?


March.10.2003 Late evening

The police called and said they talked to Pro-Active Paralegal Services and that they were confident that Pro-Active Paralegal services would not threaten me again, nor would they call me again. I can only hope the obviously unstable person at Pro-Active Legal Services has come to their senses. So many times you hear about these kinds unstable people that have gone off the deep end and harmed someone. I'm hoping this was an isolated case and not an indication that Pro-Active Paralegal Services regularily threatens people on behalf of it's clients. This senario would be akin to a strong arm service for hire, much like organized crime in reality.

The police also told me that the manager ( Steve ) at Economy Lube told them I should call Economy Lube in the moring and the manager at Economy Lube would give me the owners name and contact info. I then thanked the police for their time in this matter.


March.11.2003 Early Morning

I had another party call Economy Lube and ask for the manager Steve to get the owners name and contact info. Well what a surprise to find out Steve was not in or going to be in this day. I'm not sure why he would tell the police what he did yesterday, unless this is just another indication of avoidence tactics in regards to customer complaints. What I found really odd is that the customer service number ( 1-800-284-#### ) at the bottom of all bills revert back to the Economy Lube manager ( Steve ) at the Waterloo location. So all customer complaints go back to Steve and he in turn will not give out the owners name or contact info.

One can only surmise that the owner has put this policy into place as the other 2 locations of Economy Lube ( 1 in Kitchener/ 1 in Guelph ) will also not give out the owners name or contact info. What kind of business is this when the owner will not talk to his customers in regards to a complaint that was not handled by the managar to the customers satisfaction. Why would the owner hide behind his manager, is this what most owners do?


March.12.2003 Early morning

Another call was put into Steve at Economy Lube to get the owners name and contact info. This time Steve stated he would not be giving the name or contact info for the owner. Wow, should I really be surprised he tells the police one thing then does another. There obviously is no honour displayed by his reaction, can this be called just another LIE by Economy Lube, sure looks that way to me ! Oh almost forgot this, the manager Steve offered to refund the cost of the transmission flush. I'm not sure how a $70 refund pays for a $2400.00 to $3000.00 transmission bill.

To add insult to injury Steve stated that maybe he should not have told me that their transmission flush would clean my transmission filter and transmission pan out, wow, what brilliance after the fact, thanks a lot for the costly hindsight. Where I come from you stand behind your words and deliver what was promissed as an agent (manager) for the owner. It's a little late now to try and change things after my transmission has been trashed as I don't recall signing any waiver accepting $70 if my transmission get toasted.

I feel as if I have been totally taken for a ride ever since my first contact with Economy Lube in regards to the transmission failure of my vehicle less than 40 KM after their service performed.

I now am forced to shell out $2400.00 to $3000.00 of my hard earned money because they have refused to take care of this situation. I'm very disgusted that such people are allowed to carry on business in this way.

I also now feel it is my duty to warn other consumers of my situation because they themselves could find themselves in my situation based on what I have seen to date from Economy Lube. I only wish I had never let them touch my vehicle from day one, too late for that now though. It's also only after the fact that I find out the person that did the work on my vehicle is NOT a licensed mechanic.


To the owner of Economy Lube

(contact info by companies search in process )

I have heard through a 3rd party that you read this webpage on a regular basis, the tracert I think confirms this. You sir in my opinion are the lowest form of a human being I can think of by hiding behind your staff, much akin to a snake in the grass. Most honest business owners respond to customer complaints in an honest fashion. To date in my opinion your non-response says much about how you conduct your business affairs and I think it's paramount that consumers know these facts to protect their hard earned money. You have my contact info, do the honourable thing and take care of this situation in an honourable business like way over lunch, I'll even spring for lunch.

It's Nov.5.2003 and they still have not paid for my transmission!!


Kitchener, Ontario

5 Updates & Rebuttals


you rip off people period!!!!

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, January 04, 2013

please go to www.reveiwstalk.com and you will see how many complaints there are including mine (jays girl) they rip people off period!!!!!

I work with the public and i make sure everyone knows not to go there!!!!!!


It usually is their fault

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, August 11, 2011

The reason that so many people think that they are victims of economy lube is because they are.  I work in a service shop in Kitchener and can't even list the amount of issues that economy lube causes and we have to fix later on.  

For example almost every single car that we service after they have will have its power steering fluid overfilled to the point of overflowing, the air filter clips, bolts, or hose clamps missing or the air filter box damaged, and of course difficult oil filters obviously not being replaced (unless economy lube now carries rusty/dirty versions of every oil filter). 

Customers will always have horror stories for us such as them being charged for services not done, services recommended when not needed, or gross overcharging for simple products.  For example power steering fluid being added (In reality overfilled) for $79.99, we sell bottles of gold eagle for $15!

My personal favorite economy lube tale was that of the 2006 ford focus, he was told his transmission needed to be serviced immediatly, it was extremely dirty and there would be serious damage if he continued driving.  His car had less than 100,000kms on it and the manual said that he had about 60,000kms to go before the transmission service was required.  He did not get the service there but his transmission fluid was a nice red, not dirty or low at all but perfectly at the full mark.


