  • Report:  #1117143

Complaint Review: Esurance - glendale California

Reported By:
onlyinamerica - Huntsville, Texas,

glendale, California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I was extremely disappointed to learn after being hit from the back by a driver who had SAFECO they paid their share of their customer's liability while my own auto insurance company (esurance) would not pay my uni/under insurance although I had coverage which was inforce and active at the time of this incident. I am so embarrass I choose esurance over SAFECO,  left the company( for State Farm) then returned because it was more affordable.

But now I'm able to see for myself why. I'd rather pay the extra cost and know in the event that I need insurance to cover my looses or injuries and medical bills I'll consult with customers who've had this experience. Please note consumer confidence relies on customer satisfaction and customer service. Once customers find out they're insurance company won't be there when needed....Goodbye Esurance.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


re: Please Explain?

#2Author of original report

Thu, January 23, 2014

Why have you become interested in Esurance? If you are a representative of them why don't you just say so...please explain your interest and no I won't go into details what I have posted is more than enough along with the nearly 75 other post regarding their tatics and questionable responses to claims and customer service.

If you wish to get an explaination your time would be better spent following their business practices and allowing agencies that can actually do something respond to my accusations. Your rebuttal is no more than antagonstic internet confusion.


Re: please explain??

#3Author of original report

Thu, January 23, 2014

Why would you continue to question me about Esurance and it's tactics? If you are affliated with them just plainly say so....or is that a conflict of interest? This site  has posted over 75 complaints against Esurance and do you really think lawyers would follow all of them or even care? Lawyers aren't going to show up until they believe they really really need to and of course I will not post all the details on this site but more importantly why are YOU interested in knowing them? Their are several goverment agencies that handle this and thats where the details will be made known. As for you you tell Esurance what I said.


Please Explain

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 22, 2014

There is definatly things you are not explaining about your situation, and quite frankly I don't expect you to put your full story here even though it could explain quite a bit.

However, can you please explain what you mean by "Certain Victims", and Government rules that applies to this group of people.  Then perhaps you can explain why a company that has an entire office building of lawers, why they wouldn't know about these regulations but could have made a single phone call to find them out.  Who exactly did you want them to call?




#5Author of original report

Tue, January 21, 2014

You bet this is a serious accusation and I am waiting on a response from the department of insurance in Texas and Calfornia. Esurance isn't aware of certain goverment rules pertaining to "certain victims" and all they had to do was make a phone call. However, the adjuster may have been to focus on keeping his job. To anwser your question esurance says that I didn't complain to my primary care doctor of my pain. That was their reason for the denial of my claim. 


That is a serious accusation..

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, January 21, 2014

 You are accusing them of Insurance Fraud.  Well Insurance Fraud should be reported to your State's Insurance commissioner.  So what did they say when you did this?

Do you have insurance that covers deficiencies from other claims?  What was the reason that Esurance gave you for denying this claim?

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