  • Report:  #139401

Complaint Review: Extreme WebDesigns - Bill Klems - Pittsburgh South Carolina

Reported By:
- ball, Louisiana,

Extreme WebDesigns - Bill Klems
http://www.extremewebdesigns.net/ Pittsburgh, South Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
A few months ago I was friends with bill who now owns extreme webdesigns. Well I've been doing graphics and digital arts for years now . I felt sorry for bill and came up with the ideal to try to help him make a company becaze we were friends. Little did I know his true nature at the time.

The agreement we made at that time was to do webdesigns and that I would just do the graphics or logos or anything flash . And we would split everything 50/50. We started on one company that I will not mention for now where I did most of the work beside graphics becaze bill had no clue on what he was doing . He just talk to the owner of the company then would let me know what needed to be done I did kinda found it strange I was doing all the work while he sat around talking and ask him what was going on. He did told me he didn't know how to do html .

I then gave him a html editor that would help him with this . A program that cost me 50 dollars coffee cup program well time went on and I do mean a lot of time like a month and nothing was getting done so I kept asking him what's taken so long this is not professional.

When I had enough of the lies he was giving me I got to talk to owner and found out that bill was getting paid for things but he was over chargeing for hosting . I then tryed to explain to the owner was was going on at the time the owner said bill was done and even offer to do the page for nothing because I felt bad for the man.

Well bill went back to him and handed him some kinda of lies and said bill will do it . That was I get for trying to help someone from getting ripoff I told bill to take my logo and graphic off the page he refused and said it was his and under his copy right .

I told him if he didn't I would have the hosting shut down the site for illegal use of my work I was never paid for it and that's what happen then he took them off and the finish it . Ahhhh but with me doing all that work for nothing and not getting on dime out of it .

Well as you can tell I was done with him . After a few months went by I get a phone call of course bill asking me to come back has graphic designer for extreme webdesigns and said he would send 100 dollars for the work I did on the page I ask him what happen to the people that was working with of coarse bill had a excuse for this said they were out to get him . I said ok bill fine but I will be just doing graphics and that he better not try to pull anything else. Yes I know a big big mistake I did flash logo on his site and the flash that is on there now I even did the logo that his wife was going to use for a store. I even had another friend I said knew html perty good and maybe she could be in it well he agree and she started in on this one page for this company .

Well the agreement was I was get 100 dollars for each flash logo or graphics i did . I started and had to redo at least 6 different flash logos because he always made sure he talk to the owner. Then he said owner wanted just reg logo which I had to redo for colors 3 times. At that time I complain and said bill getting tired of this.

I then quoted a price of 450 he didn't agree right away I said all the redo and logos that is more then fair before I would do the last logo and which I have on my instant messager loged agreeing to it . Well bill will say you only did 4 logos which of coarse doesn't come close. And not including the free stuff I did for him . Including my other friend which I happen to do the graphics for there page because like a fool I wanted to help too.

When I got tired of waiting around for any money and complain it took over three months to get and i was only given 350 not the 450 that was agree on now keep in mind he charges the company like 1200 and up and offer half the html person I knew did they get it I don't know but leaves him alot of money and he can't even pay what he owes to me. He has to ripmeoff and the so called friend that works for him could only say I had a job to do and I did it like someone told me friends stick togeather .

Boils down to this man is fraud and doesn't know how to do anything but con people and rips people off for money along with the so call workers he has for this company . I was ripoff more than once by this man and he even tryed to steal my work . He not a proffesional and the pages that have been done and mark by him are awful quality in my opinion I should of know better to trust someone that had just came out of jail . Now he says he had to take out for taxes. Either way I was underpaid and ripoff I think everyone should know what kind of company this is and know what he is about .


ball, Louisiana

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