Another extremely memorable occasion was that of a mercedes benz with a canister filer, the paper filter that economy lube had jammed it was the wrong size and the result was that it had become stuck, their solution?  They never replaced it and when he came in the paper filter pulled itself to pieces when we tried to remove it and the plastic bottom of the filter would not dislodge.  We were forced to replace the canister with a new mercedes one and listen to the angry customer scream at economy lube on the phone for 40 minutes. 

I do not even have the space to list the amount of messups that they caused for e-tests, but in short a lot of vehicles have wrong vehicle weights inputed/model names and engine sizes/cylinders.  Usually it's just confined to failing gas caps. 

We even had the misfortune to have to work with a former employee from there and he had plenty of stories about what they did (such as when customers asked for the fluids topped up they(the guys he worked with when he was there) would just kick the bumper and say "Top up!".  He however was later fired for stealing from customers, his excuse? "Well we used to do that there"

That former employees best story was of an asian university student who was duped into paying $4,500 for a ton on overpriced unnessisary services, when he couldn't pay he was escorted by the manager of the university location to the bank where his account was drained of the roughly $2,500 in it and the manager called it even.

This place survives by luring people in with ultra low prices and then lying to them by saying things like certain services need to be done when they don't, the vehicle takes a certain grade of oil that costs a lot more, or that they can't switch back from synthetic (Yes you can there is a ton of myths about that but look it up or Mobil1 and Valvolines sites, they both say you can switch back and forth as much as you want.  Personally I believe what the makers of the oil say over what some high school dropout says)

Pressure tactics and deceit and the corner stones of this establishment, in the end the customer may have added some crap to his transmission and then flipped out when the flush screwed it up but there is no doubt that the employees there promised him that the flush would fix any problems he was experiencing just to get the sale.  There is no arguing there, that former employee had many times told us stories about how some service techs wouldn't even look at the vehicle before recommending services, just the service history for the vehicle.  In short economy lube is just there to make a quick buck from unsuspecting cheap folks who are then duped.  They have nice waiting rooms though, so at least they put on some lipstick before they screw you!

P.S If the owner does not believe that a former employee said/if he was real then look back in your records, he was fired for giving away free e-tests and was then hired back.  If this is not common practice then you should have no problem finding that he did/possibly still does work for you.  Everything here is true, I hope you change your ways and do things honestly.  Look at Heffner Lexus Toyota, Mark Wilsons Better Used cars, they have done things very honestly and look at what they have built.  It's not too late to change, honesty is the best policy.


Economy Lube complaints are growing

#4Author of original report

Wed, December 26, 2007

Steve obviously is NOT running an honest shop just by looking at the number of other complaints. I guess everybody who has a complaint must be wrong, right Steve, lol. As for getting my transmission trashed by Economy Lube's tranny flush I can still say that Steve has not paid one red cent to my $3000 cost to have the tranny replaced. I have used Lucas products in my transmission from 100,000km on at every 60,000 KM transmission fluid change with no problem until I had the work done at Economy Lube. For those who don't know Lucas products they DON'T void factory warranty and are actually an excellent preventative procedure. It was actually Economy Lube that convinced me that a transmission flush was fine for my vehicle even though in the past I had always had the pan dropped for the transmission fluid change. It was only AFTER my transmission was ruined that I found out through Ford Motor Company that Economy Lube's tranny flush was NOT a proper procedure and could in fact clog up my filter thus trashing my tranny. Don't expect Economy Lube to tell you that BEFORE they do a tranny flush and also DON'T expect to see that ANYWHERE in writting on their work order BEFORE you have a tranny flush done by them. My advice is to AVOID Economy Lube or any other shop that will do a tranny flush WITHOUT removing the tranny filter! In regards to a website, Steve is delusional, perhaps another of his wronged customers has a website up, good for them!!


Info for DEET..

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 06, 2006

DEET, Transmission filters must be replaced, they cannot be cleaned, and certainly cannot be cleaned by means of a transmission flush. A flush just pushes dirty fluid thru your system until it becomes clean. All of the sediment being pushed thru ends up in your filter. After a flush, your pan is supposed to be dropped, cleaned, and filter replaced with a new one. I'm sure this was explained to you, as any shop would know this, however dropping the pan for cleaning and filter replacement is an extra labor charge. It sounds like you wanted a cheap fix for a trans that was worn out.


tried to resolve issue

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, May 05, 2006

this customer is the worst type of customer any company could have. he came into our facilty with two bottles of transmission stop leak and some type of lucas addative in hopes of a quick fix. his vehicle is diesel and has almost 400,000 km and is a delivery van. he threatened to run adds in the newspaper and rent mobile signs around town to slander us. he even went as far as setting up a website and tried to have us pay him to take it down. as a company owner i am amazed at how some customers think they are the victims when in this case we the company became a victim.

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